Author Notes: I've been really productive these days. XD Well, this is the first fic I've ever written that isn't placed into the FF7 category. But because I've been itching to write something for D.Gray-Man for several weeks already and to top it off, I absolutely love Kanda, I decided to write this. :3 I hope you enjoy it! 333

Disclaimer: I don't own D.Gray-Man or anything related to it.

Walking through the main street of the busy city of Sapporo, the grey haired man noted the millions of pink petals falling from cherry blossom trees that were lined beside the road. 'Spring.' He loved the season; it was the season when new lives are brought into the world and the time for growth. After a while of walking, the man with glasses sat down below a cherry blossom tree and drew out a sketch book and several pencils. Constantly looking up and back down, the man swiftly and easily sketched out a picture of the main street where he had been walking along earlier. When he looked up from his work, he then noticed a young skinny boy around twelve years of age sitting all alone beside the road with a wooden sword on the ground beside him while a black cat sat there staring at the boy.

The boy had a slightly feminine face that seemed to be devoid of emotions, his pitch black hair reached his shoulder blades and his fringe was cut straight across. He wore what used to be a white kimono with blue prints of lotus flowers on it, the dirt and dust from the ground was making it dirtier by the second. The boy simply sat there, hugging his knees while he stared into the distance, as if waiting for someone.

Picking up his drawing equipment, the grey haired man in a gold and black uniform crossed the road and stopped before the boy who didn't look up at the person who was standing before him. It wasn't after five whole minutes of staring, did the emotionless boy raise his head and look up at the man.

The older man then smiled down at the boy, "You seem like you've been hungry for days. Would you mind if you join me for lunch?"

Кαηδα Ġαιδεή●

The boy with long hair was indeed starving, as soon as he sat down on a wooden stool across the table from the other man, the boy immediately ordered a serving of soba. One after another, the buckwheat noodles were eaten up in amazing speed as zarus were emptied. The old grey haired man said amusingly, "Oh… You seem to like soba a lot." Ignoring the man's comment, the young boy continued to eat to his heart's content. Feeling that it was time to introduce himself to the boy, the older man spoke, "My name's Tiedoll – Froi Tiedoll. And you are…?"

Finishing his umpteenth serving of soba, the boy with the feminine face glared at the man now known to him as 'Froi Tiedoll', considering whether it was safe to tell him or not. When he did arrive at a decision, he replied ruthlessly, "Kanda. Kanda Yuu."

"Nice to meet you, Yuu." Tiedoll smiled at him through his glasses. However, Tiedoll was answered with the deadliest glare he had ever received in his whole life. "Um… Don't you like being called by your given name…?"

Putting down his chopsticks and taking a sip of warm green tea, Kanda Yuu continued to glare at Tiedoll, "I prefer being called Kanda instead of my given name."

"Well… Nice to meet you, Kanda." Tiedoll smiled once again. Kanda relaxed a little and let out a soft 'hmph'. So far, the first impression that Tiedoll has given Kanda wasn't bad. Noticing that Kanda had stopped ordering more soba, "Are you full now?" Kanda nodded. Tiedoll chuckled, "Let's get you cleaned up then, shall we?" Kanda then looked down at the dirty kimono he was wearing; he had been wearing that for at least two months already.

Кαηđα Ġαιδεή●

Comfortably sitting down on one of the stone seats that were submerged underneath the steaming hot water with a freezing cold towel resting on his forehead, Tiedoll let out a sigh, "Ah… This is so comfortable…"

Kanda merely sat on one of the stone seats in silence, simply relaxing and getting rid of all the pains that he had before. "Hey, old man…" Tiedoll looked over at Kanda, waiting for him to continue speaking. "Who are you? You've got weird clothes…" Kanda asked curiously just barely above a whisper.

Tiedoll's smile faded away as a serious face replaces it, "Me? I'm just a normal traveller." However, Kanda could easily tell that he was lying.


Zaru A draining basket made from bamboo used in the preparation and presentation of Japanese cuisine.

Soba A type of thin Japanese noodle made from buckwheat flour.