Authors note: this chapter has taken forever, I am sorry. I have had so much work to do, this chapter was started about a month ago. Sorry!! Really I am. If your still there, thank you


Dedicated to: Jeanette and independentHSMFAN23.


Troy had been sitting on the chair in front of the mirror for half an hour before Marcus stepped back from his client to look at the overall look of Troy Bolton, he smiled and put his makeup brushes down.

"Viola," Marcus said with a flourish of his arms. Troy's makeup made him look tanned and natural. Troy knew that with this makeup the bright lights of the photo shoot wouldn't make him look washed out, but for him it still felt weird.

"What do you think?" Marcus asked turning to Gabriella, she smiled and nodded her head. "He looks very handsome," she told the two men. Troy smiled and said to Marcus "It looks really good thank you." He said putting his hand out to shake however Marcus walked forwards and wrapped him in a hug.

Troy smiled at Marcus and said "thank you," as he looked at himself in the mirror again. "It fine, I love working with Hollywood hotties." He laughed before saying. "Now you're done here. You will need to go back to the wardrobe area. And get into your fabulous clothes." Marcus said flinging his hands towards the wardrobe area in a show girl type gesture.

Troy walked over to Gabriella and picked up her hand and linked them together. The two of them walked together, hand in hand, over to the area where Suzie was stood sorting through the rails of clothes. Once Troy and Gabriella got closer to her, she turned around and smiled. "Welcome back." She said to the couple. "are you ready to get all dressed up?" She asked Troy

"I sure am." She smiled at Troy's enthusiasm.

"The same rules apply. If you don't like the clothes on, then tell me, we will swop them." Troy nodded his head in agreement as Suzie stepped forward and picked up the first clothes. Troy took them into the room that went off the main room the clothing was in and changed.

He carefully took of his trousers and top, and looked at the clothes he had been given. A pair of dark blue jeans were on his bottom half, accompanied with a plaid top mainly a light blue colour and the rest of the detailing was a navy blue. He did the buttons up on the top before looking in the mirror that was on the wall the other side of the room. His eyes seemed to pop from the colour of the shirt; his skin was now, thanks to makeup, tanned and glowing. His hair seemed sexy and perfectly positioned; Marcus also took it upon himself to do that.

Troy opened the door to the room and looked out, he saw Gabriella and Suzie talking to each other, before Gabriella turned her head slightly to see Troy standing at the door. He looked at him a sexy smile danced across her face.

"What d'you think?" Troy asked his girlfriend.

"I think, I better be careful. As soon as this goes out, I am going to have big competition for you. You look sexy." Troy smiled at his girlfriend knowing that she really liked the outfit.

"What do you think Troy? Do you like it?" Suzie asked, she was still nervous about what Troy thought of the outfit.

"I love it,. I agree with Gabriella it looks really good. You're not getting me out of this." He joked with the nervous woman.

"That's brilliant just what we want. We just have to finish the outfit off with a pair of vans." She passed troy a pair of black and white checked vans that he slipped onto his feet.

"Brilliant, let the photo shoot begin,." Gabriella nodded her head in agreement with Suzie. "let's go."

Troy walked to where the photographer was finishing doing the extra details on the set. Well set was a strong word, it was in fact the patio area at the back of house. It backed straight onto the golden sands of the beach, where not anybody sat.

Troy looked out to the sea, the calming sense of the waves. It was the perfect setting for his photo shoot.

"Hey,." A woman walked up to Troy, her blond hair had been pulled back into a ponytail. "My name is is Sophia. I am the photographer today."

"Oh, hi Sophia. I am Troy, this is Gabriella," Troy said introducing the two women.

"Pleased to meet you both. I just want to talk to you about the set and the shoot today."

"It sounds good," Troy said.

"Ok, are ideas are that we will do some picture on the decking and the we were thinking about getting some pictures on the beach and in the water." Sophia explained

"That sounds really good." Troy said

"Ok, Shall we get into the first shot," she said as she walked away towards the French doors that lead to the decking, the young couple followed her and were met with loads of people running around making the photo shoot work.

"Ok Troy, If you go and stand again the railing. We will start there." Troy kissed Gabriella's cheek before walking away and towards the railing of the wooden decking. He leaned his back against the railing and looked at Sophia while she was directing people around.

"Ok, we need more light." Sophia starting ordering around the other people on the set, she started giving millions of different commands. Troy watched as people hurried around Gabriella while she tried to stay out of the way. He smiled as she started talking to Suzie again. Their conversation was too quiet to be heard by Troy, but the animated way they both talked Troy could tell they were both agreeing with what the other was saying.

A bright light flashing brought Troy out of his Gabriella daze. "that's a good start" Sophia said looking as the picture popped up on the back of her camera. Suzie walked Gabriella away from the area they were standing and towards a table with two computer screens on them. Once Gabriella reached the table she saw each of the screens had the picture that had just been taken on. One of the screens showed the picture in a editing format, so the people could zoom in or edit the picture slightly while the shoot was taking place, the second screen was to simply show each of the photographs.

The picture Sophia had just taken was on the screen, Troy was looking off the screen a small smile graced his delicate features. The smile seemed so natural, so perfect. No fake smiles, a loving, caring smile. Gabriella looked up to see were Sophia was positioned, she realised Troy was looking at her when the picture had been captured and she watched the smile on the virtual Troy's face.

She watched the sweet look on his face until a new shot came up. This time Troy was leaning against the railings, his arms spread on either side, his eyes looking straight at the camera, a soft smile almost flirty on his face.

The shots became quicker, every 30 seconds a new one popped up. The difference was between the new and the last were sometimes nothing, Sometimes a new look on Troy's face conveyed a different story. Gabriella watched, amazed at the different shots that popped up in a short amount of time.

It was about an hour of shots on the decking, Once they had finished Troy walked to were Gabriella was standing and looking at the last picture was taken.

Another woman came up to him, the interviewer who introduced herself earlier as Angie. "What do you think of the pictures?" Angie asked

"they look good, Doesn't feel like me though." Troy said looking at the amazing pictures in front of him.

"Everyone seems to think that." She laughed "They are going to set everything up from the beach shots. Do you want to do the interview while they are setting up?"

Troy nodded his head and agreed to do the interview. Angie led Troy away from the rush of the photo shoot and towards another room in the house. The room Angie had taken him in was cream with a brown wall, the seats in the room were brown leather . They each sat down on one of the brown chairs.

Angie leaned forward placing a tape recorder on the table in between the two, as she leaned back her large colourful necklace and bangles hit together and made a sound. Angie smoothed out her black skinny jeans and her white tank top. "Are you ok with me recording the interview?" Angie asked making sure it was ok.

"yes, that is fine." Troy said

"Ok, let's start then." She said leaning forward and pressing record on the tape. "Your new film is Hairspray, you have amazing co-workers, what was it like?"

"It was amazing working with everyone, there were so many brilliant actors on the set. It had a magical feeling. We all had so much fun we forgot we were working." Troy told the woman as she jotted stuff down on her paper.

"What sorts of things did you get up to while you were on set?" Angie asked her next question.

"Well, we had John Travolta in the cast, so he would always be teaching us dance moves, we sometimes had dance offs between the cast." Angie laughed at the pictures that filled her head of the fun that must have on the set.

"That sounds like amazing fun. Recently Hollywood has been filled with rumours about you and girlfriends. Can you comment on any of them." Angie asked her interviewee, expecting a 'no comment' answer. However she felt a sense of excitement as she saw a secretive smile play across his face.

"Well, there have defiantly been rumours. I would like to tell you, I have never cheated. I have read lots of 'Troy Bolton is cheating on blank' stories. I am not going to confirm or deny anything, but I have a feeling it will all be out in the open soon.

Angie nodded her head knowing that Gabriella was Troy's girlfriend but she also knew that Gabriella had been asked to do next month's magazine and was probably waiting for that to announce it. "Ok," she said sending him a smile that told him she knew what he was doing. "If you cant tell us who you are dating. Can you tell us the sort of person you like to date." She asked hoping he would give an insight into his relationship with Gabriella.

"I like someone who is fun and can just act like a kid. But when they need to be they can be sensible. She has got to be able to have a laugh, and although before this wasn't a problem today I need a girlfriend who can forget about the tabloids and not hold rumours over my head. The tabloids have defiantly changed the way I can act with relationships, but you learn to adjust."

Angie nodded her head, she was a Troy Bolton fan, she almost felt bad, she read the papers. Hey she worked for the papers, she was part of the reason he found life difficult. She felt bad, but then she looked at Troy. He smiled, a warm friendly smile, he didn't hate the magazines and tabloids, he didn't hate her. He didn't like that the paparazzi followed his every move. His life had changed, but it wasn't all bad. He still enjoyed life, he loved new things. His life was different, but it was good.


I am sorry about the seriously cheesy ending. I am just glad its finally come to an end. I thought this chapter would go on forever. I am sorry if it sucks.

Please review! I want to know if people are still reading. I know this story has gone on forever!


Question: What is Troy's father called in high school musical?

Answer: Troy's appendix burst while he was filming 17 again

Well done: Jeanette and independentHSMFAN23.