AN: I've been noticing a lack of my favorite Gokusen pairing on this site (and everywhere on the internet for that matter). For those of you that have been following Indecision D, this is the reason that story has been so erratic with updates. This one is based on Gokusen. I'm not entirely sure how accurate this is because I haven't been able to find the final volume anywhere on-line, so I'm just going with what I think sounds good. I tried to keep everyone as IC as possible. I'm not really sure how that worked out though. I hope you like it.
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 Yaoi and shounen-ai. There was something about "Don't ask, don't tell" on TV over the weekend and I thought a little take on that would be quite fitting and rather cliché and hackish, so here it is: Don't like, don't read! I'm such a dork...
Pairings: ShinoShin
Summary: Two years after graduation, Sawada Shin is still pining for his love. Someone decides the throw a wrench in his heart and send his mind spinning.
Disclaimer: Um... based on something that's not my original, so I take no responsibility for anything.
Sawada Shin sighed and climbed up the two flights of stairs. The guys at Ooedo house needed him to run an errand, so he was sent out. He walked into the office and approached the receptionist. The woman looked up from her computer and smiled.
"Good afternoon. May I help you, sir?" She was bubbly and cute, probably in her early twenties, Shin thought. He slid his hands into his pockets and looked at her blankly.
"Sawada Shin for Shinohara Tomoya, please. I don't have an appointment."
"One moment, please." She smiled and made a phone call. A minute later, Shinohara emerged from his office straightening his tie.
The lawyer smiled at Shin and said, "I'm glad you're here. Otherwise I would have worked through lunch again. Would you care to join me, Sawada-kun?"
"I just have a message for you." Shin didn't like the man that much and wasn't really into spending "quality time" with him.
Shinohara walked passed the redhead and stopped at the door to the hall. He turned toward the younger man and held the door open for him.
"We can discuss it over lunch." He smiled.
"Tch…" The younger man rolled his eyes and took the offering, however reluctantly. It was impossible to hate the man completely. His generosity really annoyed Shin because he could never refuse without feeling like an ass.
"I'll be back in a little while," he said to the receptionist and closed the door behind him.
Shin followed Shinohara to his car and they climbed in. They rode along in silence for a few minutes until the older man piped up. "I haven't had lunch with anyone in such a long time. Where would you like to go?"
Shin raised a brow and shifted his eyes toward the driver. "Just go where you usually go."
"We usually order in. Pick a place."
"I already ate."
The lawyer turned to his passenger and sighed. He wanted Sawada to not dislike him for the sake of the group, but it was taking a lot more time than he'd anticipated. The car moved along the road and pulled into a parking lot.
The two exited the car and walked up to the family restaurant. When they were seated, Shinohara removed his jacket, loosened his tie and opened the menu he was given. Shin put his elbow on the table and rested his chin in his palm.
When a woman came to take their order, Shinohara ordered the daily special.
"And for you?" She looked to the redhead.
He was staring out the window and muttered, "Nothing for me."
"Are you sure, Sawada-kun? It's my treat," the older man offered.
Damn this guy and his niceness. Shin leaned back in the booth and glared at the man across the table. "I'll have the same, I guess."
Shinohara smiled and the woman walked off. "I thought you already ate," he said.
"I never said I wasn't hungry."
Shinohara smirked. The kid was such smart ass. "So what was the message you had for me?"
The redhead dropped his eyes a bit. "The guys wanted me to tell you about Yamaguchi's surprise party on Saturday."
"It's already Thursday, though. Isn't this a bit short notice?"
Shin shrugged, "Yeah. They mean well, but their planning skills suck."
The brunette smirked. "So how can I help?" He leaned forward a bit and rested his arms on the table.
"They want you and me to piss her off."
"W… What?"
Shin rolled his eyes and leaned forward as well. He started to explain. "The idea is that you and I will get her mad all day, and then everyone will surprise her later that evening."
Shinohara looked to the younger man quizzically. "That sounds…"
"Corny?" Shin finished.
"I was going to say dangerous. You know how her temper is." The older man lowered his eyes to the table.
Shin smirked. "That's true. I guess pretty boys like you don't like to have their faces all banged up, huh?"
"… Like me…?" The man raised a dark brow to his companion.
"Yeah…" Shin sat back again. "Like you…"
They glared at each other and the woman arrived with their food.
The two ate in silence. The older man paid the bill and they left. Shinohara drove in the direction of Ooedo house and asked, "So, have you come up with a strategy to get Yamaguchi-Chan mad?"
The younger man turned to him, scowled, and then turned back to the window. "Can't think of anything?"
He smirked. "I was thinking of pretty much ignoring her all day, as much as I don't want to do that. What about you?"
"Yeah... She seems to get pretty upset when you do that." Shin didn't even try to hide his contempt for the man.
"How do I know this isn't just a sick way for you to get her to not like me anymore?"
"I guess you don't." He turned to the driver and glared challengingly.
"So my guess is it'll go something like this..." Shinohara surmised. "When she gets sufficiently irritated with me ignoring her, she'll run to you for comfort and to vent. You'll turn her away or something, right?"
Shin's brow twitched. "What makes you so sure it's going to happen like that?" He knew the answer already.
The driver smirked. "We both know why. She has liked you for a few years now, but she's loved me for much longer." The car stopped for a red light and Shinohara looked to his passenger. "I'm sorry, but you know that's true."
Shin glared at him. He understood why Yamaguchi felt the way she did about him. He was successful, handsome, rich, generous, intelligent… Shin couldn't stand him. He opened the door and got out of the car. "I can walk the rest of the way. Thanks."
The light changed and Shinohara pulled to the curb. "Are you sure you..."
"I'm fine. Thanks for lunch." He turned down a side street and walked through the back roads to the house.
Shinohara watched the fuming man walk off down the alley. He released an exasperated sigh and pulled back into the street. His intentions were never to piss the kid off, but it happened so easily and so frequently these days. He got back to his firm and finished up his day trying not to think about Shin and what he'd said.
It wasn't working for some reason.
Shin tried to calm himself as he walked back to the house. He would have gone directly home, but he'd told Tetsu and Minoru that he'd stop by after talking to that damned lawyer. He shoved his hands in his pockets and stewed as he walked.
The redhead couldn't blame Yamaguchi for liking him at all. That guy had everything... a great career, a nice car, but most importantly, he had the heart of the woman Shin loved. He didn't hate Shinohara. He was... jealous.
He sighed and tried to think about what would happen Saturday.
The whole family was gathered around the table. They were laughing and talking. Shin was sitting next to his former teacher and put his arm around her shoulder. She hugged him and his face lit up.
The woman pulled away and Shin gazed into her eyes. Everyone faded away. She leaned in and planted her lips on Shin's.
Shin tilted his head to the side and placed his hand on her face. He stroked her cheek with his thumb and they parted. He opened his eyes and saw Shinohara glaring back at him.
Shin stopped dead in his tracks. He wanted to vomit. What the hell was that jerk doing in his fantasy? His lip twitched and he picked up his pace.
He'd arrived at the Ooedo house and greeted everyone. Yamaguchi was there already and Shin looked to his phone for the time. It was already after 3:30. Did it really take him that long to run that stupid errand?
Minoru pulled Shin off to the side. "Did you take care of everything?"
"Yeah..." he nodded. "He'll be here late Saturday morning."
"Thanks, Sawada."
"I have some things to do later, so I'm going to head home." Shin headed for the door.
Minoru nodded. "See you later, then."
Shin walked out the door and headed home. He had to meet his friends in a little while and wanted to clear his head first. Stupid lawyer...
"Yo... Shin-Chan!" Kuma called from the bar and waved.
Shin made his way through the small crowd and joined his long time friend. "Yo. Sorry I'm late. I had some things to finish up at work," he lied... sort of.
Kuma shrugged. "I just got here a few minutes ago. I don't think it's a big deal."
The bartender placed several bottles of beer in front of Kuma and asked, "Will you need any help with these, sir?"
"No thank you." He tossed the money on the counter and grabbed three of the five bottles. Shin grabbed the other two bottles and followed his friend to the table. They found Noda, Minami and Ucchi and joined them at the table.
The group of friends talked and laughed for hours. Noda looked to his watch and tapped Ucchi on the arm. "We should head out. We got that new site assignment tomorrow for 5:30AM."
Noda and Ucchi both stood and headed for the door after saying, "See you guys later."
Shin looked to his phone. It was almost 10:00. He was tired for some reason and finished his drink. "I think I'll head home too."
"Yeah?" Minami asked.
"Yeah. I'll see you guys next week, ok?" They nodded to each other and Shin stood and walked out.
When Shin got to his apartment, he kicked off his shoes and walked to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and took off his pants and shirt before climbing into bed. The last image that went through his head was Yamaguchi leaning in to kiss him.
The soft lips left Shin's and moved down his chin and neck. He was being pushed onto his back and the lips continued down his chest and over his pectorals. The tongue darted from the mouth and teased a hardening nipple.
Shin moaned softly and placed his hand at the back of the head that was moving down his body. He combed his fingers through long soft hair, the lips on his chest moving lower and lower. He moaned again when the lips were at his groin and whispered. "Yamaguchi..."
He heard a giggle and felt wet heat being dragged along the length of his dick. There was warmth all around his erection. Soft lips were moving up and down expertly and Shin started groaning. He raked his hand through his own hair keeping the other on the head at his lower region.
He felt the lips pull back all the way. They brushed over his head and the warm air gave him chills. "Come for me... Sawada-kun." The voice was surprisingly low and a bit husky. The lips surrounded him and slid all the way down to the base of his shaft.
His mind went blank. "Oh... yeah..."
He bent his head into his chest and both his hands were at his groin again. They tangled into the hair and tensed. He was panting heavily and couldn't think at all. His hips were thrusting up repeatedly.
God... it felt so good. He wasn't going to last much longer. He thrust into the mouth a few more times and came loudly. His eyes were closed and he felt the lips slow and retreat.
They were traveling back up Shin's body. He opened his eyes for the first time and looked down. His fingers ran over the short dark hair and he smiled when the face met his. He whispered contently. "Shinohara..."
Shinohara looked up at Shin with a devilish smile. The older man lunged forward and his lips connected with Shin's hard.
Shin gasped and shot up in his bed. His face was damp with sweat and his sheets were tangled around his legs. He looked around wanting to forget the dream and trying to calm himself.
"Jesus..." He exhaled loudly and flopped back down to the mattress. The sun shone into his apartment and assaulted his face. His eyes closed and he pulled the sheet up to wipe off the sweat.
The sheet was moist and sticky. His eyes flew open in realization and disbelief. He balled up the sheet and dragged himself from the bed.
After a shower, he dressed and plopped into a chair at his small kitchen table. He wanted to kill himself. Not only did he have a really hot dream about that goddamn lawyer, but he actually came in his sleep. He slammed his head down onto the table and interlocked his fingers over the back of his head. What the fuck was happening to him?
Saturday had finally come and as expected, Shinohara paid no attention at all to the birthday girl. He had strategically set up a case riddled with paperwork all over the sitting room and had spent most of his time in there that day. The young woman would occasionally check on him, asking if he wanted or needed anything. His repeated response was to just wave her off without speaking or looking up.
Shin witnessed this encounter a few times. The older man looked slightly pained each time she walked away. The look on the man's face made Shin smile evilly.
The redhead was acting basically the same way toward Yamaguchi. She was visibly angry and storming all over the house because of it. Shin and Yamaguchi passed the doorway where the lawyer was working at the same time.
"Would you mind coming in here and giving me a hand?" They both stopped and turned to Shinohara. He hadn't looked up yet.
"Me?!" Yamaguchi bounced happily and turned to enter the room.
"Sawada-kun? Would you mind?"
Shin turned to the man and entered the room with silent understanding. He was good. The younger man sat down on the sofa opposite the lawyer and looked at the piles of paper. "What do you want me to do?"
As Shinohara gave his instructions to his new assistant, he saw Yamaguchi out of the corner of his eye. She was red with furry and stormed off again. Shinohara sighed and shook his head.
"You're cruel, you know that?" Shin said under his breath.
"It's working, though."
The two worked silently in the little room for a while. Shinohara noticed that the younger man had been staring at the same piece of paper for a bit too long and he raised a brow. "Is something wrong?"
"This doesn't make any sense." He handed the paper over the table to the brunette. He watched the man look over the paper. His skin looked soft and smooth. His eyes were dark and alluring. His lips were full and erotically sexy.
Goddamn it! Shin clenched his eyes shut quickly and shook off the strange feeling. He didn't notice things like that. At least not on men, and especially not on this damn guy.
"There should be another page that goes with this." Shinohara stood and sat next to the younger man without really looking at him. He held the paper so Shin could see where he was pointing. "There should be another paper that has these same few paragraphs, but the last two will be different."
Shin studied the paragraphs briefly and began rifling through the pages at his side. Shinohara was looking through the papers on the table. They searched for a few minutes unsuccessfully and both sighed.
Shin sat back on the sofa and Shinohara looked to the papers at the younger man's side. The corner of a page caught his eye and he leaned over the other man to grab it. Shinohara noticed for some reason that the redhead smelled really good.
"Excuse you…" Shin sat up a bit. He felt a little awkward.
"Sorry. I think this is it." The older man grabbed what he thought was the correct paper and looked at it. "Damn."
Shin saw where he was reaching and uncovered a sheet. He picked it up and read it over. "Here it is." He dropped his wrist and snatched the page from the lawyer. As he skimmed both pages, he felt eyes on him like lasers and looked up.
"What is it?" he asked a bit irritated.
"Have you ever thought about becoming a lawyer?"
"Only for the money, but other than that, no. Why?"
The older man smiled and stood. "I think you'd be well suited for it, that's all." He sat down on the other side of the room and started working again. He raised his eyes to Shin and watched him for a bit.
The kid was cute and he definitely had potential. He smirked and went back to shuffling and reading.
"What, now?" Shin heard the older man, but didn't look up.
Shinohara didn't look up either and continued shuffling and reading. "You're surprisingly helpful and polite when you want to be."
Shin spat back. "Yeah, but I don't always want to be."
The older man shook his head trying to hide his smile and blushing cheeks.
The evening had finally come. The family was sitting around the dinner table and all looked like they were having a good time, with the exception of Yamaguchi. She was still steamed about her men and the way they had treated her all day.
Shinohara and Shin exchanged a look and they went into the kitchen. Ooshima took the cue and walked over to the light switch and flipped it down. Shin and Shinohara reentered carrying a large cake adorned with candles. They placed it in front of her and she beamed.
After the candles were out and the cake had been cut, she looked to her two delivery boys. "So that's why you were being mean to me all day?" she reasoned aloud.
The two men smiled and Shinohara put his hand on the younger man's shoulder.
Shin's breath hitched and his eyes widened. His heart started pounding and... his leg began to vibrate. His phone started ringing softly and he excused himself.
Shinohara watched Shin pull his phone from his pocket and flip it open as the boy walked away. The older man noticed his palm was sweaty and his face felt a bit warm. He brushed it off and turned back to Yamaguchi.
Shin was on the phone with Kuma for only a few minutes before he hung up. His mother wanted to invite the redhead over for dinner in the next few days and he agreed to Tuesday evening. They finished up the brief conversation and Shin slid his phone back into his pocket.
He'd made it outside and was enjoying the cool breeze on his face. His heart and breathing had returned to normal, but he was still sweating a bit. He was thankful his phone rang when it did.
He didn't understand why he was reacting this way to Shinohara all of a sudden. He leaned against the wall, crossed his arms over his chest and tipped his head up to the star-filled sky. What was going on with him?
"Do you plan on staying out here all night?"
Shin looked over his shoulder to see the man in the doorway. He was standing in much the same position. Shin turned back trying to ignore him.
"Yamaguchi-Chan was asking for you. She wanted to thank us, I think."
He didn't respond.
Shinohara slowly walked to the younger man. He was annoyed and a bit concerned. Shin didn't normally act like this in front of Yamaguchi. "Are you alright, Sawada-kun?"
Shin turned to face the man he'd known as his rival for two years. His grey eyes met with ebony eyes and held them. He still didn't understand why, but Shin had an overwhelming urge to slam the man up against the wall and kiss him.
Shin was staring and Shinohara was such intensity, it was almost unbearable. The older man had to look away. He didn't really recognize the look in the younger man's eyes, but he didn't think it was good. "You should go in and talk to her."
Shin dropped his eyes and walked past the lawyer. He smirked and headed for the dining room. He was going to be in a world of confusion if what he thought was actually true.
The lawyer watched the younger man walk off. He combed his fingers through his hair and dropped his head. Something was definitely wrong with that kid.
"Would you like some more, Shin-Chan?" Kuma's mother asked.
"No, thank you." Shin smiled and sat back in the chair.
Dinner was almost over and Kuma was helping his mother clear the table. Shin was chatting idly with the woman about various things, where he was working, what he did in his free time and why he didn't have a girlfriend. Shin looked to his friend in desperation. He didn't feel right unless he was being polite to the woman. She had done so much for him over the years.
"Ma, give it a rest. He's holding out for Yankumi." Kuma looked to Shin and regretted what he said instantly.
The redhead glared at his friend and heard in the distance, "Yankumi? Oh Yamaguchi. Your high school teacher? You still talk to her, Shin?"
Shin didn't move his eyes from his friend. "Her uncle is my boss."
"Tell her I said hello the next time you see her, please?"
Shin nodded. Kuma turned around quickly and headed for the door. "We're going to head out, Ma. I'll be home later, ok?"
"No women. And if you wake me up when you come home drunk, I can't be responsible for how many times I hit you."
Kuma nodded and swallowed hard. Shin smirked and they headed out the door. They started walking toward the bar and Kuma looked to the redhead.
"I'm sorry, man. It slipped."
"I hate you."
When they got to the bar, they started talking seriously. "So how is she?" Kuma asked.
"She's fine, I guess. When you called on Saturday, we were right in the middle of her birthday party."
"Her birthday was Saturday?"
"No, yesterday. Her family wanted to surprise her though."
Shin sighed at the memory of her party. It was kind of fun pissing her off all day. She was cute when she was fuming mad, and Shinohara was really good at pissing her off. His eyes glazed a bit and he remembered the lawyer leaning over him on the couch.
Shinohara reached over Shin for the papers at the younger man's side. Shin ran his fingers over the man's smooth tan cheek. He turned the older man's face to his and leaned in.
"Shin-Chan? Did you hear me?" Kuma's voice was far away.
Shin blinked back to reality and took a long swig from his beer to finish it off. "Sorry. What did you say, Kuma?"
"I said tell her we said happy birthday."
Shin nodded and spun around on his stool. "She asked about you guys last week, or the week before."
Kuma finished off his beverage as well and looked to his comrade. "Really?"
"Yeah. I meant to tell you when we all met last week, but I guess I forgot."
"What did you tell her?"
"I told her you were buying hookers five times a week, Ucchi was in prison for raping a twelve-year-old girl, Minami was living on the street and addicted to crack and Noda was in rehab for alcohol abuse."
Kuma laughed heartily. "What did she say to that?"
"Nothing." Shin rubbed the top of his head. "She did give me a lump for my trouble, though." He laughed with Kuma for a little while.
Shin absently glanced around the bar. His eyes locked on the door and he stood quickly. Kuma's eyes followed him, but he didn't get up just yet.
The redhead moved quickly. That black hair, that lean muscular build. It was Shinohara, Shin was positive. He reached out his arm and put his hand on the man's shoulder.
Blue eyes met with Shin's as the man he thought to be Shinohara turned to look at him. The man looked confused and irritated. Shin removed his hand swiftly from the man's shoulder and apologized.
Kuma approached the redhead from behind. "Who was that?"
Shin watched the man as he left. "I thought it was someone else." He turned to Kuma and sighed. "I'm about ready to leave. How about you?"
Kuma nodded. "I paid the bill, so we're all set." Kuma followed Shin out the door and they walked down the street toward their homes.
When they came up on the block that divided their routes, Kuma asked, "Are you ok, man?"
Shin looked to his friend confused. "Hmm? Yeah, why?"
Kuma shrugged. "You just seem kind of spacey and you're acting a little weird. Did something happen?"
The redhead smirked and said reassuringly, "I'm fine. I've been thinking about a bunch of stuff lately and not really sleeping well, but I'm fine."
Kuma nodded and smiled. "I'll see you around then?"
"Sounds good." The two pounded knuckles and went off in their separate directions.
Shin's mind was racing as he walked. He thought about everything that happened in the last few months. He realized that he'd actually been seeing more of the lawyer in that time than he used to. When he connected that with what happened in the last few days, he stopped.
"Fuck..." He made a very displeased face and sighed. He climbed the stairs to his apartment, walked in and took off his shoes and jacket. He flopped onto the couch and stared at the ceiling for a while. He didn't like it, but he had to come to terms with facts, and the fact was...
He wanted that goddamn lawyer.
Chapter 1 is completed. I will allow myself to be crucified and laughed at for poor grammar, spelling and plot line, so have at me!
Due do my writing style, those of you that don't know the Manga would do well to go to and look up Gokusen. While it's not the greatest site all-around, it will help the unfamiliar get to know the characters a bit.
As always, reviews and criticism is welcomed and appreciated. Thank you for reading my stupid trivial ramblings!