DISCLAIMER - the characters we all know and love do not belong to me. you guys all know the drill.

Please read and review. This is the first story I have ever published and the first I have written about SG1, however the story popped into my head and before I knew it I had the following chapter written. If you have any requests regarding plot let me know and I will try to include them. I don't know where the story is headed so please don't ask.


"Will someone remind me what the hell I'm doing at a high school again

"Will someone remind me what the hell I'm doing at a high school again?" questioned Jack O'Neill as he glared at his two companions.

Sam Carter shook her head. Sometimes she wondered why she and Daniel bothered to explain anything. They'd been over this a hundred times since the decision had been made and Jack had been trying her patience since the second. Thankfully she was saved from replying on this occasion.

"George thought it would be good for us - the Asgard can't help us and George thought we could make the most of being -" Daniel Jackson, the third member of the trio, grimaced before continuing, "-teenagers again."

"I seem to remember I prefer my new life. Fishing and a beer over school any day of the week," drawled Jack.

"Hey - I'm not thrilled about being here either!" quipped Sam. "And I'm pretty certain that Daniel isn't either!"

"Yeah, sure, bet you loved school!" Jack winked at Daniel as he goaded his blonde major. "Bet Carter was a proper teachers pet!"

"For your information, Sir, I moved around too much to really settle and 'fit in' and, no, I was not a teachers pet - to be perfectly frank I annoyed the hell out of most of them."

"Drop the 'Sir' crap, Carter. If you hadn't noticed that last planet - P3X whatever the hell it was - made us teenagers again. I think Jack will do whilst we're here. And we'll see about the teachers pet."

"In which case then - it's Sam, Jack."

Daniel smiled. It would be interesting to see how the year would pan out. His friends and colleagues had been walking the rather thin line of following protocol for a while now, and he was interested in how their . . . relationship, would change without the US Airforce waiting for them to slip up.

"Daniel? What do you think?"

Daniel blinked at Sam in confusion. "Um, sorry guys, I must have zoned out for a few. What were you saying?"

Sam sighed. "We were discussing why I prefer Sam to Samantha. Jack here seems to think it's to be more masculine."

Daniel looked at Jack perplexed. "What did you say to her, Jonathon? I prefer Sam to Samantha. Suits you more," he explained to a giggling Sam.

"Yeah, yeah, point made. Sam it is. Now - who has the map to registration?"

"Oh, um, yeah. It's in here somewhere," said Daniel as he proceeded to empty his bag of everything. Jack watched in amazement at the amount of folders and pens that came out along with a flask of what looked suspiciously like coffee and a book. Hell, he'd only brought a pen. Glancing at Sam he realised that she had a folder and a pen too. Oh well. He'd survived before, he'd do it again.

"It's definitely in here somewhere. Maybe. . ."

"It's that way."

"And you would know that how, Car. Um, Sam." Jack queried as Daniel shook his bag upside down and looking slightly perplexed in the process.

Sam rolled here eyes and pointed to the word RECEPTION written in big letterson on the building opposite.

"Daniel - pack that stuff up. Sam's found it."

Daniel nodded as he repacked. "Found it," he grinned as he placed the bag on his back.

"Where was it?" whispered Sam as they walked towards building.

Daniel looked at her sheepishly before admitting that it had been in his pocket.

"So. How was class?" asked Jack when they regrouped outside the cafeteria for lunch.

"It was - interesting," commented Daniel.

"Interesting how? Come on guys - give me something!"

"I'd really rather not talk about it."

"Was it that bad?" asked Sam, picking up one blue and one red jello.

"Worse than I remembered it being."

Sam patted his shoulder consolingly. "If it's any consolation my morning hasn't been what you might call 'fun'."

"Care to elaborate, Sam?" questioned Jack, feeling slightly left out of the conversation.

"Just the usual. You know," she shrugged. "Normal teenage high school stuff."

Jack looked at them perplexed. "That's not making it any clearer."

"Look, Jack, what do you remember from High School?" asked Sam, scanning the room for a somewhat private location.

"Not a lot. Goofing off with friends, I remember spending a lot of time in detention-"

"Okay, so maybe Sam's question was a little vague," interrupted Daniel. " What do you remember about the students?"

"Oh, I don't know. We all had a laugh. Oh, there was one kid - Chris something or other. Bit of a geek. We used to wait for him after school and ambush him." Jack smiled fondly at the recollection.

Daniel grimaced in horror, Sam just nodded. "Okay, so what if I were to tell you that Daniel and I were 'Chris'?"

Suddenly everything clicked in Jack O'Neill's mind. "Oh. Ah, that would, um, explain a lot."

The three friends picked noncommittally at their lunch before attending afternoon classes. Thankfully it was the one class they all had together - English.

Walking into the room Sam and Daniel made a beeline for the front row. Jack rolled his eyes and signaled for them to sit at the back. "You know, by sitting at the front you face less distractions," stated Daniel, looking at Sam for backup.

"I always found it helped," she agreed enthusiastically.

"Yeah, thought you might say that. But if you sit at the front willingly I can guarantee you will be Chris'. Besides - what could you possibly not already know about Romeo and Juliet?"

Sam sighed. "Point made."

Daniel looked forlornly over at the front row as he followed Jack. "I suppose it doesn't evolve. . ." he muttered. "But a new way of teaching it would have been interesting to observe."

Jack grinned. "Well, you can observe away in the relative security of the back row!"

Daniel laughed as they took their places just in time for the bell to ring.

"Good afternoon ladies, gentlemen. I hope you all had a good weekend?" questioned Elizabeth Frank. "If you could all hand in your homework as the tray works its way round and turn to page 1 of the text we'll begin to read it through."

Jack and Daniel eagerly turned to page 1. Both of them had taken notice as soon as she'd walked in the room. Elizabeth was stunning. Black hair, dazzling green eyes and a petite yet curvy build, Elizabeth Frank held the majority of the male students attention purely through their sheer willingness to impress - and some of the girls as well. Sam however was not as easy to impress and rolled her eyes as Jack madly signaled to Daniel that in this class it was perfectly acceptable to sit at the front.

The lesson ended before Daniel and Jack knew what had hit them. Sam grabbed her books and practically ran from the room whilst the boys lingered.

"What made Sam disappear so quick?" asked Jack.

"Sam has double Physics next." Daniel frowned as he stared at the map. Somehow he had to get to room H28 but according to the map it didn't exist. "Hey, Jack, can you find H28 on this for me?"

Jack held out his hand. "Sounds like Sam. I've got sports next over here and H28 is-" Jack stopped mid-sentence. "Not on the map. What lesson is it, Danny-Boy?"

"History. Hopefully ancient, but probably modern. I seem to recall the schools don't teach much about ancient civilizations and Cassie never requested help with anything. Modern history is just so dull in comparison - don't you think?"

"Sorry, what was the question again?" asked Daniel as they walked towards the sports hall. He'd been that engrossed in his tirade about the failings of the education system that he had only been vaguely aware of Jack not paying attention and asking his own question.

"What lesson do I have?" Jack asked suddenly.
Daniel suddenly stopped dead. "I think I found the history department."

On the building opposite wad a picture of a pyramid above a sign stating 'Jackson Memoriam Building - The Quest for Discovering Can Be Dangerous'.

"This could be a problem."

"Uh, Daniel, is this," Jack waved her hands around vaguely, "what I think it is?"

Daniel stared at the plaque, mouth open and a rather dazed look on his face.

"Daniel. Danny-boy? Space-monkey!" Jack grinned as Daniel turned to look at him. "Daniel – are you gonna answer the question cos its getting a bit tedious having to repeat myself?"

"Um, yeah – someone at this school must have admired my parents."

"Well, lets just hope that whoever it is was has long left the school and never knew that they had a son named Daniel Jackson."

Daniel nodded in agreement. "I hope so, Jack. I really hope so."