Disclaimer: Nope. Okay? Just no.

A/N: Oh, give me a break- we've all imagined it…

Booth opened his eyes and was faced with Brennan's ceiling, instantly aware of a persistent scratching in his throat. Aware he was alone, he started to say "Bones", but only succeeded in a forceful cough.

Brennan came around the corner from the kitchen, robe draped over her shoulders and holding a small bowl.

"Well Booth, I can't believe it, but I think you actually did sex me back to health."

Booth sat up and motioned with his hand for her to sit on his naked lap, his erection already reappearing at the sight of Brennan's body beneath her open robe.

"Good, that's the second best news I've heard all day." He was beaming, but his voice came out coarse and harsh. Brennan frowned as she reached the sofa and sat on Booth's thighs, her robe hanging open.

"See? Now you're sick. I told you!"

He chuckled, putting his arms around her and giving her an on-top-of-the-world smile.

"Trust me Bones, so worth it."

Her cheeks reddening at the compliment, Brennan thrust a bowl at him, saying,

"Here, have some soup. It's amazing, simmered all afternoon. We slept for five hours, you know."

A wicked smile crept onto her face as she thought back on her early activities.

Booth spooned up a steaming mouthful of soup and blew on it, saying,

"You should still take some medicine, you know. Here."

He carefully extended his spoonful of chicken noodle to her. Brennan paused, completely unused to being fed, then decided to just enjoy the rare feeling of being doted on and accepted the soup.

"Mmmm good. And you need to take some medicine too, Booth."

Brennan looked thoughtful, and then a light bulb went off in her head.

"And then I have an idea to make you feel better." Her wicked grin reappeared.

Booth responded with an enticing dirty boy smile of his own.

"Oh yeah? Is it anything like my method of making you feel better?"

Brennan released a very un-Brennan giggle and inspected Booth's hard naked body intently.

"There may be a few" She gave him a slow, wet kiss "points of comparison."

Taking his hand, Brennan hauled him off the couch and toward her bedroom, slowing momentarily to let him put the soup down. When they reached the bedroom, Booth made for the bed, but Brennan tugged him into the bathroom and shut the door.

She turned on the stainless steel tap and hot water began to fill the oversized tub. Pouring in a little bubble bath, Brennan turned back to Booth and smiled faintly, giving his impressive physique the once- make that twice- over.

"You're taking a bubble bath" She stated. "The steam will-"

Booth was slowly shaking his head.

"No Bones, we're taking a bath. The uh, steam will do us both good."

Brennan pretended to be exasperated.

"If it's absolutely necessary." She tossed her head at him playfully. "You first."

Without a word, Booth moved past Brennan and stepped into ankle-deep water. Adjusting to the heat, Booth slowly sank down into the oversize tub and laid back, watching Brennan with an intense expression. She slid her robe off her shoulders and stepped between Booth's extended legs into the water, her eyes never leaving his as she sat down facing him.

Booth greedily took in her wet, flushed body and gave her a naughty grin. Brennan hardly noticed his attentions as she studied the small beads of water rolling slowly over his abs. With the grace of a cat, she moved forward and licked one big drop from his stomach before it reached his navel. Booth gasped a little, and Brennan chuckled. She climbed over him, sloshing water around as she straddled his hips. Booth's hands immediately went to the backs of her thighs, lustily grinding her into him, squeezing into the supple skin.

"I'm going to start taking sick days more often."

Booth was really starting to appreciate Brennan's sky-high IQ on a whole new level; this bath was probably her best idea yet. As the piping hot water raised their body temperatures, Brennan's cheeks tinged red and her breasts swayed gently in sync with the movements of the water. Booth's chest heaved underneath her as he watched her moving over him, smiling at him, studying him. Brennan leaned forward and gave Booth what began as a tender kiss but soon their blood was near boiling and their movements grew more determined. A bit of water splashed over the edge of the tub, and Booth actually found the presence of mind to chuckle and take a breath.

"Maybe we should slow down Bones, we're emptying the tub."

Brennan's eyes twinkled under arched eyebrows as she replied,

"Wow Booth, just a few minutes in the tub and you sound much better. Cured even. Maybe you don't need as much THC as I anticipated."

Brennan drew up on her knees like she would get out of the bathtub, and Booth immediately raised up, grabbed her hips and pushed into her with one perfect stroke. Brennan moaned in ecstasy, so loud it was almost a scream as it echoed around in the bathroom. Her eyes fell closed and her hands grasped the smooth muscles of Booth's chest.

"TLC Bones. It's TLC, not THC. Although you are kind of making me high."

Brennan responded with a powerful roll of her hips and Booth's groan echoed right behind Brennan's against all the tile. Immediately they set an unhurried but forceful pace, wringing loud cries of passion from each other. More water sloshed out of the tub, completely unnoticed while Booth and Brennan worked their way higher and higher toward their climax. Brennan tried to up their pace and rocked her hips faster, but Booth slid his hands to the indentations of her waist and held her slow and steady.

"Oh God Booth, I need…"

Brennan squeezed her eyes shut tighter and let out a muted whimper. Taking this as an invitation, Booth brought himself up to a sitting position and began playing fascinatedly with her nipples, first torturously light and then harder and faster. Brennan's head lolled to the side, still trying desperately to move faster and still being held back. Releasing a groan of frustration, Brennan dug her nails into Booth's shoulders and he quickly registered her need.

Gathering his strength, Booth hooked a supportive arm under Brennan's thighs and used the other to help himself stand in the steaming water and gently set Brennan against the wall. Brennan hissed at the sudden cold against her back as goosebumps raced over her skin. Booth sank deep into her and stilled, taking the opportunity to look squarely into her eyes and wait for hers to clear and stare back. As she hung against the wall relying solely on him for support, Booth realized he had finally broken down the last of Brennan's 

defenses, gained her complete and utter trust. And just when he thought he couldn't love her any more, she smiled and wound her arms around his neck. Right then Booth's restrain snapped, and for the second time that night Brennan nearly screamed in shocked pleasure. Booth was driving into her harder and deeper and faster with every sound she made, completely enthralled as she chanted his name into his hair. Still moving at breakneck speed and panting wildly, Booth managed to speak.

"Bones? Bones."

Brennan couldn't stop moaning long enough to concentrate.

"Hey, Temperance." He stroked her hair out of her eyes.

The haze cleared from Brennan's eyes and she bit her lip to focus since Booth hadn't even slowed down.

"Mmm hmm?"

"I really love you."

"Booth, ah I'm gonna- oh my- aaah…."

Brennan was silenced as Booth's mouth met hers in a bruising kiss. Their backs arched almost at the same time and Booth thrusted one last time, pressing Brennan flush against him. Brennan locked her ankles and tightened them, attempting to draw him in even closer, her kiss laced with an odd combination of satisfaction and hunger.

After a while, it slowly dawned on Booth that the water lapping at his calves was now cool. He half-chuckled, half-panted in Brennan's ear,

"Well, I have to say, I'm pretty sure I must be cured. I've never felt better."

Brennan dropped her head and kissed his thickly muscled shoulder.

"I love you Booth."

Beaming even though Brennan couldn't see his face, Booth leaned into her again, making her inhale sharply and groan with pleasure.

"God Bones, I'll never get enough of your TLC."


A/N: Well th-th-tha-th-tha-that's all folks, I really hope you liked it. And leave a review on the way out, for the love of Booth's obscenely sexy belt buckle! Now come on, how are 

you gonna argue with that? BTW, I'm cool with flames too- I figure at least you read the whole thing (you horny little monkey!). But remember- Constructive criticism is key. Anyway, thanks and love you all!