Okay, here we go. This is my first fic in a while. It's a Wolverine romace story. :3

Mmmkay. Enjoy.


Everything was coming crashing down on him.

His lack of knowledge about who he was, his unrequited love for the red headed psychic he'd fallen so in love with...it all seemed intensified by the deafening silence that filled his room.

Logan sat on the side of his bed, slouched over his knees with his head in his hands. He had returned a few days earlier from one of his infamous escapades to chase down his past, and, as usual, had found nothing. It was starting to wear down on him. He had no idea how old he was, where he'd been born...he didn't even understand why his bones were clad in the indestructible metal that had been his defense through the years. He knew nothing and it drove him crazy.

He glanced lazily at the alarm clock, only to remember he'd smashed through it with his claws that morning. Moaning as he leaned back to lie flat out on the bed, he shut his eyes. It had been a rough day.

Suddenly, a familiar scent met grabbed his attention, and he sprang to his feet as the door opened. It was Jean.

She parted her lips to speak, but Logan was quicker. "Listen, Jean, I'm sorry about this morning, I know how uncomfortable it made you, but I just couldn't help myself—"

"Save it, Logan," She snapped. Her harsh tone caught him off guard, and he froze, looking at her somberly. "There's something you need to see."

As she turned on her heel and disappeared, Logan shook off the feeling of rejection that had washed over him, and started after him. They strode down the hallway, neither one speaking. Just when Logan was about to ask what the hurry was, he heard the screaming.

He grimaced, holding back the urge to cover his sensitive ears. It sounded almost inhuman. "What is that?" He shouted to Jean over the noise.

She tossed him a look and just kept walking, seemingly unaffected by the earsplitting shrieks.

Finally, the doctor stopped in front of a doorway, and beckoned for Logan to enter. It took him a moment for the Wolverine to recognize where they were- it was Jean's office where all the medical equipment was...where they had first met. He gave her one last apologetic glance before stepping in.

He froze in the doorway, taking in the scene before him.

The professor sat at the end of a bed, a look of concern on his face. Storm and Cyclops were against the wall, wincing at the noise. Logan searched the room with his eyes for a quick moment before his eyes locked on to the source of the sound.

It was a girl.

It was clear the professor was trying to hold her down to the best of his ability, because she seemed to be fighting against invisible chains. Her face was flushed with the effort of her thrashing, and her cheeks were stained with tears. Her perfect, straight teeth were clenched in a snarl, her deep blue eyes harsh. She had a frizzy mess of blond hair that went to her shoulders and hung in her eyes. It was difficult to tell, but Logan guessed she was about eighteen, and he could tell she was thin and quite frankly beautiful. But none of these things were what caught his attention.

She had three claws extending from each of her petite fists; claws that were identical to Logan's.

Suddenly, she silenced, her harsh stare locking on Logan's, her nostrils flaring. He could see Cyclops and Storm sigh with relief, lowering their hands from their ears. The professor looked weary.

"This shit it in you too, isn't it?" She whispered, holding her claws up for him to see. "Isn't it!" she screamed, whipping her head around to glare at the professor. Her chest rose and fell noticeably as she gasped for air.

Shutting his eyes and lowering his head, he released his hold on her and she fell slowly to the bed. "Yes, Abby. His bones were made by the same man who made yours."

Unsure of what to make of that, the girl glanced angrily from her claws to Logan's. He watched her, shocked and weary. "This is so fucked up. Can I leave?"

Charles Xavier sighed. "You may go to your dorm, but you can't leave the mansion."

Rolling her eyes, the girl gracefully pushed herself off the bed and strode past Logan, locking eyes with him as she "accidentally" grazed his arm with her claws as she stepped past him.

He bit his lip, grimacing as the pain subsided and the cuts healed themselves. When the throbbing ceased, he looked up at the professor. "Who is this girl?"

"We don't know," answered Storm. "The only reason we know her name is because it's written on her dog tag. She has one just like yours." Subconsciously, Logan reached up to finger his tag, tracing over the engraved numbers with his thumb.

"Where'd she come from?"

"That's just it. We don't know that either. We found her at the door this morning, soaking wet and nearly unconscious. We think she must have swam here, or at least part of the way. She won't tell us. All she'll say is that she doesn't remember."

All three mutants looked at him then. Under the power of all six eyes, Logan averted his gaze. "Well?" Scott said finally.

"Well, what?" Logan quipped.

Storm tossed Scott a look, and he crossed his arms and looked away. She looked back to Logan, eyes careful. "We were wondering if...you might know her somehow."

He narrowed his eyes. "Of course I don't. Why would I? I don't even know who I am, what makes you think I'm keeping tabs on all the other clawed mutants in the world?" Storm put a hand up to object, but Logan interrupted her. "Forget it," He said frostily, pulling a cigar out of his coat pocket. "I don't need this. She's not my problem."

As he turned to leave, though, Jean was there, blocking his way. When he tried to walk past her, she grabbed his arm, stopping him. He glanced down at her, and was shocked to see her unleash the full intensity of her eyes on him. It left him open-mouthed and breathless.

"Go talk to her," she hissed, then added more gently, "Between the two of you, maybe you can piece some things together." And with that she released him and stepped to the side, inviting him to leave. He stood there, stunned before his thoughts returned to him and he stormed out.

When Logan had finally calmed down after walking down a few hallways in a cloud of anger and frustration, he sighed and leaned against a locker, realizing he didn't even know where this girl's room was. He stood there for a moment, listening to the usual clamor of the hallway, until one voice caught his attention.

"Hey, it's the new girl! I hear she's got claws just like Wolverine's. She's a complete copy of him, doesn't even have her own power."

"Shut up!" He recognized Abby's musical voice instantly.

"I bet she's not even a mutant...just a fan girl who had the claws put in!"

A snarl gathering in the back of his throat, Logan fought his way through the crowds of kids, anger building up within him. He came to a halt behind Abby, towering over her and the two boys taunting her.

Their laughter stopped abruptly.

"Wanna say that one more time," He growled, unsheathing his claws, "so I can hear you?"

They shook their heads. "No, Mr. Logan, sorry...won't happen again..." one stuttered before they both turned and booked down the hall.

Abby sighed visibly before turning to face him. "I could have handled it myself."

Logan smirked. "Not without your claws," he said, letting his own slide back into his arm.

"Whatever," she sneered, and started to walk away.

He grabbed her shoulder, gently turning her to face him. "Listen, I'm sorry. I wanted to talk to you." She gave him a flat stare. He swallowed before continuing. "I figured we could put together what we know and maybe piece together what happened to us."

She gave him a look so hostile he immediately dropped his hand. "I already know what happened to me," she said in a dangerous whisper. "Someone ruined my life for a stupid experiment."

Unable to think of a response, he stood there silently as he watched her go, dazed. As the second bell rang and the last of the students in the hallway scurried off to class, Logan leaned against a locker, staring after Abby, lost in thought.


Well, that's the first chapter. I don't exactly know where I'm going with this...I'm just going to kind of let it write itself.
Pleeeaaase review. I'd really appretiate feedback. If I don't hear from any readers, I probably won't write more.

But anyway, hope you enjoyed it. I'll try to get the next chapter up soon.