Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter!
No One Messes with a Potter
By Toffrox33
Chapter One- The Burrow
17-year-old Leila Potter wandered down the cobbled street. It was the middle of July yet the village was cold and misty. Only Leila knew why; Dementors. She pulled her black coat tighter round her thin body. Her jet-black hair whipped across her face and her pale skin looked even paler in the grey light and cold air. Her close-to-electric blue eyes flashed against the dull moonlight as she scurried to her home. The whole place was quiet, but then, everywhere was quiet these days, it had to be, due to Voldemort on the run.
She lived with her father, Andrew, in a village in Devon. Her Italian mother died when Leila was too young to remember but it never really bothered her. She had often wondered what it would be like to have a mother, but didn't worry much about it. She was very close with her father who was a healer.
She'd dreamt of Hogwarts ever since her cousin James told her about it, back when they were 8, but since she had lived in Italy until a few months ago she'd gone to 'Fascini Academy of Magic'.
Her father told her that they were moving to England halfway through September and Leila never questioned him, she'd been excited, and she never doubted her father. She was to start Hogwarts at the beginning of the year for her seventh year.
Her Uncle Tiberus and cousin, James was visiting this evening, that's why she had to get back home soon.
She shivered and turned off the road, most people would be worried stiff if their children were wandering around alone during these times, with Voldemort slowly growing power. But Leila wasn't stupid, she had her wand in her pocket, which her hand was innocently resting in and had, cast a disillusion charm over her. Besides, she was only walking home from work. All she had to do was get from the bakers to her small, slightly crooked, 2 storey home.
She reached the end of the dirt track and smiled at the sign father had made himself saying 'The Burrow'. A gust of freezing wind blew into her face and she ran the remainder of the thin track to the house.
"Dad! I'm home!" she called breathlessly, closing the door behind her and taking off her long black coat and revealing jeans and red, long sleeved top. Her father didn't answer, she assumed he was in his study or asleep and hung her coat on the coat peg.
She noticed that the fire was almost out and re-lit it with her wand before taking out some mugs and a kettle. She rapped the kettle with her wand, filling it with water and put it above the fire to boil. Then went looking for her father.
"Dad! Dad?" she called. No answer. Frowning, she walked to the stairs and called again but there was still no answer. That was odd, he was a light sleeper and had good hearing plus his study was upstairs.
She began to get a little worried, surely no one could have come in. There were protections around the house… then again, spells could be broken, and she hadn't felt any spells as she came inside. She could usually feel the brush of magic.
Feeling even more worried, Leila ran to the closest room; the living room.
Then she screamed.
James grabbed onto his Dad's arm as they apparated to outside a small, slightly wonky looking, 2 storey house. James smiled, it was such a 'Leila like' house.
The sign nearby them was quite obviously Uncle Andrew's handwriting; bold, wonky and big. It read 'The Burrow'. Also something 'Leila like'.
James used the phrase 'Leila like' a lot. Sirius, Peter and Remus had asked about it but he never told them, they were under the impression that it meant strange.
Then there was a long, drawn out scream.
Leila's scream.
Both of them ran to the house. James got there first.
"Leila!" he yelled, no answer. He ran into the lounge to find Leila leant against the wall, Uncle Andrew was lying on the floor. His face set in an expression of defiance and his eyes glassy and lifeless.
"Leila?" James said softly. Leila collapsed into her cousin's arms, bursting into tears. James' dad came running into the room and froze. He gasped, froze then slowly sank into the nearest armchair.
After a few seconds of silence Dad bent down and closed Uncle Andrew's eyes before conjuring a bed into the room so the body seemed asleep on a bed in the middle of the living room. The body's hand slipped off the edge of the bed, revealing a piece of parchment.
Leila hiccoughed and let go of James, then walked forwards, took the parchment and gave it to James, asking him silently if he could read it aloud. James nodded and obliged.
"To Leila,
I don't have much time. I know the death eaters are coming and I've sent Laya (the family owl) to Tiberus' house with what the death eaters are looking for.
I'm sorry I never warned you about this but I didn't want to worry you.
I love you and trust Tiberus and Catherine to look after you if I do not survive this
Much Love,
P.S…" James stopped and looked up at his father and cousin. "That's all there is."
Dad took a deep shaky breath, then took one of his brother's lifeless hands and held his free arm out for James and Leila to take.
Then they apparated home.
A.N- Ok, there it is.
Leila in this story is pronounced Lee-Lah
Chapter Two- Hot! Is coming up soon
I'm already enjoying writing this story! R & R!
Stay Tuned