Finally, we've reached the end. I am incredibly sorry for the delay, but real life tried its very hardest to prevent this chapter from being written.

I'd like to thank everyone who's read the story and everyone who was so very kind as to review. My eternal gratitude goes to Olynthus, not only for inspiring me to write this story in the first place, but also for her constant support during the writing process and especially during these last few weeks. I never would've made it without her.

I had fun, really. This is the longest story I've ever written, and I loved doing so.

And by the way: the crow doesn't mean what you think it means.

Disclaimer: Don't own, don't want to

Bergen, Norway - 5 weeks after graduation

"No way, Sho actually did it? That's awesome!"

"Didn't you know? It's been all over the news!"

Judai shook his head: "I haven't seen a TV up close in a few weeks."

"True, but still, I thought that the rumors would've reached you by now."

"No such luck. So, any news on who has joined?"

Johan gestured at the TV set: "See for yourself. There should be a report on that any minute now."

As if on cue, a reporter appeared on the screen. The man briefly shuffled through the papers on his desk before addressing the audience directly.

"It has now been confirmed that several young duelists are joining the Marufuji Circuit, most of them graduates from Duel Academia. One of our reporters conducted an exclusive interview with one of those upcoming stars."

The screen now showed the outside of a duel arena, while a voice-over continued:

"Manjoume Jun is the youngest of the Manjoume brothers, but has made it known that he does not wish to be associated with his older brothers. Our reporter wondered if his decision to join the new circuit might be interpreted as an act of defiance."

Manjoume appeared on the screen, and both Judai and Johan sat up a little straighter.

"My reasons for joining this circuit have nothing to do with my brothers. The Manjoume Group has no influence over me, and hasn't had so for a long time."

There was no reporter shown on-screen, but the microphone labeled with the logo of the channel made it clear that Manjoume was giving an interview.

"What made you decide to join the circuit?"

"I only wish for fair duels and honest conduct outside the field."

"So you agree that the Pro Leagues are corrupt?"

"That is for you to decide."

The reporter quickly changed tracks.

"You and Marufuji Sho graduated together. Does your friendship have anything to do with this sudden decision?"

"I can assure you that this decision is far from sudden. However, I place my trust in him."

"They've all changed so much," Judai muttered.

The reporter seemed to have run out of questions, for the image shifted again to the news studio.

"In a surprising turn of events, we can now confirm that long-standing Pro duelist Edo Phoenix will also join the Marufuji circuit. It was long assumed that, in the light of Phoenix' rivalry with Marufuji Ryo, Phoenix himself would be opposing the Marufuji Circuit. Several sources are now accusing the Circuit of nepotism..."

Johan laughed, while Judai shook his head.

"... but neither Marufuji wishes to comment. Marufuji Sho told one of our reporters that 'there is a common ground. However, it has nothing to do with what you think it is.' When prodded, he only added: 'We've been influenced by the same events and people.'

It is currently unclear what these events are, but our experts suggest a connection with the mysterious disappearance of Duel Academia last year."

"They're getting smarter," Johan stated. Judai nodded in agreement, but frowned lightly.

"What did Sho mean by 'the same people'?"

Johan laughed: "I thought you were smarter than that."

"What? What do you mean?"

"You'll figure it out. Is pizza okay?"


There were nights when Johan still woke up screaming, clutching his forehead and feeling like someone was cutting his head open. Judai assured him that the nightmares would go away once the memories of his past life returned completely, but as long as those memories didn't actually return, the dreams would continue.

Yubel was the one who helped him the most. She couldn't make the dreams go away (even though she and Judai had both tried) but she explained to him what he was feeling and seeing. For some reason, the experience became less painful once he knew what he was experiencing.

"So what am I feeling?" Johan asked her one night, while Judai was in the kitchen to make hot chocolate milk for the two of them, "I mean, it's always my forehead, is there a specific reason?"

"That's easy," Yubel floated down so she and Johan were at eye level, "I wasn't born with this third eye."

"So, they really did cut open my head? Or... your head?" Johan frowned, trying to figure out which pronoun would be best.

Yubel ignored his confusion: "Yes, they did"

"But that can't have been the only thing they did! I mean, no offense, but..." Johan gestured vaguely at Yubel's body.

"Fainted. The pain was too much."

"Oh... I guess that would explain it."

"You still have those dreams every night?"

Johan shook his head: "Not every night. There's no set pattern, though."

"Any new dreams?"

"No, only more details here and there. There's one dream that seems to have disappeared, by the way."

"Which one?" Yubel asked.

"The third one."

Yubel frowned: "You're going to have to be more precise."

Johan hesitated. It was the one dream he really didn't like to elaborate upon. He finally settled for a compromise:

"The one where you entered the atmosphere."

"So that one has disappeared?"

"Yes," Johan smiled, "I'm glad."

"Judai will be too."

Johan moved to sit down and looked up at Yubel. The shadows made her look demonic, but he'd be a fool to be afraid of the dark.

"What happens now?" he asked.

"That's entirely up to you."

Johan shook his head: "Only it's not, is it? Then again, it's never been."

"It is if you want it to be."

"But that's not what I want. To decide everything myself... How egoistic would that make me."

Yubel stared at him unblinkingly: "So, you're not?"

"Egoistic? Oh no, I definitely am," Johan spread his arms above his head, "Aren't we both?"

"Do you really think so? Caring is not a bad thing."

"But egoistic nonetheless. Looking out for others, protecting... What gives us the right to do so?"

"It's the one right we can claim for ourselves."


Johan might've gotten along with Yubel, but Amethyst Cat didn't.

"Do you even know what you're talking about?" Yubel drew herself up to her full height, hovering several inches above the ground for good measure.

"I know perfectly well what I'm talking about, thank you, and if I were you, I'd be careful."

Judai and Johan entered the kitchen. Johan glanced warily at the two spirits, but didn't pay them any further attention. He opened the fridge, grabbed two apples and tossed one blindly at Judai, who snatched it out of the air.

"Oh? Might I remind you that I'm the one with the higher level?"

"Might I remind you that I'm the one with more attack points?" Amethyst Cat mimicked, "You don't even have any attack points!"

Yubel smirked: "Just try to attack me. You know who would get the damage."

Johan, who had just taken a bite, choked and started coughing violently. Judai thumped him on the back.

Amethyst Cat huffed: "We're not even in a duel, your effect wouldn't activate. And I'm even stronger without mine."

"Would you care to test that theory?"

"So now you're a masochist as well?"

"That's a bit harsh, don't you think?" Judai lightly chastised. He filled a glass and handed it to Johan, who downed the contents immediately. Amethyst Cat merely huffed and walked out of the room. Yubel followed briefly afterwards, but took a completely different direction.

"Do you think they've got more news on Sho and Ryo?" Judai asked absently, following the spirits with his eyes.

Johan put the glass on the counter: "Switch on the TV, I'll be there in a second."

He picked up the glass again and put it in the dishwasher, then followed Judai to the living room. Judai had already found the right channel by the time he got there.

"Johan, how come you watch a Japanese channel? Can you even receive the signal?"

"Obviously, since we're watching it," Johan stole the remote control from Judai and muted the volume, "their reports are usually a bit more accurate than the European ones."

"I see," Judai tried to reclaim the remote, but Johan lifted it above his head. Judai made a frantic grab and managed to knock the remote out of Johan's hands. He came out on top in the following struggle.

The volume was turned up again, and they just managed to catch the last part of a report.

"-atest in a long row, Australian duelist Jim 'Crocodile' Cook has announced yesterday that he too will be joining the Marufuji Circuit."

"It's like everyone we know is joining," Judai laughed, "they're doing such a great job!"

Johan smiled and nodded. The newsreader switched to the next subject.

"Johan, are you going to join?"

"I've been thinking about it, but I'm not sure." Johan briefly shook his head. "I want to take a break first."

"I wonder how they're all doing," Judai sighed.

"You miss them, don't you?"


"Why don't you send them a message?" Johan suggested, "You can use the computer."

"But I'd have to write so much," Judai exclaimed, "Sho, Asuka, Manjoume, Kenzan, Rei... Well, everyone!"

"Just send them all the same message. Let them know how you're doing."

Judai nodded and got up. Johan watched the TV screen idly, not really paying attention.

"In other news, Yuki Judai, another recent graduate of Duel Academia, is still missing."

Johan focused. Judai's picture filled the screen, and Johan couldn't help but think that they should've updated their files. The Judai on the screen was clearly much younger than the one booting up his computer.

"After nearly two months, barely a trace of this upcoming duelist has been found. He has reportedly been seen in the United States, but the trail stops dead in South Dakota."

Johan wondered why no one had revealed Judai's location yet. He knew that Industrial Illusions was perfectly aware that Judai was in Norway. After all, they were the ones who had brought him in the first place.

"Coincidentally, Yuki Judai is a friend of Marufuji Sho and many of his acquaintances. When asked about the disappearance of their friend, none of these duelists seemed overly worried. Most of them seemed to be convinced that the young duelist was okay and would show up again. However, after more than seven weeks and only one confirmed appearance, police officials are starting to worry about his fate."

"Johan, can I use your account?" Judai yelled from the study, and Johan switched off the TV, reflecting that Judai was indeed very much alright. He joined Judai in front of the computer, and quickly read the message he had written to his friends.

"Can't you use your own account?" Johan sat down on the desk, seeing as Judai had claimed the only chair in the vicinity.

"I tried, but I can't access it from here."

"Oh, go ahead then."

Judai scanned the message one last time, and hit the 'send' button.


The next day, Johan's in box was flooded with replies, ranging from Asuka's worried questions to Manjoume's angry exclamations that Judai 'better get back soon or he'd drag him back personally'. Edo's sublimely indifferent message lost its meaning due to him replying in the first place. Judai decided to humor him and his 'extremely busy schedule' and only sent him a short, to-the-point reply.

Both Rei and Kenzan wanted to know how Judai had gone from Japan to America to Europe, and they practically begged him to tell them everything he had experienced. Their mails were kept for last, seeing as it would take Judai a lot of time to write everything down (He was considering replying to both of them at the same time, but somehow he doubted they'd appreciate that, however good friends they'd become)

No one seemed surprised that he was staying with Johan.

"Am I that predictable?" Judai complained, clicking 'reply' after reading Asuka's message.

Johan laughed: "You and predictable don't belong in the same sentence. I guess they just know you that well. Or maybe they've learned to expect the weirdest things coming from you."

"Yeah, but how did they know I was here?"

"I don't think they knew. They just weren't surprised."

Judai opened the next mail - Sho's - and carefully read it over.

"He's asking if I'll go back to Japan."

"Will you?"

Judai shrugged: "I might. Not immediately, though, I want to see the rest of the world first."

"So you're leaving."

"You could come," Judai offered tentatively.

Johan shook his head: "I've got my life here. And my family."

"They could come as well."

Johan grabbed Judai's shoulder and turned him around, so that they were both facing the open door.

"See that?"

The Gem Beasts were in the next room, sleeping. Topaz Tiger lazily opened one eye and lifted a paw when he saw them looking.

"They're happy here," Johan said, raising his hand as well, " but you need to travel. I'd only hold you back."

"But you're..."

"Johan Andersen, remember? You said so yourself."

Judai pouted slightly, and the expression was so strange - and familiar at the same time - that Johan just had to laugh.

"Come on, you've got some friends to reply to. I'll get you a guidebook later, so you won't get lost again."

"Johan! I'm not going to get lost!"

Johan grinned: "Really? So you knew where you were in America?"

"He didn't," Yubel appeared behind Judai and placed one hand on his head affectionately, "he got hopelessly lost."

"Hey, you're supposed to be on my side!" Judai protested.

Johan just laughed, waved, and left for the kitchen.


"By the way," Johan asked one week later, while they were walking through downtown Bergen, "do you know that you've been declared missing?"

Judai turned around abruptly: "Really? How do you know?"

"It was on the news a while ago," Johan said. He looked over the marketplace: "Oh, look, they've got cherries!"


"Yes, unless you want to keep living on apples?" Johan dragged Judai over to the fruit stand, and started scooping up cherries and putting them in a bag. He handed the bag to the vendor, and waited for the man to determine the price.

Ruby and Hane Kuriboh appeared, already locked in one of their usual struggles. Judai and Johan locked eyes, then shrugged at the same time and looked back at the fruit stand.

Johan fished through his pockets and managed to find the right amount of money. He paid for the cherries and accepted the bag, which he quickly placed into another, bigger one.

At the same time, Hane Kuriboh and Ruby stopped quarreling and settled down on their respective owners' shoulders.

"So, missing?" Judai asked once they had left the market.

"Yes, though no one seems to be worried. They know you've been in America, by the way."

"Really?" Judai looked puzzled, "how come they don't know I'm here? I mean, Industrial Illusions knows where I am."

"Beats me," Johan shrugged, "they probably just didn't mention it."

Judai opened his mouth, but thought better of it and closed it again. They walked in silence for several minutes.

"I'll be leaving soon," Judai broke the silence.


"In two days, three days? I'm not sure."

Johan looked down: "Are you going to be okay?"

"I will be. You can still come if you want," Judai looked at the other boy concernedly, "Are you going to be okay?"

Johan looked up again and laughed: "Of course! I've got my family," he petted Ruby lightly on the head, "as long as they're here, I have nothing to worry about."

"If you're sure..."

"I am. But you can't leave yet!"

Judai looked at him in alarm: "Why not? Is something wrong?"

"Of course," Johan exclaimed, "I can't eat all those cherries on my own, they'll go bad!"

Judai rolled his eyes: "You can be so immature sometimes."

"Not immature, pragmatic. Besides, you're one to talk!"

Judai laughed heartily at this, and hit Johan on his shoulder, disturbing Ruby in the process: "Come on, I'll race you!"

If any of the inhabitants of Bergen thought strange of two nearly adult boys chasing each other down the street, they didn't say anything about it.


"You're sure you don't want to come? I don't mind."

Johan merely shook his head and smiled. He took a step closer to Judai, who was standing near the door, duffel bag slung over one shoulder.

"I told you before, you have a journey to make, and I am not part of it."

"But you are," Judai tried, "now more than ever!"

"It's not my journey to make. Besides, someone needs to take care of things while you're gone!" Johan smiled reassuringly.

"Are you sure?"

"I am. You've got Yubel, you'll be fine."

Judai admitted defeat, but stepped away from the door and closer to Johan.

"I'm going now, Johan."

"Yes. Judai, please take care!" Johan stepped closer and gave Judai a quick, one-armed hug.

"I will, don't worry. And I will come back."

"Therefore, I will be waiting."

Judai smiled and nodded. He opened the door.


He turned around. Johan quickly crossed the hallway, grabbed his hand, and pressed a card in it.

"Take it. As a keepsake."

Judai looked from the card to Johan and back again. He studied the design attentively.

"Trap Strap? But..."

"I know it's useless for you," Johan clarified quickly, "but just take it, okay?"

"Johan, I can't keep this..."

"Then bring it back."

Judai smiled and pocketed the card: "That's a promise. One day, I'll bring it back."

And while Judai turned away and Johan watched, a crow flew overhead, black wings beating proudly. It turned towards the East and soon became nothing more than a speck in the sky. Judai rounded a corner and disappeared from sight, but not before throwing a glance over his shoulder and waving. Johan waved back, then smiled and whispered softly:

"And until that day, I will wait. I will definitely wait"