Disclaimer: This is a story of fiction, and never happened, I do not know, or own the people included in this story, it is written for entertainment purposes only, and I gain no profit from writing such things.

Elevator Music

Elevators, they're cramped, there are usually always embarrassing situations, and everyone is always so quiet bar the occasional cough and sneeze.

Then you get the music, that music that says 'we'll be there soon' it basically echoes it. Nobody really likes it, they just have to put up with it, they wouldn't want to risk taking the long, aching, walk down the stairs.

Have you noticed that as it moves it gives you a weird feeling in your stomach? I have, but that could have something to do with the boy that was pushing me against the wall, the boy whose mouth was clamped to mine in a wet, all tongue and teeth kiss.

I was just stood in there, waiting, waiting. Then ping, door opens, in steps a person, just the usual shoe squeaking, brief case carrying suit. But rewind there, door opens, in steps a boy, short spiky dark hair, jeans, tee shirt, not the usual business attire. Who knows, maybe it's 'jeans for genes day.'

"Hi," rewind again, god forbid someone speaks in this thing, disturbing the music. I look to my right, where this boy has stood himself, he's smiling, his hand moves in a half circle as he sees me look at him.

"Hi," I mumble, smiling slightly when he grins.

"I hate these things," he says, eyes looking me up and down making me feel self conscious. "It's always so..."

"Awkward?" I offer, he smiles and nods enthusiastically, he nods so much in fact that it looks like his head is about to fall off.

"Yea awkward," he smiles again, and I swear my knees buckle the slightest bit. I grip onto the hand bar, and cough. "You okay?" He asks eyeing me suspiciously, "are you gonna chuck?"

I shake my head, laughing slightly, "no, I'm not." God forbid someone vomits in the elevator. "So I haven't seen you here before," I say, moving to stand up straight, and pulling my jacket tighter around my torso.

"I stayed at a friends last night," he replies, hands in pockets as he swings his body round to talk me.

"Cool," I say nodding slightly, then there's the awkward silence. Well it feels awkward to me, but I can see him in my peripheral vision, humming and rocking back and forth on his heels. His cheeks puffing out every so often, as he tries to pass the time.

It's when I'm watching him that the elevator makes a cracking sound, and halts to a sharp stop. We both jut forward, and fall against the wall. I flop down onto the floor, nursing my head that I've just hit against the wall. I hear a groan and look up to see him standing there, eyebrows furrowed as his hand wipes at his lips and then he looks at it.

"Fuck," he mutters looking at me, eyes wide, I stand to my feet, worried.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask, the words coming out in a bubble in their haste.

"My lips bleeding," he says looking up at me, there's not much height difference but you can tell he's shorter than me. He's pouting, I look at his lips, and it's a good set of lips I have to say.

"I think I've got a tissue," I say rolling my eyes, I was genuinely worried, and for what? A bleeding lip. I bend down to my bag, that I'd dropped and search through it. Bringing out the pocket sized pack of Kleenex I hand him one, well try to.

He just juts his bottom lip out and leans towards me, sighing I bunch the tissue up, and placing my left hand on the side of his face- to steady his head- I use my right hand with the tissue to pat at the blood forming in a bubble on his bottom lip.

I hold it there for a minute or so, I swear he keeps moving closer, which makes me take a step back. I'm close to hitting the wall, and the elevator still isn't working, I move the tissue and he smiles. I couldn't help it, I didn't' mean to do it just…happened.

Because the next thing I know, I'm leaning forward the small distance and pressing my lips to his, in a quick kiss. And this so isn't me, I don't kiss people I know, let alone strangers.

But I can't help but comply when he pushes back, and back until the hand bar is digging into my spine. I let out a groan of discomfort, and he pulls away, and I whimper, I want the contact back, I need the contact back.

"Sorry," he mutters looking down, and I panic, I'm practically having a panic attack as I wheeze out.

"No, the bar, it was in my back." And his head moves up slowly, his gaze meets mine and I smile, and he smirks, oh god he smirks.

Then he moves back and kisses me, this time pushing me towards the back wall, the wall where there is no hand bar.

And it's all teeth, tongue, and lust, I don't even know this kids name, and yet there's lust and passion, and all those amazing things.

My lips are tingling as I push back against his plump ones, his hands moving to my hips, as I knot mine in the back of his hair. I can hear him panting, this beautiful creature is panting, and it's all my doing.

I pull back and smile, "Ryan," I say, he looks confused for a split second as his head cocks to the side slightly, and then he smiles.

"Brendon," he replies, I smile back, Brendon, that's nice. And then his kissing me feverishly again, and I can't help but gasp, and moan in the back of my throat, as his tongue flicks the top of my mouth, and scrapes against my own. And I'm not so sure if his lip is actually hurting, if he's kissing me like this.

When we both pull back, we're panting and the elevator, is moving, thank god. But I don't want to go yet, I'm not ready to leave. Screw work, this could be a possible chance at a decent love life here.

"Where you off to?" He asks like we haven't just been making out for about ten minutes, and it hurts, I feel like he's rejecting me.

"Work," I mumble straightening out my shirt, and dusting off my pants.

"Cool, where'd you work?" He asks, hands back in his pockets, and bouncing back and forth again.

"The local bookshop," and I blush, because for the life of me I can't remember that damn shops name. "Why?" I ask, interested as to why he wants this information.

"Cause I wanna see you again." He says winking as the elevator door opens, and he walks out turning to smile. I'm in a daze, until my eyes blink and I'm scrambling for the open door button, because, yea, just my luck the doors are starting to close.

And off to work I go, excuses flitting my mind, because really I can't just say, 'the elevator stopped, and I made out with a cute guy called Brendon, and he knows I work here, oh look he's over there, hi Brendon.' Okay maybe I'll just go for 'the elevator stopped.'