Hey...everyone. Nicole and I apologize for not updating since forever. I bet most of our old readers won't continue to read our stories, but that's okay. If there are people who are still faithful to our stories, that's great. Thank you and, again, I'm really sorry for not updating in such a long time.

-ily, Jamie and Nicole :)

Yumi and Ulrich Forever!


School past by and I was able to go on with my life. Sort of. Theo has become clingy and it's making me irritable. Every time I speak to a guy, Theo pops up and interrogates the guy, making him run away. He acts like he is my boyfriend. Actually, he is like his brother, Ulrich. Protective.

But, when Ulrich does it, it feels so much different. When Ulrich does it, he is protecting me from real danger. But, Theo protects me from harmless guys that aren't even doing anything wrong. There's a very BIG difference.

I haven't seen or heard from Ulrich since the hospital. I become tense every time I get into trouble (which thankfully didn't happen very often). I always believe Ulrich will come out and try to defend me. But, nothing ever happens. I almost kind of miss how he always managed to be where I was. Almost.

Ulrich is out of the hospital now. He has been out for about 3-4 months already. But, I don't know why I never come across him anymore. It's down right annoying. I want to at least say hi when we pass by the hallways or make small talk whenever I come over to see his brother. But, it never happens.

This month I really need to focus in school. CST's and SAT's are coming up and I need to study up on some subjects to make sure I do well on them. I know the school doesn't show us our scores until the year after, so that makes it a bummer.

"Yumi, why are you so stressed out about testing? You're going to do well on them. You always have good grades in school," my best friend, Aelita, said as we walked into the locker rooms.

There wasn't any school today, but Aelita and I thought it'd be more fun to swim at the school pool instead of at my house.

Aelita and I have gotten closer throughout those five months and it's made a big difference in my life. I confine with Aelita about almost everything I have problems with (most were about Ulrich). It takes a lot of weight off my shoulders. Aelita did the same and her mood became much brighter and perkier.

"Well, it never hurt anyone to actually worry over important tests, did it?" I countered.

"I guess not. Besides, I think I should study more, too," Aelita said.

I stared at her in disbelief. Aelita was practically the smartest person at this school, next to her boyfriend, Jeremie Belpois. In fact, they were so smart, they don't even have to take the tests anymore! They always got 100% on them.

Aelita and I changed into our bathing suits. Both our swim suits were one pieces. We grabbed fresh white towels on the shelf and headed out the door that let to the indoor pool. Only a few people were in the pool. Most were girls just sitting on the benches, trying to look cute to the guys who were drooling over them. I rolled my eyes. It was total a cliché to me.

We left our towels on an empty bench with our back packs on top of them. Aelita crawled in the pool, but I climbed the ladder that led to the diving board. I saw Aelita waiting for me at the edge of the pool. I closed my eyes to keep focus. I liked it when I had a perfect dive. I'm not sure why, but I just did.

I stepped over to the end of the board and jumped up and dived. I landed with a small splash., my hands touching the water first. I came up for air at the same time I found Aelita clapping like crazy. I laughed and swam over to her.

We didn't really swim around the pool. Mostly, we just talked about certain things, like boys, school, and other things on our mind. I guess the pool was a good place to talk about those things.

Aelita's phone rang all of a sudden and she jumped out of the pool to answer it. I sighed, while propping up my elbows on the edge of the pool. I couldn't get Ulrich out of my head. It's like he found a way in and locked himself in there. It was aggravating.

I wanted him out and I wanted him out now. Actually, I wanted him out for a while now. He makes me worry about him too often. I don't know how he is doing or how he's been. I don't like the feeling of always wondering about something. I want to know.

I hadn't realized Aelita had gotten back into the pool, watching me, intently. "Let me guess. You are thinking about Ulrich again."

I blinked, "No, I wasn't. I was thinking about something else." Couldn't I come up with something better than that?

"Right," Aelita rolled her eyes, "Anyways, what about him this time? Hmm?"

I sighed, knowing Aelita would never fall for anything, "I was thinking about Ulrich in general. Not anything specific about him."

"Care to elaborate?"

"It's like he is stuck in my head on purpose. But, I don't know why. Is it because I'm feeling guilty or I miss him or what else?"

"Or maybe you like him, but you're too stubborn to admit it. You don't want that to be true because you know you are jealous of how your sister has more attention from Ulrich than you do."

Aelita caught me by surprised. But, the thing she surprised me with, I knew she said was right. The more I thought about that, the more I realized how true it was. I hadn't thought of it before because I never could picture my sister and Ulrich to be real couple. But, I always noticed Nicole had more spotlight than I did when dealing with Ulrich.

"I think you're right, Aelita. What do I do?" I asked, desperately.

"Honestly, I don't think there's much you even have to do. Just start talking to him again. When you ignored him while he was in the hospital a few months ago, it must have made him think you wanted him away from you or you just basically hated him," Aelita said.

"But, I don't hate him." I said.

"Ulrich doesn't know that though. He can't read your mind, Yumi. You have to tell him or at least show him you care." Aelita said.

I hated to admit it, but Aelita was right. Again. I couldn't expect Ulrich to know everything inside my head. I couldn't expect him to be at my side when I needed it, either. The only way he and I were going to talk again, is if I confronted him first. Ulrich won't do anything he is too scared to do. I pretty much know that about him.

I sighed, reluctantly, "Fine. I'll talk to him. But, will you at least come with me?"

Aelita gave me that look that said you-are-on-your-on-that-part. I grumbled and lifted myself out of the pool. Aelita followed behind me, while I grabbed my things. I hit the showers and quickly put my clothes on.

Aelita's dad picked us up after Aelita had called him. He dropped me off at my house. I watched them drive away before going inside my house. Eric and Frankie were watching football with a bunch of their friends in the living room. Nicole was outside in the Jacuzzi with…..Ulrich.

My world began to shatter. Nicole was sitting on his lap, humping him while they were both still in their swimsuits. Horny little bastard, I thought, violently.

I felt like crying now. My eyes blurred and my nose felt puffy like when you are sick. I ran upstairs and into my room, shutting the door behind me. I plopped onto my bed, balling my eyes out. I thought he really liked me. He sort of showed that when he kept popping up to save me. But, it all came crumbling down on me when I saw him with Nicole.

I knew now that it could never be Ulrich and me ever. He was too much of a playboy and a manwhore. It was disgusting. But, I couldn't help still be hurt by it. By him chosing Nicole over me. Then it hit me. I realized that….I…love him. I, Yumi Ishiyama, was in love with Ulrich Stern. Great.

Well, there you have it people. Yumi admits that she loves him. What's going to happen next?