It begins!!
So fun to write a sequel to story that was so popular. Anyway, thanks for all the reviews in my lost story. i hope they continue!!
By the way beware the fluff!!
"Good morning Mr. Malfoy." Draco purrs in my ear. I smile and role over and look into the calm gray eyes of my fiancé.
"Since when has it been Mr. Malfoy?" I ask stretching my arms above my head and smiling.
"Doesn't it have a good ring to it?" he asks kneeling on the bed excitedly,
"Oh and Mr. potter doesn't?" I ask raising my eyebrows.
"Well "Mr. Potter" makes you sound like a librarian or train spotter." He says simply.
"Oh thanks." I say giving him a shove, before I knew it Draco topples backwards of the bed. "Oh Draco im so sorry."
No answer.
"Draco?" I ask again suddenly getting worried. Until I hear a quiet fit of giggles. I look over the bed and see Draco laying upside down and laughing into the floor. He looks up at me and smiles cheekily.
"Now that isn't a very nice way to treat your fiancé, is it?" he asked cocking an eyebrow. I rolled of the bad and landed more gracefully on the floor.
"You idiot I thought I'd really hurt you." I say kneeling in front of him and smiling.
"Ahh were you worried?" He coos.
"About you? No way." I say with a smirk and get up before I stand up all the way he grabs my hips and pulls me into his lap.
"You were worried." He says smirking.
"Only a little." I said measuring it with my fingers.
"Do you only love me a little bit?" He asks trying to look sad.
"No." I whisper. "I love you a lot."
"Thank you." he says kissing me softly. He pulls away softly and looks up. "Come on lazy bones. Time to get up. And I need breakfast wifey"
"Since when have I been the wife?" I ask crossing my arms across my chest.
"Since im more masculine." He says proudly. "Please. Pretty please."
"Make it yourself." I say getting up from his lap.
"But I cant make breakfast as well as you can." He whines leaning on the bed and giving me puppy dog eyes.
"Puppy eyes wont work." I say with my back to him. He sticks out his tongue and pulls a face. I turn and see the face.
"Why am I marrying you again?" I ask smirking.
He gets up and walks slowly towards me.
"Because im sexy. Smart. Great in bed.." he stops in front of me and wraps his hands around my waist. "And you love me."
"Not to mention. Arrogant and vain." I say smirking.
"I never said I didn't have flaws." He says smirking. "Now make me breakfast wenchie."
"Wenchie?" I ask looking down at him and smiling. He lets go of my waist and walks towards the door.
"Yeah, wenchie" He says giving my bum a quick pinch. "I wont ask twice."
"You never do." I add with a smile and walk into our kitchen.
"Have you fed Brian?" He shouts.
"I am not feeding that fly! Its bad enough you taught it to hum!" I yell.
"It was funny!" he yells.
"No it wasn't!" I yell back as accio a frying pan and eggs from the cupboard. All of a sudden I hear a high pitch hum of "I will survive."
"Your just humming that cause you dodged that fly spray!" I snap as I crack the eggs into the frying pan.
"So? What are the plans for today?" Draco asks as he shakes his wet hair like a shaggy dog.
"Getting you a hair cut?" I suggest jokily. He stands there opened mouthed at that remark making me laugh.
"Take that back." He says tossing his long blond hair away from his face.
"Err…no. You made me cook breakfast. And I had to put up with our pop star wannabe over there." I say pointing to Brian buzzing around the frying pan humming the WMCA.
"You said we should get a pet." He says with a shrug.
"By that I meant a cat." I suggest.
"I don't like cats there sneaky." He says.
"To happy."
"To small."
"You'd have a lot in common with them then." I say with a wink.
"Oh you didn't dare." He says with a smirk.
"Oh I dare." I say turning back the frying pan. I feel his hands snake around my waist.
"You don't seem to mind."
"I know. I like small things. I think they're e cute." I tease whilst smirking.
"You used the C word." He says.
"Did I? Oh well. You are very cute." I tease.
"Take that back." He says firmly.
"Make me." I say pretending to prod the eggs with a knife. I suddenly feel Draco's hands under my shirt and he lightly traces his fingers over my abs. I try hard to hold in a chuckle but fail.
"Ticklish Harry?" He asks calmly.
"You know I am." I say chuckling.
"Hmm. Must've slipped my mind." He says moving his damp hands over my belly button.
"Stop." I say.
"Take it back." He whispers into my ear and kissing the side of my neck.
"Fine I take it back." I say smiling.
"Good." He whispers. "And that is why im the husband and you're the wife."
"What?" I ask.
"I get you to do whatever I want." He says chuckling.
"Sexist bastard." I mutter under my breath.
"Sexy wench." I hear Draco whisper.
I look at him shaking his damp hair.
"Use a drying spell!" I say.
"No, this makes me much more sexy." He says flicking his damp fringe out his eyes. I couldn't help but agree.
"So what are the plans today?" He asks pulling a white shirt over his pale chest that was slightly see-through. Perfect.
"We need the invitations sorted." I say spooning the food onto plates.
"I thought we were doing them cyberly?" He asks.
"On the internet? No. I don't want them to get it wrong." I say passing a plate to Draco.
"And you wonder why you're the wife." He says in a girly voice. I watch as he examines the food and puts a handkerchief over his shirt. Which makes me laugh.
"What?" He asks. I motion to what he just did and he pouts.
"So im camp? That does not make me the wife." He says eating his food.
"Why not?" I ask.
"Because your still the one that cooks the food, and does the cleaning." He says simply.
"You could do the cleaning." I say with a pout.
"Oh but you do it so well." He says cheekily.
"Ok then, what do you do that's so manly?" I ask. He sits there and thinks.
"I do the mechanics." He suggests.
"No you don't!" I protest. "You refused to go near the bike because you didn't want to get dirty!"
"I handed you that screwdriver." He says simply.
"It was a spanner!" I say half laughing.
"Same thing." He snaps.
After breakfast we both made our way to the publishes to order out invitations.
"She's been tangoed." Draco mutters under his breath as we wait in the queue.
"Shhh." I say smirking.
"And she looks like a man in drag." He whispers.
"Shhh." I say giggling.
A woman in front of us turns around and glares and then gives us a dirty look.
"What her problem? She never seen a gay couple before." He says a little to loudly and we hear her cough uncomfortably.
"You're embarrassing yourself Draco." I add with a smile.
"I know. Fun isn't it?" He asks and I shake my head with a chuckle.
"Hello may I help?" a middle age woman behind a counter asks..
"Hello we'd like these invitations made up and have out guests names printed on them." I say handing over the invitation design and the guest list.
"Good taste did your fiancé pick it?" She asks friendlily.
"No I have better taste." Draco says broadly.
"Oh your not the best man?" She asks.
"No he's my fiancé." I say happily.
"Yes I am." Draco says rudely. "When will you have the invites done by?"
"Well hopeful by the end of the week." She says cheerfully.
"Thank you I'll leave the…" I begin.
"Why do we leave a deposit?" Draco interrupts.
"So if you don't collect your order we will have money to replace our time." She says happily.
"And we'll get that back?" He asks.
"No its all included in your final price." she says.
"That's a bit stupid." He says.
"Draco!" I snap.
"What?" He says.
"Anyway. That's the order and the deposits here." I say handing over the money.
"Thank you." She snaps her friendly tone vanishing.
"You're so rude!" I insist as we get outside.
"That'll teach her for being on the happy pills." He says casually.
"Draco!" I say.
"What, she was way to happy." He says smiling. "She works in a crappy publishers. Why would you be that happy?"
"Because im the manager." I voice says. We turn and see the woman looking outraged.
"You dropped this." she says chucking my wallet at me and storming of.
"Think she still likes us?" Draco says smiling.
"I doubt it." I say laughing and wrapping my arm around his waist as we walked home.
"They're here. They're here!" Draco shouts running through the flat with a small box.
"Shall we have a look?" I suggest.
"No lets go give them give them out." He says excitedly.
"We're going to give all of them out by hand?" I say worriedly.
"How about just the first few." He suggests grabbing the first few out the box and walking out the flat. He pokes his head around the door before he shuts it. "You coming?"
"What's the first one?" I ask.
"Isaac and Lexxi." Draco said smiling. "Lets go say hi."
I walk though the familiar tattoo shop and Lexxi smiles widely at me. Until she see's Draco by my side and her smile falls slightly. "Must still fancy me" I think.
"Hey guys." She says smiling.
She looks pretty as usual her long hair is down and falling past her shoulders. Her deep red lipstick is painted across her lips and instead of the usual purple contacts they're pink. She's wearing black shorts with fishnets and a tight white shirt and red waistcoat.
"Hey pretty lady." I say making her blush and Draco scowl. "Is your master home?"
"He's out back. I'll get him." She says disappearing.
"Flirt." Draco snaps.
"Who?" I ask.
"Both of you." He mutters sulkily.
"Come on I only have eyes for you." I say embracing him from behind and resting my head on his shoulder. We hear someone clear there throat and pull away quickly.
"What can I do you for?" Isaac asks.
"You can do me any time you don't need a reason" Draco says cheekily and gives his friend a friendly hug. "How are you mate."
"All the better for seeing you guys. I haven't seen you since…" he trailed of as he remembers the disastrous last time involving me and a tattoo.
"Well for ages." Lexxi finishes for him. "What are you guys here for?"
"To give you this." I say producing an invitation from my pocket and handing it to them.
Isaac takes it and opens it and immediately laughs.
"What's so funny?" I ask.
"Are you planning in advance Draco?" She asks giggling.
"What are you on about?" He asks.
"Dear Isaac and Lexxi you are invited to Draco's funeral where there will be celebrations and gratitude for the loss of this man." He looked up and smirked. "Look Draco I know you can be an arrogant son of a bitch but that's a bit harsh on yourself."
"I didn't…. we didn't…. I…. what…she…there…must be a…. mistake?" I stammer.
"No. Oh look there's even a funny illustration of a grim reaper." Lexxi says happily.
"This is your fault." I say to Draco who's laughing with Lexxi.
"This isn't funny!" I snap.
"I think it is." He says happily. "No we can get a full refund."
"Draco. Its and invite to your funeral." I say firmly.
"I know." He says. "I might even go. I always wanted to see how my death would turn out."
Did u like?? good as the last one? Shouldnt have bothered? plz tell me wat u think!!