elavyeth: This is my first fanfiction for Tokyo Mew Mew (which i do not own!); theres a new character in it I think you'll find interesting. Or I hope, lol. :P

Anyway, enjoy and review the first chapter.

Part One – Rebirth

There was a full moon high and a warm breeze that summer night. Tokyo was quiet and still. Few lonely resisting windows had their lights on... But the city was widely asleep.

It was 4 am.

Somewhere deep in a park, a black vigorous horse appeared. Huffing and puffing, walking around slowly... Sniffing the floor as if looking for something. With his blood red eyes glowing, he stopped near what seemed to be a limp body on the floor. He neighed low and poked the head with his muzzle, trying to get it awake. As there was no response, he impatiently thumped his hoof on the grass repeatedly and neighed again, more insistent this time.

A very faint blue light was born in the body's chest. In answer, one similar also appeared on the horse. It grew stonger every instant...

The horse was now shaking his head violently, nervous and in pain... Neighing even higher with the suffering. An then in the blue light a woman's body was trembling without control, still unconcious... Her mouth opened wide and when the pain became humanely unbearable, as the light grew impossible to look at, she left out a long frightfully high pitched scream of agony.

There was an explosion of blue, like a neutron bomb... And her scream was heard throughout Tokyo and further. The birds flew away from trees in panic and the glass in windows vibrated.

Then it stopped.

And there was silence. Absolute silence.

The black horse leaned on his front legs in exhaustion. The woman was on her feet, breathing hard and fast. She had no clothes. Her eyes were glowing in blue, but it slowly faded away... Just to show a leaf green iris. The horse stood up next to her and leaned his head agaisnt her shoulder. The warm breeze turned into strong wind, wiping her very long hair off her face.

Hundreds of lights were turned on in the vicinity and many scared people opened the windows to see what had just happened outside. But there was nothing left to see. The couple had vanished... They were gone.

Part Two – Urgency

Like thunder Pai rushed into the infirmary room, holding Kishu on his showlder. He was bleeding terribly… A blue pendant hung from a silver chain on his neck. A shinny blue gemstone.

The day was definitely not going well… Not since he discovered frightening news.

"Why the horse face, Pai?" Kishu said giggling.

Pai sighed, gathering the infinite patience he needed not to kill him. "I've been looking through some data of our planet."

Kishu looked bored. "So?"

"So… I found some things that concern me." There was a moment of silence, only broken by the beeps of the computer.

Kishu finally yawned. "Are you going to spit it out? Or do I have to sit here all day?" he said, while examining his claws.

Pai let go of the keyboard and stared at the hologram screen for a while. "You remember when we brought that piece of the mew aqua with us? We put it in our life source and, almost instantly, every living being that was capable of coexisting here multiplied... Not to mention the weather improvement, we could finally go outside and build new homes instead of living in those frigid caves. And the soil turned fine for growing crops. It wasn't perfect in the beginning, but soon the environment became less rough, so we could finally live in the opening without having to rush into the caves for protection at night."

Kishu was becoming impatient. "Yes, I know all that. And your point is…?"

"Well," Pai took a deep breath "We're running out of mew aqua."

Kishu flew to the computer and turned to Pai. "So what? We use up whatever's left of it to improve our planet conditions even more." he said, optimistic. "I know it's not as perfect as the Earth our ancestors used to live in, but this is pretty good! That piece gave us enough to live on. If we don't have more, who cares? People will be happy to leave it this way."

"You thought the effect would last after the mew aqua was gone?" Pai asked.


Pai looked at him with a dark face. "That's where you, me and everyone else were wrong."

The smirk on the green alien's face vanished. "What does that mean?"

Turning to watch the screen again, Pai showed an image that looked like a microscopic animal. "This is what I've been examining."

Kishu looked disappointed. "What, that little thing? And I thought you were being serious…"

"Just shut it and listen." A few more beeps and he started talking in a low voice. "This 'little thing' is a living indicator of the environment's changes. If the conditions improve, it will flourish and multiply very fast. But it the surroundings get worse… it also dies very fast in proportion."

"Ok… I'm listening, go on."

"The problem is, as the mew aqua is decreasing its strength, these animals are dying at an alarming rate. And not only that." He brings up more images of plants. "Look carefully… Just this era there were two fields that didn't grow anything, except a few lonely weeds… when they used to bring good crops. And also –"

"There's more?..." Kishu interrupted feeling numb.

"Yes, there is. You noticed of course those small storms a few days ago? According to my calculations, there's a big one coming now. We'll probably have to take shelter in the caves… Again."

Kishu fell on his butt and his jaw dropped.

"You're sure about this, Pai?..."

"Positive. Wish I wasn't…" The purple alien looked down at the green one in concern.

Kishu tried to find some argument to prove this whole thing wrong, but all he could do was stutter. "S-so… all we did… all we've been through… was good for nothing…"

Pai scratched his chin, pondering if he should say what he was going to say to Kishu. After all he was… him. "Well of course it wasn't for nothing, idiot. And we'll always have one way to fix it."

Kishu's ears arose in expectation. "And what's that?"

"Hmmm… To get more mew aqua of course, but –" Before Pai could finish his sentence, Kishu was already up and smirking.

"You mean going back to Earth? Yes!!" He started flying around talking to himself in delight. " I'm going to get the ship ready, we leave first thing tomorrow! We need to warn Taruto as well and make preparations –"


"– And it also means we're gonna see the Mews again... Well I think it's inevitable. I wonder if my koneko-chan is still the same after all this time!... He he he –"

"KISHU!!" Pai grabbed him by the collar and looked at him furiously just one inch away from his nose. "Stay with me here!! We don't need the Mews, we need mew aqua! This is not a trip to the zoo! Now stay focused, or you're banished from the expedition!!"

The green alien huffed with boredom. "Alright, alright! Just let go of me, you'll bruise my beautiful neck..."

A nerve popped on Pai's forehead. He was not taking this seriously… But before he could say anything else, he realised he was grabbing something more than his shirt. Some hard object like a pendant… And it was burning hot. He screamed an 'Ouch!!' and let go of him. "What the blazes have you got in there?!"

Without warning, the thing inside Kishu's shirt started glowing and vibrating. "Huh?! AAAAAAAAHH IT'S BURNING ME!! GET IT OFF!! GET IT OFF!!"

The glowing was so intense Pai couldn't see anything and was unable to get close. "Kishu!! Kishu, what's happening??"

Kishu tried to pull it off but it was already burning his chest, making him cry out with pain…

"KISHU!!" Pai tried desperately to reach him and the light kept pushing him back.

Suddenly it all disappeared… As if nothing happened. The glow was gone.

Kishu fell on his knees and collapsed on the floor unconcious. Pai ran to him.

"Kishu! What happened?! Kishu!!" He ripped open his shirt and his eyes widened in shock. The green alien was burned in the chest and bleeding a lot. "Dear God…"

Hanging from a silver chain was the pendant, a blue gemstone with the size of a pebble. Pai carefully grabbed it with a piece of cloth to examine, but he realised the gem was no longer hot…

"Where did he get this?... I never saw this before…"

Kishu moaned, grinding his teeth with so much pain. Pai immediately helped him up and without hesitating, he took him to the infirmary.