Hey guys! Well, here it is...the last chapter. I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but I have too. I had so much fun writing this story, to think that this is/was my very first Crossover and many people like it. XD I hope to do more Thundercats fiction in the future...and I might do one after my Elf Quest version of Snow White. But who knows? Let me know which story on my proflie you'd like me to do next, please?
Anyways, on with the show!
Part XV
Recovery and Farewell.
The first thing that Atem felt before waking was the throbbing in his skull. It was as if someone had taken Bengali's hammer and hit his head with it. His body also felt sore all over…worse than when Panthero began his training in the Cat's Eye Jungle.
Prying his eyes open, Atem saw the sandstone ceiling of his room. It took a minute to remember that he was home…and he had succeed in defeating Anubis. With a grunt of pain, Atem tried to push himself up…only to have his vision swim and nausea fill his stomach when he did so. He flopped back down, hissing as his back stung. Carefully, he pulled his sheets off his chest to see bandages that not only covered his chest and back…but also his arms, the side of his neck, shoulder, and head.
"He's awake!"
Atem painfully turned his head to see the Thunder Kittens run in and began to ask questions. "Are you ok?"-"How do you feel?"-"You were unconscious for a long time!"-"Can I get you anything?"
"Please, not so loud." Atem told them. "My head hurts enough."
"I'm not surprised."
The two kittens turned to see Pumyra walk in with a satchel over her shoulder as the others came in behind her. Jaguar-a ran past them and kneeled by Atem. Her eyes held both relief and worry and her hair, much to the prince's surprise; had been braided with white Lotus Blossoms woven in. Lion-O came up beside her, his arm in a sling.
Pumyra went to the other side of the bed and took Atem's wrist gently, taking his pulse as Jaguar-a said, "We've been so worried. How do you feel?"
"Aside from feeling like my body's been put on the rack…fine." He joked.
"Your humor's intact." Tygra chuckled, causing the others to laugh as well.
Pumyra shushed them, "Don't try to make him laugh…he still has cracked ribs. Making him laugh will hurt him." She then had Bengali help her lift Atem gently so she could prop his pillows which would help him sit up.
After that she changed his bandages, while he asked his sister questions.
"What happened?"
"Once I sealed Anubis in the Pyramid of Light-"
"'Pyramid of Light'?"
"She means the glass Pyramid that she used." Lion-O explained.
"As I was saying," She continued. "Once I sealed up Anubis…you passed out from loss of blood and fatigue from the Shadow Game. Pumyra had the priests bring you here and Isis helped her…patch you up." She paused, softly squeezing his injured hand. "You've been out for two weeks."
His eyes widened. "Two weeks? Have I been that injured?"
Jaguar-a nodded. "Yes, you were. Your body took quite a beating."
Lion-O sat on the bed, being careful of his arm. "And there were a few times your heart almost stopped."
Atem gave his sister's hand a return squeeze, before a thought crossed his mind. "Jaguar-a? Lion-O? There's a few things I want to ask you."
Lion-O gave him a smile, "Of course. As long as it's ok with Pumyra?"
The healer looked up from taking some herbs out of her bag; her eyes soft but the gaze was hard. "Very well, but not too long. You need to rest."
Atem smirked, "Yes, mother."
Pumyra narrowed her eyes and returned his smirk. Before breaking off a piece of a bitter root and popping it in Atem's mouth when he was going to ask why she was smirking. He coughed at the awful taste that quickly spread across his tongue. Luckily it was a small piece…so it dissolved fast.
Everyone chuckled when Atem asked for water and Cheetara poured him a clay cup. Since he was still weak, she had to hold it for him until he was done drinking.
Lion-O asked, "So, what are your questions?"
"First…where did that glass Pyramid come from?"
"I got it from Sepera, the Temple Guardian." Jaguar-a answered. "She gave the glass to me and I had to use my magic to shape it after melting it down. I almost passed out from doing it…but it had to be done. It should hold Anubis until the end of time…hopefully."
"Yes." Atem agreed. "I never want to face that demon again."
"And what's your second question?" Cheetara asked.
Atem looked at the faces around him, before swallowing in nervousness. "When I was on the ground…and Anubis was taunting me…I…I growled. Like how you all would when you're angry. Anubis heard and said that I inherited more of Lion-O's blood than Jaguar-a did. And that it made me a…'half-breed'." He paused at the silence. The prince bit his lip, "What…What did he mean?"
Jaguar-a sighed and looked Atem in the eye. "No, you're not a half-breed. Yes when the ritual is done you exchange blood; 'my blood becomes yours, your blood becomes mine' remember? You then inherit some traits of those who did the ritual with you. From Lion-O, you were given a bit of ferocity and feline agility. From me…you received a stronger ability in magic and will. It's different for everyone." She cupped his cheek. "And it's also what makes you, the person you are."
"So…do you growl sometimes?" He asked her.
Jaguar-a laughed. "You bet I do. And I was scared too, when I first heard it. However, I learned it was natural and I got used to it. Also, you seem to make your nails into claws."
"How'd you-?"
She rolled her eyes. "Please Atem, who do you think you're talking to? I noticed it when we were in the Temple Of Hathor. You were yelling at your uncle and I saw your nails grow in length…as well as your eye teeth." The princess ruffled his hair. "But you're still the same on the inside as you always were. You're just stronger than before."
Atem gave her a small smile, "So, I'm still me? I'm not a Thunderain?"
Panthero barked out a laugh. "Son, you'd need to have inherited fur and full-time fangs and claws to be a complete Thunderain."
"I guess you're right." Atem said, laughing as well…before cringing in pain from his ribs.
Pumyra shook her head, "Alright, that's enough. You're going to hurt him more if you keep making him laugh."
She began to cut and grind some roots before mixing them up and adding several liquids and powders. Atem blinked when she held up the bowl to him. "What's this?"
"Your medicine, Atem." The healer said. "Now drink up."
The prince let her place the bowl to his lips and held back a cringe at the sour, bitter taste it had. "It's fowl, Pumyra."
Lion-O laughed, "A friend once told that 'the worse it tastes, the better it is for you'." (1)
Atem asked for more water and gulped down a whole cup. Then turned to Lion-O and asked, "By the way, what happened to your arm?"
"Mumm-Ra." Was the Lord of the Thundercats only answer. "I didn't know I sprained my wrist until the adrenaline wore off."
"Thankfully it's not your sword arm." Bengali said, as he helped Pumyra put away her herbs. "Otherwise you'd be in trouble."
"True enough."
Once Pumyra had all her herbs and tools back in her satchel, she ushered everyone out. "He still needs to rest and we need it as well. Come along kittens."
The kids moaned. "But he just woke up!"-"Can't we stay longer?"
Tygra crossed his arms, "You both need to be checked over too. Especially you, Wiley Kat. Those scratches were very deep and you don't want to get an infection do you?"
"No sir." Wiley Kat mumbled.
"Then come along."
Jaguar-a and Lion-O started to follow when Atem grabbed her hand.
"Please…stay?" He asked.
"Pumyra? Is it alright if Lion-O and I stay for a while longer?"
The healer paused at the door, and smiled. "Alright, but the medicine I gave him will make him sleep soon. So don't stay too long."
Lion-O nodded. "Acknowledged, Pumyra."
When everyone had left, Jaguar-a pulled up a chair and sat beside the bed. Lion-O stayed where he was as Atem asked, "I hope Isis isn't mad about Pumyra caring for me?"
"At first she was reluctant, but when she needed more help tending you…she allowed Pumyra to help. She and Pumyra have become good friends now. In fact she's having Pumyra teach her about the medical herbs she uses." Jaguar-a replied. "Although your priest…Seth was it? He's not too happy that you're our brother now."
"He's never happy at all."
"That's true." Lion-O chuckled. "And he's still sore from the beating Jaguar-a gave him in the sparing ring."
Atem's eyes widened. "You did what?!"
"He had it coming, Atem." She said, while waving a hand. "He called me a…well…something really awful and also that a girl can't become a warrior of Lion-O's level. So, I challenged him…and he accepted."
"What did he call you?"
"I'd rather not repeat it." She answered, quickly.
"Please, sister?"
Lion-O held up his good hand, "Why don't I tell him? And you can over your ears?"
Jaguar-a sighed and did as she was asked. Lion-O turned to Atem and said, "I'm only going to say this once so remember and don't repeat it, ok?"
Atem nodded. "I promise."
Lion-O took a breath. "He called her a…a 'mongrel'."
"What does that mean?"
Jaguar-a took her hand off her ears when Lion-O nodded before continuing. "It means a half-breed, or mutt, or anything along those lines." He explained. "In a way, Seth insulted not only her but the rest of us. And you."
Atem's eyes narrowed. "I'll see him punished when I'm better."
The princess gave him a smile. "I think he's been punished enough. But I would like you to give him a tongue lashing later."
"I promise." A thought crossed his mind. "What happened with my uncle?"
Lion-O's face was unreadable, as his sister's. "We found him passed out. Apparently, Anubis was only using him for his knowledge of the Millennium Items. He doesn't remember a thing."
"I see…and the kingdom?"
"Tygra, Panthero and Bengali have been working with Karim and Solomon to rebuild the city. Pumyra and Isis are treating the wounded people."
"As have I." Jaguar-a added. "My ability to control earth comes in handy; I've been growing more herbs for Pumyra to use in her medicines. And raising up rocks for the builders to use for the repairs."
Atem smiled, before covering a yawn. He suddenly felt very tired.
Lion-O got off the bed, "We'll leave you to rest."
"Can't you…stay longer?" The prince asked.
"Maybe, but I don't think Pumyra would like it if we did. She said you need rest." Lion-O explained. "Come on, sis."
Jaguar-a began to rise, but Atem held onto her hand. He struggled to keep his eyes open while he asked, "Could you…sing…that song?"
She looked at Lion-O, who nodded that it was ok. Then sat back down on the stool, "Alright, I will.
"When the world outside comes, whirling like a wind storm.
And it seems my fondest dreams, have faded all from view.
This is where you'll find me…in my magic palace. Turning every storm cloud,
A lovely sky of blue.
Jaguar-a put a hand over Atem's heart before she put her other hand over her heart.
"In my Kingdom here, with no one but me. I can wish the world; the way it should be.
Suddenly there's kindness, poetry, and art.
In my Kingdom of the Heart.
Looking in her eyes there, I become a royal. Floating on the ballroom floor, in clothes made
Of lace. People bowing gently, caring for each other, every man his brother,
Every moment filled with grace.
In my perfect place, where songs will inspire…every family blessed, with food on the Fire.
Every prince and pauper gets to play his part…in my Kingdom of the Heart.
And while I am wishing how sweet it would be; with a someone to share it all with me.
Make him kind and clever, sensitive and smart…one who'll live forever…
In my Kingdom of the Heart." (2)
As the last note of the song faded into the air, Jaguar-a smiled at seeing Atem sleeping peacefully. Carefully, as to not disturb him, she brushed his bangs from his eyes and kissed his forehead. "Rest well, brother."
Then both lord and princess quietly left the room.
Few hours later…
Atem awoke to see the sky had turned a slight amber out his window. Whatever Pumyra gave him was terribly strong…yet he felt a tad bit better than when he first woke up. He sat up, slightly cringing when his chest and back pinged in pain.
There was a commotion and Atem's bedroom door burst open with a bang. To reveal a familiar face with a mass of messy brown hair, while running into the room.
"M-Mana?!" He asked, eyes wide.
The said girl, flung her arms around the prince…causing throbbing pain to shoot all over his body. He cried out, "OWWW!"
"I was so worried about you!" She said, talking a mile a second. "I came back and everything was in ruins and they said you found the ThunderCats and that you were hurt and-!"
Mana looked behind her and saw Solomon and Isis come into the room. Both wore stern expressions.
"We told you that Atem was to not be disturbed! He needs peace and quiet to recover from those wounds." Isis scolded. "Now release him…you're causing him pain."
Mana immediately let go of Atem and apologized over and over, before asking, "Is-Is there anything I can do?"
Atem thought a minute, "Well…I am a little hungry."
"Food! I'll get it right away!" With that, Mana dashed from the room; Solomon behind her saying to slow down and think before jumping ahead of herself.
Isis stood beside the bed and felt Atem's forehead. "How are you feeling, my prince?"
"Sore. But I feel better than I did when I first woke up."
The priestess nodded. "That's good. I dare say that medicine Pumyra gave you is working well."
"Where are the ThunderCats? What are they doing?"
"They're all eating right now, but I'll tell them you wish to see them-"
"And Seth as well." Atem interrupted. "I have a few words to say to him about a personal matter; and my brother and sister must be present."
Isis nodded and turned to the door when Mana ran in with a tray of food in one hand and a clay jug in the other.
"I've got the food Atem!" She shouted, causing Atem to cringe from the pain in his skull from the volume of the girl's voice. "Some fruit, bread and cheese. Oh! And some mint water!"
Atem raised himself on his elbows and looked at the tray, each bit of food looked good…however it made his stomach churn. "Thank you, Mana. But I should wait to eat…I'll have the water through."
Mana's face fell, but she perked up almost immediately and poured Atem some of the mint water. He had to steady his hand before drinking. The water was cold and the minty taste made a cooling sensation linger on his tongue and soothed any dryness in his throat.
Isis excused herself to let the ThunderCats know that Atem was awake; and Mana jumped onto the side of the bed, crisscrossing her legs.
"So, what are they really like?" She asked.
"The ThunderCats of course! Tell me what they're like? Mean? Stern? Nice? Brave?"
Atem smirked and lay back against his pillows. "Well, they are nice….and they know so many things; like how to navigate using only the stars, how to fight without using your eyes, how to fly through the trees and so much more. They're wonderful teachers, and I wouldn't trade them for anything." He began to tell Mana about the lessons and adventures he had with them.
The girl hung on every word and her eyes were huge when Atem finished telling her of how Lion-O and Jaguar-a were his siblings now. "So, you're saying that the Lord and Princess of Thundera are your family?"
He nodded.
"Does that mean they'll rule Egypt beside you?"
"I hope so…but they might go home. They've been away for too long already, and I bet their people miss them."
Mana pouted. "I think they should stay."
"Atem is right."
Both turned to the voice to see Cheetara come into the room with the others trailing in behind her. Mana got off the bed with a squeak and quickly bowed from the waist. "G-Greetings, children of the Cat Goddess."
Lynx-O chuckled, "You don't have to be so formal, young lady. We're like everybody else here."
Wiley Kit and Wiley Kat went up to Mana, who was blushing a deep red.
"Mahad told us you're good at tricks with your wand. Can you show us?" Wiley Kat asked.
"I don't know-"
"Please?" Wiley Kit begged.
Mana caved and giggled. "Oh, ok!"
They turned to go but Panthero blocked them. "Just a minute…I have one thing to say."
"Yes?" Mana asked, fearfully.
"You do the magic outside, and don't blow anything up."
The three nodded and Panthero let them pass. They pulled Mana by the hands to the garden, chatting the whole way.
Jaguar-a giggled and sat on the stool by the bed again, and taking Atem's hand. "How are you feeling, brother?"
"Still sore, but better then when I woke the first time." He admitted. "And I'm hungry too."
Pumyra stood on the other side of the bed and looked at the food Mana had brought in. "Well, I'm afraid you can only eat bread soaked in milk and broth right now." She picked up the loaf of bread on the tray and began to break it into pieces. "Cheetara? Can you get a bowl and a jug of milk from the kitchen?"
"Consider it done." The cheetah woman smirked before leaving the room in a blur of yellow.
The prince shook in head in amazement, "That never ceases to impress me…or amaze me either."
Lion-O chuckled. "Glad we're not boring. Did you sleep well?"
Atem nodded. "Yes I did, thank you." He then noticed that Jaguar-a had shortened her left sleeve and kept her right shoulder bare. "You changed your look?"
"Yeah, after bring grabbed by the undead…I had torn my sleeve so I got rid of it. I looked in the mirror and I thought I looked silly with only one long sleeve. So I shortened it to just a shoulder sleeve and left my right arm bare." She smiled. "You like it?"
"Yes, it makes you look like one of Willa's female warriors." Atem complemented.
"Agreed." Lion-O added.
Jaguar-a blushed a dark scarlet, as Cheetara came back in with a jug of milk under one arm and an empty bowl under the other. She handed them to Pumyra, who then put the bread pieces into it before pouring the milk over it. Atem took the small meal and ate it slowly with a spoon as Tygra told him of what they had been doing to restore the kingdom; plans, rebuilding homes and temples, repairing boats and carts, bringing the animals back to farms and stocks, plus much more.
The future pharaoh was grateful to his new family and friends; they truly knew what they were doing better than anyone else in the palace. Especially since he was still injured and wasn't able to direct the workers on what to do.
"So, there hasn't been any problems?" Atem asked.
Bengali sighed, "Well, there was one overseer who would whip anyone who was slow. He'd even do it to the elderly." He paused as Atem let the words sink in. "That man made the mistake of whipping a child…so I intervened. He didn't expect a 'child of Bast-ket' to appear to protect a child. He tried to whip me and missed. It only took one punch to knock him out."
Atem's expression was hard. "When I'm recovered, I'll see that he's punished…unless you've already done that?"
Jaguar-a bit her lip, "Yes, we have. I sorta…turned him into the animal that reflects his soul."
"Like what you did to Gaston?"
"What was this man's animal?"
Jaguar-a scratched her cheek, "It was a Scavenger bird. Now that I think about it…it looked like one too."
Lion-O coughed, to cover up the laugh that wanted to escape. "I don't know about that…"
Atem told them that he was to speak with Isis and Seth about something for the kingdom and he'd like Tygra to write or rather be the scribe of what Atem decided on. Tygra agreed and took some paypaus from Atem's desk and reed pen with ink.
The prince finished the bowls contents before handing it back to Pumyra and letting her change his bandages. The ointment she put on his cuts numbed the pain and eased the throbbing a bit. She was about to give him more of the medicine when Isis came in with Seth.
He didn't look happy, then again he never did.
"You wished to see us, highness?" She asked.
Atem sat up straighter. "Yes, please come here."
Both priest and priestess came nearer to the bed as Jaguar-a placed the pillows behind Atem's back, so he can sit up. He took note of a scratch on Seth's arm and a bruise on his cheek as he and Isis kneeled. It was slowly turning a blackish blue.
"Rise." Atem ordered.
They did and faced their future king, whose eyes were unreadable. "Do you know why I called you here?" He asked.
"No, my lord." Seth replied.
"You are here because of something you've done…or rather said. To my sister."
Seth went rigid. "I don't think I would classify her as your-"
"Silence!" Atem roared; literally. "You will not speak of her or the others that way!"
The priest froze at not only hearing his monarch roar like a feral cat, but that he referred the princess his 'sister'.
Atem took a breath before continuing. "You called her something, mind repeating the word?"
Isis's eyes were darting from Seth to Atem, a few times. Clearly she was rattled, but not about hearing Atem roar…more about what Seth had done and what would happen for his actions.
"'Mongrel'." Seth replied.
Atem felt his sister tremble from the word, and placed a hand on hers to comfort her. /"Don't worry."/ He sent to her.
Then turning to his priest said, "Do you realize that by calling her that, you not only claimed that about all the ThunderCats…but also me as well?"
Seth's face lost all color, becoming white as lime stone.
"And I will not allow this to pass by peacefully, now or ever." He said, every syllable a promise of pain. "I've decided that you must be punished, Seth. However, I believe I'll let my brother and sister choose the punishment." He looked to Lion-O and Jaguar-a. "If that's agreeable to you?"
Lion-O nodded, "Jaguar-a proved her strength to him, yet he called her that 'word'. So I purpose that the punishment should teach him some humility and lower that ego of his."
"Agreed." The princess added. "I say, we have him work with the people in the fields and stables. But he must be stripped of his gold and finery…those aren't needed in manual labor."
Atem ran what they said through his mind and nodded. "I say it is a fair punishment. And I would like it if Panthero would oversee to make sure Seth doesn't run."
The Master of Combat nodded. "It'd be my pleasure."
Atem looked back to Seth; who looked like he was between fainting and screaming at the top of his lungs. "Then your punishment shall start now, Seth. For a month, you will work in the fields and stables as one of the people. You will have no finery or the luxury that you're accustomed to. Panthero will make sure you work and keep you in line. Let us hope you learn something about controlling your mouth. So, let it be written…so let it be done."
Panthero grabbed Seth by the arm and lead in out in an iron grip. Tygra rolled up the papyrus with the announcement/punishment Seth was to have and handed it to Cheetara who took it to Solomon.
Lion-O turned to Atem, who sunk against the pillows. "You did very well, Atem. You handled that like a true king."
"You think so, brother?" He asked.
Pumyra began to make Atem's medicine again, and he turned to Jaguar-a and asked, "That bruise on Seth's cheek…was that from a punch or a kick?"
A smirk graced Jaguar-a's features, "Both actually: one punch and one kick."
Atem began to laugh, "I wish I could've seen that fight. You must've turned heads."
"The soldiers that were trying to make me notice them… don't meet my eyes anymore." The princess replied.
"And those that try end up limping away." Bengali added, chuckling.
Lion-O sat down and asked, "How are your ribs?"
"I don't feel that much pain anymore." Atem answered. "But I still feel pressure when I try to sit up."
Pumyra 'tsked' and handed Atem his medicine. "It takes two or five weeks for ribs to heal…depending on the damage they've taken. I'd give it a few more weeks before you can get out of bed."
"But I'm going to go crazy sitting here-"
"We can bring in some games and books." Jaguar-a cut in. "And I can come everyday to keep you company." She paused, before looking at Pumyra. "If it's alright with you, Pumyra?"
"Very well. But remember…nothing too extreme."
"Of course."
Atem smiled, "Thank you, Pumyra."
She returned his smile, and helped him swallow his tonic. Atem hated the bitterness it had but he quickly swallowed, and gave Pumyra back her bowl.
The ThunderCats talked with Atem a few more minutes, then began to trail out as he fell asleep. Tygra saw Jaguar-a and Lion-O weren't with them and turned to see the princess asleep on the stool with her head on the bed, and Lion-O asleep in the chair beside her.
He chuckled and shook his head, before closing the door. Leaving the siblings to sleep.
For the next few days,
Jaguar-a would visit Atem in his room, while bringing up a few games or books. Sometimes she and Lion-O would switch off with each other; some days Lion-O would be with Atem and she'd be helping Isis and Pumyra in the Medical Tent.
Atem taught Jaguar-a how to play Senet and she taught him how to play a simple game of Chess…though she wasn't good at it. However, Atem was intrigued by the game; the pieces, rules…it was so interesting! He liked how each piece had a different way of moving on the board.
When they weren't playing games, Jaguar-a would either play her lap-harp and sing. Or she would tell Atem more about Thundera or stories she knew by heart. The prince loved hearing Jaguar-a sing; her voice seemed to take away the pain.
When Lion-O was with him; they'd joke about the things they'd done as kids or talk about random things that came to mind…like pranking their friends. Atem nearly broke his ribs again by laughing when Lion-O told him about the time he had put fake snakes in the drawer where Jaguar-a kept her nightgown. And how she chased him up and down Cats Lair, saying she would turn him into a toad or newt and keep him in a jar for a month.
"And did she?" Atem asked, between laughs.
"No. Cheetara caught her and calmed her down…but Panthero wouldn't let me leave the Lair for month. And Jaguar-a got me back."
Atem took a deep breath to calm down. "What'd she do?"
Lion-O bit his lip. "Well…she enchanted my comb, so when I used it my mane turned a bluish white."
Atem tried not to laugh as he pictured his brother with bluish white hair. "It must've been funny."
"Yeah…and I guess it was a fair punishment."
When they weren't talking about that, the boys would talk about the kingdom and what should be done about certain things. After that was done Atem would practice Chess with Lion-O; needless to say he was a good player. He told Atem that he and Jaguar-a would play Chess and do puzzles on stormy days.
Playing the game was easier when Lion-O's wrist healed…the young lord was happy to have his arm out of that sling.
Through Atem loved having 'personal time' with his soul siblings, he was starting to get stir crazy. He hadn't been out of bed in weeks and he wanted to walk and run around; but Pumyra wouldn't allow him to get up. She was very stern about him recovering properly, and the healer wasn't about to lean away from following the rules.
After a few more days of staying in bed, Atem had enough. After making sure no one was coming…Atem sat up and pulled the sheets back to allow his body freedom to move. He didn't feel any pain in his ribs, but his head throbbed for a minute and his vision slightly swam. Atem waited a few seconds for it to pass, then pulled the sheets back and swung his legs over the side of the bed.
Once his feet touched the floor, he slowly got off and stood straight before taking a few steps toward his dresser. He seemed to doing fine, so he began to open the dresser to find some clean clothes. Atem was about to take out a clean tunic…when his whole body began to throb.
Atem hissed in pain and crumbled to his knees in agony. The pain was spreading all over like liquid lava, making even touching or picking anything up peer torture. He wrapped his arms around his bandaged abdomen and fell on his side. Eyes were watering and teeth were clenched, ears were ringing.
"Help me…" He thought. "Please…someone…how do I-wait!"
Atem focused, with some difficulty, and used the mind link. /"Brother, Sister, please help me!"/
/"Atem?! What's wrong?"/ Jaguar-a's answer.
/"I…can't get up. There's so much pain…so much."/
/"Just hang on!"/ Lion-O sent. /"We're coming!"/
/"Try to relax, don't strain yourself."/ Jaguar-a told Atem.
Atem did as he was told…but the pain was too much. He stayed curled up in a ball on his side on the floor. Clenching his teeth, Atem tried to do the breathing exercises Panthero taught him to keep his mind off the pain.
After a few minutes, the sound of footsteps echoed in hall before the door opened with a bang. Atem felt the vibrations from the footsteps come closer and hands gently turn him on his back. He opened his eyes and saw Lion-O and Jaguar-a's faces through his tears.
"Atem?" Lion-O asked. "Can you hear me?"
"Y-Yes." He choked out.
"Shh, shh…don't talk. Send to us." Jaguar-a told him, while stroking his hair.
/"My whole body…it hurts."/
Jaguar-a sternly replied, "You got up when you weren't fully healed, didn't you?"
Atem looked away. /"…Yes…"/
She sighed, "You're just like Lion-O…"
"Hey now, I'm not that bad." Her brother protested.
The princess gave him a look, to which Lion-O winced. "Ok, we'll talk about this later…"
"Yes. We need Pumyra-"
"She's at the camp half way down the Nile to help the villagers there." Lion-O told her.
Jaguar-a thought a minute then stood up. "Bring Atem back to the bed."
"Jaguar-a, what are you-?"
"Today, Lion-O." She snapped.
Lion-O put one arm under Atem's neck and the other under his legs, then picked him up before bringing him to the bed.
/"What's Jaguar-a…planning to do?"/
"Don't know." The Lord of the Thnudercats answered. He carefully laid Atem on the bed as Jaguar-a took off her quiver and bow. She then tied her hair back with piece of leather from her pocket and stood by the bedside.
"Jag, please tell me-" Lion-O began.
"Hush." She told him, as she placed one hand on Atem's forehead and the other over his heart. "Just let me do this. I couldn't do it for you when you were poisoned all those years ago…let me do it for Atem." (2)
Lion-O stared into her eyes, and saw her determination. He simply nodded and took a step back so Jaguar-a could work.
The princess took a breath and focused her power, her body began to glow with heavenly light. She had a look of concern and sweat soon appeared on her brow. Jaguar-a looked at Lion-O, "There's too much strain on his heart. I need help."
He nodded, and drew the Sword Of Omens before raising it above his head. "Sword Of Omens…hear me. I ask you help us heal our brother Atem. I, Lion-O; Lord of the Thundercats, command it!" (3.)
The Eye of Thundera glowed and, instead of shooting the beam into the sky, a smaller version was shot onto the middle of Atem's chest. The prince's expression became calmer and more relaxed. The beam retracted back into the Eye of Thundera and Jaguar-a gave Lion-O a thankful smile, before she began to sing,
"Flower gleam and glow,
Let your power shine,
Make the clock reverse,
Bring back what once was mine."
The light spread from Jaguar-a's hands into Atem's body. His breathing became less rapid, and the pain started leave.
"Heal what has been hurt,
Change the fates design,
Save what has been lost,
Bring back what once was mine,
What once was mine..." (4)
The light faded and Atem opened his eyes to see Jaguar-a take her hands off from his forehead and from over his heart. She gave him a small smile, before it became a stern line. "What in the world were you thinking, Atem?"
"I'd like to know as well." Lion-O agreed, crossing his arms.
Atem felt shame twist his stomach. "I…I just wanted to get up to help you with the kingdom. I'll be the King soon and I need to help my people."
Jaguar-a sighed and untied her hair, "While we can't blame you for wanting to help your people…what you did was very selfish."
"Yes, would your people want you to hurt yourself more…when you're not fully healed?" Lion-O added.
"No." Atem replied, sadly. He couldn't help but feel as if Solomon was scolding him; just like when he was young. "I'm sorry."
"We forgive you…but you better prepare yourself for the lecture Pumyra's going to give you." Lion-O told his brother, with a sympatric smile. He ruffled Atem's hair, "Just don't scare us like that again, alright?"
Atem smiled and nodded. "Alright."
Jaguar-a sat on the bed, she looked drained. "Whew…"
"Are you ok, Jaguar-a?" Atem asked.
"Yes, it just takes a lot of energy to heal wounds or a person with severe injuries." She replied. "I've needed to do it for a few people this month…so I'm very tired."
"You need a break, sis." Lion-O told her. "You'll be in a bed in the medical tent sooner or later if you don't."
Jaguar-a shook her head, "I'll be fine, Lion-O."
"Jaguar-a please," Atem said while sitting up. "You need to regain your strength."
The princess looked at the prince for a second, before giggling. "I swear…you and Lion-O are so alike."
"What do you mean?" Both brothers asked, in unison.
The princess laughed, and waved a hand at them. "See?! Exactly the same…you both are kind, sweet, protective, and a bit stubborn."
"Hey!"-"No I'm not!"
"Yes you both are. Don't deny it."
Lion-O and Atem were about object when the door opened and Pumyra came in with Isis. One look at Atem and she knew what had happened. Her eyes narrowed and her hands went on her hips; a sure sign that a lecture was coming.
Jaguar-a and Lion-O backed up and went out onto the balcony for some air. Leaving Atem to have to deal with the challenge of not only Pumyra's wrath…but also Isis's.
Atem pretended to listen to them and thanked Ra when it was over. "I'm sorry, Pumyra. I just wanted to get cleaned up."
The healer sighed and ran her hands through her hair. "I'll let it go this once. But next time you do this, I won't be so forgiving. Now, let's see if you can walk without shaking or pain."
The next few minutes pasted with Pumyra making sure Atem's wounds were all healed up; from how he walked, to how sat down and got up. Once she was satisfied, Pumyra and Isis allowed him to take a bath and change.
However…he had to stay in bed one more day to be sure the pain wouldn't return.
Although Atem was angry he couldn't leave his room, the thought of a hot, warm bath sounded heavenly. Isis laid out some towels and a clean set of clothes, before leaving Atem alone and closing the door. He could hear both Healers talk as he got undressed and walked to the bath. But he stopped and saw his reflection in the bronze mirror on the wall.
"Good Ra!" He thought. "I look a mess…why didn't they tell me I needed to brush my hair?!"
He then quickly slipped into the warm water. A sigh of bliss escaped his lips as he felt his muscles relax.
"This feels so good." He muttered, before taking a washcloth and rubbing soap onto it. He washed his arms first then his back, and so on. After that, he washed his hair at least twice. Once he felt clean, Atem got out and dried off before tying an extra towel around his waist. He used the other towel to dry his tri-colored hair.
He then proceeded to dress himself. "Seto and Karim would have a heart attack if they saw me doing this myself." He chuckled, while putting on his shirt. Now that he was all dressed…he had a challenge to do.
Namely his hair.
Atem sighed and sat on a stool while picking up a comb and tried to run it through his wild locks...but he kept hitting knots. After, what seemed to Atem, hours; a knock made him stop his attempt to comb his hair.
"Atem? Are you alright?" Came Jaguar-a's voice.
"Y-Yes. Come in, sister."
The princess came into the room and raised an eyebrow at what Atem was doing. "Having trouble?"
He sighed. "Yeah…my hair is a tangled mess."
She smiled. "Maybe I can help. May I?"
Atem nodded and watched Jaguar-a pick up a brush before moving behind him. Jaguar-a's hands were gentle as she ran the brush through his tangled locks…apologizing every time she hit a stubborn knot. The future pharaoh wondered if the servants would be this gentle when they ask to help him with his hair? But then he thought, "Perhaps I'll just do it myself. I don't want to have my hair torn out."
"There, all done!" Jaguar-a exclaimed, smiling and putting her hands on his shoulders. "You look great."
Atem chuckled. "If you say so, sister."
"Why do you say that?"
"Mirror's made of bronze don't show everything." He explained.
Jaguar-a giggled, and flicked her wrist casually; making her hand mirror appear. It was silver with a braided frame around the glass. "Then use this instead."
Atem took her mirror and looked at his reflection. The glass was as clear as the jungle pools and allowed him to see his face and hair clearly. His hair was now combed and clean…so clean that it almost seemed to shine with its own opalescence. He looked over his shoulder at Jaguar-a, "Thank you, sister."
She giggled again and hugged him. "It was no problem, Atem. Now let's get you back to bed…and tomorrow we'll get you out of this room and out into the garden. It'll be a beautiful day."
"Sounds wonderful." Atem agreed, while handing her back her mirror. "I need to get out of my room."
Jaguar-a took back her mirror and smiled, "Then come on."
He followed her back into his bedroom and laid down on his bed as his sister and brother began to tell him about how the repairs were coming. They talked long into the afternoon and by lunch, Atem was more than ever determined to get outside. He then remembered something….
"How's Seth? Not causing any trouble, I hope?"
Lion-O shook his head, "You'd be surprised…he's helping in the fields and Panthero reckons he'll be more suited to outdoor labor more than the palace."
Jaguar-a nodded. "Through I think he still hates me for embarrassing him in the sparring circle."
Atem rolled his eyes, "Please sister, Seth's ego needs to be knocked down a few feet. I think you did what Mana wished she could."
The princess blushed. "If you say so."
At that moment Atem yawned and his eyes grew heavy…the ordeal had taken a lot more out of him than he thought. The servants brought in lunch and Atem fell asleep once he cleared his plate.
The next morning made Atem almost jump out of bed, but he waited until Pumyra confirmed he could go out. When he heard that, the prince ran to his dresser and pulled out some clean clothes before going to the bathing chamber to change and brush out his hair.
A knock made Pumyra look up and ask, "Whose there?"
"Just me." Came Jaguar-a's voice.
"Come in, Jaguar-a." Atem said as he poked his head out.
The princess came in and saw the bed empty before saying, "Thank you, Pumyra. I'll take it from here."
The healer left and Jaguar-a heard something crash and ran to the bathing chamber door, "Atem, you ok?"
"Yes, I just knocked over a bronze urn." He replied through the wood. "You can come in, I'm dressed."
Jaguar-a entered the room and saw the urn on the ground. It was empty, but it had still made a racket. Atem was finishing brushing his hair and was putting on his gold wrist bands. He turned to his soul-sister with a smile. "Sorry, if I scared you."
"It's fine Atem, if you're ready…grab your shoes and let's go meet Lion-O."
Atem ran out of the bathing chamber and picked up a random pair of shoes and his sword. One of the male servants, who were changing the bed clothes, stopped and called out. "My prince wait!"
Atem came to a halt, "Yes?"
"Those shoes don't match your attire. Allow me to get your golden sandals with the-"
"No thank you." He told them. "I prefer these."
"But sire-"
"Leave him be."
All eyes turned to Jaguar-a, who was calmly braiding her hair. She went stood by Atem, "He's not meeting any sort of noble or person of high title. He's just going to be with us."
The servant would've said more, however he knew Jaguar-a wasn't one to argue or tangle with. So, he simply nodded and let Atem leave with Jaguar-a.
Once he was around the corner, both ran down the halls like children. Atem mentally laughed as he felt his legs stretch while he ran…it felt so good to be out of that stuffy room. He picked up the pace as Jaguar-a ran faster and she passed a serving girl that had a bowl of fruit; heading back to the kitchen.
The princess grabbed a pear as she ran saying, "Thank you."
Atem followed her lead and grabbed a date as he ran past. "Keep up the good work!"
Both reached the garden in two minutes, and Jaguar-a had to smile when Atem laughed as the sun and wind touched his skin. He flopped onto the grass and panted…catching his breath.
"You act like you've never seen the sun." Jaguar-a said, while sitting next to him.
"It feels like it." He replied.
Jaguar-a started to eat her pear as Lion-O came up behind them, quietly. Before the princess could notice, Lion-O snatched the pear away and chuckled at his sister's shocked expression when she bit into nothing. She scowled and turned to Lion-O with a glare.
"Sorry, I couldn't resist." He laughed.
"You had your fun, now give it back." She said, making a move to grab it.
Lion-O held it over his head, as she tried to get it. "You didn't say 'please', Jag."
Jaguar-a gave him a look that Atem had seen many times, the 'freeze water in the desert' look. "Lion-O, I've almost got my magic recharged and if you don't give me that pear right now…I'll turn you into a newt and give you to Mana to practice her spells on."
The Lord of the Thundercats eyes widened. "You wouldn't…"
"I will…so help me, I will." She confirmed.
Lion-O sighed, "Alright, alright. No need for that to happen."
He gave his sister back the pear and she grabbed it before sitting down on the grass with a huff. Lion-O sat beside Atem and saw he was biting his lip. "You ok, Atem?"
Jaguar-a swallowed her bite and looked at Atem in a worried look in her eyes. "Atem?"
He bit his lip harder, "I'm trying…not to laugh."
"Huh?" Both asked, bewildered.
Atem couldn't hold it back anymore and burst out laughing. "The look on…haha… Lion-O's face and your…HAHA…expression…it was funny….! And now I can't stop…laughing! HAHAHAHA!"
Jaguar-a went red as Lion-O's mane and said lord blushed while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Were we really that funny?" Lion-O asked.
Atem nodded, trying to calm down.
Lion-O and Jaguar-a went scarlet and the princess bit into her pear. "At least we make you laugh." She mumbled.
The prince managed to stop after a while and sighed, it felt good to laugh after what he had been through. His father's death, the trip to the Cat's Eye Jungle, the Trials, gaining siblings, and finally…defeating Anubis. It seemed to be almost…magical.
Jaguar-a finished her pear and stood up, "Well, let's go. We need to check up on the repairs and your priest, Atem."
"Alright, sister." He replied, while getting to his feet.
Lion-O and Jaguar-a went over to the tree in the north east corner and began to climb up 'til they were standing on the wall. Atem followed their example, and jumped from the wall to the ground when they did. The rush of adrenaline made him slightly grin; it made him feel alive. Perhaps this was why many acrobats did such daring feats like the tight-rope or the trapeze? To feel the excitement surge through their bodies?
Sister and brothers began to walk into the city; often waving to the people and children who saw them. Joy seemed to appear wherever Atem went.
"Good to see you up and about, your highness!" An old man said from his chair outside his house.
"Thank you, sir." Atem replied.
A mother waved to them as she and her daughter brought in clothes. "Good morning, young prince. Same to you, children of Basett."
"And to you, miss." Jaguar-a said, smiling as they passed.
A group of children stopped playing and ran beside Jaguar-a as she walked. "Hi, princess!"-"Will you finish that story you were telling us, yesterday?"-"Can you braid my hair?" They asked, chirping like birds.
Lion-O grinned and shook his head, in both mirth and amazement that kids loved Jaguar-a so much.
The princess smiled, and stopped walking to address the children. "One at a time, please. And yes I will do all those things. But first, I have to check on the repairs with Lion-O and Atem."
The children went quiet at the mention of Atem's name and looked at him with wide eyes. Finally noticing him beside Jaguar-a.
They all quickly kneeled except a little girl who was holding her doll to her chest, either in fright or unsure on what to do.
Atem went over to the little girl and kneeled. "Hello, little one. What's your name?"
"Nejah." Came her answer.
He smiled. "Well then Nejah, tell me do you know who I am?"
She nodded.
"And you're not afraid?"
She shook her head.
He smiled and ruffled her hair, "Well, you're quite brave for a little girl."
Nejah grinned before hugging the prince, much to the other kids shock. However, Atem laughed rather than scolding the child. He picked the little girl up and turned to the others, "It's alright. You won't get in trouble if you want to be around me. Just be yourselves."
"We won't…be punished? Or locked in the stocks?" One boy asked.
Atem shook his head. "No, where on earth did you hear that?"
"Everyone says that." An older girl said. "We have to show respect or…"
The soon-to-be pharaoh frowned, he remembered that his father was trying to change some of the laws that had been too strict for his liking. He had to agree on his father's idea; and he would take up the reins where his father left off.
"Well then, I believe we'll have to change that won't we?" He turned to Lion-O and Jaguar-a. "Can you send word to Solomon that I need to speak with him and the priests? We need to change some laws."
Jaguar-a winked, "You got it, little brother." She put two fingers in her mouth and blew a sharp whistle. A falcon appeared and circled once above them, before landing on Jaguar-a's out stretched arm. "This is Amara, an old friend. She'll take your message to Solomon."
The prince chuckled while shaking his head, Jaguar-a never ceased to surprise him. "Thank you, sister."
"No problem." She said, while handing the bird the note.
Amara then took off with the message in her beak.
Nejah waved at Amara, "Bye-Bye birdie."
Everyone laughed.
Atem put Nejah down and said good-bye as he and his siblings went on toward the fields. Jaguar-a leading the way as Lion-O talked with Atem.
"You were great with those kids, Atem." He said. "I'm happy that you wish to allow the children to be themselves. And that you're willing to change the rules, shows that you're willing to listen to your people."
Atem smiled and folded his arms behind his head. "I'm getting there, but I doubt I'll be as great as my father."
"That's because you're not your father. You're your own person; no should try to be someone else."
The prince nodded, "True enough."
Jaguar-a half-turned to them, "We're here."
Both her brothers came up on either side of her and looked at the field.
There was one large house for the workers and a barn for the oxen and horses, plus a well for water. The field of normal 10 Acre length stretched out on the left side.
Atem was impressed at how everything was organized, and was about to ask his sister about what was grown in this field…when he saw she was already heading down. Both boys ran to catch up to her.
Jaguar-a paused and looked around before spotting Panthero; who was hauling two bales of hay for the oxen on each shoulder.
"Panthero! Over here!" Jaguar-a called out.
The blue panther thunderain turned and smiled. He a motion for her to wait there and proceeded to give the oxen their meal.
Atem and Lion-O came up beside their sister, and waved as the Master of Combat came over.
"Well, well, look who decided to visit." Panthero said, hugging Jaguar-a and patting Lion-O's shoulder. He then Atem his bone crushing hug, before saying ; "What kept you? I expected you three sooner."
Lion-O shrugged, "You know it's hard rebuilding a kingdom, old friend."
"And besides we were making sure Atem didn't try to sneak off." Jaguar-a added, slinging an arm around Atem's shoulder.
"I know, I know. I suppose you're here to see Seth?" The panther asked Atem.
"Yes. If I can?"
"Course. Follow me, he's checking the carts before they head to the city."
"May I ask what grows here, Panthero?" Atem asked. "I've never seen this field."
"Mostly grain, but also vegetables. We have two carts that go to the city every day and hand out the goods to the people."
Atem made a mental note in his mind about that. He differently wanted to keep this going when became king. Perhaps he could use this as a way to help the people in the poorer parts of the kingdom.
He soon saw Seth beside one of the carts writing something down on papyrus before having the driver head out. The priest looked up and saw his future king with his soul-siblings. He walked over and bowed. "Greetings your highnesses. Good to see you."
"And to you as well, Seth." Lion-O said, nodding. "I hope you're doing well?"
"Yes, milord. Thank you for asking."
"Panthero tells us you've been enjoying yourself here after a few weeks." Jaguar-a added. "I'm glad to hear that."
Seth avoided Jaguar-a's eyes, "Thank you, milady."
"You'll be happy to know that tomorrow you may come back to the palace." Atem said, after a nod from Lion-O. "And I hope we won't have another…incident?"
"No, my prince. I swear on my Ka."
Panthero patted Seth hard on the back, almost sending the poor man to the ground. "Good lad, go and finish todays work and then get your things together."
Seth bowed again and went back to work.
Lion-O shook his head, "Even working labor…he's still cold as ice."
Atem shrugged, "That's just his nature I guess."
Jaguar-a sighed while rubbing her left temple. "And he still zaps my energy every time."
Panthero burst out laughing and wiped away a tear of mirth from his eye. "Never a dull moment with you three around. I'll see you back at the palace later."
The soul-siblings said good-bye and they headed back. Atem and Lion-O began talking about harvest and Jaguar-a was walking behind them, her finger tapping the strap of her quiver in a steady rhythm. After an few minutes she stopped and looked at the two in front of her.
The boys turned and looked at their sister.
"Yes, Jaguar-a?"
She took a breath, "We need to talk. It's…it's important."
The two brothers looked at each other and nodded before Jaguar-a gestured to a shaded area off to the side. They sat down on a few rocks under a large tree.
Atem noticed that his sister seemed depressed. "What's wrong?"
Jaguar-a took a breath. /"Atem, you know Lion-O and I are rulers as well."/ She sent.
"Yes, but what does that-?"
/"You should send Atem, it's easier."/
/"Yes Jaguar-a, I know that. Why?"/
She closed her eyes, as if in pain. /"We have to leave…tomorrow at sunrise when the moon and sun are in the same sky."/
/"So soon?! But-!"/
/"Also, all the memories you have of us…will fade."/
Atem's heart stopped. All the memories he made of them; the training, the trails, eating talking together…all gone?! He would never remember them?!
The Lord of the Thundercats saw the panic in Atem's eyes, threating to spill over.
/"Atem, calm yourself."/ Lion-O sent, putting a hand on his brother's shoulder. /"You knew we'd have to leave sooner or later. And now that Mumm-Ra has escaped his imprisonment…we must return to New Thundera before he does. And the only way to get there first is when the sun and moon is in the same sky at the same time."/
Atem took a breath, and calmed himself. /"I…I understand. But I still don't want you to go, I've learned so much from you all. And I don't want to lose anyone else."/
Jaguar-a and Lion-O hugged him. /"You'll never lose us; we'll always be together."/They senttogether./"In both body and spirit."/
He smiled and hugged them both. He felt better already.
Lion-O ruffled Atem's hair, playfully. "Let's make the most of today, alright?"
Atem nodded. His heart still ached at the thought of never seeing or remembering them ever again; but he would make the most and best of today with his family. Once they finished their embrace, Jaguar-a said for them to check the harbor without her…as she had something to do.
Lion-O and Atem went down to where the Nile met the sea, and looked at the repairs to the ships and reed boats. Everything was going well; baskets of fish were being hung to be dried so they were easier to transport, while others were being taken down the Nile to the houses and villages that were farther downstream. Nets were also being repaired and everything seemed to be going smoothly.
Once all had been checked over, Lion-O asked a man for a reed boat so he and Atem could pick up Jaguar-a on the way back to the palace. The man graciously agreed, and soon the two were off down the Nile.
"So, where is our sister?" Atem asked, while helping Lion-O paddle the boat like a canoe. "This isn't the way to the palace."
The Lion Lord sighed, "If I know her, which I do, she'll be on the cliff just up ahead."
"Why would she be there?"
"Jaguar-a likes to gather her thoughts…on hilltops or high cliffs. I guess it helps her think when she's overlooking the land."
Atem blinked. "Has she always done that?"
"Yes. She started when…"
"Yeah, 'when'…?"
Lion-O sighed. "When she lost him."
The prince stared at Lion-O's back, "He was a good friend to both of you?"
"Yes, but to Jaguar-a more. After she recovered from that night, Lynx-O taught her how to meditate and gather her thoughts. It's helped her…but she still has a rip in her heart." He sighed. "I don't think it'll ever be healed."
"What was he like?"
Lion-O chuckled, "Well…he was 'unique'. And stubborn and always getting on the other soldiers nerves. But Jaguar-a never stopped trying to be his friend. And in the end…it was her who needed him in the right moment."
Atem smirked, "Jaguar-a seems to befriend everyone."
"Yep. And that's one of the things I love about her." He looked up at a high cliff and shielded his eyes. "And we have arrived it seems."
Atem shielded his eyes as well and looked at the top of the cliff, to see Jaguar-a standing near the edge with her face to the sky as the wind blew her braid back. She looked like a guardian of Geb; the God of the Earth.
Lion-O cupped his hands around his mouth, "Hey Jaguar-a! We're done with the harbor, come down!"
Jaguar-a turned, as if to walk down the side of the cliff…but then both boys gasped as she did a running jump off.
"No! Not that…way…"Lion-O sighed as Jaguar-a swan dived, gracefully, into the water.
Atem shook his head, "Show off."
"Yes, I know." Lion-O said, leaning slightly over the side to try to see their sister.
Fifteen Minutes Before…
Jaguar-a had ran off to find a quiet place to meditate, and do one more thing to ease her thoughts of the fear that threatened to claw her mind apart. She knew that they had to head home…but she didn't want to leave Atem.
Especially…when she still felt the dark presence of evil that rivaled Lord-no-Anubis's own power.
She didn't stop until she came to highest cliff she could find. After catching her breath, the princess closed her eyes and gathered her thoughts; going into a deep state of meditation. She had to ask him…he would know the answers.
A few minutes passed before she sensed someone. Opening her mind's eye, Jaguar-a found herself in a field of reeds or wheat. The sky was blue and the clouds were white and puffy. Gentle breezes made the flora sway…tickling her hands.
"Welcome, your highness."
Jaguar-a turned to see a large man wearing a golden funeral mask and a white cape. His very being surged with the power to protect. "Greetings, Protector of Pharaohs. Or should I say…Shadi?"
The being chuckled before his shape changed into that a young man wearing a turban and cloak. His eyes glittered with admiration. "You live up to your legend, since you knew who I was the minute we met."
She giggled. "It's a gift." Then she frowned. "You know why I summoned you, correct?"
"Then will you answer me truthfully? Will Atem be protected…after we leave?"
Shadi nodded. "You are correct. When the prince was around ten years old; his father begged the Gods to insure Atem's safety…but in doing so he sacrificed his own protection and gave it to his son." He sighed. "Unfortunately, I'm unable to see this darkness…for it hides even from me. I cannot even predict what will happen in the future. "
Jaguar-a fidgeted with her hands, her nerves on edge. "I…I see."
"Rest assured, princess. I will do all I can to keep him safe…even if…"
"Don't! I beg you, don't make me think that!" She half-shirked. "Please…don't…"
Shadi bowed his head. "Forgive me, your highness. I did not mean to upset you."
"It's…it's alright." Jaguar-a whispered. "Forgive me for shouting."
The Guardian gave her a kind smile, "I will still warn your Egyptian brother, and guide him if need be."
The princess released the breath she had been holding. "Thank you, Shadi."
He formally bowed and the field vanished. Jaguar-a felt a tear run down her face as she came out of her meditative state, and opened her eyes.
"Please…let no bad happen." She whispered.
"Hey Jaguar-a!"
She saw her brothers below her in a small boat. Lion-O had his hands cupped around his mouth.
"We're done with the harbor, come down!" He yelled.
Jaguar-a walked a ways from the edge, then took off running before jumping off the cliffs edge. She smirked at hearing Lion-O's dismay before she went underwater.
The princess swam under the water to hide the tear which had fallen down her cheek. Though the words were muffled, she could hear her brothers talking.
"Show off." Atem said.
"Yes, I know." Lion-O agreed, while peering over the side of their boat to try and see her.
"So I'm a show-off, huh?" She thought, as an idea came to mind. "Alright then boys, if that's how you want to play it…"
Back with Atem and Lion-O…
Atem tried looking for Jaguar-a with Lion-O. He was worried since she hadn't come back up for air. "Jaguar-a? Jaguar-a, are you alright?" He called. "Jaguar-a this isn't funny."
Lion-O sighed and crossed his arms. "You better be alright, 'cause we're so not coming after-whoa!"
The lord of the ThunderCats was cut off when the boat got turned over; and he and Atem were thrown into the water. They both came up for air under the overturned boat, coughing and glaring at their sister who only had her eyes above the water.
"Don't you…*cough*…think we're…*sputter*…getting a little old for these games?" Lion-O asked, annoyed.
His answer was a squirt of water in both his and Atem's face. Which sent the three into a splash-fight that ended in a draw.
"Alright…a draw for now." Atem panted.
"'For now'." Lion-O repeated.
"I was right, you both are SO alike." Jaguar-a laughed.
"Ok, you two," Lion-O laughed. "Help me turn this thing over."
The three set the boat right-side up, before climbing into it. A few times the boat threatened to trip over again, but they managed to keep their balance.
Lion-O got the water out of his ears, and Atem squeezed the water out of his tunic. The prince looked over at their sister who was ringing out her hair; she had undone her braid to get the wring out the water.
"What were you doing up there?" Atem asked.
"Just thinking." Came her answer. "I needed to get my thoughts together."
Lion-O picked up his oar/paddle and handed the other to Atem. "If we're done with the 20 questions…let's head back. I'm sure everyone's wondering where we are."
Atem chuckled, then began to help steer the boat back to the palace. Jaguar-a would pick a lotus flower every now and then; adding it to her hair…with little braids. A few others she put in her crown.
The people would stop and wave as they passed. Even the fishermen stopped and said 'hello'. Jaguar-a waved back before looking at her brothers.
"The sun's high in the sky…and your arms look tired." She said.
Lion-O smirked, "Now, why would you say that?"
Atem raised a brow, "What's that look for, Lion-O?"
"What look?" He asked, in an innocent way.
Jaguar-a causally leaned against the side of the boat. "I know what you're trying to do Lion-O."
"Really? And what would that be?"
"Don't play with me, Lion-O. You want me to use my magic to speed us up; you know I can't use too much of it. I need all my magic for tomorrow."
"Just thought I'd ask-"
"I'll do it."
Both siblings looked at Atem in surprise. "Huh?"
"I said: I'll do it. Since Jaguar-a can't use her magic, I'll use mine." Atem answered.
Jaguar-a smiled, and looked at Lion-O who shrugged before giving her a nod. She moved carefully, so she didn't knock over the boat, and took Atem's place as he took hers. "Remember what I said, Atem. Be the water grass…and relax."
"Right." Atem said. He took a deep breath, before closing his eyes and spreading his arms out on either side of the boat. He imagined the water becoming a large wave…pushing them to the palace's river bank. He then felt the wind pick up and the boat moving quickly underneath him. Opening his eyes, Atem gasped when he saw what he had accomplished…he was moving the boat!
They were going at a fast pace…but not as fast as Cheetara.
He laughed and looked at his soul-siblings, who were laughing too. He couldn't believe he was doing this; it was amazing! "I wonder how fast I can go?" He thought. Atem urged the wave to push faster, and faster it went.
A little too well.
"Atem, slow down!" Lion-O called, over the wind. "You're going to fast!"
Atem tried to slow them…but it only did a smidge. "I…I can't! It won't let me!"
Jaguar-a clung to the side of the boat. "Atem, remember whose in control!" She yelled. "Focus!"
The prince closed his eyes again and thought of the water slowing down. Bit by bit, it started too. However…
They were soon soaring over the palace wall through the air…before landing in the garden's pond with a loud…
Atem groaned from the bottom of the boat, the wind knocked completely out of him. He then grabbed the side of the boat to help him sit up. "Wha-What happened?"
Lion-O pulled himself up using a low branch to get the feeling back in his legs. "We made it…a bit of a rocky landing…but we're in one piece."
Jaguar-a began to laugh uncontrollably. Her crown was askew and her hair had lost its flowers…yet she seemed fine; maybe.
"Oh heavens…hahaha…that was…HaHaHa…quite the ride! HAHAHAHA!"
Lion-O and Atem looked at each other before they too burst out laughing. They had been so scared that once it was over…there was nothing to do but laugh.
"I wish…I didn't have…to forget these times." Atem panted, getting his laughter under control. "I never want to forget…any of it."
Jaguar-a leaned over and patted her Egyptian siblings arm, in a comforting way. "We know. But we can't stop it from happening; it's the way it is."
All three turned to see Solomon running toward them with Mahad behind him. The old man was huffing and puffing, clearly not used to running. He stopped in front of the pond, "Are you hurt, sire?! We saw you fly past the window-!"
"I'm fine, Solomon. I was just…practicing my magic." Atem admitted.
"Practicing? PRACTICING?!" Solomon roared, his face turning slightly red. "You're to be the next Pharaoh and you're practicing magic STUNTS?!"
Mahad began helping Jaguar-a out of the boat, before turning to his old mentor. "Solomon, please calm down. Remember what Isis said about your blood pressure."
Solomon took a few breathes and relaxed. Lion-O climbed out of the boat and brushed off his shirt while saying, "Atem only wanted to help our sister. She needs all her magic to open the portal so we can get home…that means she can't use any today." He looked at Solomon, who seemed to be pondering over this new information. "We wanted to get back early so we can spend more time with Atem; as this is our last day."
The elder sighed, he couldn't win against the logic Lion-O had said. "Very well. I'll turn a blind eye, this time." He cleared his throat. "Now I believe the banquet will be ready soon-"
"What banquet?" Atem asked.
Jaguar-a rubbed her temples. "Solomon. That was to be a surprise!"
"Oh dear, forgive me your highness."
Lion-O shook his head, "Well…I guess we can't hide it now."
The princess turned to Atem. "We were planning a banquet for all of us, which was to be a surprise. But now..."
Atem laughed, "I can still act surprised."
Everyone chuckled at that, before going inside to get ready. Jaguar-a went to the part of the palace which had a bath house/hot springs to freshen up. Cheetara, Wiley Kit and Pumyra were no doubt already there. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Lion-O and Atem whispering before they went in different directions.
"Hmm…what are they up too?" She thought.
Later that evening…
The whole hall was filled with light and garlands of flowers wound around the pillars and were strung across the ceiling. The tables were covered with food and drinks. And many of servants were laughing and talking.
Social Status didn't matter tonight; this was to be a night of fun.
Atem was having the time of his life, he met so many people and was happy that the children of the village came too. He and Panthero were having a huge conversation with Tygra and Lynx-O when he caught sight of something…and that something was Cheetara, Pumyra, and his soul sister Jaguar-a.
Lion-O, who had been talking with Bengali, smiled and tapped the blacksmith on the shoulder before nodded to the three ladies. One look at Pumyra and Bengali's jaw dropped all the way…same went for Tygra when he saw Cheetara.
Who could blame them? They looked stunning.
Flower crowns were on their heads and each had washed their hair with Rose Water.
Atem chuckled as Tygra and Bengali both stuttered when they greeted their ladies. Jaguar-a tapped Lion-O's shoulder and curtsied, "May I have this dance, milord?"
He gave her a cunning smirk, before taking her hand. "It'd be a pleasure, milady."
They began to dance with the other dancers and, much to the priest's surprise, blended in perfectly. Atem grinned as he watched them twirl and dip just as graceful as any of the court dancers. And the look on his priest's faces was a bonus for him.
When the music stopped, Jaguar-a went to get a drink of punch and didn't notice Lion-O and Atem wink at each other.
Mana came up to her and clapped her hands in glee. "That was wonderful! You both are amazing dancers!"
"Thank you, Mana. Lion-O and I have been dancing since we were 11 and 12; our teacher was strict but the best lesson she taught us, was to dance from the heart."
Mana sighed, "That's so sweet. She must be wonderful."
"She was. She retired when Lion-O turned 18, but I'd like to see her again."
"Speaking of Lion-O, where is he? I haven't seen him since you guys danced."
"Oh? He's right over-Huh?!" Jaguar-a blinked when she didn't see her brother in the crowd. Or even Atem for that matter. "Where did those two go? Honestly! If they get into trouble…I'll say it again: they're exactly alike. Lion-O and Atem could be twins like the kittens for all I know."
A flash of moment caught her eye and she saw two men wearing kilts, guards perhaps, but they also wore masks that covered the backs of the head and the top of the face, leaving the mouth exposed. Both wore a falcon mask, resembling Ra or Horus.
The musicians began to play a fast paced tune, and the two circled each other beginning to dance. A dance that was very familiar…
One of the dancers did a back flip with a half-turn and landed in front of Jaguar-a and Mana. He held out his hand to the princess who shook her head.
"Oh no, I don't want-hey!"
Jaguar-a was shocked when Mana pushed her forward, and the stranger took her hand; leading her to the middle of the room before both began to dance around her. One leaned backwards and wrapped his arm around her waist before spinning her.
The princess sighed and shrugged before joining the two in their tribal dance, switching between both dancers as she did.
Everyone clapped when they finished and Jaguar-a looked at them both.
"Ok, who are you both?" She asked.
The dancers whipped off their masks revealing…
Both boys laughed.
"We got ya sis!" Atem chuckled.
Lion-O nodded. "Atem's a fast learner, we practiced all afternoon while you were getting ready."
Jaguar-a ruffled their hair. "You two..." She giggled.
The whole room began to get loud, and not to mention feeling a little hot. So Jaguar-a pulled her brothers out to the garden to cool off.
The breeze felt nice on Atem hot skin and he joined his brother and sister on the grass to look at the stars.
"I wish tonight would never end." He said, while getting comfortable.
"Same here." Lion-O agreed.
"Me too." Jaguar-a added, before her smile vanished. The talk she had with Shadi still played in her mind; what if something awful happened the minute they left? What if-no, she couldn't think like that now. But feeling would never stop. She jumped when a hand was placed on hers, and looked up into Atem's eyes.
"You ok?" He asked.
"Oh, yeah just…just a little tried."
Lion-O lay on his back and pointed to a constellation, "Hey, there's Ursa Major! I thought it wasn't in the Egyptian sky?"
"You forget it's called the 'Big Dipper' also, Lion-O." Jaguar-a added. "As well as the North Star."
The Lion Lord face palmed, "Oh right."
Atem laughed, before laying on his back as well. Sleep was starting to take over him; it had been a very big day. A rustle made him glance to the side and see Jaguar-a curl up between them. The scent of Rose Water from her hair made him relax.
Jaguar-a pointed at another constellation. "There's my favorite group of stars: Leo the Lion."
The prince raised a brow, "Where? I don't see it."
"Then try looking another way." Lion-O suggested.
Atem turned his head one way, then the other. Finally he saw the Lion of the Sky. "I see it, now."
"You see the star that connects the arm to the chest?" Jaguar-a explained. "That point is called 'The Lion's Heart'."
"Amazing." The prince said.
Jaguar-a wrapped her arms around her brothers again, and began to hum. The song wound itself around Atem's mind and heart before lulling him to sleep. A smile on his face, wishing that things could stay the way they were.
But as we all know, nothing can stay the same forever. And come the first rays of morning…the prince awoke to someone brushing his bangs from his face.
He opened his eyes to see Jaguar-a sitting on a rock with Lion-O beside her. He had on his uniform again and the others were standing around them. Even though they were smiling, their eyes were sad.
"Morning Atem." Lion-O said, helping him up.
"Same too you, Lion-O."
Jaguar-a hugged him as Tygra said, "It's time."
Atem clung to his soul-sister, never wanting to let go. But he knew he had too.
She walked to the middle of the garden and looked at the heavens; where the moon and sun were sharing the same sky.
"Cronos; Guardian Time, Keeper of Space…hear me! The time for us to return to our home, New Thundera, has come. Grant us safe passage and return us home before our enemy."
A portal appeared in front of Jaguar-a; white and strong. She turned to the others who each hugged Atem before jumping into the portal.
"Good-bye."-"Stay the same, kay?"-"Don't get into trouble."-"Take care."-"Come to New Thundera soon!"-"Remember to keep up your training, kid."-"We'll miss you!"
When it was time for Lion-O and Jaguar-a to say good-bye, Atem was surprised to see his sister's eyes full of tears.
"You be safe, ok?" She asked, trying not to cry. "Don't do anything foolish!"
He hugged her. "I promise."
Lion-O gave Atem a bone crushing hug, but the prince didn't mind. "You'll be a great king, Atem. Remember all we taught you."
"I will."
Lion-O started to walk to the portal, as Jaguar-a whispered something in Atem's ear before kissing his forehead.
The kiss actived a spell to help not only Atem forget them…but the whole kingdom. Even the room where Atem first met Lion-O and Jaguar-a and the constellation of the Eye Of Thundera vanished from existence. The Cat's Eye Jungle disappeared too as well as the mark of Soul Bonding Ritual on his forehead. There would be no trace of the Thundercats left in Egypt.
As Atem's eyes became glazed for a moment Jaguar-a turned and walked into the portal with Lion-O as in closed behind them.
The prince was dazed a minute, before shaking his head to clear it. "What did I come out here for again?" He muttered, in a confused tone.
"Hey Prince!"
He turned to see Mana waving from the door way.
"Come on, breakfast is ready!"
Atem waved back, "Coming."
"We'll always be with you."
He stopped and looked around, where did that voice come from? And why did it sound so familiar?
"Hurry up, Atem!" Mana yelled.
The prince ran inside yelling back, "I'm coming Mana, geez."
"And as we know, Atem did become a great Pharaoh and led his people with a frim yet gentle hand. And he did go to New Thundera to join his soul-brother and sister and had many grand adventures…but that is another story all together…."
(1) Snow Mans line from 'THUNDERCATS HO: THE MOVIE'
(2) Song from 'THE PRINCESS & THE PEA'
(3) Jaguar-a could use her healing powers before because the others were too badly poisoned.
(4) Lion-O did this to Lnyx-O in the epsiode 'Together We Stand'.
(5) The Healing Song from 'Tangled'.