In Darkness Break Me

In Darkness Break Me

This one is gonna be pretty violent, so watch out. Itachi abuse, Madara rage.

For Julie, because you reminded me of the true (violent) meaning of MadaIta love, and you own the awesomest FC evar!!

Madara was looking for Itachi, he had searched all over the hideout and still couldn't find him, and he was beginning to become paranoid. He returned to their room to find Itachi staring out the window into the pouring rain.

Madara moved up behind him, wrapping his arms around the younger's waist and toying with the tie of his yutaka.

"Ne, Madara, I'm not really in the mood." Itachi said softly, pulling away from his embrace.

The elder Uchiha was suddenly enraged, Itachi was his to do with as he pleased, he grabbed Itachi by the forearm and threw him down on the bed, forcing his knee between the younger's legs and pinning his arms above his head before he could get up again.

Madara put pressure on Itachi's wrists until he whimpered in pain and ripped open the younger's yutaka, completely exposing him. All pale, flawless skin, except the two dark handprint shaped bruises on Itachi's hips, beginning to fade to a sickly shade of pale yellow, having not been refreshed for some time.

Itachi looked up at him with barely-contained fear when Madara drew his nails across the younger's chest, leaving angry red trails in their wake, as he kicked off his sandals and unfastened his pants.

"Don't worry, Itachi, I don't mind if you scream" Were Madara's words of failed comfort as he tightened his grip on Itachi's wrists, causing the younger Uchiha to gasp in pain, while Madara forced his legs apart further and dug his nails viciously into Itachi's hip.

The elder Uchiha thrust into Itachi, the younger arched against the hand that was holding his wrists down and bit his lip, whimpering as he struggled to adjust to the painful intrusion. Madara drew back out and thrust in again, he dug his nails even further into Itachi's hip, drawing blood and even more pain sounds from the younger Uchiha's pretty mouth.

"I want you to scream!" Madara punctuated this statement with a brutal thrust; he felt things deep inside the younger tear and give way to his presence, the telltale warmth and slickness of blood easing his passage out.

He thrust in again, feeling more things tear at the force of his entry.

"Scream for me!" he began to set a rhythm, each punishing thrust coming harder than the last until Itachi screamed his pain to the heavens, having bitten his lip bloody trying to resist voicing his agony as the elder Uchiha continued to force his way into his body as cruelly as possible.

"You are MINE!" Madara growled into Itachi's face.

"Look at me!" he slapped Itachi and the younger opened his eyes and looked up at him, onyx orbs were wide as involuntary tears of pain slid down his cheeks. Madara's eyes raged red with the Sharingan, and Itachi stared into them, mesmerized, as he felt the worst pain he had ever felt in his entire life.

Madara bared his teeth and roared as he rammed himself into Itachi the last few times before releasing, Itachi screamed again as the heat hit his already-wounded inside. After he was finished the elder Uchiha slowly regained his senses.

He got up and stared down at the mess that was Itachi, the younger was still holding his wrists above his head, darkened purple decorating both them and approximating where his hand had been, his eyes were still wide with unshed tears and his bottom lip had been bitten raw and trickled blood down his chin, his hip was covered with bloody scratches from Madara's nails and his inner thighs were painted with blood that was steadily dripping down further.

He looked down at himself, noticing that his entire front was also painted with Itachi's blood, it was slowly drying under his nails and covered his hand like a gruesome glove.

Madara sighed, he crawled onto the bed next to the younger and felt something akin to remorse as Itachi tried futilely to get out of his way, the only response his body giving him being more pain as he tried to move, whimpering, he shut his eyes. The elder pulled the blankets up over both of them, slowly drawing Itachi into his arms, he made soft noises each time Itachi flinched at his touch.

Dark eyes opened once again and he saw the true damage he had done.

"Oh, my doll," He whispered into Itachi's hair as he held the younger against him, "How you break when I rage at you."

The rest of the night he held Itachi close and pretended not to hear the muffled sobs or feel the shudders wracking the small frame he held close and dear to himself.


Extreme violence, Itachi abuse, Madara in a rage….wow…I didn't know I was capable of this kind of thing.

I don't know why but I have always thought of Madara as someone who would fly into rages easily, especially if they didn't get their way. So Itachi turns him down and Madara takes what he wanted anyway, the ending is that he is supposedly realizing that he cares for Itachi as more than just a sex partner. But he had to rape him and cause him severe harm before he could figure that out, make sense?

It is a pattern I have noticed in stories in other parings, mainly SasuNaru.

I don't think it is a coincidence that Uchihas are usually portrayed as short-tempered and violent, except Itachi, who has the patience of a saint, a sexy saint, and is violent and really merciless to make up for his lack of the Uchiha clan's short temper. Hmm…that might be part of their Kekkai Genkai, like the Sharingan or something.

R&R, if you please!!

Flames will be danced around naked in an attempt to summon the Kyuubi.
