Yes, I realize that I should die a slow and painful death for making people wit like this. Thank you for those who have wiated oh-so-paitently for this chapter...and this isn't even the completed chapter!
I'm posting this so people know that, yes, I am still alive and breathing. I've just been incredibly busy and haven't had much time to write. However, i have a week-long break coming up, so I'll finish this then! I swear! (I work best with deadlines...heh...)
This is only 1/3 of the chapter (The other 2/3 having yet to be written) but I'll get to it ASAP. Per my usual, this is unbeta-ed (So errors abound!) and if anyone wants to beta for me, please, please,please! Just send me a PM! I'll be more than happy! I need someone nagging me!
I will erase this when the finishes Ch. 6 is posted...
Thank you!
"Antipathy, dissimilarity of views, hate, contempt, can accompany true love."
-J August Strindberg
31 Days- Ch. 6
(Yet to be named...)
It was difficult for Saya to understand, the complexity of this game. Truly, it was mind-boggling. Why on earth would someone do this…?
"Checkmate." Eve said, her expression of a professional poker face.
"Aw mannn…" Sven groaned, slapping his head. "Why am I so bad at this, yet you're so good? I'm the one who taught you…"
"No, you told me how to move chess pieces around," Eve corrected sharply, placing the pieces in their respective holders on the foldable box. "It was Train who taught me the fundamentals of the game."
Saya just wondered as to how a ten year old knew the word 'fundamentals' when she herself barely understood it. But that could just be because it was two in the morning.
Her emerald eyes glazed over as she stared out the window of the car, not really seeing anything. Rather, she out her- somewhat fading with exhaustion- hearing to good use and listened to Eve and Sven play chess. Or, rather, Eve completely annihilate Sven at chess. It really was quite amusing. Or should have been, had she been more awake. Maybe in the morning… she thought absently, resting her forehead against the cool glass. It was to hot in the cramped car; Sven and Eve occupying the backseats next to her, squishing her up against the door, whereas Train drove in his nice, uncramped, driver's seat, and Rin sat next to him, fileing her nails. Saya inwardly groaned, pulling at the fabric of her jeans. Stupid things… she thought. How in the name of all that's holy can they be up playing chess so late? Chess is boring in itself, and it's really late. Not the best combination.
It had been a couple of days since the romp in the snow, and Saya still wondered idly about Train's sudden change of attitude. I mean, he was actually being kind of…nice just days ago! Now he's…he's… she snuck a glance at the man in question.
Train kept is eyes glued to the road, the ocher orbs flickering this way and that, which, as Saya vaguely remembered from driver's aide classes, was a good thing. But how can he stay awake so late!? I mean it's, she glanced at the clock before remembering that it no longer worked, very, very late. She sighed before reaching up and rubbing her eyes with a yawn. That's it! I am going to stay up!
She sat up straighter in her seat, fisted her hands and scrunched her face in concentration. Sven looked at her nervously.
"Uh…are you having an epileptic fit?" he asked, leaning away.
"No, I'm just trying to stay up!" Saya told him stubbornly. Sven sweat-dropped.
"Uh…okay." he muttered, turning back to his chess-board. Saya glared straight ahead, her face set. Rin glanced at her over the seat, raising an eyebrow. She clucked her tongue, then sat back down, resting her head against the back of the seat.
Saya sighed, feeling her shoulders sag a bit. Her eyes drooped and her head lolled to the side. With a sudden movement, she jerked back up, slapping herself. Everyone in the car decided that now would be a good time to ignore her and went about their own business, not really wanting to bother the strange girl.
I must stay awake! Must…stay…awake… her head once again lolled sideways and her eyes dropped shut as she drifted off to the land of dreams, her head resting against the cool glass of the window.
She did not dream about her mother or about strange prophecies. This time, she dreamed about flying.
The sky was a clear blue, complimenting the snowy white of the clouds that hung about it. Her blue-green eyes were glazed with exaltation with the joy of being free of her fears and doubts; the feelings of happiness and an odd blankness were all that coursed through her.
Saya laughed loudly as she looked down. "Oh look! There's Train! He's trying to fix the car! Ha ha!" Her eyes were alight as she stared below her. "And there's Eve! She's trying to teach Sven to skip with her! And Rin's beating up Jenos again!"
Her back suddenly thrummed oddly, and she looked behind her. Saya's eyes widened with wonder when she saw them. "Wings…" she whispered. Sprouting from the back of her shirt were a pair of giant white, feathery wings, flapping slightly through the wind. "Wow…"
"Wake up!" a light voice shouted, and Saya awoke, being roughly shook.
"D-wah?" she asked, dizzy.
"Oh…you're up." the voice said again, sounding slightly sheepish. "Anyway, we're getting out here."
"Uh…okay…" Saya muttered, rubbing her head and looking around her. The car was parked the middle of a strange forest, light rain drizzling through the branches. "Um, wouldn't it be a bad idea to leave the car here?"
"A recovering team with come and…well, retrieve it." Sven told her. Saya nodded, unbuckling her seatbelt and sliding out of the car without much difficulty.
"Uh, great. Why does it have to rain?" Rin sulked, wrapping her arms around her torso.
"I like the rain. It's comforting." Eve mentioned quietly as they stood by the side of the car, waiting for Train.
The man stepped out, his eyes oddly hard and posture stiff. He jerked his head at them, in what was obviously a signal to get moving. Saya moved to open the trunk, in order to get the bags out of the back.
"Eh, don't bother." Sven told her quietly, eyeing the black figure as it strode off through the woods.
"But…" Saya inquired, looking confused.
"You won't be needing them." Sven voiced, looking slightly grim. Saya blinked, a bit confused, but acquiesced.
"O…kay…" she muttered, following the group as they jogged to catch up with Train.
Saya hung back, a bit un-nerved by everyone's behavior. They all looked so…grim. So sad.
'Why?' she wondered, 'Why do they look so unhappy? What's going on?' She voiced her question, but no one answered, not even looking at her. Saya sighed, placing her hands on her jean-clad hips. The rain soaked through her shirt, causing it to cling to her slight frame. "What. Is. Going. On?" she asked again. There was no answer, everyone just kept moving.
Growling in frustration, she sprinted past the majority of the group and up to Train's side. The cloaked man did not spare her so much as a glance.
"Train, what's going on?" she asked again, getting a bit annoyed. He gave her no mind. "Train?" Nothing. "Train?" Still nothing. She poked him in the side, trying to initiate…well, anything at this point. But the man ignored her like she was not even there, trudging through the forest at his swift walk.
Saya snarled at him, and leapt in his way. He just stepped around her. Annoyed beyond all belief, Saya swung her hand at his face. "Hey! What's your pro- ah!" she cut off, yelping, when his hand sprang up, abruptly knocking her own aside. Saya stood there, frozen, as he passed her. 'Why is he ignoring me?'
He had to ignore her. It was not that he wanted to, but more that he had to. He had no choice. It would not be fair to her if…he acted all nice when he had to do…that soon. It would hurt her.
He paused briefly, furrowing his brow. That sounded dangerously like he cared. Sure. She was interesting, to say the least. But that was it. She was- no, is a target, one he had to turn in. He had to distance himself from her. It was….the right thing to do. His good deed for…his life? More than likely.
Saya stared at the ground, hurt. 'I…I thought we were…friends…I was wrong…I guess…'
"Hey, come on," Rin said, stopping next to the girl. "You'll be left behind. Not that Mr. Cold over there would let that happen…but…" she gave the sad-looking girl a smile.
Saya looked up at the older woman, her wet hair sticking to her face. Her eyes were lost and a bit scared. "What…" she choked out, "what…is going to happen to me?"
Rin gasped, her eyes wide. She bit her lip, looking worried. "Uh…It's not my place to tell you." she whispered. "Now, let's catch up." she tugged in Saya's arm. "C'mon."
The younger girl looked at her, somewhat sadly. She sucked in a breath and closed her eyes, looking down. Rin stared at her nervously, hoping that Saya wasn't crying. She would cave if that happened.
But the younger girl just looked back up at her, a bright smile in her face and her eyes brave. "Alright." she stated, her voice much more brave than she was feeling. Rin smiled down at her, and jogged to catch up to the group, Saya on her tail.
The group had been walking for over half an hour, by Saya's estimates, and it was getting dark. And cold. Well, colder than it had been before, anyway. Which was pretty chilly, also in her opinion.
"It's getting dark." she muttered, chafing her arms. "Are we going to get there soon?" she directed the question to their stoic leader, but didn't really expect an answer.
"I'm not sure." Sven answered, his clothing as soaked as their's. Saya sighed.
"Well, that was helpful." Eve muttered darkly, looking annoyed and quite cold.
"We'll stop and rest here." Train suddenly said, his deep voice carrying through them. They all blinked in surprised. Saya eyed him, looking nervous.
"Are yoyu feeling okay? I mean, you spoke." she told him, tone reverent. Train, for his part, ignored her, seating himself on a distant stump, away from the group.
Saya sighed sadly, sitting on a fallen thee.
"Uh…Saya?" Eve inquired. The girl in question looked up, her face curious.
"I don't think that is a safe spot." she warned just as an earsplitting crack split the air. Saya jumped slightly, and looked up. Her eyes shot wide.
Falling down, from the very top of the tree above her, a branch careened down. Frozen, she forgot how to move. She watched the branch as it fell and braced herself for the impact…but it never same. Well, not the impact she expected anyway.
Her eyes opened and she stared up into inky blackness. Confused, she looked around and realized that, no, she was not unconscious, but laying on the ground some ten feet from the log and fallen branch, Train above her, his arms caging her.
She blinked, her mind registering. Train. Above her. A huge blush spread across her cheeks.
Looking back on it, I really should have known at the time. Maybe then it would not have hurt so much…but back then I was so trusting so naïve. I learned that the hard way…
"U-uh? Train?" she stuttered, eyes huge. The man above her just gave a 'hn' and quickly stepped off her, seemingly careful not to touch her. Saya puckered her lips in irritation, turning her head to the side. 'Am I that disgusting?' she wondered.
"Let's go. We're late." Train said, his back to her.
"Yes, master." Saya grumbled in imitation of Igor, and got to her feet, brushing herself off. "Great, now I'm all wet. Not that I wasn't before…but…"
"Get going." Train growled. Saya stuck her tongue out at him.
"And if I don't?" she challenged. Train gave her an icy look over his shouler…which had about nil effect on her.
"I will hog-tie you, throw you over my shoulder, and carry you there. Or, I will hog-tie you, skip the carrying, and just drag you to headquarters." Train told her, voice as cold as the rain. Saya sniffed, giving him her best glare.
"I'm not afraid of you." she snapped. Suddenly, Train's form blurred and disappeared. She blinked, taking a step back. She froze when something cold pressed against the back of her skull.
"Don't think I won't." he whispered. Saya shivered, cowed.
"Alright. I'll go." she told him softly, stepping away.
"Good. And I expect this kind of behavior from you from now on. Alright?" he asked, even though it sounded more like an order than a question.
"Yes." she whispered, feeling scared of the assassin suddenly. It started her, this realization. He had allowed her to joke with him before, almost be her friend. And now…well, maybe it was just because they were closer to the headquarters than before. Image to keep up and all that. That was how guys were…or so Saya was told, anyway.
Train started off again, the group following with Saya closer than she had been before. Rinslet stepped up next to the younger girl, a sympathetic smile on her face.
"He's just pissy because he's all cold and wet. Like his namesake, he really doesn't like getting rained on." she told Saya, who grinned back at Rin. Or at least tried to. It came out more like a grimace than a real smile.
"Thanks." Saya said, grateful. The older girl nodded, chuckling.
"I'm sorry." she suddenly said. Saya blinked, surprised.
"Well…because of…what is going to happen to you." Rin muttered, eyeing Train to be sure the man did not hear.
"Was is going to happen?" Saya asked, "No one has bothered to tell me this whole trip. Train said it was protocol, but…"
"I can't really say," Rin said, and Saya sighed, feeling let down, "but only because I'm not really sure. All I do know is that Chronos will hold you for a while, and then return you to the person who asked for you."
"I wonder you did ask for me?" Saya wondered.
"I'm not sure. Do you kow anyone who would want you? Any ex-boyfriend who want their girl back?" Rin teased.
Saya chuckled. "Oh, no. I've never dated."
"Really?" Rin seemed genuinely astonished. "Why not?"
"D'unno. It never interested me. I just wanted to pass school. How trivial it all seems now…" she muttered.
"Yah, I hear you. But it never interseted you? Didn't you ever wonder what it was like to be kissed?" Rin quired. Saya's face flamed.
"O-of course not! I wondered occasionally what it would be like to have a boyfriend like my friends did…but no one ever expressed interest in me." Saya told her. Rin's jaw dropped quite comically.
"No intrest?! In you?! Were they bleeding blind?!" Rin screeched. Saya side-stepped, eyes wide.
"Uh…to the best of my knowledge…they could see fine." Saya responded, confused. Rin's palm met her face, and she groaned.
"Geez, girl! If you ever get a day with you, I am going to make you over! And then I'll show you the great thing about guys! M'kay?" Rin asked, though it was more like a demand, and Saya nodded, feeling a bit morbid at the thought.
'Shopping with Rin, huh?' the image of herself in Rin's type of clothing popped into her mind, and Saya had to stifle her laugh. 'I'd look horrid in a skirt!'
"Okay, but as long as you promise not to dress me like…you." Saya told the girl, choosing her words carefully. Rin grinned at her.
"Don't worry! I'm the only one in this whole world who can manage this look!" she laughed. Saya sweat-dropped.
'Yes, Rin. You sure are.'