Skarr Moves

Chapter 1: Enough of It

Skarr had quite enough living in Endsville, especially dealing with an idiot big nosed neighbor kid known as Billy. Billy often ruined Skarr's garden, and also his chances of winning various prizes and contests for his garden.

"This can't go on anymore!" cried Skarr as Billy ruined his latest garden as he was confused if a rose was really a weed, "That idiot boy has pulled out all of my roses!"

"But I thought they were evil weeds" replied Billy who showed up right in front of Skarr unannounced.

"You, you Billy, you're the reason why my garden no longer flourishes anymore!" cried Skarr.

"What's going on this time?" asked Grim whom showed up in a smoke of black dust.

"Listen Reaper, you're lucky that I don't grab your scythe often" replied Skarr.

"That's because he has someone like me to guard it" added Mandy as she came into the scene.

"And you, I'm tired of you always not allowing me to get rid of that big nosed idiot brat!" shouted Skarr.

"Don't spray your words at me" said Mandy.

"Well Skarr, it seems that you're in quite a conundrum" said Grim who wanted to help Skarr out.

"What do you mean by that Reaper?" asked Skarr.

"Why not just simply move away from here, somewhere far, far away?" replied Grim with a great solution.

"You mean I get to move far away from Endsville as much as possible?" asked Skarr to Grim.

"Yes, let me help you with choosing a new home town for you" replied Grim as the two then went into the house.

"Skarr's going to move away from here?" asked Billy to Mandy who didn't really seem to care.

"I'm afraid show Billy" replied Mandy to which she was going to leave the scene, "I'm going back to my house to watch TV."

Back inside Skarr's house, Grim then got out a special map for Skarr for him to choose a new home town.

"You mean if I fire a random dart on a town, I'll be able to move there in a snap?" asked Skarr to Grim.

"Of course you can" replied Grim as he sets up the map on the wall, "it's a supernatural map. Meaning, if you have problems here in Endsville, and can't move away from it normally, the Supernatural Map will help you get to your new home quickly."

"Oh that's just wonderful!" cried Skarr with joy, "What sort of new home town should I choose, there's so many of them, I feel like a boy in a candy store!"

"Then why not do it blind-fold and be surprised of where you move to then?" asked Grim as he got a blind-fold for Skarr.

"All the more fun for me!" laughed Skarr as Grim placed the blind-fold on.

But as Skarr was going to throw some darts on the Supernatural Map, Billy was secretly watching where Skarr would move to, through a window. Skarr didn't noticed Billy at first, but he threw the first dart which didn't land anywhere on the map, but landed right on poor Billy's nose to which Grim then began to laugh.

"My nose, you hit my nose!" cried Billy as he was trying to get it off.

Skarr then made another attempt, and fired the dart which then managed to hit poor Billy again.

"My arm, you hit my arm with that dart!" cried Billy as he was trying to take it off which Grim then began to laugh at Billy's predicament.

It was Skarr's third turn to fire another dart, to which Billy then wanted to try to leave the scene as quickly as possible before another missfire by Skarr. Skarr, once again missed the map that was displayed on the wall, and flew right outside the window, hitting Billy right on his behind as he was trying to get away.

"Oh no, you just didn't hit where I think you did!" cried Billy to which Grim then began to pound his fists on the floor laughing at Billy's predicament.

"I need to concentrate Reaper!" cried Skarr who picked up another dart.

Skarr finally threw the dart, and the dart made its target right onto the Supernatural Map.

"Well, it's about time I finally managed to find the location of my new hometown to be" said Skarr as he revealed his blind-fold and then noticed that Billy was quite in pain outside.

"Let's go see the name of your new hometown then, shall we?" asked Grim as the two took a closer look at the Supernatural Map.

As the two took a closer look at the map, Grim noticed the town of what is known as "Porkbelly" was the dart's target.

"Porkbelly, not the sort of name I would have chosen" said Skarr as he examined the map, "well, at least the only good thing about this, is that I will no longer have to deal with that big nosed idiot Billy."

"I think your new job at Porkbally shall be coming along at any minute now" said Grim to which the phone then ranged which was right next to the map.

"Hello?" asked Skarr as he picked up the phone.

"Are you known in Endsville as General Skarr?" asked the voice on the other line.

"Yes, why?" asked Skarr.

"I was wondering, perhaps" replied the voice on the other line, "if you could join my army, leading it to help establish to conquer Porkbelly."

"Well, I don't normally do that sort of work anymore" said Skarr, "unless if you have other positions available."

"I have also got some information that says that you are also good at tending your garden?" asked the voice.

"Wait a second, are you need of a gardener too?" asked Skarr.

"Well, actually, I'm an extremely wealthy millionaire" replied the voice on the other line, "and I need a good former general such as yourself, to not only train my troops, but also to be involved in gardening. Well, the real reason is that my mom has been bugging me to get a gardener as well and you seem to fit the profile."

"That's excellent!" laughed Skarr with joy, "I'll take that job offer!"

"Good, a moving truck shall come over to Endsville and take your stuff to a new house I have recently constructed, oh, there's also another job I might give to you when you arrive in Porkbelly" replied the voice, "anyway, see you there."

"Oh no, say it ain't so, General Skarr" said Billy who was secretly overhearing the conversation from the window nearby.

"Listen you big nosed idiot, I'm moving away from this dreadful Endsville, and there's nothing that you can do!" shouted Skarr.

"Really, well then" said Billy after Skarr and Grim left the scene and gave Skarr a glare, "looks like I may have to go to this Porkbelly, and just find a way to make you come back here, general."