My heart will always belong to you

Disclaimer I don't own yugioh gx

"I guess this is it then ??" jaden sat tears pouring down his eyes. Jesse was going back to north academy. Jesse shock his head.

"it will never be the end my little kitten" he said and leaned down to kiss jaden. "my love burns like the sun in the sky and it burns only for you" they kissed for a few minutes but then the captain said jesse had to get on board. "promise to always love me ??"

"I don't think I can love anyone else" jaden replied. As jesse got on the ship jaden ran up the cliff and saw the boat leave on the horizon. My heart belongs to you jesse Anderson.

1 month later.

Jaden was laid in jesses arms. "please don't leave me I cant live without you again"

"I..I..I love you" jaden said just beyond a whisper. His eyes were fluttering as the blood lost was too much.

"don't leave me"

"you gave me happiness jesse and I'll love you always for that" jaden was getting weaker.

Tears flowed down Jesse's face. "when your sad always think of me" jaden whispered. He tried to smile but it turned into a wince. The pain was unbearable. It was like his heart was being ripped out.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

Jesse leaned down to kiss jaden. Jaden responded and kissed back but then his energy broke and he lay still without movement. Jesse grabbed jaden tighter. Tears rolled into jadens chocolate hair.

"my heart will always belong to you" jesse whispered.