Story Title

We Didn't Know

Loosing Her

Max Ride and characters aren't mine, story line is, and you should know that

This is my first Max Ride fic, Ive contemplated making ones before but this is the first one I got down. Please review, I don't mind constructive criticism, actually, I invite it, anything to get me writing better, thanks.

I've changed part of the story, just a section, but it's something i wanted to add in because of the next chapter.

Fang POV

"What did you say to me Fang?"
Oh crap, she's using what the younger ones call 'The Tone' it makes grown men cry. I'm in deep shit.
"Uhhh... I dunno"

Total lie
"You don't know what you said to me? Try thinking fang!" Max growled
"I… I don't know"
Oh god, I stuttered, Me, Fang, The man of no emotions stutters. Oh well, I think I'm allowed to be frightened, I have an angry, hormonal Max pissed off at me, this was worse than 80 erasers, hell, worse than the school.

"I'm sure FANG" The annunciation on my name made me physically cringe "You just told me to-"
Before Max could finish her sentence a huge explosion shook the house, me and Max jumped into action, Max leaping toward Angel, Nudge and Total, ungracefully shoving the two behind her.
I leapt forward, diving on Iggy and Gazzy, shoving them to the ground to avoid the blast. All 6 of us looked up to see a dark figure at the door, one outline turned to three, as more figures emerged.
"ESHDGAR!" Max shouted, the code we had made up for emergencies just like this one, it meant windows. Iggy stood and ran for the closest window, 6 steps to his right, he smashed through, I could vaguely hear glass smashing on the other side of the room. I stood to run myself and realised Gazzy had frozen, it was unlike any of us to freeze in the middle of a fire-fight, but the shock of the explosion must have knocked his concentration, so I grabbed him round the waist and practically threw him out the window.


I was PISSED! He had the nerve to tell me to fuck off! THE CHEEK OF THE BASTARD! Oh he was going to PAY!

"What did you say to me Fang?" I forced my voice into a calm yet deadly tone I had fine tuned over the years. His eyes betrayed him as a flicker of fear appeared.

"Uhhh... I dunno"

Total lie

"You don't know what you said to me? Try thinking Fang!" I spat at him, then, for good measure, I growled slightly, not in the bedroom growling sense, but the 'oh your so going to die' sense.

"I… I don't know"

It took all my strength not to laugh at him, or smirk even, I show one hint of a smile he'll be able to wiggle his way out, he's sneaky like that.

"I'm sure FANG" I saw him cringe, my muscles all straining to smile "You just told me to-"

I couldn't finish my sentence because a huge explosion shook the house, I assumed it was Iggy and Gasman testing out a new device and I was ready to let rip on them too, but then I saw them out the corner of my eyes and knew.


I leapt towards Angel and Nudge, who were previously fighting with Total about fashion, I quickly shoved them behind me and stood in a defensive position, I saw fang on the other side of the room, the boys had been closer to the explosion, and only Fangs quick reactions saved them from being burnt to a crisp. I quickly assessed the situation and judged the best way out. Windows. I shouted the code word so the rest of the flock new, and immediately all 6 of us jumped to action.


This isn't the time angel! I replied, leaping through the window after nudge


I landed on the hard ground and span to see the erasers, she was right, these were a brand new prototype. Batch 8.5 seemed to be going well, they all looked exactly the same, huge muscles, shining red eyes, most had a guns grafted onto their arms. Weirdly, they had all stopped, frozen in place, I could see Fang and the others heading our way, cautiously sidestepping the erasers. A huge screen raised in front of us, counting down from 10.

Fang, Iggy and Gazzy joined us four without a word, moving into position.


Fang stood at the front, Iggy was a step behind him and to his right, next to Iggy was Angel, looking fierce yet scared.


To Angel's left was Gazzy, determined to protect his sister, Then Nudge stood behind her, her mouth frowning.


And finally I stood at the back, making sure I could see the whole of my flock.


But my flock couldn't see me.


That was my mistake.


And I regret it every day.


They didn't see when I was silently taken out.


They didn't see when I was replaced by a scared looking Max II


And of course, they didn't see when I was flown off, unconscious in some sort of sack.


That's when the erasers started shooting.

Fang POV into Norm POV

I noticed once I got outside that the erasers were more high tech, the main thing that caught my attention was the huge machine guns attached to their arms, they had all frozen in place, from experience I knew this probably wasn't a good thing. WE silently made out way over to Max and the others, getting into formation. As we did a large white screen rose from behind the 50 odd erasers, starting from ten it counted down. I didn't know what was happening, but I knew for a fact at the end of the count down we weren't going to be given sweets, life just isn't that great.








The erasers all started shooting, everything went into slow-motion, sort of like in the matrix, I kept an eye on the bullets avoiding them successfully. Suddenly the erasers stopped, their heads cocking to the side. Slowly and slightly creepily they all simultaneously rose and flew off, like synchronised swimmers. I span round to check if everybody was ok.

Angel – Check

Nudge – Check

Total – Check

Gazzy – Check

Iggy – Check

Max… "MAX"

I heard a slow groan, followed by coughing


I didn't care about the language in front of the kids, because right there, where she was standing moments ago was max, lying on the ground, covered in blood. Her hands were clutching at her stomach. I ran over and crouched by her, slowly removing her hands I saw several bullet wounds.
"Iggy come over hear, Angel and nudge get water, Gazzy get bandages, towels ANYTHING!"

Iggy bet over opposite me, his expert fingers lightly going over the wounds.
"How bad is it?"
"Very, 3 holes, one's gone straight into her stomach and hasn't come out, one's gone right through her, and I'm guessing through her wings to, and the other one hit the bottom of her ribs, shattering half of them. This is practically unfixable Fang, we need to get her to a hospital now"
"But the nearest hospitals a 2 hour fly from here!"

"I know, but we can't fix this with bandages and water, hell, even the hospital wont be able to fix this. We cant do anything"
"YES WE CAN! WE HAVE TO! THIS IS MAXIMUM RIDE! MAX CAN'T DIE!" Fang wrapped his arms around Max's shoulders, pulling half her body onto his legs
"You can't go. Please don't go, I need you, the flock needs you!" Fangs voice cracked, tears streaming down his face, behind him stood Nudge, Gazzy, Angel and Total, all crying into each others as Fang, the strongest, bravest, and the new leader of the flock collapsed into a mound of tears.

Max coughed again, her eyes opening slowly. "Hey you guys! How are you?" she croaked out, her eyes drooping. The flock came and knelt around her.
"We're fine Max, how are you?" Iggy whispered, being the only flock member calm enough to talk
"I'm ok… yeah… I'm ok" She started coughing again "I'm getting kind of cold though… and my tummy feels weird…" Her eyes opened wide as she gasped "Oh god" OH GOD! FANG! FANG! HELP! PLEASE HELP!"
"What's wrong Max? Tell me what's wrong" Fang croaked his voice cracking at every word

"It hurts! It really hurts fang, I don't like it, make it stop, please fang… fang? Iggy? Nudge? Gazzy? Angel? Total? Someone help! SOMEONE MAKE IT STOP!" she started crying violently, screaming in pain, the people who loved her surrounding her, unable to do anything to help. Just as suddenly as she started screaming, she stopped, her eyes shut, her chest hardly rising.

"Max?" Fang whispered

"Mmmhm" she moaned out, her eyes still shut, almost s if she was sleeping, so peaceful

"Were gonna miss you" Fang whispered, stroking her cheek with his hand

"Am I going somewhere?" She croaked again

"Yeah, just for a bit"

"I don't want to go"

"I know… I know"

There was a pause, as the others watched her, looking so peacefull, yet covered in blood.

"Hey Fang?" She croaked

"Yeah Max?"

"I'm sorry I bled on your shirt"

Fang managed to laugh through his tears

"Trust you Max, trust you"

Fang looked at the others, his eyes said what his mouth couldn't 'Say your goodbyes'
Nudge slowly leant down, brushing away a strand pf hair she kissed max on the cheek
"Thank you max, thanks for always being there"

As Nudge moved out the way, Gazzy bent down and hugged the dying girl, he whispered in her ear, crying silently "Thank you max, thanks for always protecting us, and always knowing when we need hugs, or when we need time alone, and just knowing us in general, just thanks…" Gazzy stepped back, letting angel step forward
"Max, I'm sorry that I was kinda scary sometimes, but everything I did was to help you along, coz you always help us, and I thought you could use some help. I really don't know what we're going to do without you, but thank you so much, we wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for you."

Total took a small step towards her, he opened his mouth a few times, unable to find words, he stepped forwards and licked her cheek "I know… I know you haven't known me as long as you've known the rest of the flock, but you still treat me, and love me like you do the others. So thank you for making me part of something…" He collapsed into tears as angel picked him up. Fang bent down to her ear, and whispered to her

"No-one wants you to go, including me. From the moment I met you, I knew I loved you, I remember, the erasers were dragging you out of your cage for more blood tests and you bit one so hard he had to get a new hand graphed on, I just thought to myself, this Is the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. The only problem was, I never told you, making me the stupidest person on the earth, but I'm doing it now. I love you max. I always have, and I always will."

Iggy stood next to her, hearing the irregular breathing, knowing he didn't have much time left. He sat down, and took her hand, it felt cold against his warm skin.

"Max, what can I say? You are he most important thing in this flock, you are the person holding us together, keeping the peace, no matter what we've done, or who we've insulted, you'll always be at our side ready to fight for us. You know each of us so well, you always know when Angel needs to sit and cool off weather there be a reason or not. You always know when Nudge needs to rant so you sit, and you listen, you always know when Total is particularly emotional and needs everybody to be extra careful around him, you always know when fang needs to let his emotions loose, You always know when Gazzy is putting on a brave face, but inside just needs a hug, and someone to hold his hand, and you always know when I need help, but don't want to ask, for years you've been pushing my drink closer to my had, or moving something out of my way that shouldn't have been there so I don't fall, and you always thought I didn't know, but I did, and every time you did those thing I felt happier inside, because I knew there was always someone I could rely on, and that someone was you. We'll miss you so much max.. So much."

The flock watched in silence as Max's breathing got slower and slower, until finally, it stopped altogether. Angel broke down as she felt max's presence fading, until there was nothing in her place but cold emptiness.