The only things I seemed to be updating nowadays are KyouXHika. Fear not! Lit has returned with a new style and dun dun dun!

Lovely Hitachiin twincest. ;P Also, I'm testing out a new style of writing, a romantic style to fit the mood. The catch is: you have to read deeply into the story or else you'll miss everything.

Warnings: Luffed Hitachiincest (ambigious dominant/submissive) and a light kiss. Disclaimer: I don't own the awesome song that is Crescendo, ending theme to La Corda D'Oro, by the Stella Quintet. I also don't own the pwning power that is Ouran.

This is a SHINE challenge (made by yours truly). Take a song, take several lines, base the drabble on those lines. Write. Post. Rinse. Repeat. This time, I don't feel like begging you guys to check out SHINE. XP Just go check it out, link on my profile.

Lit's Four Lyric Lines
Lit / Literate
Song: Crescendo, by Stella Quintet
Pairing: HikaXKao


as we walk together on the way back we sink into silence
clumsily, these feelings that I canno
t convey

Sparkling lights, hush, hush-

Soft piano notes ringing against the limestone walls, the silence resounding off of the wood of the violins-


-lights darken, bells chime, wind rustles, and he doesn't know what to do anymore.

His fingertips graze an identical hand, his thumb running quietly over the skin.

The pink petals fall quietly to the ground behind them.

"What is it?"

His breath inhales the crisp cool of the night. His brother's skin is soft, smooth under his skin.

"I've noticed. I'm not that stupid. Tell me."

The bells toll in the background, and his twin's gaze shift from him to the clock tower, the dials reflecting the acute lights.

Shouting, footsteps, a call, and he doesn't know what to say at all-


The melodies sparkle in the distance, the song fond, and a soft smile widens on identical lips.

He almost wants to say it, gathering his shreds of his confidence and reach out to him, when Kaoru turns around, his eyes momentarily closed, before opening directly to him.

He stops, his heart beating erratically; the strings sound against the wide courtyard.


A cool wind blows past, accompanying the tiny smirk-smile on his brother's face.

Sounds rolling, bells ringing, pink petals threading through his, their hair, and it's enough-

His hand snaps up, smoothly catching a tiny cherry blossom between his slender fingers, sliding delicately against the back of his twin's neck, minutely, and his eyelids flutter close, just as his lips meet another, soft, smooth, understand.

His heartbeat resounds, a hand tracing blindly against his twin's face, filling his uncertain kiss with every word, every thought, every I love you- and, feeling a confident push against his back, his arms wrap themselves contently around his twin, his counterpart, his other half.

Claps echo, piano sounds, and hush, hush-

Crescendo uproars, footsteps shuffle, and the clock tower ring, ring, ring-



He raises his head, subtle hope glazing over his hazel eyes, do you understand? And Kaoru, eyes sliding closed serenely, a warm smile, nods wordlessly, because twins never needed words to begin with-

A step backwards, a reverent bow, and a hand outstretched-

"Will you dance with me?"