Mobians and people alike had gathered at a grave within a cemetery. There were a large amount of grievers, all different heights, colors, and species but the deceased's family stood out from the diverse crowd. Their red eyes and streaked fur was rare and most had common knowledge of who they were. A tall, red streaked, white hedgehog stood at the head of the burial site looking solemnly to the pearl white casket lying before him, covered in brilliant pink roses. As the crowd hushed he spoke with self control as though his words would be held in high regard.
"My mother was a beautiful woman. Everywhere she went she left others with a smile. All she ever seemed to hope for in life was to make others happy. She succeeded in so many ways and much more. She helped save the world numerous times. She gave me and my sibling's life. She gave our father a life, and more than any soul could ever give to another-"
The crowd looked around realizing that the grieving husband was nowhere to be seen. Some simply shrugged it off, but there were others that found it disrespectful or uncivilized. Though many had been distracted, most of the gatherers continued to listen to what the authoritative hedgehog was speaking.
"My mother lived a full life, outliving all of the lifelong friends she knew in her youth. But unfortunately, unlike my father, she couldn't live forever. Some say my father was what kept her looking so young and made her life so long. She had graced us all her angelic presence for over 132 years, and as uncommon as it is, it could never be long enough. Amy Rose was the loving mother to 5 children, whom all she cherished in her own way. She gave birth to me, named Radiance, Firethorn, Onyx, Haze, and lastly Hibiscus. She was a grandmother as well, showing them as much love as she could give-"
The eulogy continued and after the speech, eventually all that remained was family left to watch as their beloved Amy Rose was lowered into her resting place, as the sun lowered itself from the sky.
Throughout it all Shadow was nowhere to be seen.
Radiance watched as the others headed off in various directions, and after seeing the last one off, he headed up a nearby hill to a grove of trees resting atop the peak. He gazed around, looking for something and jumped into one of the tree's dense branches. Slowly he picked up a small object, discerning it carefully as he raised it up to his face. It was a black hair, as black as pitch. In a tone of frustrated relief Radiance said aloud to himself, "Well, at least he was here." and took off in search of his introverted father.
Shadow was on the hill near his and Amy Rose's home. He was sitting on the ground, his arms resting on his knees while his hands hung to each side. His face was slightly hidden, his eyes just peering over his crossed arms, staring off into the distance at the still natural landscape spreading across the view near his home. Shadow let out a deep sigh as he thought back to the days prior, in particular, the day his beloved wife died.
Shadow sat in bed next to his ailing wife, holding her to him serenely. She was old- very old- and though she didn't look it, her body was in its last stages of breaking down. Amy Rose had never aged like most did. Many thought it was all the contact with her immortal husband that kept her youthful and alive. Up to this very day she was still active and looked much too young for her age. There was very little difference in her appearance from when she and Shadow first paired together. She had a full figure, still with her hour glass curves, yet nothing seemed weighted on her body. Her fur was still quite pink, but it was a duller shade and her muzzle had blanched out to a white hue. The only thing that gave some hint of Amy Rose's age was her eyes. They were wise and showed of a well learned, long lived soul…. a soul that was soon coming to rest. She had for some time slowed to a calm pace. She wasn't rigid or strained but she simply moved about as though she didn't have the desire or need to rush. Shadow could see what was coming. For many years he was grateful she remained with him as long as she had, and every day when she awoke he was thankful for have her beside him for at least one more day.
But this day had come and her soft slowing movements told him to hang on to every second he had with her.
They had remained constantly by each other for the past three days, and this day they didn't leave their bed- Amy just didn't have the energy in her. He cuddled her and they spent the morning resting and enjoying each other's company in the warming sunlight that permeated though the window. He embraced her firmly to him and let her lay on his chest. Her hand tenderly rested in his chest fur, as she looked up to him.
"I love you Shadow. I want to stay with you forever." She spoke weakly.
Shadow looked down to her and his face eased into a look of cherishing endearment. "I love you too Rose- more than anything." Shadow shifted a little to look directly into her eyes. "You will always be with me- forever."
Amy let out a content sigh, and she rested against him once more. Shadow settled back into a comfortable position as they relaxed in their company together. Then, he noticed he could feel her body weakening. He looked to her again as she breathed shallow breaths. 'it's happening' he thought as he pulled pillows over to prop her up into a more upright position and sat next to her, holding her hand.
"I don't want to leave you Shadow." Amy whispered.
Shadow kept his composure as he tried to ease her mind. "You never will Amy. You're a part of me forever, and you will always hold my love- for all eternity."
Amy's eyes weakly sparkled with happiness from his words. She feebly blinked her eyes as her body relaxed. "You are everything to me Shadow. All our time together meant everything to me. I will miss you."
Shadow found himself thinking of their time together as well, and realized he wasn't ready for her to go. His eyes wet from the tears waiting to fall from his eyes. "I'll miss you too Rose. Until the day I die…."
The sun fell upon Amy's frame giving her an angelic appearance. Her words barely came out as she slipped away in the warmth of the light "Remember Shadow. Live for both of us now……"
Shadow kissed her as her eyes dulled and shut for their last time. Her body went limp. He pulled her tighter into his embrace and kiss, as though somehow he could bring her back by putting all his energy into it, but Amy Rose was gone. Slowly Shadow pulled away, and the reality of it all set in. His beloved Rose was gone and was never to return.
"Rose? Rose. ROSE!" he cried. "No no NO! Don't leave me Rose!! Please…."
Shadow slumped back onto Amy's lifeless body. He sobbed into his hands as he lay upon her chest. After many tears and much pleading, Shadow raised himself and his face to the sky bawling. Despair built in him, and as though he could call her back, he wailed in a deafening tone.
As he sat on the hill in his memories, once more tears fell from his eyes. He had known this would come, and even Amy's death never made him regret his decision to be her soul mate, but the pain was excruciating all the same. He couldn't bear being around the others. He couldn't bear letting them put her into the ground. He couldn't bear her not being by his side. He couldn't bear anything.
Shadow shut his eyes tight to hold back any tears he still held within them. He refused to allow anyone to see him cry- even his own son.
Radiance could tell from Shadow's body language that he was still just as upset as the day it happened, possibly more. He thought of how his parents had talked of their history together. Amy Rose had shown Shadow love and what a good life could be. She was Shadow's happiness, but now that constant source of happiness was gone. He was alone, and Radiance realized it would be all too easy for his anguished father to return to being the misanthropic recluse he had been. He couldn't let it happen. He wouldn't let him.
"Some of us wondered where you were father."
Shadow snapped his head to the side, still hiding his face from his son, and barked to him "I don't give a damn what others think! They can-"
"We worry about you." Radiance calmly cut him off.
Shadow turned his head back forward and sunk his face even more into his arms and knees, not wanting to open up. He wanted to block everything out. He still loved his children but he was never one to show his feelings. That included his pain.
Radiance reached out to touch Shadows shoulder and as he neared Shadow turned to look towards him, giving him a threatening growl in warning. Radiance pulled his hand back, and turned to walk away.
"Father, I just want to remind you of something. Mother told you to live for both of you. She wouldn't want you hurting or hiding away. Honor her memory- LIVE for both of you."
As he walked off Shadow felt some sorrow for being so hard on his oldest and closest son, but remained silent. Once more Shadow let out a deep sigh, and continued to drown in his thoughts.
Hibiscus sat at the dining table in her parent's kitchen. Her husband and kids were at home, but she couldn't leave her father just yet- she wanted to be there for him. Especially when Radiance had returned home alone and mentioned that their father was "really hurting". She was worried. Shadow always had Amy Rose to calm his temper and to put him at ease. They all knew she was his life and to have her gone would take a toll on him. She sipped at the tea she had prepared for herself, as she heard the back door open.
Shadow stepped into the entryway, and as he entered the kitchen he looked up to see his beloved Amy Rose at the dining table. His eyes welled with tears and his mouth started to form a smile of overjoyed disbelief, when he saw her turn and speak-
"Father?" Hibiscus uttered softly, unsure if it was him, since her back was to the door. When she turned around, she saw her father's head hang and one of his hand's go to his face. As she cautiously approached him she could see the tears falling to the floor. She walked to him gingerly and wrapped her arms around him in consolation.
Slowly, Shadow placed his arms up in return as he fought back the tears. He had mistaken his daughter for his wife. It wasn't hard to do- they looked similar- but the moment of hope dying in him was too much for him to keep his emotions in check in front of her.
"It's okay daddy- I want you to know we are all here for you. We love you and mom will never be forgotten. She's here in all of us- in our hearts." Hibiscus said as she hugged him tight. She could feel the tension is his body, and kneeled a little to look into his eyes and smile to him. "Now, why don't you sit and I'll make you some coffee dad."
Shadow hesitantly walked to the table and sat down. This would be agonizing, but he started to see that he was not alone now, and Rose was not the only one who could be let in. His family could get him through.