Planetary Fireworks


Grand Moff Tarkin (Chef McMuesli) stood firmly on the bridge of the battle station. All around him there were various Imperial officers at their stations, waiting for Tarkin to give an order. The door behind him opened and out came four figures. The first was hard to miss; it was the pink haired Princess Leia (Patsy) and her wrists were once again bound in hand-cuffs. She was escorted by Darth Vader (Scoutmaster Lumpus) and two Storm Troopers.

"Governor Tarkin," Leia spoke, "I figured you'd be here. I recognized your foul stench as soon as I was brought aboard." Vader looked up at Tarkin and said, "Yeah seriously, you're stinking up the whole station. You really need to take a shower some time." Tarkin looked around and saw the officers and troopers looking like they're about to gag. One of the officers slumped onto his computer, unconscious from the odor.

Tarkin spoke, with agitation, "I have to not only command the thousands of soldiers on this station, but I also have to cook for them. You think I have time to wash up?!" He then regained his composure and spoke to the mongoose, "Princess Leia, Lord Vader tells me that you still refuse to tell us the location of the Rebel Base." Leia replied, "Well of course I didn't. Do you really think I'd give away its location so easily?"

"Well Leia," Tarkin spoke, "in that case, we have decided to test fire our main weapon on your home planet of Alderaan." This caught the mongoose's attention; "No! You can't-!" Vader interrupted her, "Uh, sorry but we kinda already hit the button for the… oh you know…"

And just like that, a large green laser hit the planet in front of them head on, and it exploded into millions of fragments and stone.

Meanwhile, on the Millennium Falcon…

In the main hold of the ship, Luke (Raj) was practicing with his father's lightsaber, and Obi Wan (Slinkman) was coaching him. Over at the chess-like table, R2 (Clam) and Chewbacca (Samson) were in a heated game; all while 3PO (Dave) spectated both events. Suddenly, Obi Wan's eyes got slightly wider; he then staggered and sat down in a chair. Luke disengaged his lightsaber and walked over to him.

"Obi Wan, what's wrong?" the elephant asked in a very Indian accent. Obi Wan sighed and replied, "I just felt a great disturbance; as if millions of lives has suddenly cried out in terror, and then were suddenly silenced…" Chewie looked over at him and said, "Okay be honest: You're not used to space travel are you? Well I certainly know I'm not…"

Obi Wan said, "No it's not that. Luke, continue with your training, I'll be fine." Luke complied with the slug's suggestion and walked back over to the floating droid; which served as his training unit for lightsaber combat.

Han Solo (Lazlo) then walked into the room, coming from the bridge. "Well guys, we should be at Alderaan in less than an hour now." Han said as he took a seat next to Obi Wan. He looked over at the game R2 and Chewie were in the middle of. When R2 made what looked like a good move, Chewie yelled out loud, "Oh come on! That's not fair!"

3PO defended R2, whom had an agitated face towards Chewbacca. "Hey lay off the rhino!" 3PO stated, "He made a fair move you sore loser." Han stepped in, "Guys, I hate to get involved, but it's not wise to upset Chewie like that." R2 looked over at him and asked, "Why?" But before Han could explain, Chewie spoke very smugly, "That's because, unlike droids, Wookies can pull people's arms out of their sockets! You with me there Han?"

Everyone else stared at him for the longest time. Then Luke, Obi Wan, R2, and 3PO all burst into laughter; and Han said, "Um Chewie, I was actually going to say that you tend to get upset easily, and you still go to those guidance consular meetings. Remember?" Chewbacca nervously looked left and right, and then said, "No, I can rip people's arms out. Watch!" He then jumped onto R2 and tugged on his arms.

However, R2 didn't flinch at all, neither did his arms. In fact, he didn't even know Chewbacca was pulling on them at all. The grey Wookie continued to strain himself on the droids arms, hoping for a forced amputation; but to no avail. Finally, he let go of the rhino's arms and slumped back into his seat across from him.

Han then looked over at Luke, who was practicing his skills with his lightsaber. He then had an excited face on himself as he jumped out of his chair and rushed over to Luke. "Are you pretending to be a pirate?" he asked, "If you are then I'll be one too!" He then tried to sound like a pirate; "Aarg! Me matey, We shall find the treasure on Alderaan. Ya-har!"

Luke stared at him for three seconds, disengaged his lightsaber and asked, "You don't believe in the Force, do you Han?" The monkey looked at him and asked, "Uh… the what?"

At that point, beeping noised were now heard all over the ship; "Looks like we're coming up on Alderaan, let's roll Chewie." Han said as he and his co-pilot made their way to the bridge. When they got to the bridge, Han took a seat in the captain's chair, and Chewie took the seat next to him. "Ready?" Han asked. Chewie responded, "Yup, cutting in sub-light engines… now."

The Falcon came out of hyperspace, and started hitting rocks. "Uh oh!" Han shouted, "We must've came out of hyperspace into an asteroid field!"

A/N: I just had to have a scene where Samson/Chewie demonstrates that he's not exactly the strongest guy in Camp Kidney/Star Wars. Now review!