A/N: I give you…a The Great Mouse Detective fanfic! My first for that movie!

It will star Ratigan, Basil, Dawson, me and my friend –and great writer- ForeverACharmedOne. Please, enjoy enjoy enjoy!

London. A city of opportunity and bustling life. A place of opportunity, hope, struggle and joy.

London, England currently at that time was dirty and clean, pretty and vulgar, royal and poor at the same time. All the different lifestyles of the day were all shoved into one European city, seeming to represent perfect honesty and evil lies. Palaces and mansions, fine tailors and businesses, city parks and ports for wealth and trade with pleasant countryside could be seen here.

But also the grim of the alleys, the slums and bars, saloons and wild women, smoke and beggars. Buried in the deep of London was another world. A world far more dangerous and drunken was here teeming with life. From here, murderers and thiefs came to steal the wealth of the happier people who lived nearer to the light. And from the average, good citizens they went to tax and belittle and persecute the thieves. Such was the balance of London under the queen herself.

There were many thieves, conmen, murderers, and blackmailers form the dark side of London. Once so long ago they were not that much of a problem. They had a ringleader, a vicious creature that forbade them from lashing out in the spoils of money and power. He was a terrible being, a mouse…or rat, that all feared. And he always had a second-rate detective bumbling after him trying to jail him.

But the crime world was stunned when the head-mouse of crime fell from his death, after trying to have a robot impersonate the queen!

Now the detective, private-eye detective Basil was honored and hired for all sorts of cases. Now he was and still was the toast of London! He who stopped that evil, evil sewer rat!

Course now the strong crime lords who were beguiled and weakened all went about to divide up London for themselves. Now there were many many master criminal minds, none strong enough to rule them all.

Within a few weeks after the end of the rat, Basil and his assistant Dawson set about to deal with the dozens of other masterminds almost as hideous and terrible as the rat.

It has been a year now. Basil is only a bit fatigued at the constant cases concerning dangerous criminals every week, whether catching them and locking them up or getting them next week, whenever a new one is caught another strives to take it's place. The underworld seems teeming with more vulgar life. Even Dawson himself notices that new bars, whore-houses, and gambling depots have arisen. London itself has actually expanded, but so has it's muddy interior.

The tracking ground for Basil and Dawson is mostly this place. Homeless mice begging, gas-light streetlamps, trash everywhere with shivering orphans hiding in them, rowdy seamice and drunkenness adding ruckus to the bars, harlots stalking the streets…and of course the gangs of henchmen to the particular thief, killer, or whatever they are tracking. For Basil sometimes a case adds some amusement, for instance strange clues, motives, the history of the criminal…though now he finds himself tiring and more tired of searching gambling dens and whiskey joints to find them hidden under the house. He now wishes he had more cases that dealt with middle-class blackmailing or at least a murder in a more respectable neighborhood. At least there the reason of the crime were more interesting! He didn't really care that much for the people…he used to hate a frightened woman's company along with panic stricken ignorant fools. Dawson usually dealt with them on the case.

Now that his great arch enemy was gone, he now was bored with just dealing with petty criminal masterminds, even though they did horrendous things there were so many of them they were considered "average work". Sometimes while he sipped his sherry in the evening or had time for a day to play the violin he thought about the old days…the days when he tried not even a real detective to convict and jail his old friend who continued baffling the police. Until his first case where he met Dawson and the sweet little Olivia, his first case turned out to be that old rat's last dastard plot.

London was a bit safer since the end of the terrible criminal rat. But it could become worse if Basil and Dawson weren't there cleaning up the most dangerous of riff-raff every week.

But London to the inner eye wasn't safe at all.

Professor Ratigan, dubbed the greatest criminal mind, still lived.

And he was once again plotting…and waiting…for the right moment to pounce.

A/N: Read and review if you like it! Or if you read it I command you to review!
