
In Which Zuko Attempts To Get Off Katara's Bad Side

By Kyatto


In the early morning Zuko tended to be the first to rise. On one particular morning he decided to find breakfast for everyone. Not much was to be found around the ruins of the temple, but it was summer, and the surrounding trees were fruitful. It wasn't long after that Aang had risen as well, but he ventured off in a different direction. Contrary to the inner-circle gossip, the two were far from inseparable since their journey to master firebending.

He returned an hour later to find everyone else up and about, surrounding the campfire and wiping sleepers from their eyes. After setting the basket of fruit down, he picked one out and brought it over to Katara.

"Here, this is for you," Zuko offered the fruit to her.

"What is it?" She asked, raising a brow.

"A papaya."

"Ew," she snapped, smacking his hand away thus sending the papaya rolling across the floor. "I hate papaya."

Zuko hung his head in defeat. How was he supposed to know?

"Here Katara," Aang had seemingly appeared from nowhere and had given something to her.

"Thanks for the mango, Aang," she smiled at the young monk, while glaring at the prince. "That's so sweet of you."
