A/N: Due to many requests, I went ahead and wrote a sequel to, "His Silent Treatment." This will probably just have three chapters like the last one, because I'm working on some other Scrubs stories as well. Anyway, I hope you guys like it!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. All belongs to the awesomeness that is Bill Lawrence.

Their Night Out

From an outsider's perspective, it wouldn't have looked as though the relationship between JD and Dr. Cox had changed all that much since their imprisonment in the elevator; an incident that took place only a week ago. Dr. Cox still insisted upon calling JD "Newbie" and a variation of girls' names on a daily basis. He still ranted and still found himself getting red in the face, but the both of them felt…different.

JD had long ago came to his own conclusion that Dr. Cox's habit of calling him a girls name was actually a sign of endearment, but now he didn't feel like he was telling himself that just to make him feel better anymore. He also felt that his mentor's rants were more out of show than actual anger as of late, at least the ones directed towards him.

Dr. Cox felt a lot less guilt ridden after throwing an insult, knowing Newbie knew that he didn't really dislike him. He was also able to call on him more often than before, because now if anyone asked why he wanted him there when there was seemingly no need for his presence, the answer was simple: "I'm his mentor. He has to be with me to learn." And then, of course, JD would grin broadly, reminding Dr. Cox not to forget the extra comment that made this new custom feel a bit more normal. "And Sally here re-heel-y does need a teacher, 'cause God only knows he's not ready to do this by himself."

So life inside Sacred Heart had stepped up a notch according to JD, but outside of the hospital, well…he wanted more.

"Okay, so Dr. Cox, who is, you know…my mentor –"

"I know, JD!" Turk half shouted. He was happy for him, okay, but he was just about ready to pop a vessel if his friend found one more excuse to openly refer to Dr. Cox as his mentor in any given conversation. This new habit of his had been going on since the elevator occurrence, and it was starting to wear Turk out. "He's your mentor. Got it. Trust me. So what about him?"

JD squirmed on the couch of the apartment, realizing he had referred to Dr. Cox as his mentor just one too many times. "My bad, C-bear. But, um…anyway – I want to go out and throw back a couple of beers with him, you know? I've been wanting that for years, but every time he says no."

"Well, he did ask you that one time."

"Yeah, but that was his once a year rampage."

"But what about the other time? You know…when you were still living in a tent."

JD cocked an eyebrow at Turks grin, but blew it off to continue with his logic. "Yeah, it was kind of cool at the time, but it was really obvious that Elliot and Carla had pushed him into asking me. When someone says no to going out for a round, and the person who asked responds by lifting his eyes to the ceiling just to say 'Thank God,' you get the impression it wasn't all too sincere."

Turk pushed down a laugh as JD continued. "I want to just, you know, go out without the pressure or obligation, from his end I mean."

"So just try asking him again."

"I'm going to, but I no if he says no this time I'm going to be more upset than the countless other times I tried, and I'd rather not feel completely bummed out."

"Why would you feel more upset about being rejected this time around?"

"Because I haven't asked him anything like that since he first gave me that hug, you know? He seemed really serious when he asked if those were the things I really wanted from him, and he's even let me call him mentor since."

JD stopped as Turk closed his eyes in minor annoyance. "Which, I mean…well, you already know that. But anyway, what about all the other stuff? Would he actually agree to come out with me one night or would he turn it down again? If it happened any other time I could shrug it off as him being him, but if it happens this time, I know I'm going to reach the conclusion that he must really not want to have to spend time with me outside of work."

"Just ask him casually, man. Don't make it into such a big deal when you come to him about it."

"Mmm…that's a good idea. Thanks, Turk."

"No problem, bro. But if we could stop talking and un-pause this episode of Gilmore Girls, I'd appreciate it."

"Hell yeah!"

"Now that's what I'm talkin' about."


Carla watched as JD approached the nurses' station looking anxious, his hands wringing together in anticipation for whatever it was that was making him jittery.

"Good morning, Bambi. Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah. Why?"

"Because you're looking a bit on edge, that's why. Something on your mind? Come on, you know you can tell me."

"I know, I just… it's Dr. Cox."

The nurse raised her eyebrows in genuine surprise. "Really? I thought things have been more relaxed between the two of you since last week." Carla could feel her cheeks turn red with the knowledge that neither JD or Dr. Cox knew that it had been her plan to hold up the elevator with the two doctors trapped inside.

"Yeah, things are okay. I'm just nervous because I plan on asking him out for a beer sometime soon."

"Why are you so nervous about that?"

JD went into his reasoning that he had explained to Turk the night before. Carla nodded understandingly, seeming to get his train of thought just a bit better than her husband. "Just be sure not to make a big deal of it."

"Yeah, I know. Turk told me the same thing. But what if me asking him annoys him to the point where it cancels everything else out? This whole week and the elevator thing, I mean."

"I don't think he'd take back everything he said. He was really sincere when he hugged you like that, so I think you'll be alright."

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Carla."

"Don't mention it, Bambi."

Suddenly, a very loud whistle broke through the nurses' station, making everyone jump just ever so slightly. "Newbie! You're late!"

JD turned to the clock. Five after nine. Wait, then that meant… "No I'm not! You are!"

"No I'm not."

"Wh – yes you are!"

"No I'm not. I'm not because I say I'm not and you are because I say you are. Understand, Tina? Now, let's get a move on." Dr. Cox grabbed the chart from Carla's hand, giving her a small nod of acknowledgement before briskly making his way down the hall, his protégé in tow.

It was Mr. Berningham again. He had gotten through surgery well and was now cancer free, but unfortunately, he seemed to have a bit of an allergic reaction to some of the drugs given to him while under the knife.

"Why didn't this happen right away?" he asked curiously.

JD sat on the side of the bed as Dr. Cox went about checking the man's vitals. "Sometimes allergic reactions take weeks to actually make an appearance. Depending what caused it or how it entered the body, a reaction could take place in a mere second or even a month's time."

"I didn't know that…"

JD opened his mouth to continue speaking before Dr. Cox interjected. "Well now you do, Skippo."

Mr. Berningham looked at JD with questioning eyes.

"He likes nicknames," he answered.


"Newbie, come."

JD stood from the bed and followed his mentor out of the room and down the hall. When they ended up at Coffee Bucks, the young doctor couldn't help but feel a little surprised. "Why are we here? Don't we have more patients to see?"

"Indeed we do, Tiffany, but I haven't had my morning coffee yet and I'm going to need it to get through today."

"Bad morning?"

Dr. Cox scowled at what he thought was a really obvious question, but answered nonetheless. "Yes and no. Jordan's off to her mother's cave for the weekend and she took the kids with her. While that does give me a break from the she-devil that is my ex-wife, I'm…well, I'm bored."

JD stared at the back of his mentor's head as he gave his order to a nervous looking employee. This was perfect! Dr. Cox had no one at home – he'd be bored, and while he'd never admit it, lonely. He'd want something to do for the night, and maybe even someone to hang out with.

"Newbie, pay attention!"

"Huh?" JD blinked, realizing it was his turn to order. He saw his mentor give him a strange look out of the corner of his eye after he told the man what he wanted.

"Since when do you drink your coffee black?"

"What? I don't."

"…You just ordered a plain coffee."


"Newbie, he asked you if you wanted cream and sugar, and you said, 'No. Just coffee.'"


Dr. Cox stared at him, looking slightly amused, yet one of his eyebrows was raised in that confused and possibly concerned fashion. "A bit more spacey than usual today, Tula?"

"No, I just…hey, are you really that bored?"

Dr. Cox furrowed his eyebrows. He wasn't sure if he liked where this is going… "Why?" he asked sharply.

"Because - " then JD paused. He realized then that if he worded it to sound as though Dr. Cox wanted a night out, he'd most likely turn down the offer, but if he made it seem like he was the one who wanted it, which he honestly did, he might be more inclined to take him up.

A very piercing whistle broke through his train of thought. "Newbie, we haven't got all day. What do you want?"

"Oh, right. Well, I have nothing to do after work, and it doesn't look like you do either. Want to go out for a couple of beers?"

The older doctor wasn't all too surprised. In fact, he was more surprised it took the kid a whole week to ask him. He had been expecting this request ever since the elevator incident. He had just been expecting it a lot sooner. While he knew it was coming eventually, he still hadn't figured out for himself whether or not he'd say yes or no. If he said yes, would Newbie become even clingier? Prancing around the place as if they were best friends, no doubt. No, that job was taken by Milk Dud, thank God. His job was to be that fatherly figure, right? Damn…this was hard. If he said no, the kid would probably take it harder than all of the other thousands of times he turned him down. And while it remained true that he actually never promised him anything, the message behind what took place during their imprisonment was clear. And honestly…did he really dislike the idea of going out for a round with his protégé as much as he liked to believe he did…?

JD watched as his mentor brought his hand to the bridge of his nose, digging the tips in deep while his eyes scrunched shut in frustration. Probably not the best of responses over such a simple question… "Listen, Dr. Cox, its okay. I'll just see what Turk is up to and –"

"No, Newbie, I'll go."

"What? Really?"

Dr. Cox opened his eyes, giving JD a look that flashed a warning. "Don't make a big deal out of this, Theresa. Oh, and when we're out, no describing a drink as 'Yucky,' understand?"

JD let out a lopsided grin at the memory. "Yup."

"Okay then. Be a good girl and go get our next patient's chart."

"But my coffee hasn't come yet."

"You wouldn't be able to drink it black anyway. I'll tell them to throw some sugary crap in there and meet you in the patient's room."

"You're buying me coffee!?"

Dr. Cox gave him another strict glare. "Bringing isn't buying, and I'm only taking the coffee in which you ordered incorrectly and fixing it for you. However, if you don't do what I just asked in the next two seconds, you'll just get a large cup of nothing, understand?"

JD nodded and shot off towards the nurses' station, not bothering to correct his mentor's mistake.

"That'll be 2.50 sir."


"The coffee - That'll be 2.50."

Dr. Cox stared off in the direction in which his protégé had just sprinted towards. Rat bastard didn't tell him he never paid.

A/N: Not very nice, JD. Not after he finally just agreed to grab some beers with you. Ah, well. Pwnage is pwnage. lol Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed chapter one. Until next time!