Matt x Mello, or Mello x Matt pairing. You may decide whichever way you like.

This piece contains major spoilers for the end of the series.

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone in this.

They say that you never really realize how much you impact other people's lives.

Matt supposes that might be true.

But, as he feels his back hit the cold, unforgiving metal of the car hub, and feels the blood pooling in his mouth and spurting from his chest, he smells Mello's shampoo, and he feels the warm wet locks, still darkened by the shower spray, against his neck.

Mello is nibbling on his collarbone as he does when he's feeling particularly playful.

He hasn't been playful since he killed the police chief.

…Until last night of course.

Matt had been pleasantly confused and surprised, but he feels as though he understands now.

He tastes chocolate and feels Mello's lips on his own lips, parting even as the feeling passes.

He can't feel the pain or taste the blood.

And, though he doesn't know how much he meant to Mello, he wishes, with his last semi-coherent ability, that he could have told Mello how much he meant to him after all.

They say that you never really realize how much you impact other people's lives.

Mello supposes that might be true.

But, as he feels the Death Note's power constricting around his heart, he no longer sees the fogged windshield of the moving van. Instead, his vision is tinted orange, as though Matt has once again slipped his goggles over Mello's eyes.

It's some weird version of role-play no doubt; Mello was usually too aroused by the time Matt pulled something like that to care.

As his breathing goes shallow, and his limbs lose movement, he feels the warm, comforting press of Matt's ridiculous jacket against his cheek.

And finally, as oxygen starved eyes widen, and his vision fades, he sees the familiar striped print of Matt's shirt, stretched across that inviting torso. As he falls forward, chest constricting harshly, he can almost feel the firm safety of Matt's chest covered in thin cotton.

And, though he doesn't know how much he meant to Matt, he wishes, as he succumbs to the surprisingly comfortable sensation that is dying, that he could have told Matt how much he meant to him after all.

Edited : 10 / 30 /10

My writing has changed a lot, and I had to convince myself not to just delete a lot of this older stuff. I still can't promise that I won't change my mind and do so anyway. I just went through and looked for typos and grammar, most of which I probably missed. I like to hope I've improved past the overall style, though. I am a pessimist at heart, though, so I probably haven't.

Review please?