Disclaimer-I don't own twilight or any of the characters, however I do own all the ideas for this story.
Ch.1 How is this possible
This morning I knew would be different, and I knew it would be different in a bad way. The first clue was the huge wave of nausea going through me, and the second was that Edward wasn't there.
I didn't get a chance to look for Edward, because I had to rush to the bathroom, where I began to empty my stomach.
I knew this couldn't be good in any way, because vampires didn't get sick.
Once I was done I quickly got rid of the mess and cleaned myself up. I didn't want to worry Edward about this so I got dressed and went downstairs and saw that no one was home.
'Odd' I thought, 'Where is everyone.'
I searched around the house to see if there was any clues as to where they might be, but came up empty. I shrugged and headed back upstairs to catch some more sleep and hopefully think about how I was sick.
I got halfway up the stairs when a thought entered my mind,
'Am I pregnant?' I quickly dismissed that thought when I remember vampires can't have children.
I went upstairs and managed to get back to sleep and when I woke up this time I noticed it was dark out and no one was still home.
This got me worried, but before anymore thoughts could enter my mind I raced to the bathroom, where for the second time that day I emptied my stomach.
I knew there was no going around it, I had to know for sure if I was pregnant.
I got my keys to my car and headed to the store.
At the Store:
Once I was there I must have bought ten so I wouldn't have it go wrong.
The cashier looked at me bored yet slightly awed.
I got that a lot when I went out, I guess that was the price when you become a vampire.
'Many fans,' I thought sarcastically.
When I got home I raced inside and went straight to the first bathroom I found, thanking the gods that no one was home still.
5 minutes later:
I stared in horror, shock, and disbelief at the tests.
It was pink, positive.
My first two thoughts were,
1. How will Edward react
2. This can't be right.
It was a good thing I wasn't a vampire or I would be dead, because for the last ten or fifteen minutes I was in too much shock to remember what breathing was.
That was when I heard the front door open and close, and my first thought,
'Oh Crap.'
"Bella," I heard Edward call from downstairs.
I thought quickly and said,
"Be down in a second."
I quickly got rid of the evidence and went downstairs. I saw my angel at the bottom of the stairs and thought
'I have to make what little time I have with him special, I know I can't stay.'
"Hello, Edward." I said, greeting him with a kiss.
"Hello, Bella."
"Where have you been all day." I asked him, just remembering I hadn't seen him all day.
"Ah, impatient as always I see."
I pouted playfully.
"I asked the family to leave for a couple of days, and not to call so we could have some alone time."
This made me very surprised, and my eyes widened.
"Huh?" Was my brilliant response.
"We haven't really had any alone time, and I wanted to fix that."
"That still doesn't explain where you have been."
"Well, I went to get you something."
My eyes opened a fraction wider.
"Well do you want to know what it is? He asked, and I realized that I had yet to respond.
"Of course, but you better not have spent a whole lot on it." I said, glaring at him.
"Now, there's a reaction from you that I recognize."
I stared at him puzzled.
"What's that suppose to mean?"
"Oh, nothing." He said looking away as if he hadn't said anything at all.
I looked at him oddly and shrugged.
"Hey, Edward let's go upstairs and talk."
On our way upstairs he asked,
"What are we going to talk about?"
"You'll see."
When we got upstairs we went to the bed and got comfortable.
"So what's on your mind?"
"If you were able to have kids would you?"
He surprised me by looking almost angry.
"Bella, you know we can't, so please don't bring it up."
"But, I just..."
I stopped when I saw his icy glare.
"I'm sorry." I apologized and his expression became calm again.
"I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have acted like that."
"No, no I understand."
We sat in silence just enjoying each others presence and in that time I thought.
'Well, I gave him a try. Now it won't be so bad to leave.' I led to myself.
I knew that no matter what the circumstances were. I would always feel terrible about leaving him. I love him and I would probably die with out him, if that were possible, but I'm going to be strong for our child.
Two weeks later
It had been two weeks of just Edward and I time, and the family was coming back later today, and I knew it was time I left.
"Edward, come on, you have to go hunting."
"I don't want to leave you."
"It's only for a little while. I'll be fine, I promise."
"I'll see you when I get back, I miss you already."
He had no idea how those words affected me, because he would never see me again.
"I miss you too." I said, and grabbed him by the shoulders to give him a long passionate kiss.
He returned the kiss fully.
When we pulled apart he said,
"It's just a few hours remember." He said, while chuckling, wearing my favorite crooked smile, and I knew at that moment that my heart broke.
I watched sadly as he left, knowing this would be the last time I ever saw him.
I went up to our room and packed everything I would need then wrote him a note
Dear Edward,
My love I am sorry to say that I can no longer be with you. I swear that if the circumstances were different I would never leave. Please do not come looking for me, because I won't come back. Give my love to the others.
I love you and always will, never forget that.
A few tears escaped then, and I watched them wet the paper, before I ran out the door, no place in mind.
Okay, I'm going to stop it there, I hope you like it. Please Review, next ch. will be up shortly. Until then,