Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of Paramount and TPTB as well as Ellen Emerson White. The fanfic author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Author's note: This fanfic is based on the story line of a book by Ellen Emerson White titled Long Live the Queen. I mean no disrespect to the author as the book was a story I enjoyed immensely. I read it years ago, and recently thought about how good a story it would be for Kathryn Janeway.

This one is for Ria. Thank you QS for all of your help and support!

Only Collateral by Cheshire

To say she was surprised by the explosion was putting it mildly. Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay had just completed three day long negotiations with the Emers. A bulky humanoid species whose characteristics favored darkened skin due to their blue blood and solid black eyes. It had been a pleasant negotiation with several hours spent bargaining good naturedly while sitting beachside. By nightfall, the command team and the ruling councilor, along with his diplomats, were en route to a dinner at a traditional hall to officially conclude the trade agreement. Exiting the palace promenade, they were halfway to the ground transportation units that would deliver them to the hall when the first explosion sent two of the junior delegates at the rear of the party flying through the air. Within seconds, the entire area erupted in smoke and deafening bangs.

Chakotay had been walking next to Janeway when the attack began. He threw his arm around her shoulders and began to pull her to the ground. She glanced up in time to see the Councilor standing stock still, frozen in shock. Janeway immediately jumped to her feet, pulling free of Chakotay's grasp and ran towards the councilor, intending to pull him to safety. She heard Chakotay shout her name just as she reached the ruling Emer. His body jolted in front of her outstretched hand, and a spray of blue blood spattered her face. His heavy mass fell towards her taking her down to the ground.

She felt the air rush from her lungs as she hit the ground trapped beneath the Councilor. She pushed against his body, feeling her hands slip in his blue blood, and miraculously felt the body move off of her. Then she felt herself being pulled to her feet and an arm wrap around her. In a daze, she heard Chakotay's voice from a distance yelling for her, and she realized it wasn't his arms that were around her waist. She turned in the grasp that held her, and came face to face with an Emer that had not been part of the diplomat party. She wrenched herself free of the alien's grasp only to be hit from behind by a falling diplomat.

Janeway's knees hit the ground, sending a jolt through her entire body. She kept herself from falling over with a quick hand to the ground. She had just regained her footing when the blast from another explosion sent her flying. She felt the impact through her entire body when she landed several meters away skidding across the rough stone street. All the noises from the fighting had gone quiet, replaced only by the ringing in her ears. She managed to raise her head, and through the smoky haze she could see Chakotay on his feet fighting hand to hand with an Emer. Planting her shaky, skinned palms on the street and blinking rapidly to clear her vision, she began to push herself up when she felt herself being lifted again.

Before she could protest, she was being half carried, half dragged by two Emers. There was one on each side of her, each grasping beneath an arm. The only problem was that they were running away from the ongoing melee. The aliens carrying her were shouting to someone in front of them. Janeway felt herself being pulled into a ground transport as the aliens clambered in behind her. Pulling herself out of her daze, she began to desperately struggle against them before they could seal the transport. But she felt it jolt as it got under way with one of the aliens outside still holding on to the open door. She kicked out and hit his hand, causing him to release the door, but the vehicle didn't slow. She lunged for the door, scrambling toward it on her stomach. Hands latched onto her legs, dragging her back, and pain exploded behind her eyes as something heavy slammed into the side of her head.

Janeway's vision tunneled, but she fought to remain conscious as she saw the door of the transport close. She felt her arms being wrenched behind her and metal tightening around her wrists. Someone flipped her over on her back, trapping her hands beneath her own weight. She heard a calm voice echo above all the nervous movement in the transport.

"Take the badge and destroy it."

"No!" She wouldn't be able to understand them if they took it. Voyager wouldn't be able to lock onto her. She feebly tried to squirm out of reach in the confined space.

The last thing she heard before her comm. badge was destroyed was the calm voice again. "Knock her out."