Bulma watched as he stood there, motionless, everything led her to believe that he had somehow been frozen in that state . Everything … except his eyes. They shone with inner turmoil, the kind of conflict that could be seen in the eyes of a person who had to decide if they should turn the life support off on a coma patient. She frowned in confusion slightly, deciding to voice her concern.

"What is it?" Putting a lilt of edge in her tone.

Vegeta didn't even blink, he did however turn his head ever so slightly so he could look at her. That same cold black gaze burned into her mind as he walked away. What was his problem!?

As soon as he got out of the ship, Vegeta shot off into the sky, having no sense of direction, he let his body take him away to wherever it was flying him. What the hell was that!? How could I even let my mind think about sort of a thing with that weak earth woman! I would never disgrace myself in such a way, I am a Saiyan … Suddenly his mental ranting stopped as the voice took on a womanly tone and carried on. A Saiyan Prince of nothing Vegeta! I know who you are y'know, but you're in my house and it's my rules got that buster!?

He remembered that day, he had nearly blown her away as soon as the words left her mouth. The fear was evident in her eyes, so pure and clear, that kind of shear terror. And it had disgusted him. Him! The one who normally revels in his victims pain and fear. That was when he decided that he must leave, get away from her and this god forsaken place before it was too late. Obviously that hadn't worked.

Vegeta took a deep breathe and realised that he had stopped flying, when had he done that? Shaking his head he looked around to find that he was near that damn Kakarots house with his harpy of a mate. He didn't understand how the idiot could be 'married' to her, she's loud, bad tempered, not to mention controlling … Vegeta laughed sadly to himself, he was destined to be apart of the woman's life no matter what he thought. She was a perfect match for him, he figured that out when she stayed by his side when he was injured. When he looked over to her, thin blue strands of hair had fallen out of that ridiculous hairdo and onto her face. Her mouth was partly open as she breathed slowly and deeply. He berated himself for paying so much close attention to her that day, the image was engraved into his mind.

Glancing over in the direction of that idiots house, he sighed once again and started once again to his new destination. He hated to think that he would ever go to him for advice on his personal matters, never the less, Vegeta knew that Kakarot had experience with humans. He himself did not. His boots made a tiny thud as he landed on the ground outside of Kakarots house. He could hear the woman shouting obscenities about their half breed brat and how his studies were more important than training. Vegeta put his hand on the door and pushed it open, immediately the woman stilled her voice and glared over at the intruder, only to find that it was him. Her mouth hung agape as she struggled to string words together, either to screech at him or beg her husband for protection. He ignored her and looked directly at Kakarot.

"We must speak." With that he turned to leave the house with Goku behind him, until Chi Chi spoke up.

"Goku! I haven't finished with you, don't you dare …"

"He will do as he pleases woman! I need to speak with him about important matters that does not concern you. For your own good, do not interfere!" The threat in his voice was enough to make her back away.

"Vegeta! I know you don't care much for humans but don't speak to Chi Chi like that."

Vegeta shrugged and walked away, not even glancing back at the scene behind him. He didn't want to see the struggle in that idiots eyes, if he was a true saiyan then he would not have disobeyed his Princes' orders. Perhaps Bulma was right … He snorted to himself at such a obscene thought.

"What's up Vegeta? Your on edge, more than normal."

He turned to face Goku, his eyes glancing over at the house. It would be a good idea to have this conversation in complete privacy he thought.

"Not here, follow me." With that he flew off into the sky.

Vegeta didn't stop until he reached a remote island, an extreme distance from the one person he couldn't stop thinking about. For a moment he forgot why he came here until he heard Goku land behind him.

"Come on Vegeta, we've flew for ages, I think you're safe to talk now." The innocence in his voice contradicted the knowing gleam in his eyes, and he hated him for it.

"You already know … don't you?"

Goku just shrugged and floated atop a rock so he could sit down comfortably, he knew what this was all about. He just never expected Vegeta to be in such turmoil over it.

"Damn it you fool, of course you know! You know everything, you only act stupid to confuse your opponents!" Vegeta's gripped his hands into fists as his body started to tremor, such anguish had become all he could think about, all he could feel. He needed a release, he needed someone to know, he needed … help?

"It's Bulma, isn't it?" Goku sighed.

Vegeta only glared in his direction. It was all the answer he needed for him to continue. There was no point in beating around the bush with Vegeta, especially when he was like this. Though, Goku had to admit himself, he feared the reaction from his friend. He took a deep breath.

"You love her." He stated as a matter of fact.

Now normally Vegeta would have came rushing at him to pummel him into the ground for daring to say such a thing. But it never came. No flash of anger to increase his energy, no smart remark, no nothing. Which shocked Goku to the point of being scared. He could see Vegeta shaking, he had to admit he could almost hear his Princes' thoughts, they were that loud and clear. Yet, nothing came, he stood there like the statue of the Prince he is, cold and motionless.

"I …"

Goku perked up at the sound of Vegeta's voice, it was broken, like he was stuck for words for once. His legs buckled as the Prince fell to his knees in the dirt. His gloved hands lay limp across his thighs and his head hung low. His breath was steady and even, breathing in deep and exhaling slowly.

"I needed to hear it … from someone else. Though I do not wish to admit it to myself, I will admit it to you. That woman, she …" He laughed shortly.

"She is beyond words."

Goku smiled, Vegeta the cold hearted Prince was in love, with a human no less. And Bulma at that. The odds were stacked against each other, yet it had happened. He walked over to his fallen friend and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. He didn't move or speak, just stood there, offering the only comfort that would be acceptable.

So this is it huh, you're finally going to let this happen? Vegeta stood on his feet and smiled to himself. Yes. It is. He took off into the sky once again without saying a word to the younger saiyan. He had something he had to do, something he should have done in the beginning.

Goku grinned in his childish manner and headed home as fast as he could. He had a phone call to make.