"You beckoned me dearest."
Sarah turned and looked at Jareth, she didn't stare but looked and truely saw him for he was. He was hers. "I have something to tell you (Jareth began to worry her eyes were boring into his soul but he didn't show it) but first you must promise not to interrupt me.
"I promise", Jareth said wearily. What did she want now- every night she never said what she had truely called him for but he was silent and listened to what she had to say.
"You'd better sit down" Sarah sighed.
Jareth perched on the edge of her bed, her parents weren't around and Toby wasn't in the house. Something was different yet Jareth stayed silent and signalled for her to continue.
"I can't see you anymore Jareth or at least not for a few months". Before Jareth even considered asking why Sarah continued with tears in her eyes. "As you've probably noticed Dad and Karen aren't here and neither is Toby (Sarah laughed to herself) you see there out planning a six mo nth cruise that is toddler friendly. I suppose that still doesn't explain why we can't see each other." Sarah was crying now and a lightbulb was flashing in her room this was annoying Jareth as he could barely see Sarah. "Well they decided yesterday that as i am 18 and of 'sound mind' i can take care of myself. Dad explained this to me he won't pay for me to live but i can't live with him. I have to move, the university will give me a scholarship so i can stay there for a while but i will need to work to pay for living. I suppose what i trying to say is i won't have time to see you so maybe we should take a break". As she spoke between sobs the light flickered and then went out. In the darkness Jareth thought then he heard Sarah. "For crying out loud. Not again!" Jareth heard some rustling and a candle was lit Sarah looked at him bathed in the golden candle light. "Well..." her eyes were almost begging.
Jareth stood and walked towards her and took the candle from her leaving it on her bedside table. He went back to her looked in her eyes and held her as he did so the stress from her body melted away. As they stood there he whispered to her "why didn't you tell me sooner.
"I.....I....." Jareth place a finger to her lips. "Ssssshhhhhhhhhh." He took her hand and led her to the bed and as they lay there Jareth stroked her face and wiped away her tears. "Let's wait until the morning".

As Sarah woke light spilled over into her room and bathed Jareth's half naked body in golden light. Sarah thought for a moment that she was dreaming becuse she didn't want to wake up right now. Jareth turned, "you're awake. You were exhausted last night. How do you feel now?"
"Tired but Jareth.... thank you."

Jareth smiled or at least Sarah thought he did, last night had been stressful. Once Sarah had eventually fell asleep Jareth had began to pace then finally tired of walking sat next to Sarah and stroked her face. 'You've had to put up with so much' Jareth thought to himself 'you were right life's unfair'. He sighed and began to make the necessary arrangements. Sarah needed some time he just hoped that she was up for this.

Jareth turned and looked at Sarah deep into her brown eyes and saw the flicker of fire ready to fight whatever the world was going to throw at her. He sighed. "Sarah, how do you feel about staying at the castle forever". Sarah sat up in bed. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, "Jareth, how can i leave?" "I was hoping one day that you may be my Queen so i want to learn to live with you, think about it if you want to be my Queen we can marry if not i suppose you could come back home."
"Jareth, the only home that i have felt a part of for a while now is with you', Sarah looked up at Jareth and continued, "I want to stay with you as long as you'll have me".
Jareth smiled, "then i'll have you forever, my Queen".

Author's Note: Sorry it took so long to update i've been majorly busy. I decided to change the ending to this story as i have lost inspiration to continue it but i wanted to leave it completed in some sense.