Well, here's a new story. I hope I can juggle it and Ways of the Sinister. Sinister is almost done and this AU got stuck in my head so I thought I would go ahead and post it! Please review!!
Under the Sea
Mai looked through the seaweed carefully as she looked for the bracelet that she had lost earlier. Her heart would be broken if she had lost the bracelet for good. It had been the last thing her grandmother had given her before passing on. Mai gave a sigh of relief as the sun glinted of the gold bracelet. She swam forward and grabbed the trinket before swimming away from the field of seaweed as she placed the bracelet back around her wrist.
'I need to get someone to fix the clasp on this thing. Mother would be just as upset as me if I lost this.' Mai thought as she swam as quickly as she could towards Atlantis. The castle and homes soon came into her vision and she swam towards the palace. While she wasn't the princess, one of her friends was.
Michiru was the youngest daughter of the King of Atlantis. Mai had met her one day when she and her parents had been invited to dinner and the two children had become fast friends. Mai spent most of her time at the palace with her friend as all her mother wanted to talk about were marriage options.
'Who wants to get married at such a young age? I mean come on, I'm only sixteen years old.' Mai thought as she swam up to her friend's balcony. She tapped on the closed balcony doors. Michiru instantly opened them up and Mai swam in.
"Mai, did you find it?" Michiru asked. Mai nodded as she lifted her wrist to allow Michiru look at the bracelet. Mai swam over to her friend's bed and lowered herself on it.
"Yes, I think I need to get the clasp fixed." Mai said as she flicked her tail. She raised an eyebrow as she saw that Michiru was looking at her curiously.
"What? Am I missing a scale or something?" Mai asked as she began to inspect her tail. She heard her friend laugh and she looked up at Michiru. The girl's shell bra matched her pink tail as she looked at Mai.
"No, it's that your tail has gotten darker now that you're getting ready to turn seventeen." Michiru said. Mai frowned before inspecting her once light blue tail. She realized that her tail was a much darker blue as she compared it to her once matching shell bra.
"I suppose so. Your tail didn't get any darker." Mai said. Michiru was getting ready to turn eighteen and Mai knew that the older girl's tail hadn't gotten any darker from it's original light pink color, which it remained at.
"I don't know. Hey, I heard some girls whispering that there is supposed to be a human ship up on the surface. I want to go look. I've never seen humans before!" Michiru said suddenly very excited. Mai felt her stomach drop. She didn't like that look on her friend's face.
"Michiru, our parents have forbidden us from ever going to the surface! It's supposed to be dangerous up there!" Mai said. Michiru rolled her eyes before she swam to where Mai was sitting and flicked her tail so that it hit Mai on the shoulder.
"When have we ever listened to our parents? I mean, come on! We are old enough to decide what we want to do. You've always talked about looking at a human! Now we have a chance! Don't tell me that you just want to let that go!" Michiru said as she took a seat beside Mai on the bed.
"Alright! You're right. I mean...what's life without a few risks?!" Mai agreed with a laugh. Michiru nodded and they both began to laugh. Mai couldn't help but wonder in the back of her mind what she had gotten herself into. She didn't realize that agreeing to her friend's plan would change her life forever.
"I'm beginning to have second thoughts about this." Mai whispered to Michiru as they broke the surface of the water. Michiru rolled her eyes before pointing to the boat with a smile on her face.
"There's the ship. Come on, let's go!" Michiru began to drag a struggling Mai towards the ship before the younger mermaid found herself staring up at the ship. She could hear singing and laughter. She bit her lip before pulling herself up and she was soon sitting on a little shelf on the side of the boat. She reached down and helped Michiru up so they were sitting together.
"They're odd looking." Mai whispered as she brushed her wet bangs from her face. She noticed a tall figure in the shadows before it shifted. It was a man with black hair and his bangs fell into his face. She saw a curly haired woman skip over to the tall man and she smiled as the woman wrapped her arms around the tall man. She was always glad to see others get along.
"I can't believe you refused another girl, Prince!" a male's voice called. Mai moved her gaze and saw a pale looking young man sitting on the rail opposite of where they were hiding. He had a very furry looking thing laying at his feet, wagging it's tail happily.
Mai's attention was caught completely by the human. His hair was darker than anything else she had seen. It fell into eyes that Mai found that she would give anything to stare into all day. They were a deep blue that Mai had only see in the deepest waters, which she had been forbidden from swimming into.
"If you liked her so much, why didn't you ask her to marry you?" the man quipped. Mai felt a smile on her face as she heard him speak. His voice was like silk to her. She squeaked as he walked over towards where she and Michiru was sitting. She heard the splash of Michiru diving back into the water and she hid in the shadows.
She looked up into the human's face and felt her heart beating quickly. She hadn't realized how handsome he was. His black hair fell into his deep blue eyes. She found herself drowning in the stormy hues, as much as a mermaid could drown at least.
"Brother, don't let them get to you. They're amused by this." she felt her eyes widen as what looked like a replica of the first human joined him at the railing of the ship. She realized that they had to be twins. However, her attention was still held by the first twin.
"I know that, Gene. It doesn't mean that it doesn't annoy me." he said. Mai stifled a giggle at the first twin's expression. She saw the boy named Gene frown as he caught part of her laughter and she hid even farther. Had he heard her?
"Maybe you need a woman, Noll!" Gene told the first twin. Mai felt her heart skip a beat. She had a name. She felt a hot blush spread across her cheeks before crying out as there was a clap of thunder.
"Mai!! Get down!!" she heard Michiru cry. She took one more look at the twins as they turned back to the ship's crew. She turned and dived back into the waters that were beginning to rage. She was under the surface and Michiru was trying to drag her back towards their home.
"Come on, Mai! We need to get home! If father notices that I'm missing he'll tell your mother! Then you'll never be allowed to come back over!" Michiru told her. Mai nodded and turned to go with her friend. She was stopped as she saw a flash of light out of the corner of her eye.
"I think that ship was just hit by lightening!" she cried. Michiru rolled her eyes before she continued to try and drag Mai away.
"Who cares?! Mai, don't you realize how much trouble we'll be in? Just because we're out while that sea witch is brewing a storm?!" the older mermaid demanded. Mai managed to slip her grip and swam quickly towards the surface. "MAI!!"
Mai ignored the call as she broke the surface. She could see the ship burning not far away and felt her heart clench. She heard voices shouting and saw what looked like miniature boats. She swam close enough just to hear what the humans were saying.
"Where is Noll?!" she heard a panicked voice shout. She could see the figure that was shouting and recognized it as the other twin. She looked back at the burning boat and realized the other boy had to be on the vessel. Swimming as hard as she could she made her way over to the boat.
'Where is he?' she thought as she swam around the burning mass. She caught sight of a figure through the smoke and felt her heart skip. "NOLL!! DIVE OFF THIS SIDE!! OVER HERE!!"
She watched as the figure stumbled through the smoke. She watched as he dived into the water and she swam towards him. She watched as he struggled against the violent waves. She gasped as he went under and she waited for him to resurface but he never did. She dived under and saw that he was sinking fast. She swam as fast as she could towards him and grabbed his arm and dragged him to the surface.
She was slightly relieved to see that the storm was beginning to back off. She shifted so that Noll's arm was resting on her shoulder and she wondered what her next move would be. She could see the little ships that the others had been on in the distance. She gave a soft sigh.
"I've already screwed everything else up. Might as well follow them." she mentioned to her unconscious burden. She followed the ships until she realized the beach that they were heading for. She did a little detour to make sure that she could leave her burden in a safe spot.
She managed to drag him up on the beach. One he was laying on the warm beach sand, she reached out and brushed his wet bangs from his forehead. She felt a smile spread across her face as she stared at him. She buried her tail into the warm sand an gave soft sigh of contentment. She watched as Noll's eyes slowly opened and she leaned over him.
Noll slowly opened his eyes and the first thing that he realized was that somebody was leaning over him. His eyes trailed over the feminine face that was over his. He felt his eyes widen slightly as his eyes locked with deep brown hues in the delicate face. He reached up and brushed the girl's cheek. He watched as a blush spread across her cheeks.
"Your eyes..." he murmured. She had the most interesting eyes. He watched as they lightened to a cinnamon color. "Your eyes are very interesting."
"So are yours." the girl above him murmured. He blinked in surprise before he heard a loud barking. He watched as the girl looked up before leaving him. He tried to reach out and stop her but she managed to escape his grasp.
He sat up quickly and was very sure that he saw a fish fin disappearing into the ocean. He frowned before shaking his head. Her face was still stuck in his mind and he frowned. He found himself being tackled by his dog, Lopez, into the sand.
"Noll!!" he pushed the large shaggy dog off of him as his brother knelt down beside him and slapped him on the back. "I didn't think you were going to be alive! How on earth did you get on the beach?"
"A girl..." Noll murmured as he continued to stare into the ocean. He heard his brother's laughter but he tuned it out as he saw a brown haired face staring at him. He knew the face and he watched as the girl's face paled before she dived back into the water.
"Come on, let's get home. It sounds like you need the rest." Gene said as he helped his brother. Noll remained silent as he sent one last look at the ocean. Somehow he knew that she was already gone.
'Could she have actually been...a mermaid? I thought they were just myths?' he asked himself as he let his brother lead him away.
Mai bit her lip as she swam through the waters towards the palace. She swam into Michiru's room and was relieved when she saw the girl was sitting on the bed. Michiru squealed and jumped from her bed and hugged her tightly.
"Thank goodness you're alright! I told your mother that you were staying the night. I didn't know if you would come home! I was so worried about you!!" she cried and Mai gave a soft sigh. She sat down on the bed and placed her head in her hands.
"Mai, what's wrong?" Michiru asked.
"I saved a human. He woke-up and saw me, Michiru. He...he had the most beautiful blue eyes. I felt as though I could drown in them." Mai whispered. She heard Michiru gasp in surprise. "He...he was so beautiful. I'm so thankful that I was able to see him."
"Mai...that tone of voice. You sound...you sound as though...you're besotted!!" Michiru cried. Mai jerked in surprise before looking at her friend. She felt her cheeks flare at the thought before she shook her head. But there was nothing she could do to get his face out of her mind. She gave a small groan.
"How is that even possible! I only saved him because I didn't want him to drown at the hands of that stupid sea witch!!" Mai exclaimed. Michiru tilted her head before giving a small smile.
"It'll be okay. Do you know where he lives?" Michiru asked. Mai shook her head. not liking the look that was on her friend's face. What in the ocean was she planning?
"No. But I left him on the beach about five miles from here. That was the course that ship was set on. He might live there. And I think I heard someone address him as royalty!!" Mai exclaimed before groaning. "It's bad enough that he doesn't have a tail...but now he's a royal!!"
"There's a palace on that island!! He may live there! Tomorrow we should go see!" Michiru suggested. Mai shook her head but before she could stop her friend Michiru had already swam away and she sighed.
"What am I getting into?" she asked herself and not really wanting to know. She closed her eyes and was instantly reminded of Noll's deep blue eyes. 'I wonder if Michiru is right? Could I really...be in love?'
Noll looked up at the night sky and ran a hand through his hair. He looked down at the water that was reflecting the moonlight. He wondered if he would ever see the young girl again. He gave a soft sigh and shook his head.
"I was imagining things. Mermaids aren't real." he told himself before he heard a splash. He looked down at the water and felt his eyes widen as he saw a familiar delicate face staring up at him.
"If mermaids aren't real, then how am I here?" the girl asked.
There it is!! New story!! Yay!! Please review and tell me what you think. The next chapter will hopefully be longer, as this is going to be a mix between Snow White and the Little Mermaid! Hope you enjoyed!! And review!!