Hi! This is my first Fanfic so sorry if it's rubbish or for any grammar mistakes or spellings. I hope you like it J!

Just to clear things up, Edward is 17 and Emmett is 18 and they are brothers.

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, or any other aspects of Stephenie Meyer's inventions.

"Edward! Get up!" the high pitched screech was accompanied by banging on the door. I opened my eyes to be greeted by the blackness that was always there, but I had long since gotten used to. I was born like this, which many people would think unfortunate, but I think it's better this way. I have never had the pleasure of sight so I don't know what I'm missing. I have never known anything different.

I swung my legs out of bed and stood up. I felt my way to my wardrobe and grabbed a shirt and jeans. I had no idea what colour they were, but it didn't really matter anyway. I walked back to my bed and picked up my cane.

I was half way down the stairs when I stumbled slightly and fell. I was expecting to land on the hard wooden staircase but instead I felt two large arms catch me.

"Careful little brother" it was Emmett, I smiled, "we don't want to hospitalize you again do we?"

I grimaced as I remembered.

Last time I had fallen down the stairs Emmett hadn't been there to catch me, and the last thing I had remembered was a sharp pain in my head and left arm. The next thing I knew I was in hospital with a bandage on my head and my arm in a cast.

Emmett carried me down the last few stairs, placed me on the ground and handed me my cane, which had come out my hand when I had fallen.

"Thanks" I said smiling.

We entered the kitchen.

"There you are, finally! Breakfast is getting cold, what took you so long?" shrieked our Aunt Richelle.

"Edward fell down the stairs" Emmett explained.

"Again?? Stupid, clumsy boy! Last time I had to miss a day of work to bring you to the hospital! And then you were even more disabled than before!" she yelled at me.

Emmett and me had been living with our Aunt ever since our parents were in a car crash about a year ago. They weren't dead, just asleep, like in a coma.

Aunt Richelle hadn't been to happy to look after us, especially given my…condition.

"Edward's not disabled!" Emmett retorted.

Bad move I thought. Emmett always stuck up for me, which I appreciate more that you can ever imagine, but he often got in trouble for it.

"Don't you dare contradict me! He is a good-for-nothing nuisance! He can't do anything, he doesn't even know where he's going or What he's looking at! USELESS!" she screamed and hit me round the head. I staggered backwards and fell to the floor, but I didn't get up. I lay there tears running down my cheeks but not making a sound.

She was right.


Aunt Richelle was yelling at Edward, but he just stood there not saying anything, a tortured expression on his pale faced. I was so angry my hands clenched into fists and my teeth grit together. Then she hit him and staggered back before falling to the floor. He was crying and I couldn't bare it.

"Leave him alone!" I shouted, not caring what she said, "Edward is not useless! He is a smart, intelligent person who is no different from any other boy!" and with that I picked up Edward and our school bags and grabbed two pieces of toast on my way out, slamming the door in her seething face.

When I got to the car I put Edward in the passenger seat and our bags in the back. As I got into the drivers seat I saw Edward hastily wiping the tears from his face. I handed him a piece of toast but realised he didn't know I was holding it out, he couldn't see it. So I shoved it in his hand. He used both of his hands to feel it and find out what I had given him. When he discovered it was toast he tried giving it back, shaking his head.

"Eat it or I will force it down your throat" I growled. Obediently he took a bite out of the toast. I shoved mine down in one and started up the car.

5 minutes passed in silence.

"She's right" Edward whispered.

"Edward! How dare you think that! Don't pay any attention to what that evil woman says! Its not true, none of it! You understand?" I nearly yelled. He didn't answer.

"Look," I said more softly, "You are very clever, cleverer than me if that's possible!" I was trying to lighten the mood, I saw his mouth twitch so I carried on, "and on top of that you're even good looking! Nothing on me of course, but I'm surprised all the girls haven't fallen for you yet!"

"No one wants to be my friend" he muttered.

"Me? Alice? Rose? Jasper?"

He smiled "You're a great brother, brother you know that"

"Yeah I know! Aren't I just? You may kiss my shoe" I said causing him to laugh, at which I smiled.

Thanks you for reading! Please tell me if it's good and if I should continue! Thanks.