A/N: Thank you SO much for all the wonderful reviews! I cannot express enough gratitude for them. Okay here is chapter 4, the last one. I managed to fit it into 1 chapter. It's a little longer, but I thought it would be better than splitting it up. So I hope you enjoy the end product!

Here is where the M rating kicks in. Muhahaha! ;)

Chapter 4: Never before

"What the hell?!" Kelso yelled as he stared at Jackie and Hyde in utter shock.

"Oh my God, Michael!" Jackie yelled as she quickly pulled away from Hyde, much too quickly for Hyde's comfort. Her pulling away like that gave him an uneasy feeling in his gut.

"Seriously what the hell is going on here?" Kelso began shouting so loudly that the music stopped playing and every person in the room began to turn their focus to the three people standing in the center of the room.

"Kelso would you calm down already." Hyde said feeling all the eyes in the room on them.

"Calm down! How am I supposed to be calm Hyde when I found you at prom about to stick your tongue down MY girlfriend's throat?!" Kelso shouted exasperated.

"Whoa I am your ex-girlfriend Michael." Jackie pointed out, shocked by Kelso's words.

"It's the same damn difference Jackie." Kelso sneered. "Hyde is a backstabbing prick!" Kelso was fuming as he focused is attention onto the guy he always believed to be his best friend in the world.

"How the fuck could you do this to me Hyde?" Kelso asked sounding sad, angry, and disappointed all at the same time.

"Come on man, She was so sad after you broke up, and then you bring that fucking slut to prom instead of Jackie, and you want to know what I am doing?!" Hyde was beginning to get pissed.

What right did Kelso have to act like he was the one who should be hurt, especially after the way he treated Jackie?

"Hey watch who you're calling a slut!" Pam Macy shouted angrily at Hyde. "At least I know how to take care of Kelso, unlike your little girlfriend here." a smirk formed on her face as she gestured to Jackie.

The crowd gasped at Pam's words as Jackie grew hot with shock and embarrassment. She could barely get out any audible words.

"Excuse me?" She barely managed to squeeze out of her pouty lips.

"Oh you heard me. Maybe if you were able to keep your man satisfied he wouldn't have taken another girl to prom." Pam said as she began to giggle.

Jackie spirit was crushed. She had never been more humiliated in her entire life. She felt as though everything was moving in slow motion around her. She just stood there for a second, hardly able to breathe. She looked at Kelso as he just stood there silent. How could he not defend her? After everything they had been through, he was just going to stand there and let Jackie be dumped on and humiliated in front of the whole school. Just then she heard a man speak up, but it wasn't the man she thought it would be.

"God shut up bitch. At least with Jackie a guy doesn't have to worry about catching a venereal disease. I mean you've probably used up the whole town's supply of penicillin by now." Hyde said hot with anger.

Everyone in the room began to laugh. Pam's face turned a bright shade of red as she stormed off. Jackie was still so torn up about what had just happened that she stormed off in the opposite direction leaving Hyde and Kelso standing there. Kelso looked in both directions. Then he glared at Hyde and went off in Pam's direction. That seemed to be the moment that Kelso truly proved how unworthy he was of Jackie's love. Instead of going after her, he chose Pam Macy. Hyde went off to find Jackie. As he exited the school he found her standing outside crying. He went up and stood in front of her. Hyde lifted her head and looked in her beautiful eyes as he spoke.

"Jackie, I'm sorry about what hap…"

He was cut off by Jackie crashing her lips onto his. Hyde felt weak in his knees and took a moment to respond to the kiss, but once he felt Jackie's tongue on his lips he opened his mouth to grant her access. He began to kiss her back with full force.

Jackie stood there kissing Hyde with a passion she never knew existed, let alone existed inside her. As their tongues danced together a thought popped into Jackie's head. She realized at this moment that she never wanted another man's kiss. She knew that no one else could compare with Steven Hyde. Never had she felt this way during a kiss. She felt a tingling sensation all down her tiny body, and in one place in particular. She had never been more turned on in her life. Kissing Michael certainly never had this affect on her. All she could think was that she had to feel him inside her…now.

Without breaking the kiss, Jackie backed them up to her father's car and then reached her hand into Hyde's front pocket to get the keys. Hyde was startled at the feel of her hand entering his pocket and he groaned into her mouth slightly as Jackie's hand grazed is erection from inside his pocket. Jackie felt proof that Hyde wanted her as badly as she wanted him. She broke the kiss and turned to unlock the door to the back seat as Hyde began placing kisses on her neck. She let out a tiny moan as she opened the car door. Then Jackie turned around, grabbed Hyde, and threw him down onto the back seat as she got in the car, closed the door and began to straddle him.

A million thoughts began to run through Hyde's mind at this moment. He could not believe that all this was happening. Sure he had fantasized about having sex with Jackie a million times this last week, but he had to admit to himself that he never thought it would happen. Plus Jackie was being quite aggressive. Her movements were quite quick and determined, and then he realized what was really going on.

Jackie began to move her hands down to unbutton Hyde's pants when he stopped her.

"Wait Jackie stop." Hyde spoke.

Jackie looked confused and slightly hurt. "Why what's wrong Steven?" she asked

"We just…We can't do this." He began to sit up and move Jackie off of him.

"Why not? Don't you want me?" Jackie asked him. She felt the tears begin to form and tried desperately to make sure none came out.

"Look of course I want you. It's just…" he trailed off.

"It's just what Steven?" Jackie asked getting slightly angry.

"It's just I'm not going to be your revenge fuck!" He spoke forcefully.

Jackie was completely shocked. Where was this coming from?

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She managed to get out.

"It means that I am not going to sleep with you so you can get back at Kelso or so that you can prove Pam Macy wrong."

Hyde was sure this was the real reason why she wanted to be with him now. Hell, he figured that was why she wanted to go to prom with him in the first place. She wanted to piss off Kelso for how he treated her, and from the look on his face when he caught them together, her plan had worked. Kelso would soon come groveling and beg for her to get back together. Jackie of course, would accept. And where would that leave him? Hyde wasn't going to let her use him in her little game. There was just no way she could really care for him.

"Steven, how can you say that?" Jackie asked as her tears finally started to fall.

"Because it's true Jackie. Look I get it, really, but I know that you would never really go for a guy like me so whatever." He paused for a moment. "Look why don't you just go back in there and find Kelso and make up? I mean that's what you really want to do. You're always gonna be his chick so it's best this way. I'm just going to take off."

He barely finished his sentence before opening the door and stepping out. Hyde began to make the short walk home, thoughts of the little cheerleader that had wormed her way into his once cold heart plaguing is mind. But he had to let go of those thoughts. Walking away from Jackie and this whole mess was the only thing he could do.

Jackie sat in the car stunned. What just happened? How could Hyde think that she would use him like that. The truth was that she truly wanted to be with Hyde. Nobody made her feel the way Steven Hyde did…nobody. Jackie got out of the car and closed the door behind her. She stood in the cool night air and allowed her emotions to take over. She realized that when Hyde said what he said, it was his insecurities talking. He did not believe that he was worthy of love. Jackie attributed this to his difficult childhood, not having a family to love him. This was something she could certainly relate to. Jackie barely ever saw either one of her parents either. Poor Steven. At that moment Jackie realized that she was falling in love with Hyde. It wasn't just a fling or a fleeting emotion. It was real. As she thought of Steven hurting, it killed her. She began to cry full force as she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey I'm sorry Jackie." Kelso said softly

"God Michael just leave me alone!" Jackie shouted as she pushed him away from her.

"No. Look Jackie, Hyde was right about what he said. Okay, I was so stupid to bring Pam to prom instead of you. I was just hurt after we broke up so I wanted to get back at you, but seeing you cry over what I did is just too much to take."

"What? I'm not crying over you, you idiot! I'm crying about Steven." Jackie spoke as a look of disgust appeared on her face.

"Wait. What?!" Kelso asked completely stunned "You're crying over Hyde?"

"Yes. Okay look I'm sorry, but I have feelings for Steven, real, deep feelings." Jackie told him softly. She knew she didn't want to be with him anymore, but she never wanted to hurt Michael. She would always care about him.

"But Jackie, you're my chick!" He shouted.

"Oh for the love of God will you two both shut the hell up and let me decide who's 'chick' I am!" She said completely and utterly annoyed and frustrated. Fucking men.

"Damn Jackie, where the hell did this come from? All of a sudden you have feelings for Hyde? I thought you hated each other!" Kelso was completely confused, not that that is a hard task to accomplish.

"No I have always had feelings for him." Jackie replied sincerely.

"What?!" Kelso stood there with his mouth wide open.

"Look Michael, I know okay. I know this is weird for you, and we'll have to sit down and really talk this out, but right now I have to go." She said with conviction as she began to walk over to the driver's side of the car.

"Wait. Where are you going?" Kelso asked her with a confused look still on his face.

"To find Steven." Jackie said simply as she hopped in the car and drove off, leaving a stunned Kelso standing alone in the parking lot.


Hyde reached his house after a few minutes of walking. He took a short cut and made good time. As he walked into the house he noticed that it was completely dark. He turned on the lights and found a note from his mom saying that she had left town for a few days with her trucker boyfriend. Edna had left town for days on end before so Hyde made no thought about it. At least he would have some peace and quiet while he sat around moping over Jackie.

He cursed himself for allowing her to get to him. Hyde hated to feel. All feeling ever did was get you hurt. He had learned that the hard way and swore that he would never let anyone get to him, yet with Jackie, he found himself breaking that promise. A lot of good it did him. Tomorrow she would be back with Kelso and he would have to just sit back and watch the two of them together everyday, just pretending that it didn't bother him. Pretend that it doesn't irk him every time Kelso touches her or kisses her. It should be my hands all over her gorgeous body. My lips tasting hers. He could still taste her lips on his. They tasted like strawberries. Her lips were the most delicious things he had ever tasted, but he had to forget it. That's all there was to it.

Just then there was a knock at the door.

Hyde opened the door and saw Jackie standing there in front of him.

"Uh what are you doing here Jackie?" Hyde asked her, thrown by her appearance.

She walked right passed him, entering his house. Jackie didn't speak at first. She walked around the house and stood in the doorway of his bedroom.

"Is this your room?" She finally spoke.

"Uh yeah." Hyde was speechless, but he followed her into his room.

Jackie stood in the center of Hyde's bedroom and surveyed the place. It was messy of course, and there were posters of various rock bands plastered on the walls. Jackie just stood there for a few moments and then she turned to face Hyde.

"I'm pissed." she said matter-of-factly.

"Look Jackie I'm sure that Kelso will…"

Jackie cut him off "I'm not pissed at Michael. I'm pissed at you." Jackie said as she glared at him.

"What?" Hyde was confused. He figured she would be having make up sex with Kelso by now. So why was she standing in his bedroom pissed at him?

"You heard me Steven Hyde. I am passed off at you." She spoke in determined voice as Hyde noted the fact that she was really hot when she was angry.

"How could you just run out on me like that?" She asked as she stared at him. He felt as though Jackie could stare straight into his soul sometimes.

"Look Jackie, I think it's the best thing. I mean I know that sooner or later you're going to go running back into Kelso's arms. I mean you're his chi…."

"I swear to God Steven, if you call me Michael's 'chick' one more time I am going to scream!" She interrupted.

"Well that's what you are!" Hyde began shouting "I mean come on Jackie, you and I both know that you would never really be with a guy like me." Hyde said with a sad and bitter look on his face.

"Oh really, and what kind of guy is that Steven?" she pressed.

"Oh let me see…a poor burnout with nothing going for him in life, no future, and nothing to offer." Hyde said angry with himself for letting his insecurities show in such an obvious way.

"I mean look around princess. My life isn't like yours at all. I live in a hellhole with my drunk mother and whatever loser guy she's with this week…since my real dad took off on us. Oh and my own mom takes off for days at a time with truckers. So you see I don't have the perfect house with the perfect rich mommy and daddy. We are completely different and that's just all there is to it." He concluded.

Jackie stood frozen for a moment and then she began to speak in a calm and sweet voice.

"Oh Steven, you are such an idiot." She said as she began to smile

"Gee thanks" Hyde muttered.

"Well first of all Steven, I do not have a perfect life. Yes, my parents have money, but it's like I don't have parents. My dad is always working and he's out of town a lot and my mom is usually barhopping out of the country. I am almost always alone." Jackie paused for a moment. It was hard to admit these things about her family. She went on.

"So see we both have shitty parents okay."

"Whatever." Hyde said clinging to his Zen desperately to keep from taking Jackie into his arms right then.

"No Steven don't do that. Don't blow me off." She walked up to him and held is beautifully sad face in her hands.

"You want to know what kind of guy you are? What I see when I look at you?" She stared deep into those magnificent blue eyes.

"I see a guy with a huge heart. He's afraid to show it for fear of rejection. Everyone he has ever loved has let him down. He carries those scars with him, and worries that he is a loser just like those people, but he is not like them. He would give his life gladly any day for a friend. He is the kind of guy who would defend the honor of the one he loves, not stand there silent while she suffers. He would make a girl feel more wanted and alive than she had ever felt. He is so smart and strong. He can do whatever he wants if he puts his mind to it. But he is afraid that he is unworthy of love when the truth is, no one is more worthy." Jackie concluded as she continued to stare up at Hyde.

Hyde was in shock. Never had anyone said these things to him. His first instinct was to brush off her speech or make some joke or snide comment, but he couldn't do it. No one in the entire world thought that Steven Hyde was worth anything except Jackie Burkhart. She was the person he thought would be least likely to understand what he was really made of, but she seemed to be the only one to really get him, and that threw him.

"God Jackie." he said as he sat down on his bed placing his left elbow on his knee and is head in his left hand.

"Steven, I wanted to be with you tonight because I wanted you. It had nothing to do with Michael or Pam. I have never felt this way about a boy. Every time I see you I just melt." she said in a sweet tone as she stepped closer to where he was sitting. She stood right in front of him as he continued to cup his face in his hand.

"Jackie are you sure about this." he asked her gently.

"Yes Steven. I have never been more sure of anything n my life. I want you so bad." she said achingly.

Just then she brushed her bare knee gently against the hand he was resting his forehead on. She slowly moved her leg back and forth, rubbing her naked leg up against his hand until he finally removed his head from his hand and stared up at her.

"God Jackie I want you too." He said softly as he slowly moved his fingers of his left hand on her thigh. He slowly made his way up her right leg, tickling her thigh with his gentle finger tips. His hand disappeared under her dress as he slowly made his way up to the place he had been aching to touch.

His fingers reached silky panties that covered her aching core. As he rubbed his fingers lightly over her underwear, Jackie let out a little moan and tilted her head back.

"Oh Steven, touch me."

It was what he himself wanted more than anything too. He moved aside her panties and touched his finger to her wet folds.

"Oh God Steven." she moaned.

Hyde could feel his dick harden from the euphoria of touching her. He began massaging her clit with his finger. Jackie let out a gasp of pleasure. God he had never heard a sexier sound in his entire life. He wanted to make her cum so hard. As he continued with his ministrations, Jackie leaned down and kissed his lips. Their tongues massaging each other in the most heated urgent way. Just then Hyde removed his hand from her core, leaving Jackie with a disappointed look.

Hyde stood up and unzipped Jackie's dress as it dropped to the floor. He found himself excited as hell when he saw that she hadn't been wearing a bra. Jackie proceeded to take off Hyde's jacket and throw it to the floor. She kicked her dress off her feet having it land on his jacket. She kissed his lips fiercely as she unbuttoned his lilac shirt. Mean while he ran his hands through her hair and down her back. After throwing Hyde's shirt to the floor, Jackie began placing hot, wet kisses down his neck and chest as she took off his pants. He let out a slight groan at the feel of her open mouth on his body.

They stood there staring into each other's eyes, in nothing but their underwear. Jackie, surprising even herself with her aggressiveness, pushed Hyde onto the bed in a sitting position. She stood in front of him as she looked down at him. She saw his erection popping out of his white cotton boxers. Just looking at it made her ache for it. God she wanted to feel him so badly. She stood in front of him and as he watched, she slowly peeled her black silky panties off, wiggling her hips as she did it.

Hyde sat there in absolute awe of her completely naked form.

"Fuck Jackie. You are so beautiful"

Jackie blushed. Hyde gently pulled her onto the bed, laying her down on her back. He laid on top of her and kissed her lips. The feel of their naked chest coming into contact lead them to groan into each other's mouths. Hyde moved his mouth to Jackie's neck, kissing her tenderly in all the right spots. She could feel his hard dick pressed up against her inner thigh. The feeling made her so hot with want.

Hyde brought his mouth slowly down to her chest kissing her body all the way. He made his way to her left breast. He began to run his tongue around her nipple as she gasped.

"Oh Steven." She was wet and pulsating with want as he took her nipple into his mouth. She was aching so badly for a particular part of his body. She had to feel him. Her hands made their way down to his boxers. She pulled them down and reached her hand between them. Jackie took Hyde's cock into her hand and began to stroke it gently.

"Fuck. Jackie" Hyde moaned at her touch on his throbbing erection, her tiny hand stroking him slowly.

"Oh Steven, I want you so badly." she could barely get out in between moans.

"God baby I want you too." Hyde said as he kissed her neck.

"I can't take it anymore Steven. I need you inside of me." Jackie said with a force that made Hyde feel like he could cum right then. God she was fucking amazing.

"Are you sure you want to do this" he asked with genuine care and understanding.

"God yes Steven please I need to feel you inside me."

Hyde needed no more coaxing he pulled his boxers off all the way and threw them to the floor. Jackie bended her knees and wrapped her legs around his waist. Hyde placed his dick on her pussy, but he didn't enter her yet. Jackie elicited a gasp.

"Oh Steven. Fuck." Hyde had never heard her use that word before. "God Steven, fuck me!"

At that moment Hyde slowly entered her. They both groaned at the feeling, the connection they had both been yearning for, for so long. Hyde moaned as his felt his dick tightly encompassed by her walls. "God Jackie you feel so good baby."

He watched as Jackie's eyes closed and her head tilted back. She was in the throws of extreme pleasure, and Hyde had never seen her look so fucking beautiful. He kissed her lips as he continued to move in and out of her.

"God Steven harder." Jackie moaned with pleasure.

Hyde obliged as his thrusts got faster. "Fuck, Jackie." He moaned into her neck. He had never felt this sensation with any other girl. He could see Jackie getting closer and closer to the edge and he knew that he wouldn't last much longer either.

"God Steven I'm gonna cum" Jackie said in complete ecstasy. 'the feeling of Hyde inside of her was unlike anything else. It was the greatest feeling ever. He was a little bigger than Michael, but he also knew how to do it right, and Michael didn't. She had only had one or two orgasms with Michael. Right now she was on her way to her third, and the one that would blow the other two out of the water.

"Oh yes. Oh God! STEVEN!!" She moaned as her orgasm hit her like a shock wave.

Just hearing Jackie climax in ecstasy made his orgasm hit as he burst inside of her.

"God baby" He said gently as kissed her lips.

"Mmmm Steven." she said in a sultry and satisfied voice.

Hyde pulled out of her and laid down next to her on his back, pulling the covers over them. Jackie placed her arm around Hyde and laid her head on his chest.

"God Steven that was incredible." she said softly

"Yes it was." Hyde replied with a smile on his face.

"Are you sure because you know I have only been with Michael so I might not have been any good." She said slightly nervous.

"Are you kidding me? Jackie you were amazing." Hyde answered sincerely

"I was?" Jackie asked touched by his kind words.

"Yeah man I swear it was the best sex I have ever had." He said it and meant it.

No girl had ever made him cum as hard as Jackie did and certainly, no girl gave him this warm feeling in his heart the way Jackie did. He had never felt this way before about anyone. He knew he was falling, and falling hard.

"Aww thank you Steven. Me too" Jackie said in a cheerful tone.

"So I'm better than Kelso hah?" Hyde asked

"Mmmm much better." Jackie answered blissfully.

"Well, tell me something I didn't already know." He muttered with a smirk on his face.

Jackie laughed and looked up at is face.

"Steven." she said as she playfully slapped his chest "Don't be a jerk."

"So do you think Forman and Donna actually did it?" he asked her causing a little giggle.

"No way. They totally chickened out." she answered as they both laughed.

"Do you think Fez got his teacher to sleep with him?" She asked Hyde through her laughter.

"Nah man no way is he getting a hot older chick to deflower him. It will probably be Big Rhonda." They both laughed.

"And you know Pam was so not going to give it to Michael after what happened." Jackie jibed her ex.

"So out of the whole group, it was us that had sex. With each other. Who knew?" Hyde said, still surprised by the turn of events in their lives.

He smiled and held her tight, breathing in her scent. He never imagined that he could feel this happy, or less pissed off at least. He kissed her forehead and she smiled up at him, but then her face scrunched up slightly.

"So Steven, what do we do now?" She asked seemingly concerned.

Hyde understood why she was worried. She was probably wondering how they were going to introduce their relationship to the rest of the group, especially Kelso. She was wondering if he even wanted a relationship with her to begin with. This whole thing was new territory for both of them, but there was one thing Hyde was sure of: he did not want to let go of this feeling, this connection. He did not want to let go of Jackie.

"Whatever we want babe." He replied.

"So there is a we?" She asked slowly

"Of course there is. You're my chick now." he said matter-of-factly

"Finally you used that word in the right way!" She said with complete and utter happiness as she kissed his lips. She pulled away and looked at him.

"But Steven, what about Michael?" she asked

His reply was simple "Details baby, details."

They kissed. Jackie knew that everything would be alright. She knew that no matter what obstacles they faced they would make it through. She knew right then the love that she felt for Steven would last for the rest of her life. Everything was going to be alright. She was Steven Hyde's chick, and all the rest was just details.

The Beginning

A/N: So I hope you liked it! As always, I would love to know your thoughts. I wanted to thank you all for reading it. It was my very first story so it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to know that people enjoyed it. Thanks so much again.

Jackie and Hyde FOREVER!!