Chapter 4

"Do you know what they call a moon that big In Italy?" said Sebastian, looking at Alex, his fingers twiddling with the bottle cap on a piece of string. Alex shook her head.

I was in the back of the snow rover staring at he large moon of in the distance, listening ideally to what Sebastian was saying about the it being called 'Luna dei Cacciatori', meaning hunters moon. Of course to me and my highly evolved brain, it sounded more like 'Luna to catch a Tory' but that isn't important. The Italians have a weird language, that's the point, though something's sound exceptionally beautiful in the language. Like in those Italian love movies, the kind were you hug a pillow do your chest, cry a bit, sniff and blow your nose in a Kleenex, then coo and awe about when its over. Not that I do, my mother on the other hand does. I'll just stick with action pack kung-fu videos I have at my apartment.

I fiddled with my camera lens, I wanted it to be at the perfect angle when we arrive. I was getting giddy with all the excitement, all those pictures, all the beauty captured for eternity, not that I knew it was going to be beautiful, for all I know it could look like the shits. But something told me I would find it beautiful, well cause it was a pyramid. I looked through my camera, the image was off Alex and Sebastian, they looked almost like a couple, and I mean almost. Sebastian certainly had an attraction to Alex, but Alex was a bit hard to read, the expression a bit closed off. Like she doesn't want to get to far out, and be caught. It was a unconscious action I bet, cause not once did I notice, she could have been hurt by a boy in the past. Course all men are idiots, everyone knows this. Its like one of Murphy's Law. Sometimes it amazed me what kind of things you can see through the lens of a camera.

I leaned forward to look out the front window, when the rover was beginning to slow down. I couldn't see a thing, It was so dark out. As I stepped from the vehicle my camera now hanging around my neck, I stood beside one of the many men in the group, I think he was from the drill team. The light from the rovers illuminated the shear drop off and the station down below. Lifting my camera I snapped a picture.

"According to your satellite Mr Weyland, your pyramid is two hundred feet below this" said Alex, contempt in her voice. She was still angry with Weyland, actually did anyone really like Weyland? I didn't that was for sure. He seemed arrogant and bossy. And I hated people like that.

And so we made our slow trek down the slope, and when I mean slow, I mean me. I may be a photographer and seem all you know confident, but I have a fear. Yes a fear, hard to believe right? Well not really, but I have a fear of heights. Ever since I fell of the high dive at the pool and cracked my chin on the stairs on my down, I have been scared of heights ever since. The only thing left from that incident was light white scares on my chin, you had to get really close to see them. But I eventually touched down, with the rest of the crew and was quickly paired off with Sebastian, Alex, and Millar. Everyone went off to search the abandoned whaling station, how I knew this, I watched a documentary on it one time, apparently everyone disappeared over night, that was in 1904, over a hundred years ago. I laughed in my head.

"ooooo, a creepy abandoned whaling station" I said behind Millar, whispering for effect. I could see him tense, Alex and Sebastian didn't hear me they were up ahead. "Not afraid of ghost are you Millar?" I said coming to stand behind him.

"No" he said in his Irish or maybe it was English accent. I peaked up at him, his face was white. I snickered.

"Of course you aren't Millar." I said my humour shinning clear in my voice. "You know I bet there are tons of restless souls here, waiting to go beyond the great light" I said as a conversation starter. He hummed looking around. "or they could just want to stay here and eat the unsuspecting tourist souls" I added. The tourists being us.

"right" he whispered. I smirked. I think I freaked him out. I frowned when he veered off into another section of the abandoned place. I looked forward to the group leaders, but they already turned a corner. Sighing I turned and ran to catch up to Millar. She did say no one to go off on there own.

"Millar we're not supposed to leave the group" I hissed. He ignored me pushing open a big metal door and walking in flare lit. I rolled my eyes and huffed, men. I stood outside, my ass was freezing. I could hear him mumbling in there.

"And one for national geographic" then there was a click of a camera. I decided to walk in, and when I did I found him staring at this one place in the room, I could see his adams apple moving as he swallowed.

"What is it?" I whispered. I followed his finger as he pointed.

"There's something over there" he whispered back, then I heard it the clank. Oh my god, something was over there but what. I could feel my imagination running wild, what if it was some murderer, or some evil deformed thing that was hideous and ate human flesh and we were its next target. I could here is scurrying around, the sound was getting closer louder. Before it came out, I was so tense. I ended up laughing at what it was. A penguin.

"Its just a penguin, for a second there I thought it was some large human eating beast" I said between breathes. I screamed when a hand feel on my shoulder.

"better watch out they bite" said Alex an amused smile on her face.

"Don't do that, you gave me a heart attack" I said clutching my chest.

"sorry" she said she looked apologetic, before her face hardened into a frown,.

"I thought I said not to leave the group" she said.

"You said not alone, and I'm not. I accompanied Millar who is a dare devil at heart, wanting to disobey a ladies orders" I quipped, pointing towards Millar who was standing to the left holding his camera and grinning sheepishly.

"Just make sure it doesn't happen again" she said before she turned and continued. I followed and so did Millar.

"Yes boss" she shook her head and a small smile on her face.

"Aaron you are something else" I smiled off course I was. I was one of a kind.

A/N: the next chapter is totally dedicated to Rogue. And it will be in third person, not first person.

Pampers Baby Dry.