A/N: This chapter is AU, maybe too far-fetched but it was fun to write. If you don't like it, just let me know and i'll change it cuz I'm not too crazy about it either.

Tasha didn't think anything of not seeing Shane the next morning. She was a big girl and could take care of herself. Alice, on the other hand, flipped out and called all their friends, frantically looking for the young woman. When Tasha asked why it was such a big deal, Alice was too worked up and hectic to even notice Tasha talking to her.

Three days later...

Shane still hadn't answered her cell phone. She couldn't remember how many days its been, but she had recieved numerous phone calls, each of which she rejected. She was staying with an old friend. They went way back. When she used to act as a boy for johns', he was her pimp. He paid her next to nothing, but it was better than absolutly nothing. Also, he gave her whatever drugs, alcohol, anything she wanted whenever she wanted it at low prices.

It was a few hours ago that he said he had a job for her. He said he'd be willing to take her back, have her do some small work for him. She knew what he meant. Prostitution.

He motioned to the display of controlled substances on the table. "You want this?" Of course, she nodded. "Then you do what I say."

The normal Shane would immediately say "Fuck off. Not again." and leave. But this was not the normal Shane. This was the depressed, self-loathing Shane. This was the new Shane, the Shane that'd do anything for her addiction.

She just stood and shook his hand like it was some kind of business deal.

Next day...

Tonight was the night. Tonight was the night that Shane would change her life forever and, for sure, get drawn deep into her old lifestyle.

Dante, that was her pimp's name, took her down to the club. That's where he did his business. He told Shane that he just had some girls lined up for her. Nothing out of the norm for her. This was pretty much what she did anyway; have sex with tons of chicks. Just not for money.

All went well for the next week or so. That was until Dante started to throw guys Shane's way.

"Dante," Shane called out when he brought a man to the back room which consisted of a bed and a chair. "What's this? I thought I was only doing chicks. That was the deal."

"Come on, Shane," he pleaded. "Just this one time. Eva just took off and I don't have anyone else." He threw a condom Shane's way before slamming the door. She looked at in discust before throwing it at the dirty, greasy man.

"Do it."

Two hours later, Shane sat on the curb, crying into her hands. Dante forced her on three more guys, claiming he still had no one to cover for Eva. That's funny because Shane had just seen Eva an hour ago, during the time she had in between those sweaty hogs they called guys. Shane called Dante out on it. He flipped out and said that she owed him money for all the drugs and she had to fuck these guys and many more. For free.

Her high was wearing off and she was coming to her senses. Dante stepped outside the club, yelling for Shane to come in and get ready for the next batch of clients. She stood and turned to look at him. Then she glanced to the right. The Planet was only ten blocks from here. Without hesitation, Shane sprinted down the sidewalk, not paying attention to the screams of revenge that Dante would get for the money.

She didn't slow down until she reach The Planet door. It was only five and it was still open. She saw her friends in there, but didn't want to face them. Shane was backing away from the door when Bette caught a glimpse of her. She had the most frightened face Bette had ever seen. Shane took off running again, not wanting everyone seeing her like this. Bette must have said something, because all of the girls rushed out in front of The Planet and Tasha was after her.

That didn't last long. Tasha was a fast runner. What do you expect from a former soldier? She grabbed ahold of Shane's shirt and pushed her up against the wall. Yeah, she was learning police procedure. Shane tried to wiggle free, but Tasha was way to strong.

"Shane, they're worried sick about you. Come talk to us. Nobody's judging you." All Shane could say was "No, I can't." "Yes, you can. And you will." Shane kept resisting. So much that Tasha almost couldn't hold her down anymore. Shane could hear the click of heals coming towards them. She kept fighting until she got one arm loose and swung it around until she made contact with a body.