For Wheezy

Watching you sleep in the early morning,

I'm more frightened than I have ever been in my lifetime.

I watch the silver fans of your lashes

Fan across those pale, pale cheeks

And all I ever think is

How I can keep you here.

You are not obligated to me.

You do not need me as others say they need me.

You can do and have done without me

And yet,

I have the ability,

You've given me the option of

Watching you sleep in the early morning.

The moon may be your brother,

But the sun is your true lover

As it caresses your face

Shows the ethereal beauty of it.

Tears form in my eyes from that beauty.

Angels would sin for such a thing

And I am already fallen.

Last night, I had you,

And the night before that

And I'll have you again,

But . . .

Watching you sleep in the early morning

I lay beside you scared

Of what I'll see when those crystal eyes open

And look upon me.

I never see joy,

I never see happiness,

I never see love,

But I've yet to see pain.

Those eyes, they give me nothing

And that is what frightens me most.

I want nothing more than

To wake up to you watching me

With joy in your eyes,

With love.

But I never will.

I will forever pine for one

Whose body I've had,



Time after time after time,

But I will never hold the part of you

That, even just thinking about it,

Causes my own heart to beat.

Watching you sleep in the early morning

Frightens me more than anything ever has.

And all because I have no idea

If today is the day

You decide you don't want me.

And today,

You open your eyes

And you look at me,

You see me as you've never seen me before

And I feel your hand

On my burning cheek

And I look away,

But you pull me back

And I see those crystal eyes

And they fill with crystal tears

And I know now

That there was absolutely

Nothing to fear with

Watching you sleep in the early morning.
