Late at night I've been thinking to myself more and more about how I became to be Nobody... and even more so till just now.

"You can do better than this!" A pink blade cut the air like a hot knife through butter, just over my head as I hit the ground and rolled towards the assassin's feet. "You must have some skill hidden away."

I opened my mouth to say something but realize rolling away was very important right now since there was the diamond shaped top of a scythe being aimed at me. Why is he making me do this?

Dust rolled as the crown of the scythe hit where my body once was. I must be doing something wrong if he's frowning like that. I thought to myself as I finished rolling and come to my feet. "Marluxia, what did I do wrong?" I finally voiced. Perhaps he'd tell me- or not!

"Run!" The word slipped my lips and instantly sent a message down to my legs that advancing in the other direction was a very good idea. Sadly it wasn't quick enough for the assassin had apparently completed his deadly slash where a visible blast comes from his scythe blade.

Pain coursed my entire being. My body was sent tumbling forward into a head flip where I crashed into the earth sideways and kept rolling till a tree stopped me and flipped me once back the way I had came. Everything hurt but it was the diagonal slicing pain in my backside that took the cake which also had involuntarily brought tears to my eyes while a silent scream was kept inside of my throat.

Footsteps were lightly treading in my general direction or at least I think they were. I couldn't really focus due to the pain and the flash back that currently ran through my mind.

I only had managed to sleep for three hours and keep myself busy with music for another two before I couldn't wait inside of my room any longer. Five hours had passed; surely no one would care if I waited in the commons room till morning. Funny thing was it was hard to tell when exactly it was 'morning' due to the darkness outside and the moon above that our leader would randomly talk to... How was I the weird one again?

Everything inside the white walled building was still bright and well, blinding in a way. The halls were always lit. They were always white. They all looked the same. Easy to get confused with another hallway but all the same very dull and boring…

A sigh must have escaped my lips, so I imagined at least, while I meandered through the labyrinth that was our home. Seriously, one would think that Xemnas would put up a few pictures on the wall of the Original Six or something. Hell, I'd even settle for a crayon doodle made by Axel. Knowing him, it'd at least be colorful and of one of us other lower members being set a flame. …Me no doubt but still… Color was better then nothing I guess.

I have no idea when my hand had decided to touch the wall and drag gently across the surface but something cold began to creep through my gloves, sinking deep into my fingertips.

"That can't be right." Natural was more of the word I was looking for at the time. Walls weren't supposed to have cold spots in them, right? My pace had dropped quite a bit as my hand dipped in closer to the wall till my clothed palm touched the flat surface.

"Having fun, Number Nine?" Oh shit… "You're up a little early." Oh wait, that voice wasn't to be feared. At least, from our deal it wasn't.

"Marly, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" He arched an eyebrow as I turned to face him. My hand left the wall to be placed on my chest instead.

His eyes suddenly rolled. "Don't call me that," he stated blandly. "I see you couldn't sleep… Is there a reason you are up so early, talking to walls?" The other's blue eyes narrowed some and even though I was sure we were on the same side, he was still intimidating even though I knew I had no true emotions. Must have been part of his title as the Graceful Assassin.

I couldn't help but tap my index fingers against each other in a false nervous habit from acting in front of the other members. "I couldn't sleep so I was going to wait for you in the commons room till you would show up," I admitted truthfully. "But then I discovered that the wall was cold and thought it was peculiar so- I'm going to shut up now." Seeing a look I normally saw on Axel's face when he thought I said something amazingly retarded wasn't what I was hoping to get…

"I had a feeling something like this would happen, besides, I was counting on it." I couldn't help but blink. He… wanted me to be restless? "You have stricken something new inside of me, curiosity maybe."

A smirk then spread across his face like water. "I want to know what all you have been hiding from all of us, Demyx." His voice was deadly close to a catlike purr, the closest he might possibly get to actual amusement. "I want to see how strong you actually are, that's why I was hoping you'd be up even sooner then I previously had requested." My head bobbed up and down to show I was paying attention but not completely understanding.

"And this is good… how exactly?" For once I mildly felt as stupid as everyone actually pegged me for.

I was expecting for him to pinch the ridge of his nose out of irritation but instead he smirked a bit wider. "A practice session of course. I don't want anyone to know about, not even Larxene. This will be our little secret and will show me just how much I can trust you…"

Shoot, now if I didn't agree to do whatever he had in mind, he'd think I was against him. Just peachy…

Darkness swirled about where my hand once was on the wall. Wisps of deep purples and rich blues swirled in the black mess that was a portal. The pink haired male gestured to the portal.

"C'est la vie, voici raison d'être!" The assassin chuckled then answered my puzzled look. "It's French. It means: Such is life, here is reason for being." It was with these last words repeating inside the back of my mind, we entered the cold darkness and appeared into a new area I hadn't seen before. Where trees, bushes, and other foliage grew all around… And then our battle commence without as much as a warning.

"C'est la vie, voici raison d'être!" Green flashed across my vision before red managed to take over accompanied with a feeling of dizziness. "I think not… Perhaps you have no hidden talent after all! No matter… We'll just have to fix that."

Red was then replaced with white. The assassin must have slapped me since I could feel some heat in my face but the pain was still surging around my backside. Woah, wait a minute, everything is upside down…

Then I was corrected as the vine around my waist released its hold. Earth greeted my face and side sending what felt like electrical waves of pain diagonally across my back and aroused a low groan of hurt from deep inside myself.

"We'll pick it up again another time." My eyes opened just enough to sneak a glance of him before squeezing tightly shut in sequence with my hand around my waist. I wish I could honestly say I hated the training he had just put me through but I felt nothing towards it, just the pain in my back. There was nothing but pain, no hate, no shame, no self-pity, nothing but psychical hurt.

"Fuck…" The word came out pathetically. I didn't even need to see him to tell he was interested in why I had cursed. "Isn't there another meeting today? I hate them so much." I worked up a chuckle, hearing Marluxia had done the exact same thing.

"I think you're right." There was a pause in which I swear I could actually hear crickets chirping. "How do you even survive missions? You barely lasted over three hours with me and all you done was run away from the very beginning."

I chuckled and forced myself up slowly onto my feet. "By running away actually." A smirk of my own crossed my lips. It didn't have long to live though as the scenery blurred and something warm seeped even further down my back. "…Not good," I whispered.

"What do you- Demyx!" I hit the earth but no longer felt much pain. The scenery disappeared and though Marluxia was clearly saying something. I couldn't hear a single thing he had to say before the light faded and darkness took a hold of me. It seemed faintly… familiar…

(I updated and do apologize if this chapter sucked and or confused you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask away and I will explain thing out to you. I stayed up late writing this for you readers! I would have come up with something sooner but work is screwing me over and no one is interested in my personal issues so I'll stop complaining... The point is this: I updated, I stayed up late to do so, I am tired, I love fight scenes and hope I did okay in writing this one, and finally... Even if you hated this chapter, I think you for taking the time to read it. Please comment, it might not seem like I worked hard on it but in all honesty I did! TT)