A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who reviewed; I love reading your responses. Sorry I didn't update as soon as I said I would, I'll really try to get another chapter out by next week, but I'm not promising. Is it just me, or am I apologizing for something in every chapter.

This chapter is kind of a filler; I think I keep writing those because I don't want the story to end. If you think I'm moving to slow, please let me know.

Disclaimer: I'm not Stephenie Meyer. If I was, I would be able to come up with a better disclaimer.

James' POV

I could hear her screams, followed soon by sobs, and I have to admit, I was mildly disappointed. I expected it to take all my anger away.

I remembered one of my victims was a drug addict. She would tell people how it would take all her pain away, almost instantly. I thought it would be like that, but it wasn't. This was supposed to be the magic cure; it was supposed to take away all the embarrassment of having her get away. Her pain did nothing to help mine; in fact I was starting to get annoyed by her screams.

I was in the middle of complaining to Victoria about the noise, when I was struck with the most brilliant idea.

I always loved a good game of cat and mouse. Unlike most, I enjoyed being the mouse more, especially when you know you can outsmart the cat. I was going to make the Cullens work for it, see how far they will go to get their precious Alice back.

I knew her mate would do anything, but that would just make this all the more fun. I pictured myself fighting the blond vampire who stood so protectively over her in clearing. I could practically hear the metallic screech as I imagined tearing him limb from limb.

Victoria was staring expectantly, probably wondering why I stopped talking in the middle of the sentence. She opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off by Alice's screams as she got vision of the decision I just made. I smiled; maybe this would be everything I had hoped for.

Carlisle's POV

I have never been so disappointed in myself before. How could I just stand here not doing anything while Alice needed my help? I suddenly became very angry with myself, why wasn't I doing anything?

I sighed as Edward's words came back to me. There really wasn't anything I could do; and standing around blaming myself certainly wasn't going to help anything.

I decided to go check on my family. I haven't seen any of them since I got back from driving Esme and Rosalie home where we all went our separate ways.

I walked down the stairs to find Emmett and Rosalie sitting together on the couch. At least Emmett was back; his reaction was the most unexpected of all my children. He was calm; shockingly so. He didn't say anything; he just nodded slightly before walking out of the house and into the dense forest surrounding us. He was being reasonably rational, although, I did hear him punching down trees.

Snapping back to the present, I silently watched them. They were just sitting there, not talking, staring into each other's eyes, reminding me much of Alice and Jasper.

I realized with a stab of guilt that I hadn't checked Alice's room on my way down to make sure Jasper was back. I quickly retraced my steps back up the stairs and down the hall.

Stopping just outside the door, I could smell his scent lingering there, much too strong for it to be from earlier. I sighed with relief; although I knew he could take care of himself, I still felt better knowing he was home.

I knocked lightly on the door. "Jasper?" I called, even though I knew he was already aware of my presence. I didn't get an answer, so I took his silence as an invitation to come in. He was staring out the window, leaning on the cool glass, though it was probably still warmer than he. It was raining, which really much of a surprise. As the rain pelted the glass, it left trails of water dripping down the window.

I knew my son well enough to know what he was thinking. He wished he could cry for Alice. His worry and pain had consumed him; he wanted some kind of physical release from the pain. In a way, the rain was the tears for him. The sky was crying for Alice while he could not.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you." His voice surprised me; it was hoarse, almost like it hurt him to speak, although I knew this was physically impossible.

"It's alright son," I replied.

He took a steadying, unneeded breath before continuing. "I was just so angry; the thought of her hurt was unbearable." His next words were so soft, I was certain I wouldn't have heard him if I were human. "I just want to have her in my arms again; to know for sure that she is safe."

"I understand," I said, reaching forward to grasp his shoulder. He seemed to relax a little under my touch, but was still tense. When he didn't respond, I decided to go see Esme. I figured I wouldn't get anything else out of him.

I found Esme in our bedroom; she was sitting on the bed with a large, leather-bound book in her lap. Upon closer inspection, I found it was a photo album. We had dozens of these. When you live as long as we do, you have a lot of memories to store.

She smiled sadly at the picture she was turned to. I leaned over her shoulder to see which picture it was, and found myself sliming at the image, as well.

It was Alice and Jasper out in the backyard. They and the trees around them were both soaked, although it wasn't raining. Despite their slightly disheveled appearance, they looked perfect standing together under a canopy of trees. The trees blocked the rare sunlight, allowing them to sparkle faintly, but not enough to mess with the photograph.

The best part was their faces. They both had a smile dancing on their lips, and were just staring into each other's eyes, like I witnessed Rosalie and Emmett doing a moment ago. They seemed oblivious to the rest of the world. I don't think they even noticed I took the picture. It really was a beautiful photo. I wonder why I never got it framed.

The phone ringing jolted me out of my reverie. I answered in right away, not worrying about keeping up the human charade only my family knew my cell phone number; the hospital used the house phone.

"Hello Carlisle," James' distinctively husky voice filled my ear. I froze; I wasn't sure if it was from excitement at the prospect of getting a clue, or from fear of what he might say. I did know one thing for certain; this was going to change things.

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