
Name: James Robert Anthony Adams

Former Name: James Robert Choke

Date of Birth: 31 October 1991 (Tufnell Park, London)

Family: Lauren Zoë Adams (born Lauren Zoë Onions) (sister) (also a CHERUB agent, recruited 2002)

Gwen Choke (mother) (died of heart failure, 2002)

Father Unknown

Gender: Male

Recruited: 2002

Academic Profile

JA is an intelligent agent, one of the most intelligent on campus. Until recently, he would not be able to attain his true potential because of his lack of focus. However, since the death of Dana Smith CHERUB, JA seems to have finally attained the focus necessary to expand his skills. It should be noted that due to JA's youth and his lack of focus when he joined CHERUB, his recorded IQ from the CHERUB entrance is definitely more. CHERUB Chairman Zara Asker has yet to take action in pursuit of this speculation.

GCSE: 17 (all at grade A star level)

A level: 10 (all at grade A level)

While James is not an overly talented linguist, he has managed to master several languages quite fast. CHERUB psychologists think that this is due to JA's talent in mathematics as well as JA's determined nature. James can speak, read and write in perfect French, Spanish, German, Greek, Russian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese and Afrikaans. It should be noted that most of these have only been mastered recently, after the death of Dana Smith. Before JA joined CHERUB, he was involved in a two year exchange program in which he went to live in Dublin. CHERUB psychologists think maybe it was the change of scenery that affected him, but during those two years James managed to master several of the Celtic languages. Due to his natural inquisitive nature, JA has rudimentary skills in the older Celtic languages.

Physical Profile

Hair: Fair

Eyes: Blue

Height: Just above average (175 cm)

Weight: Just above average (75 kg)

Build: Stocky (this makes him prone to weight gain, but with his training regime also very strong)


JA has become an excellent martial artist. He has made exemplary progress in his training. He is a godan (fifth degree black belt) in Karate and Judo, a sandan (third degree black belt) in Aikido and Madame Tanaka reports that JA is a nidan (second degree black belt) in kendo/kenjutsu/fencing. Madame Tanaka also reports that JA has a rare talent of being able to divide his attention to learning multiple arts and still be able to give them equal attention, ferocity and most of all not mix up the disciplines. Madame Tanaka reports that of all the Cherubs she has trained, JA is the fifth to show this natural ability (the fourth being JA's best friend, Bruce Norris, although Bruce Norris has not taken advantage of this ability as JA has). Yosyp Kazakov reports that of all the Cherubs who have taken interest in using the barely frequented CHERUB firing range and training course, JA has shown the most enthusiasm and skill (although Kazakov reports that Bruce Norris, with his "disturbing talent and enthusiasm for violence", is on par with JA). After six months of Yoga with Kazakov, JA has finally managed to gain a good amount of flexibility that, put together with his excellent strength and speed, makes him a very dangerous opponent. JA has rudimentary boxing abilities gained from his second CHERUB mission, and with the help of the "Real Combat Course" Kazakov began to broaden the limit of all CHERUB agents' fighting skills, JA has upgraded his boxing skills to a good grasp of Mauy Thai. It should be noted that of the class, only Bruce Norris is on par with JA in terms of skill, although Kazakov noted that Bruce has a talent for raw violence that often gives him an edge during a fight.

Psychological Profile

The death of Dana Smith affected James tremendously. Although CHERUB barely managed to survive the lashing of the Ethics Committee, James did not.

Dana Smith died during a low risk mission in London. She managed to stumble across a much nastier plot whilst investigating a small time fencer. It seemed the fencer had, for a short time, upgraded from fencing stolen paintings and other art to fencing TSGs. TSGs are very rare and tightly controlled (by most governments worldwide) mechanisms which are used in heavy industry. But what they can also be used for are for the triggers of nuclear bombs. Dana Smith managed to hack all of the fencer's information and get it back to CHERUB, but it seems the fencer's client had decided to cover his tracks and kill the fencer. At the time Dana was with the fencer's daughter when the house blew up from a faulty boiler. The fencer survived by luckily being in the basement. Dana and the daughter died immediately.

JA and Dana had started to have a very deep and emotional relationship. They were seldom seen without each other. CHERUB is aware of JA's cheating trend, and of the fact that he nearly lost his virginity to the son of a gang leader during a mission at the age of fifteen and three months. JA managed to abstain and instead lost his virginity to Dana Smith, and she in turn to him. Although JA was underage, CHERUB chose not to take action against him (and Dana Smith since she had technically committed statutory rape). This might be the basis of their incredibly tight relationship. JA hadn't cheated on Dana since to the point where he actually failed a mission as a result. JA was hit hard by Dana Smith's death and CHERUB Chairman Zara Asker assigned JA a psychologist he has to report to every few days. The assigned psychologist says that JA is fine, but fears that since JA has an A level in Psychology and is soon to start a degree in it, along with other degrees, JA is liable to be lying in order to be given a clean bill of health. No decision has been reached on how to approach this problem.

It should be noted that JA has shown to be fiercely protective and loyal to close friends and his half sister Lauren. Aside from this small group, JA has made very little voluntary contact with other Cherubs since Dana Smith's death six months previously. However JA's close friends, particularly his sister Lauren, his best friend Bruce Norris and his ex-girlfriend Kerry Chang reported independently that JA has recovered from the shock of Dana Smith's death well and the only reason that he is so secluded might be because of the time he spends training and studying. Several psychologists have said JA is simply working so as to distract himself. JA is quite young and was deeply emotionally attached to Dana Smith. This combination did not make for a good outcome, psychologically speaking.


James sat in the CHERUB archives, a flat screen monitor in front of him. He scrolled up and reread his profile. He was shocked, to say the least. He had no idea just how much CHERUB knew about him. He smiled. That was going to change. One of the good things about the electronic database CHERUB now used was that it was filled in by different people who didn't consult each other. He opened up a separate window and checked the times and names of the people who had last accessed his profile. He was surprised to see that his profile, pending completion, was due to be reviewed by Zara. He couldn't let her see his profile like this. It might make her suspend him from missions, and what was the point of being an agent who didn't go on missions? He started editing his profile. He couldn't change known facts, like his academic and physical information, but he could rewrite it so that it was vague and less revealing, but not suspiciously so. He also heavily edited the several attached Psychological Reports. He was a bit frustrated to find out that the shrinks still didn't believe he was fine. True, he always felt a pang whenever he thought of Dana, but he had finally moved on, just as he had moved on from his mother's death.

Ten minutes later James was done. He had to the archives after he had gotten suspicious of the fact that he hadn't been approached for a mission in six months. His suspicions had been proven right. He opened up the computer logs and deleted his tracks, which proved difficult as he had to work around several password requirements. Luckily CHERUB provided every agent with basic hacking techniques, but with James's talent at mathematics, he was slightly more advanced than that. After he finished he stood up and left the archives. It was night outside. It was October and starting to get very cold. It was also the CHERUB Winter Competitions. James looked up at the overcast night. Dana would have been competing in the triathlon, among other sports. She would have won, he was sure of that. She was a gifted person. He smiled as he remembered the last time he had seen her.


James walked into his room at ten. His clothes were covered in sweat and his limbs were trembling from exhaustion, but despite that there was a smile on his face. He loved pushing himself to the limits and tonight's training session with Dana had done just that. James had been helping her prepare for the Winter Competitions and in the process had ended up hooked himself. It had taken months of hard work but finally he knew he had a chance of competing and winning. Dana was one of the best on campus and he could now finally keep up with her incredible speed. He wasn't as talented as she was but with continuous hard work he could match her. Dana was a slave-driver and she said she was going to make sure James participated and won a medal. James's grin widened. He couldn't help it. Simply the thought of Dana gave him butterflies.

He undressed, put his clothes in the washing basket and took a long warm shower to unwind. After half an hour he finally managed to turn off the water and went into his room to dress. He opened his mini fridge and took out a can of orange juice and some crisps. He gorged himself quickly before turning his attention to the homework due in the following day. It took him an hour and by that time he was nodding off. He yawned and took off his trousers and shirt and got under the blankets.

The door opened. He groaned. He had forgotten to lock it. Lauren or one of his friends always liked pranking him. Lucky for him he had slept late. He got up, a scowl on his face and ready to tell the person to piss off. The words died in his throat. There, silhouetted by the light in the hallway, was Dana. She was wearing black pyjamas patterned with red roses. Her hair was a mess and James could tell she hadn't bothered to brush it before going to bed. She was holding an old and worn teddy bear under her right armpit. But despite all this, James had to say he had never seen her so sexy. James had always loved the effortless way Dana could look beautiful. That was the word. Many girls were hot or fit or pretty or sexy, but Dana was beautiful. Unconsciously James found himself grinning.

"What are you grinning at?" Dana asked. Her voice was sour. James wiped the grin off his face.

"Sorry," James said. He got out of bed and walked toward her. He gave her a peck on the cheek before pulling her gently into the room. "What's wrong?" Dana didn't answer so James got up and took two cans of Pepsi from his mini fridge. He opened on and handed it to Dana. She took it and scowled at him.

"This is full of sugar. I won't be able to go to sleep anytime soon now," she said shortly before downing the can in one. James smiled at her.

"What's wrong?" he asked again. Dana was quiet for a minute and James gave her space to think. Dana had always alternated between shy and aggressive and so opening up to someone was always hard for her. But she had come to trust James.

"I'm sick of getting crap missions," Dana finally said. "Despite all my skills, my mission record is bad so all I ever get are just plain shit!" James knew this was an old complaint from Dana, but nevertheless a valid one. It always annoyed him that there was nothing he could do about it. James took the empty can from her unresisting finger and set his own down on the floor. He sat on the bed next to her and held her.

"Dana," he said, "You are an excellent agent. Your skills are excellent and you are one of the smartest people on campus."

"Fat load of good that does me," Dana said bitterly.

"You are also a nice person," James continued, "A beautiful girl and the love of my life. Do you really need difficult missions where you could get killed to acknowledge how good you are?"

"Yes," Dana sulked. James chuckled.

"No, you don't," he said. "As long as you're confident about yourself, none of that matters. Besides, I couldn't bear to lose you. I saw what happened to Michael when Gabrielle nearly died. It wasn't pretty. Do you want me to end up like that?"

"That's blackmail," Dana said crossly. James looked down at her, the smile still on his face.

"I prefer to call it gentle persuasion," James said. Dana gave him a withering glare that slowly melted in the rays of James's smile.

"You dickhead," she breathed before she leaned upwards and kissed him. Her breath tasted faintly of toothpaste. The stayed like that for a few minutes before gently breaking off. "Thanks," Dana said.

"No problem," James said. He started to get up to dress. Despite the heating, it was still cold.

"No," Dana protested. "Don't leave me."

"I'm only going to put on some clothes," James told her but Dana wouldn't let him get up. "Fine, fine," James said in mock frustration. "I'll just freeze to death then." Dana looked up at him, her eyes suddenly mysterious.

"I'll keep you warm," she said. James stopped breathing. They had only had sex a few times, three times on James's bed and twice in Dana's room. After the first time, on the same bed they were on now, when they had both lost their virginity, the act had lost its allure. Of course it was amazing, but James had lost his horny-ness after he had finally done the act. After that they had only done when they were feeling particularly happy. Dana had commented that she was surprised James hadn't wanted to do it every chance he got, what with his reputation for being horny. James had simply shrugged to that and said maybe she had finally tamed him. That had made her smile. Secretly she was also very proud of him. He had confessed to her about his near miss - or gain, depending on your point of view - with the crime lord Sasha's daughter. His committment had touched her. The little prick had finally grown up.

"Are you sure?" James asked? To be honest, he always got a little nervous. His generation of boys had an extraordinary amount of knowledge about sex and he was always afraid he might … under perform.

In answer Dana got her head out of James's lap and put her teddy bear – the only relic of her troubled childhood – down on the carpet. She unbuttoned her pyjama shirt to reveal a black bra. James took in a deep breath. Dana had the most perfect tits he had ever seen. They were big, but not too big, and were nicely curved. Dana reached down to his boxers and started to softly stroke him. James exhaled loudly. He reached forward and drew her closer…



James turned round. It was his little sister, Lauren. "What's up?" he asked.

"I just wanted to say congrats on winning your trophies." James raised an eyebrow. "…And I was wondering if I could borrow ten quid." James took out his wallet and gave her the money.

"Um… thanks," Lauren said uncertainly. She hadn't expected him to give her the money, let alone without any questions asked.

"No problem," James said before turning round to walk away. "Have fun."

"Would you like to come?" Lauren called out after him. James turned round and looked at her.

"Where?" he asked.

"A big group of us are going out to watch a movie and then go bowling. Bruce, Kerry, Gabrielle, Michael and most of your lot are coming."

James hesitated for a second. He hadn't left campus in ages. Getting out for a relaxing night was tempting. But at the same time he was hesitant to go out with a large group of people. Even now, six months later, whenever someone recognised him they would avoid his eyes or look at him with sympathy. The fact that Dana and he had been having a close relationship was known all over campus. He'd gotten so sick of it that he spent most of his time in solitary practises like training with Madame Tanaka and Kazakov or else reading up on something.

Recently he had taken to spending time with the technicians and inventing his own gadgets. After reading Alex Rider he only thought it proper that he should have his own gadgets. Having an A level in maths, electronics and physics, and currently preparing for degrees in all three, among others, and the fact that he was on a secret spy base had all added up to make the theoretical process of making gadgets quite easy. Building them was another thing. After all, they had to look like normal kid stuff and still be useful. The kind of money involved was nothing to laugh at, and so he had to rely on what the technicians threw away.

"What do you say?" Lauren asked. "Please?" James looked down at his sister. She had grown. She was only two years younger than him, fourteen, but she was turning out into a beautiful young woman. Of course her looks hid a great amount of deceit. She was a master of emotional blackmail. James smiled.

"Fine," he said. "When do we leave?"

Lauren smiled happily. "In half an hour. Usual place." Lauren turned round and skipped off. Actually skipped. James shook his head. Maybe it was the seclusion but he had found himself turning more and more cynical and sarcastic. He sighed before turning round and started walking toward his room. Tonight would be the perfect night to test out the stuff he had made. Besides, he could just relax. He went into his room and got ready. He changed from his tracksuit that had the CHERUB logo on it. Instead he out on a black polo neck, black trousers, black socks, white trainers and a thin but warm jacket.

Then he put on his chronometer watch. It was an old thing, the straps made of black leather-like material and the actual timepiece made of a huge lump of stainless steal. The watch was a wind-up one but it had a separate battery that could be used. The winder could be pulled back to reveal a tightly coiled strong fishing wire of a two metre length. Hopefully he'd never have to use it in defence or attack. Another special feature in the watch – and James had to get several technicians to provide him with the necessary info before he could make it – was that the watch was able to detect ionic beams and frequencies. In layman's terms, the watch would softly buzz on his wrist when it could detect any kind of surveillance equipment within its range. Of course such a mechanism required a lot of power so James had built in a rechargeable battery that could be turned on and off. The range was a ten metre radius. James had nearly scrapped the whole idea on the basis that the watch would simply become too big, but fortunately one of the technicians had cottoned to James's idea and had helped him make it in a much more efficient manner. James thought mentioning the garrotte wire would make the technician think twice about helping him so he had only added that feature after the anti-surveillance mechanism was built.

Next he took his iPod. This had been easier due to his talent with maths and encryption. The iPod was white and a bit worn, but it concealed a two hundred gigabyte memory. One hundred gigabytes were devoted to normal iPod stuff but the other was heavily encrypted by James's personally designed by James. It was here James could store any information whilst on a mission. James had, again with help, equipped the iPod with internet access in case he couldn't connect a computer with a lead. Everything was still in prototype stage but James was proud of himself.

There was one more thing. James put on a small ring. He had given Lauren one. The rings were equipped with GPS software that, if activated, could automatically hack into any Secret Service system due to the pass codes James had nicked off Zara a few months previously. They could only be used once, of course, since after that many high ranking intelligence officials would be asking uncomfortable questions.

James sighed. It would have been nice to share all of this with Dana. She had expressed an enthusiasm for joining either the SAS or MI6 after CHERUB and all these gadgets would have turned her into a kid at Christmas. James shook himself. Dwelling on the past didn't help anything. He plugged in his earphones and started listening to some Bob Marley. Three little birds. He smiled.

"Don't worry about a thing, cause every little thing gonna be alright," James sang softly to himself.