Read and believe.

"Good morning class," Vlad sensei greeted.

"Good morning sensei Vlad!" the little ninjas cheered. "Today, I have something very interesting to teach you all. That is, AFTER we jog 3 miles," Vlad said. The children groaned as they walked outside, setting themselves for a nice workout. "Okay, 1..2..3! Come on! Jog! Jog! Jog!" Vlad went on running with the kids.

Few minutes later...

"Okay, okay. Now that you all are warmed up, I think now I will teach you the tecnique every young ninja must know."

"Vlad sensei?"

"Eh, yes Eizan."

"Will we EVER go back to learning the blinding sphere tecnique? Ever?"

"Uh, not know though. Okay, now, let's begin." Suddenly, an interruption took over. "Students, report to essembly at this moment," the speaker said. "I wonder what the principal's up to now," Okuni said. "Yea, probably some other stupid class election or sumthin'," Jimmy stated.

"Students, thank you all for coming. We all brought you here to announce that this friday, Shuriken School will have a dance night/celebration!" the principal said.
The students gasped and cheered. A dance was something they just needed. "It is for free, and you may bring a little friend with you. Well, more than a friend in this case."

"Principal sensei? Can we wear whatever we want?" Ami asked. "Why, yes! Of course! It's a dance, no?" Ami clapped cheerfully. Now remember students, that you must get along with everyone. No fights in the dance. It's a time and the ONLY time where ninjitsu isn't quite neccissary."

"Principal sensei!? Can you invite only students with a date?" Daisuke asked as he looked at Ami. Everyone began talking at once on how much they wanted that. "Alright then. Just to make it more interesting, you can only go if you have a date!" "WHOO HOO!" they all cheered.

"A dance? But why does the principal want a dance?" Eizan asked his friends in lunch. "I dunno, but who cares?! It's gonna be so much fun!" Jimmy said. "Easy for you to say. Your not the one who has it hard for her to find a date," Okuni said. "Chillax Okuni! I'm sure you can find anyone in 5 minutes!" Jimmy said. "Sure, that's great Jimmy B.," Okuni said. Eizan never thought of it, but he had no one either. "Uh, what will we wear?" he asked. "A tuxedo?" he asked again. "Heck no! You ain't comin' inside looking like some weird waitor or sumthin'! Wear gangsta' clothes!" Jimmy suggested. Eizan scratched his head. "No, I don't really like hip-hop," he responded.

"Well then just come normal dressed. You know, like how you dress to the mall for example," Jimmy said. Eizan shrugged his shoulders. "But I wanna look unique," he said. Jimmy patted his shoulder. "Dawg, gangsta' is unique." Eizan looked at his pal's eyes. "Uh, no thanks Jimmy." Eizan looked at Okuni who was reading a book. (TWILIGHT TO BE EXACT!! GRRRR!!) "What are you going wear Okuni?" Eizan asked. "Eizan, I don't think I'm even going," she responded. "Well, why not?" he asked her. "Because I've got no one to go with. Besides, I don't even have a dress." Eizan nodded his head.

"Okay class, it's really simple as it seems. Just jump and force your body to twist faster then wind. Stay up, and do not fall unless you are told to," Kita sensei explained. "Watch me." And to that, the little ninjas studied their teacher's moves and "OOOOHHHHED!"
"I heard there's a dance coming up. Just out of curiousity, who do you think I should go with?" Kita asked. The little dragon fly flew above the kid's heads. "Sorry, just asking. I'll be right...back," their teacher said with a tone of embarrasment. When she walked out, the students were yip-yapping. "It's gonna be so much fun!" Nobunaga yelled happily.
"It zwill be 'ze greastest zing that has ever happened in Shuriken School!" yelled the french scuba diver, Jaques.
"More than simply the greatest! The best!" Choki said softly.
"I'm gonna enter the dance room looking gorgeous! Just think about it, me and my beautiful gown, walking inside with my boyfriend (She doesn't have one) and everyone drooling," Ami bragged. Daisuke walked to her blushing, holding a flower. "You think I can be your boyfriend?" he asked, handing her the flower. Ami frowned. "Ughh! Not a chance! Go get your own pretty girl. This one's going to ask another boy. A boy with taste and charm," Ami said as she swayed her hair in the air. Daisuke began anime crying.
"You guys are wasting your time," Okuni said, with the book in her hands. "What do you mean?" Ami asked crossing her arms with concernation. "I mean that dancing and hanging out in a dance room with a boy or girl that your eyes fell to, is ALL a waste of time."

The kids stared at her. Soon, they ignored her and continued talking. Oknui rolled her eyes as she opened her book and had her eyes follow the stupid book.

Meanwhile, Eizan had some trouble finding out just what to wear and who to ask out. With curtousy of Jimmy, he would probably wear his regular clothes or 'Gangsta' clothes. He wasn't so sure yet. But who would he take? Or who would take him?

Another meanwhile, Ami was looking out for someone. Someone nice and understanding to go with to the prom. But who? Then Daisuke appeared. "Hmm, maybe if I ask -Looks around the room- hmmmm...-gasp- Marcos!" The mini-skirt wearing young girl ran to Marcos and began flirting with him. "Hey Marcos!" she greeted. Marcos looked at her. "Oh, hello Ami," the mexican greeted back. She got closer to him. "Do you think you can take me to the dance this friday? I mean, you DO think I'm pretty after all, right?" she asked sweetly. Marcos blushed. "Eh, of course but..." "Please??" Ami begged. Marcos whiped his glasses. "Eh, what I mean to say is that...someone already asked me," he responded. Ami frowned. "Who?" "A girl from Mexico who surprisingly moved here today! Her name is Juanita! She is pretty like gems!" he said. Ami frowned some more. "Fine. Didn't wanna know you anyway." And to that, she walked away. Marcos scratched his head and shrugged.

"Okay then. There's more boys out there." Then Daisuke appeared. "How about...Choki!" she ran to the sleepy boy and folded her hands. "So Choki! Do you think you can take me to the dance tonight?" she asked fastly. Unfortunetly, Choki was asleep...AGAIN. (Doesn't he always sleep?) Ami waited for an answer but there was nothing. She gave up and walked away. "There's gotta be more." As she looked around again, she spotted Okuni talking to Eizan. "Ah- HA!" she yelled and ran happily to Eizan. He was perfect! He was cute, smart, sweet and totally NOT someone like Daisuke. "Hey Eizan," she greeted with a tone of love. Okuni opened her eyes wide, but not like she cared anyway. "Uh, h-hi Ami," Eizan greeted back. She giggled and then folded her hands. "Do you think you can take me to the dance on friday?" she asked. Eizan blushed. "Uh...I-I-I...I don't know," he said hesitantly. Ami got closer to his face. Okuni stood there. Then Daisuke appeared. "Please??" she begged. Eizan scratched his head. "Er...Uh..." he watched as the blonde girl grin happily, waiting for an answer. "Uh, you see, I'm not really good -Ami kisses him-" Okuni opened her eyes wider. Eizan stood there dumb struck. "Well?" she asked. Eizan just stood there. He blushed some more then finally came back to Earth. "I'm sorry Ami, but I really can't." And to that he walked away quietly. Okuni crossed her arms. "What's gotten into HIM?" she asked herself. Ami then anime exploded. "Great! Now what?" she asked herself. Okuni felt bad after hearing Ami's fake and sick love for Eizan, but she had a great idea for Ami.

"Hey Ami. I know who you can go with," she said. Ami smiled. "Who?" Okuni whispered the name into her ear and Ami soon grinned and pranced away, with Okuni satisfied with that. "Girls and boys. Pfft," Okuni said to herself. She knew better, and walked away.