Randomly inspired… really I don't know why. I guess I always loved Peter Pan as a kid and always thought he was going to whisk me away to Neverland sometime soon. Also, Neverland and Narnia have always seemed rather connected to me.

Crouching behind the bushes, a young, dark haired boy grinned excitedly. In his right hand he clutched a metal hanger, while his left hand was closed tightly around a long stick. He bit back a laugh as he watched his younger sister dance circles around the elder two.

"Come on! Come on!" She exclaimed as she tugged on her brother and sister's hands. "Let's go! We have to find him so we can beat him!" She emphasized this comment with a kick of her foot, blonde curls bobbing in the sunlight.

The older boy, also blonde, laughed. "We can't fight him without a proper war strategy, Lu--I mean Michael." He quickly corrected himself when the little girl began to pout.

The other girl frowned slightly. "I thought you were the fairy."
Giving her sister a pointed look, the youngest huffed. "I was, but Tinker Bell can't fight in a battle, Susan. She's too little."

Susan arched an eyebrow at her six-year-old sister. "But you're not a boy, Lucy. And you can't keep changing your character. That makes it too confusing. How are we supposed to keep up with you?"

Lucy smiled vibrantly. "It's easy, Susan! When I skip I'm the fairy, and when I've got my bear I'm Michael. And then you're Wendy and Peter's Peter." She giggled here. "Isn't that funny? Peter's Peter?"

Susan puckered her lips briefly, not finding the joke quite so funny. "I suppose you can be both. But next time we play you've got to choose one!" Lucy giggled delightedly, skipping off to find her discarded bear.

When Lucy returned she had a mischievous smile on her face. "You really shouldn't pucker your lips like that, Susan. That doesn't look very Wendyish at all."

Susan ignored the impulse to roll her eyes, and instead looked toward Peter. "Have you any idea where Edmund is?"

The older boy craned his neck, scanning the area in search of their younger brother. "I haven't seen him since Lucy was the Crocodile and chased him away."

"He went that way!" Lucy pointed toward the bush, blond curls flying as she raced across the yard. A rustle in the bush caught her eye, and she shrieked, engulfing herself in the game again. "I know you're in there!" She cried in a melodic voice, plunging a hand into the bushes and snatching a handful of dark hair.

"OW!" The boy cried, swinging his hanger toward his youngest sister. "Lucy what was that for?"

Edmund got to his feet, rubbing his head where Lucy had grabbed his hair. She gave him an annoyed look.

"Why do I have to keep telling everyone? My name's not Lucy! I'm Michael, remember?"

He picked up his stick. "How was I supposed to know we were playing again? You lot have been talking about characters for the past five minutes!"

Lucy stuck her tongue out at him. "Come on! Let's play! I want to play the part where Peter and Wendy fight Captain Hook. That's the part Mum read to me last night before bed! That way we can play the next part tomorrow."

Peter and Susan exchanged amused glances at Lucy's 'logic.' Edmund frowned.

"I thought you said we could play dragons tomorrow." He fiddled with the hanger, a petulant look on his face.

Lucy gave Edmund an incredulous look. "We can't just stop playing and leave it, Edmund! What would happen to Peter and Wendy? And Tinker Bell? We'll play dragons after Mum and I finish reading."

"I could just tell you what happens so we could finish it today. Hook is eat--," Edmund was cut off by a screech from his younger sister.
"Edmund! I don't want to know what happens yet! You'll spoil it for me!" She frowned at him. "Just because Mum read it to you when you were six doesn't mean you have to go and ruin it for me."

"It's only a story, Lu." Edmund tossed her his hanger. "Look, only a hanger. Not a real hook."

She looked up where the pale crescent of the moon that lingered in the daytime sky. "Of course they're real, Ed. Didn't Mum ever show you Neverland? Second star to the right and straight on until morning." Lucy looked to Susan and Peter for support. "Right?"

Peter glanced between his siblings before giving an indulgent shrug. "That's what Mum always told me." Fearing a bout of teasing from Edmund, Peter changed the subject. "Shall we continue our game, then?"

The other three seemed inclined to do so, and Edmund hastily picked up his hook and stick, facing Peter as the elder boy pulled out a stick of his own.

"Catch me if you can!" Peter cried, sprinting across the yard with his arms on either side of him. "You'll never be able to fly like me, you old codfish!"

Susan took off behind her brothers, stopping once to beckon Lucy to follow.

"Michael! Come on!"

Lucy glared at her sister as she skipped behind her. "Susan, I'm Tinker Bell!"

AN: I hope that there aren't too many grammatical mistakes in here. I wrote in like thirty minutes and then just decided to post it up. I think I'm going to make this a three-shot sort of thing. Pre-Narnia, During, and Post-Narnia. Not sure yet. I'm actually thinking of doing a series sort of thing where I integrate other works of literature into the Narnian series. It sort of depends on my attention span, though.

I hope this is okay, and not too cliché, although I know it is. Anyhow, comments are always welcome.

Disclaimer: Don't own it.