Well, this is it. We've finally reached the last chapter everyone! I can't say how happy I am and I can't thank you enough for reviewing, favoriting and subscribing. Special thanks to my reviewers that reviewed basically every chapter. Including: KitsuchiTenu, zutarababe, fire dragonheart, AnineForTheSoul, sakurawriter, AyaDokuseiRingo, Cereza671, Rayne Hunter, Mithras151. I apologize if you've reviewed a lot and I didn't mention your name! Gomen nasai!

Also, thanks to those who have recently gotten into this story, reviewd and/or subscribed. I've noticed you, trust me I have!

This is my first fic with more than five chapters and I thank you all so much for sticking with me. It's been eight wonderful months, hasn't it?

If you have any requests for once-shots, please tell me and I'll do some. It doesn't have to be MoriHaru

(Final) Disclaimer: I haven't done this since the first chapter so here it is: I own nothing! (except Tamaki's heart. I love that guy)

Without any further things to say, I now give you my last chapter. Please enjoy. Thank you for reading and giving this aspiring novelist a chance.

Fujioka Haruhi stared at the two large doors directly in front of her. This was the room that happened to be on the top floor of the south wing and at the end of the north hallway in Ouran High School, the prestigious school that she had never had the urge to go in before. The whole school was so humongous that she had needed an escort to get here; the Third Music Room. She found that even the doors were intimidating.

Haruhi reached out to the golden door handle, flinched, and dropped her hand back to her side again. Her mind was racing at a dangerous speed and she wondered if she had made the right decision in coming here or not. After all, she hadn't talked to Takashi in two days. She did not know his reasons for not getting in contact with her for this period of time but she knew her reasons perfectly. It seemed that the more she wanted to talk to him the harder it became to do it.

She could not remember a time she had felt so nervous, especially when it came to Takashi. Usually, she felt safe and content around him but now it seemed now she was a nervous wreck even when she just thought about him.

Haruhi lifted her hand again and took in a deep breath. It wouldn't be right, she reminded herself, to come into this grand school and just stand there the whole time. She figured that as long as she was there she might as well do something about her situation. The only reason she had been allowed in the school in the first place was because awhile back, Takashi had introduced her to the people that would let her in the school if she ever needed him.

Of course, she needed him now more than ever.

With that thought in mind, Haruhi finally wrapped her hand around the handle and opened the door. Upon doing so a flurry of bright red roses and shining light flooded out, temporarily blinding her as she heard six soothing voices chant, "Welcome."

To say that Morinozuka Takashi was in a bad mood was an understatement. He couldn't eat, sleep, or barely speak. If it didn't come naturally then breathing definitely would've become a problem as well. He felt so heavy just sitting there and for the first time in a long time he wondered if he was even worthy of living other than for helping out Honey. When he had been with Haruhi, he had actually felt like a person. Someone had actually really saw him for who he was.

He had been the happiest person on the planet. But now, he did not know what to do. After he had left Haruhi's place the other day he had tried several times to get in contact with her by phone but each time he had tried he would feel a surge of nervousness and hang up. He may look like he was made of steel but even so, he was a nervous wreck on the inside.

There was absolutely no comfort today in being by Honey's side, considering what had conspired against them just a few days before. He remembered how Honey had given him a smile, one filled with something that he hadn't seen the small senior hold since he had tried to change himself into a "real man" those years ago. This smile was fake and forced, something that made Takashi cringe even by just thinking about it.

"It's sort of funny Takashi," Honey had said, his eyes locked onto the sweets in front of him but seeming not to even look at them. "I always wanted you to be happy with Haru-chan...even if it meant losing you."

Takashi looked up, wondering what in the world had possessed his cousin to say something like that.

"I mean...I knew that one day we wouldn't be able to stay together always but I didn't know that you would leave me first." Honey laughed bitterly then, his caramel eyes becoming clouded and tearful. "But it's nice seeing you happy! So you have to talk to Haru-chan, alright? So I can see you smile again."


"No, Takashi. I'm sorry for being selfish and being jealous of Haru-chan. I wanted to help you but I was sad all the time...gomen nasai, Takashi. I'm really, really sorry!" He sobbed, suddenly lurching forward so that his face planted into Takashi's front.

Takashi stared, this time actually really at a lost for words. How hadn't he seen this coming? He wondered if love had really blinded him so much that he hadn't taken the time to notice how Honey had felt. 'But he always looked so happy...' he thought, almost desperately. He knew that there was a time that he had always knew if something was bothering his closest friend and that now that had changed.

That thought scared him so much that he could've sworn his heart skipped a beat.

He gently rubbed Honey's back, then squeezed him tight against him. Honey looked up, his eyes full of tears and his face red from crying so hardly. "Mitsukuni...I'm sorry. I should've taken into consideration on how you felt. I should've paid more attention. It's my fault."

Honey's eyes widened and he shook his head back and forth quickly. "It's alright Takashi!" he leaned back and wiped his tears away with the back of his hand. "I know that you care about Haru-chan a lot. I was wrong for being jealous, ne?"


"I'll forgive you on one condition!" Honey cut him off, his usual happy smile returning in glory.

Takashi looked away. Not only was he in a semi-relationship but now his heart felt completely broken. He didn't even feel as if he should be forgiven. He hoped that Honey would make him do something humiliating, something that would hurt him badly so that he could also feel the pain that he had made Honey feel- just like when Honey had flipped him.

"Takashi, are you listening?"

Takashi looked back. Honey's eyes were serious, his expression so solemn that it almost scared him. What could he be planning? "I am."

"Then, if you want me to forgive you," Honey leaned up so that he could whisper in Takashi's ear. "Promise me that you will never ever forget me."

Now all Takashi could do was sit in the club and watch Honey, making sure that everything was alright with him. This time he tried to pay attention to the smaller details just as he had before he had met Haruhi. It scared him to think about how far apart they had become and that it was all his fault.

But another part of him was happy. They were taking the next step together, just as they had always thought they would. He and Honey had decided when they were very young that no matter what they would always stick together but give each other their space. When he reflected on it, he realized that the promise between them had held up nicely. Now he could only hope that Honey would somehow make another step, just as he had, though he wasn't exactly sure how the sweet-loving teenager would do it.

Thinking about Mitsukuni did make him Takashi feel better. Though, his mind never was too far away from Haruhi. He tried to concentrate on other matters again, but the same emptiness had returned and he could feel his bad mood returning. 'Is she angry with me...?' She did have every right to, he reminded himself. He had accused her and possibly even embarrassed her in front of everyone.

Just as he was about to continue his scolding, the sound of the two large doors opened. Almost robotically, Takashi chanted with his fellow host member, "Welcome!" and they awaited for the person to step into the room.

At first, upon seeing her, the room went silent. The customers had stopped in mid tea-sip and mid-chat to stare at the girl- or boy (for that is what most of them took her for), wondering what in the world was this person doing here in those clothes. The hosts, of course, were thinking different things. For example- What the hell is she doing here and why is she just standing there looking so darn adorable?!

While Takashi's feet and tongue felt like a brick, Kyouya was the first to actually move. Next was Tamaki, who silkily excused himself from his customers and he was followed by the twins.

"Oh! We should go see what's going on too, ne, Takashi?" Honey suddenly said, snapping his cousin out of his reverie. Translation: Shouldn't we go so that you can talk to Haruhi now before it's too late?

"Yes. Excuse us." Takashi said, standing to his feet despite his legs shivering beneath him.

Honey also excused himself and hopped onto Takashi's back. They walked out into the hallway, where Kyouya had ushered Haruhi out to. He saw the girl looking quite distressed thanks to the twins and Tamaki smothering her, and for the first time in hours Takashi actually felt an emotion other than anger. He almost chuckled at the look on her face as she finally was released from their killer hugs.

"Ooh! What's in the bag?" the twins asked, trying to snatch the brown paper bag from her hands.

"It's just some cookies I made. They aren't very good." Haruhi said, snatching it away from them. For a moment Takashi caught her gaze and in that same moment he thought that he would faint. He now knew what the fan girls screaming in crowds for their favorite singer felt like. Unfortunately, just as quickly as she looked at him she looked away, leaving a heavy feeling in Takashi's chest. 'She doesn't even want to look at me.'

"Don't be ridiculous! Anything you make is sure to be delicious," Tamaki cried, succeeding in taking the bag from her hands. He pulled a cookie from the bag and held it up to the sky as if it were a token from heaven itself. His eyes twinkled as he slowly moved the cookie to his lips. Just as he was about to take a bite though- "Hey- my dear, sweet cookie from Haruhi!"

Hikaru laughed and broke the cookie in two, giving the other half to his twin. "Mmm...these chocolate chips are really gooey," Kaoru said in between his munches.

Hikaru smirked at Tamaki, "Too bad Milord, you didn't get the first taste."

Needless to say, Tamaki was about to go crazy.

"I guess she just doesn't want you to have some." The twins shrugged, finally succeeding in sending the poor guy into his corner of woe, mumbling words of pure sorrow.

Takashi's eyes followed the brunette as she sighed and made her way over to Tamaki, tapped him on the shoulder and offered him a cookie while telling him "not to pay any attention to the twins." A pang in his heart grew when he realized that she would probably not even offer him any of her homemade cookies. He wanted to talk to her- but what could he say?

When he felt a slight tug on his sleeve he looked down. Honey was looking up at him, concern in his eyes. Takashi shook his head a bit and looked away. There was nothing he could do about the situation.

Once Kyouya had taken a cookie Haruhi looked around, checking that everyone was enjoying the treats before she let her gaze move over to the last person. She gulped, swallowing her fear, and took a step forward. "Um...you...can have some if you want." Haruhi managed to say, despite her face suddenly burning. She hadn't realized that being away from him for so long would have this effect on her. She was nervous, albeit happy to see him.

He gave her a warm smile (or at least one she hoped was warm and not just so he could get rid of her faster) and extended his hand out to take a cookie. She could only watch as he bit into the chocolate chip snack, slowly tasting it and swallowing it. Finally, just when Haruhi thought she would faint, he smiled and told her, "It's good...thank you."

She nodded and opened her mouth to say something- anything, something that would get them going again- but she was too late. Kyouya came up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "As much as we appreciate your hospitality Haruhi," his glasses glimmered and he smiled so handsomely that Haruhi remembered just how devious the Shadow King really was. "We have customers waiting for us. Time is money, is it not?"

Everyone felt a large bead of sweet roll down their heads before Tamaki sprang up and got into his best friend's face. "Kyouya! Haruhi is always welcome here! How could you be so cruel?!" he shook his friend by the shoulders roughly. Kyouya sighed and snatched Tamaki's hands away from him, then took a second to adjust his glasses.

"Well, if Haruhi would like to become Mori-sempai's customer then it wouldn't be a problem. Otherwise, I'm sure that you can agree that it's rude to keep the ladies waiting for another woman. Right, ladies?" At the end of his sentence his cold tone turned charming once more and he faced the doorway.

Several girls gasped and/or blushed before they muttered their agreements.

"Ah, you are right Kyouya. These princesses, each with beauty so fair, deserves an unyielding presence to accompany them at all times," Tamaki said, easily slipping back into host-mode upon seeing the girls and ushering them back into the room.

"Hai, hai!" the twins, taking the hint, chorused and marched back into the music room together.

"Yay! More cake!" Honey said, bouncing back into the room.

Kyouya smirked and made a small noise in the back of his nose, pushing his glasses back up again and slowly walking back into the room.

Takashi inwardly twitched. How could they just abandon him like that? They knew he was scared out of mind. With Haruhi staring up at him with those big chocolate eyes sure wasn't helping him either.

Meanwhile, Haruhi was having similar feelings. Why wouldn't he say anything? What should she say? What could she say under these conditions? Maybe coming here wasn't a good idea. Maybe he hadn't gotten in contact with her because he just didn't want to see her anymore. He thought she was a liar and a cheater, didn't he? 'No...' Haruhi thought. She had come here to prove that she wasn't. She had come here to get him back, she reminded herself.

"Takashi/Haruhi-" they said at the same time. Haruhi laughed nervously and shook her head, her bangs falling a bit into her eyes. "You go first."

"No," he disagreed, "You."

She nodded and opened her mouth to speak. Unfortunately, nothing came out. Her thoughts and feelings swirled around painfully in her head but she could not find the words to voice them.

Takashi shifted. 'She's going to break up with me...' he thought. Suddenly he knew how Arai felt. The last thing he wanted to do was let her get away. He tried to tell her so, tell her that he had let his jealousy get the best of him and that he would never hurt her again. Tell her how much he loved her.

In a pure flurry of fear of what would happen if they didn't do anything right here, right now, both Takashi and Haruhi leaned into each other in what ended up in being a fumbled of a kiss, their lips barely even touching as they tried to each mash their lips into each other.

"Ow," Haruhi mumbled, falling forward once Takashi had leaned back from the awkward kiss.

He smiled, his eyes shining down at her when she looked up. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Haruhi said, giggling despite herself.

He smiled wider and before he knew it, Takashi was laughing. Haruhi's little giggles turned into heartfelt laughter. The stress and worry that had filled their souls up to the brim seemed to decrease as tears sprang to their eyes.

Meanwhile, inside the music room, the hosts and their guests looked up and listened.

The twins, trying to hold in their laughter said in between giggles, "Is...that...Mori-sempai...laughing?!" That said, their laughter burst forth, having realized that they had never heard the tall senior laugh so loudly and so much before.

At his table, Honey giggled as well and, in a chain reaction sort of way, the whole room started to laugh. The melodious sound filled their ears and in that moment, it seemed that nothing could ever go wrong again.

Girls could not get lost and lose their memories.

Twins could not argue over said girl.

Fragile hearts could never be broken.

In that moment of joy there was nothing more or nothing less. All was as it should be.

Takashi turned around, moaning slightly as he raised up and out of bed. He looked back at his bed, noting that a certain someone was missing. The Morinozuka sniffed the air, also taking notice that the scent of pancakes was in the air.


Takashi blinked and turned around to face the maid. She smiled and said, "You're being summoned to breakfast. She says it'll be ready in five minutes."

"Thank you." he nodded and the maid smiled again and left. Takashi stretched and briefly looked around his large room. He went and opened the curtains, letting the sun come in and bathe his body in its warmth momentarily before he left his room.

He went down the stairs, turned the corner and suddenly felt a blow to his midsection. A bit stunned, he looked down and saw a kid smiling up at him. His eyes were a deep gray, almost abnormally large and round. His hair, a very dark brown was set into spikes that Takashi ruffled. "Good morning," Takashi said, easily lifting the child up and hoisted onto his shoulder.

The child laughed and spread his arms out as if he were a plane. "One day, I'll be this high up too!"

"Of course." Takashi agreed, strolling into the kitchen.

"Surprise! Happy birthday Toshi-kun!"

Toshiro squealed in surprise and excitement. The small yet strong and adventurous boy jumped from his father's shoulders and ran over to the large table. Takashi smiled while walking over to his wife and put his arm around her shoulders.

Haruhi laughed when Toshiro dipped his finger into the cake she had made herself.

"Leave some from the rest of us, Toshi-chan!" Haninozuka Mitsukuni laughed handed a knife to Toshiro so that he could help the boy cut his birthday cake. Momentarily, Haruhi saw the younger Honey- the one who did not wear a short blond ponytail and who had not grown a bit taller. For a man, Honey was still short but he was more handsome that cute now, despite the fact that he had not completely given up cute things.

"But strawberry cake is my favorite," Toshiro smiled brightly.

"Toshi-kun's so selfish, isn't he Kaoru?"

"And to think we came so far just for his birthday. How troublesome."

They sighed and unison, "And we could've been with our girlfriends too. What a shame."

Haruhi bonked Hikaru and Kaoru on the head before lighting the candles on Toshiro's cake. "You know, just because you both finally kept a girlfriend for longer than a month doesn't mean you have to mention it every five seconds."

Hikaru and Kaoru laughed as they made a smart comment in reply to Haruhi. They hadn't changed much since high school. They had branched out considerably yet their golden eyes still twinkled with mischief.

"Toshi-kun, you'll cut your dear Uncle Tamaki the first piece, ne?" Tamaki asked.

In response, Toshiro asked bluntly, "You're not my uncle."

"Nice one!" the twins laughed, each giving Toshiro a high-five. "You sound just like your mom!"

To that, Toshiro raised a confused eyebrow and tilted his head to the side.

"We'll tell you the story later." Kyouya said, patting the young boy on the head. "It's very funny." He sent another arrow towards Tamaki, who was now huddled in his corner, a dark aura surrounding him.

"Ah, he's doing it again." Toshiro, Hikaru and Kaoru said simultaneously.

Haruhi sighed, "If it's not mushrooms it's a hamster's home...and Tamaki-kun still doesn't own a hamster."

Kyouya's eyes glimmered. There was no point in wearing glasses now, considering that the only reason he had worn them in the first place was because the host club needed 'every type' and there was someone that needed to wear glasses if they were going to do so. Now, he stuck to contacts.

Tamaki sniffed and looked around his shoulder, his depressed state finally starting to wear off. The Suoh was now a model, and his face and body showed it just as much as his younger days.

"Ah! Wait for me!" Tamaki wailed as they sung Happy Birthday to Toshiro.

"Don't forget to make a wish." Haruhi warned. Toshiro nodded and closed his eyes.

"I wish..." Toshiro mouthed. 'That things can always stay the same, just as they are now.' Haruhi thought.

Takashi looked at her, and their eyes locked together. 'We wished for the same thing...'

Takashi reached and grabbed her hand, giving it an affection squeeze while his eyes sparkled.

The twins laughed when suddenly, Toshiro had taken a large amount of cake in his hands and thrown it at Tamaki's face. Tamaki, in return, had fallen miserably to the floor. Toshiro laughed and ate the rest from the palm of his hand. Everyone grabbed a handful and proceeded to start a food fight.

Honey, of course, was in between eating it and throwing it, whatever suited him best.

Tamaki was getting pummeled by Toshiro, Hikaru and Kaoru. Kyouya was on the other side of the kitchen so that he would not get hit. He typed away on his laptop but it was no mistake that his eyes sometime wandered up to amuse himself with his friends.

"Do you think...that days like this can last forever?" Haruhi asked quietly.

Takashi didn't say anything, and for a moment Haruhi thought that he had not heard her.

"No," he finally answered. "That's why we have to enjoy them while they are here."

Haruhi nodded and leaned up. Their lips connected for a brief moment. Then-


Haruhi twitched visibly as cake fell from her face and Takashi dusted his shirt off from the cake. "What. The. Hell?" Haruhi asked and suddenly pairs of fingers all stretched out to Tamaki.

"W-what?! It wasn't me!"

"Oh, really?" Haruhi replied, bending down to pick up some cake from the floor. "Well, someone has to pay."

At that time, Takashi smiled as a cake-war ensued. He knew there was some things that he could always count on.

There would always be sad times. But there would also be good ones too. Sometimes, when times got rough, he didn't think that they would make it. Still, he somehow felt that they would be alright when it was all said and done.

In the end, he knew that someday, all of his friends would have a happy ending.

But as for the present?

Well, he already did.

A/N: I guess Haruhi made a pretty big cake, huh? Well, I do hope you all liked this and if necessary, give me constructicve critiscm as always. Thanks for those who have! I haven't even gotten my head bit off, yay no flames! Thanks for reading and I look forward to your feedback and to writing more stories in the future. And like I said, I'm open for requests (doesn't have to be MoriHaru)

Thank you.