I have no idea why I'm making a third chapter for this...but it kept nagging at me to write more for this, so I will oblige to it.

Another one-shot over Naruto and Sakura and their baby son Renji. And I got more where this came from so...I'll be apparently -sigh- updating this story as well. The inner fangirl in me just wants to show her face some more it seems.

Babies can form bad habits as I've seen (Baby-sat over four cousins in a two year span) and I wanted Naruto and Sakura to suffer such things with their baby.

Wow...that came out more bitchy than I wanted it to...oh well.

I have to go remove the complete thing for this story seeing as my mind has come up with other ideas to annoy me. :P

Please review if you found this one-shot appealing in anyway. I'll be updating 'To See You Again' soon too lol.

Disclaimer: I own nothing not even the diaper-clad mini Naruto in the story. -lacks originality-

"A baby is an inestimable blessing and bother."
-Mark Twain

Now Naruto Uzumaki was no Father of the Year, heck he could barely change his son's diaper.

But he really didn't think his infant son should be breaking these many toys. And then hiding the broken pieces for his groggy father to step on in the early morning.

Example today. His big toe is now the size of an overlarge grape thanks to a piece of a once fully assembled toy car.

He grimaced as he picked up the piece of broken toy car that caused his undying pain. He stared at the car piece and wondered how such a small thing caused so much pain.

"I hate you..." He worded out slowly as he rubbed the injured toe.

Naruto's blue eyes followed the sound of a lively giggle coming from down the hall. He sighed and rose to his feet. The soreness of his poor toe being pounded into his head as he walked.

His wife walked in with a bubbly baby boy chewing on the sleeve of his blue long shirt. Sakura raised an eyebrow as she stared at her husband. His blue eyes looked tired and dark circles were under them making him look older than twenty-one. Balancing her son on her hip she placed her free hand on his whiskered cheek and smiled ruefully.

"Looks like you're having a good morning Naruto."

Naruto laughed sarcastically and gently removed his wife's hand. "Very funny Sakura-chan. Shouldn't you be the normal supportive wife who comes to my rescue when I look this tired this early?"

Sakura shrugged as she walked past him and towards the kitchen. "Well when you married me I punched you approximately ten times. That proves I'm far from a normal wife Naruto." She giggled as Naruto sighed again. "Which means normal behavior is out of the question. Isn't that right Renji-kun??" She spoke playfully at her infant son who giggled hysterically.

Naruto mumbled something under his breath and went back to the couch to pick up the source of his pain. He walked after his wife and leaned against the archway wall of the kitchen. His blue eyes softened as he watched Sakura take out ingredients for their breakfast. The baby in her arms fidgeting to be let go so he can continue to crawl.

She blew away the bangs in her face and shifted Renji again. "Hold still little guy, I'm trying to get your father fed." The little blonde baby pouted but remained still.

Naruto smiled sympathetically at his son and went towards the dining table to sit down. The baby's blue-green eyes shined with hope as he stretched out his stubby arms and let out incoherent sounds towards his father. Sakura rolled her green eyes and turned round to place her son into Naruto's arms.

She feigned a hurt expression as the baby seemed happier to be in his father's arms. "I gave birth to you Renji-kun and this is the thanks I receive." she wiped away a fake tear and turned back around to start breakfast.

Naruto laughed as his son giggled and bounced on his lap. Naruto grinned widely. "You little brat, as long as you get what you want your happy aren't ya?"

The little blonde head nodded as though he understood and began to climb down his father's leg. Naruto made an annoyed face and grabbed a hold of his infant son by the back of his blue shirt. Sakura turned back around from cooking eggs when she heard her son began to babble out angrily.

Her green eyes shined with amusement as she watched the two blondes of her life give each other glares. "What on earth are you doing Naruto?" Her voice barely understandable as she tried not to laugh.

His glare lessened as his eyes looked up to stare at her. "Keeping him from breaking any more of his toys. Haven't you noticed Sakura?"

His eyes widened in disbelief as Sakura shook her head slowly and blinked innocently at him. He stood up abruptly and still holding his baby son by the shirt gaped at his wife. "Sakura-chan!! How could you NOT notice the broken pieces of toys lying all over our floor!" his whiny voice caused Sakura to giggle.

"Naruto you're over-exaggerating. I've spent this entire week with our son and he hasn't broken any toys..."Sakura stopped speaking as she noticed the enlarged toe her husband possessed. She pointed with a shaky finger and stumbled out her words. "N-Naruto...you have a big g-grape as a t-toe!!"

Naruto stared at his wife with confusion until he remembered his earlier injury. Rubbing the back of his head he laughed. "Yea, well that's what happens when you step on broken toys in the middle of a dark room."

"Well, maybe if you had turned on the lights in the living room that wouldn't have happened Naruto."

"Sakura-chan! Like I expected our son to have a fetish for hiding his broken toys that he broke in the first place."

"Don't use that whiny voice on me Naruto it doesn't work! And don't say fetish! I don't want Renji-kun inheriting your foul mouth."

"He's nine months old Sakura I don't think he even knows what that means." Naruto spoke with an exasperated look on his face.

"Babies are impressionable Naruto! Besides you're a highly skilled ninja, warding off pieces of broken baby toys should be child's play for you." Sakura pointed out as she cooked the bacon next to the scrambled eggs.

Naruto's expression turned pouty as he sat back down on the chair and rubbed his injured toe with his free hand. "Ne, not when my eyes are still half-asleep Sakura-chan..."

The baby in his tanned hand wriggled around annoyingly, making a pouty face of his own at being unable to free himself from his father's grasp. Naruto sighed and gave his son a soft glare.

"I'm in this painful mess cause of you squirt, just to let you know."

Sakura released a sigh of her own at the immature behavior her husband was showing. "Can't you just let it go Naruto? He's just a baby, Renji-kun doesn't know any better."

"That's not the problem though. I'm already grumpy cause you took away my precious ramen Sakura-chan." His eyes narrowed as he spoke, trying to remind his wife of his other pain. "The baby will make this a habit if we don't stop him soon."

The said baby continued to struggle to release himself from his father, oblivious to the fact that he was causing such an uproar this early in the morning. Sakura turned around to take the pan with the hot eggs and fried bacon over to the plates set on the table. Her green eyes shined with sympathy as her baby boy wriggled around his shirt trying to get free.

"Let go of your son and just eat your breakfast Naruto, I'll heal your toe after we're done." She smiled sweetly at Naruto and kissed him on the cheek before patting it affectionately. She then returned to the stove to boil the water for the tea.

Naruto let his shoulders slump in defeat as he placed his son to his high chair. Putting his elbows on the table and the palms of his hands on his chin he sighed again and blew away some strands of his long blonde hair. "You know the whole sweet talk thing won't work on me forever Sakura-chan."

Sakura simply laughs and goes to redo her hair into a tighter bun. She hears her husband sigh in pent up frustration and shakes her head. He was being stubborn over one little broken toy.

"Naruto, I've been walking around this house for nearly a week." Sakura agitatedly mentions as she walks over towards the table. "And not once have I stepped on a bro..."

Both the baby and Naruto turn curious eyes towards Sakura's voice which had stopped speaking mid-sentence. Naruto raised a blonde brow as he noticed the purple tinge of color his wife's face was turning. He let his blue eyes drift down to her rigid feet, and his expression became one of fear and cold realization.

His wife's entire foot stepped on the sharp broken arm of their son's obviously broken action figure.

Naruto edged himself slowly out of his seat and carefully made his way to the bubbly Renji. The baby bounced around and grunted happily at his father to be picked up. His blue-green eyes shined with glee at seeing his old broken toy as he was lifted onto his father's shaking arms.

Sweat rolled down Naruto's whiskered cheeks as he cautiously moved towards the doorway to the living room. His blue eyes wide with apprehension at what he knew his wife was about to do.

Her body began to shake as his foot touched the soft carpet of the living room. The foot that was injured showed signs of redness as she tried to control in her pain and anger. The baby seemed unaffected by the sudden tension in the kitchen as he reached out for his mother.

"Mama! Mama!"

'Oh, no...here we go...'

Naruto winced as he heard the low growl coming from his wife. Her face covered by her pink bangs.

"Renji Kyo Uzumaki!! Look at what you've done! You little Bastard my f foot is going to be swelled for the rest of the f day! Motherf!! It really hurts like hell!"

Naruto's heart pounded in his chest as he leaned his body against the opposite side of the wall that separated the kitchen and living room. The baby in his arms had stopped wriggling and stared up at his breathless father. Curious blue-green eyes wide in wonder at the loudness of his mother's words.

Naruto grimaced as he continued to listen to Sakura's anger tantrum. He patted his son's mop of blonde hair.

"Be lucky my son that you don't understand a single word your mother is yelling at you."

The baby gurgled something that sounded like a word and began to play with his father's necklace.

Naruto sighed and a weary look overcame his face as his wife's yells became grumbles and then low mumbles as she left to go treat her injured foot.

Too tired to stop him, Naruto let Renji crawl towards his collection of toys. The baby let out a overly-happy giggle as he grabbed his little cars and began to collide them with each other.

Naruto's blue eyes caught sight of four other broken pieces scattered across the living room carpet and shook his head.

"I can't believe our son is such a little jerk by leaving his broken toys everywhere like that on purpose." Came the quiet but annoyed voice of his wife as she leaned against the wall Naruto himself was leaning on.

Both parents watched as Renji collided his toy cars again and again, almost wanting to break them. Naruto shook his head again and then rubbed the back of it.

"I did warn ya Sakura-chan...now both our feet have suffered the consequences."

"Tell me about it." Sakura mumbled as she winced when her foot touched the cold floor of the kitchen.

They heard the sound of something crunching and breaking in half and returned their attention to their infant son. Green and blue eyes widened in disbelief, Renji had managed to break both the toy cars. Sakura began to walk forward expecting Renji to break into sobs at any second, but was stopped by her husband's strong arm.


curious, Sakura obliged to Naruto and stopped to stare at her baby son. Renji's blue-green eyes studied the broken pieces hard, contemplative almost, as he picked up one piece than placed it back to pick up another.

Moments pass as the two parents stare at the baby. Then they both gasp when the baby seems to make a choice and hugs the broken piece to his tiny chest as if it were discovered treasure. And then...

The baby smirks.

Naruto falls to the ground in utter shock, and Sakura nearly joins him as she sees her precious innocent baby smirk almost as diabolically as Uchiha Sasuke.

The baby places the broken toy in the pocket of his little shorts and begins to crawl towards the hallway leading to his parent's bedroom, the smirk still on his face.

As he passes by his stunned mother and his father, who was rubbing his bruised rump from the fall, he babbles something in his unique baby language and continues to crawl.

Naruto stares up at his wife from his spot on the floor. Sakura's eyes remain on the figure of her baby son who was now patting the carpet as if trying to find a spot to put his broken toy piece in.

She sighs and covers her face with her hand in agitation.

Naruto smiles an ironic smile at the situation.

"Looks like we've got a problem." They both voice out with tired resignation.

Renji goos with a tone of childish pleasure as he pats the carpet some more. The smirk now turned into a mischievous grin.

And that's all she wrote folks...really...it is.

I know Tulip-chan will love this one seeing as she finds Renji being evil highly amusing.

If any of you found it amusing/entertaining/confusing/hilarious/ok then you can give me a review and tell me all about it! After all your opinion matters!! :)
