Hey guys, Im back with another story

Hey guys, Im back with another story. This one is a SakuXSasu story. I don't know if it's good or not so please review, and tell me if I should continue the story. Its kinda OOC, so if you like that kinda stuff, that's good on my part, lol. Thanks. : )

Disclaimer throughout story: I don't own Naruto.


Sakura was in her dressing room, waiting to be called on stage. She had just finished putting her short pink hair into a long brown, straightened wig. Now, she was putting in her blue contact lens to cover her emerald green eyes.

Sakura has two lives. One of those, is Sakura Haruno, one of the greatest known ninja around the world. She was taught under the legendary Tsunade, also known as the Hokage of the Leaf Village.

Tsunade has taught her everything, from her Medical skills, to her super inhuman strength. Sakura had surpassed the Hokage after 5 years after Sasuke Uchiha, the love of her life, just got up and left the Leaf, without telling anyone where he was going.

When Sasuke and she were in High School, they were both known as the "Hottest Couple" in their year. Before that name, it was "Most ideal to date". Naruto fixed that, and changed the name. Anyways, once Sasuke left, he broke all ties with Konaha.

So after about 7 years, she also left, but on better terms. She went to the Hokages office, and told Tsunade she was going to leave Konaha for a while, just to get some free time. She wanted to forget all about the good memories she and Sasuke shared here, so she went to the Sound Village, not knowing anything about that place.

Sakura became a teacher at the college there, and taught people how to become great medical ninjas. She taught but men and women.

Sakuras second life is Yuki, a very famous singer, whos sold over millions of records. Yuki sings at a local bad, that's very expensive. Many people don't go there to pick up and girl and get drunk, they go to listen to her sing. So many of those people are men.

Her blue contacts were in, and she heard a knock at her door.

"Come in!" Sakura shouted.

"Yuki, your on in about 7 minutes," her manger said, through the open door.

"Thank you, Daisuke!" Daisuke was the best manager in the world, and is really nice.

Sakura dressed in a pair of light blue jeans, and a white blouse. She got up from her chair, and walked over to the couch, and sat down. She was remembering her friends, Ino, Hinata,Ten-Ten and Temari. She could never forget Kiba, Lee and the rest of them.

Naruto was her best friend. She hadn't seen him in over 5 years.

Sakura smiled; when she heard the announcers speak over the speakers. "Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now that time of night, where our beloved Yuki sings on stage"

Sakura heard the uproar of the crowd. Men were whistling and everyone else clapped. She got up from her chair, and walked towards the stage. She concealed her chakra, incase there were any ninjas looking for her. She was famous, after all.

She stood infront of the curtain, which was actually the back, to everyone else in the crowd. Her silhouette could be seen.

"Everyone, I give you… Yuki!!" The announcer silenced, and she watched the curtain slowly rise.


Sasuke had just finished up with his class, and was really thirsty.

Sasuke taught college students how to be powerful ninjas, and to put everything they had, into doing the mission right.

He was 25 years old, and with no girlfriend, or wife. He hadn't had a girlfriend since high school. Sakura Haruno, the hottest girl in school, had gone out with him. They were both named "Hottest Couple" by his best friend, Naruto. Sasuke's life had no meaning. Itachi was now dead, and Orochimaru hadn't given him a mission in years.

Orochimaru decided not to take his body, and make him his full time apprentice, Orochimaru, Kabuto and him were now equals.

Sasuke left him class room, and headed towards the hideout.

When he got there, he was greeted by Orochimaru.

"Hello, Sasuke-kun. How are you ffffeeling?" he said, in his snake like voice

Sasuke ignored him and went to his room to put his stuff away. Once that was done, he walked back out and announced, "I'm going out"

He wanted to go to "The Beer Palace", which is what he did. When he got there, he noticed the elegance of the place. Must be very expensive. He heard there was a very good singer who sung there.

While walking down the streets to get there, he remembered his old life, with his best friend Naruto and Sakura, the love of his life.

When he left, he broke all ties with Konaha, wanting no one to get hurt. Itachi could have come after them, and killed them, and he didn't want that. He didn't even tell anyone where he was going, Worst of all, not even Sakura.

He got to the bar, and was welcomed in. He sat at a booth, in the back, to the left of the stage.

A girl, about 17 walked up to him in a short mini skirt, and a tight black shirt.

"Is there anything I can get for you, sir?" The waitress said, with a flirty smile.

"Just a beer"

"Coming right up!" she said, and left the table. When the girl was behind the counter, a voice came on.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now that time of night, where our beloved Yuki sings on stage!" The crowd went wild, and he saw a silhouette on stage.

"Everyone, I give you….Yuki!" The announcer said, as the curtain started rising to reveal a very hot superstar.


Thank you guys for reading! I will update chapters a lot next week because I get spring break, and am home all the time. And to past readers, I will also update "Birthday Disaster"

Thx again for reading!