Author's Note: THIS CHAPTER is the real reason the story is rated 'M'. If you read this far, you're probably going to read it anyway, but be advised - what follows is not for the faint of heart.

The Wager


The boy's eyes fluttered open just as Klaud was tightening the last knot.

He tried to sit up, but the ropes prevented him from moving far. With a grunt, he fell back onto the canopy bed.

"There's no point in struggling, Boy. Cross lost his wager fair and square, and that means you're mine for the rest of the night." Standing behind the low-rising headboard, Klaud trailed her fingers languidly over the boy's well-muscled forearm. He rolled his head back to see who was touching him.

"My Master would never…" Oh, but he would, and the boy knew it. He growled. "No. I won't let you do this to me. I'm done paying his debts." The red scales covering his left arm writhed as his innocence began to activate.

Leaning over the headboard, Klaud twined her fingers in the boy's hair and tightened her hand into a fist. She pulled the boy's head upward so she could whisper in his ear. "Yes you will, Boy. You'll pay his debts until the day you die, because you know what he'll do to you if you refuse." The red scales returned to their usual, passive state. His eyes squeezed shut, and Klaud saw a tear trickle down his cheek.

"Oh, stop being so melodramatic," she chided. "You're going to enjoy this just as much as I will."

Klaud traced her hand over his skin as she walked around to the side of the bed. She crawled onto the mattress and straddled the boy's waist.

His short-sleeved shirt was already unbuttoned and open, exposing smooth, hairless skin. Klaud traced her middle finger down the center of his chest. The boy's muscles rippled in response as he tried to fight against the sensation of her touch. She gave a musical laugh.

"You know, Boy, your master has done this to me many times. I promise I won't bite. Unless you ask nicely, anyway." Klaud crossed her arms and gripped the waist of her blouse. With one smooth motion, she pulled off her top and tossed it aside. Then rising to a crouch, her hair almost brushing the canopy overhead, Klaud removed her skintight breeches.

The boy stared at her naked body, and for a moment undisguised lust was clear on his face. Again he grunted, shaking his head and trying to look away. He thrashed at the restraints, but they held strong.

Klaud kicked away the breeches and lowered herself back onto her prey. She slipped one leg between his two and stretched forward, lying atop him to reach for the headboard. Klaud felt her thigh press against the swollen warmth of the boy's member as she took a short knife from where it stood clasped to the board. She slid back down the length of his body, enjoying the delicious sensation of having her breasts squeezed against his beautiful young chest.

"I hope you aren't terribly fond of your trousers, Boy," she teased. He opened his mouth to reply, his face red with anger or arousal. Klaud touched the point of her knife to the inseam of the boy's pants, splitting the threads holding them together. His lips shook and he forced his mouth closed again.

Klaud enjoyed splitting seams. She took her time, careful not to cut into his beautiful white skin, but applying enough pressure that he was sure to feel the knife for every moment that it took her to slice off his trousers.

Once the seams were all cut, the boy's pants now no more than two oddly-shaped pieces of pocketed cloth, Klaud tenderly removed the remaining tatters. Now he wore nothing but the white shirt that hung open before her, and Klaud had to admit that she found him more attractive with that last vestige of civilization still clinging to him. She stretched forward again, replacing the knife against the headboard. Klaud could feel his erect length pressed against her thigh, and a part of her wanted to take hold and slip him inside her, to ride him like a trainer breaking in an impetuous stallion. But there would be time for that later, she told herself. There were other pleasures to be had, first.

As if on cue, a crash sounded from the large walk-in closet adjacent to Klaud's room.

"He's ready," Klaud shouted toward the door.

"Are you sure you want ALL of these, ma'am?" Klaud sighed to herself. The voice that responded was too deferential by half. It wouldn't do.

"Yes, all of them. Cross gave me the whole set for my birthday, oh, three or four years ago I think." A rattling sound told her that the boy was straining at his bonds again. Klaud shot him a quick, encouraging smile.

"O- okay, ma'am. I'll be out in just a minute."

"Will you STOP calling me ma'am, damn it!" Why did training a new partner have to be so difficult?

A figure stumbled out from the closet, wearing a black leather bustier and long, dark stockings. She carried a large wooden box, and almost tripped trying to carry it to the bed. She caught herself, and Klaud heard the contents of the box rattling around inside.

"Careful, girl! Some of those things are breakable. The last thing we need is for one of the glass ones to shatter. Probably leave shards stuck into all the others, and who knows WHAT that'll do to the boy!"

"I- I'm sorry, ma'am…."

"And don't call me that!"

The boy stared at the girl, his eyes wide in shock. "Lenalee…?"

Lenalee smiled, leaning down to give him a deep, passionate kiss. "Don't worry, Allen. General Klaud and I are going to make sure this is one debt you don't mind repaying."

Klaud grinned, ruffling the hair of her young apprentice.
