((A/N: Yeeha! XD lol. First dramatic Detective Conan fic! :3 Er… more like Magic Kaito actually… but there is no Magic Kaito section… -.-' lol, doesn't matter anyhow.

Soooo, as anyone who as read my other dramatic fics, you should know that this, being the prologue, is going to be possibly the most confusing chapter.

Don't even try to make sense of it, my head spins when I do XD lol, it does have some reason but that really won't make any sense until future chappy's :3

I put a lot of effort into this so I hope you guys like it—!

DISCLAIMER: And ZOMG! I actually remembered to put in a disclaimer! :3 That's a first… I don't own squat!

Muse-chan out!))


Steal The Dead

Beginning: Death

There was a scream and blood splattered on the wall. Shock replaced by horror was clearly displayed on the faces of all present. Yells of anguish, shock, and urgency rang through the night. Voices, familiar voices, cried out and she was falling…

Blood, there was so much blood…

There was something about the entire situation that made her wonder…

'Where's Kaito…?'


This is a tragedy.

And you will all die.


Vaguely, she could hear an ambulance… or were they just cop cars?


This is a tragedy.

No one is invincible and there is no way to escape death.


It was painful she realized, once she could breathe again, was she still falling over? Had someone caught her?


"…but… there is always a back door."


Someone was screaming for her not to give up, she recognized the voice and smell… a humorless smile managed to spread on her face.


"If you summon the dead to life, you will commit necromancy, a completely unforgivable sin that will cost you something far worst then your life… far worse then their life. There is no way to summon the dead without signing both of you up for things far beyond your imagination…"


There was still that voice, she couldn't tell what it was saying anymore, the pain was numbing every other sense she had.


"…if you are willing experience True Pain, trudge through Hell, destroy Dream, and visit Horror… there may be a way… for you to play the messenger yourself and…"


She could hear her father, she knew someone was jostling her and she could feel hands… so someone had caught her? She tried to trace where she'd smelled this before but she couldn't…


"True Pain, often just 'Pain' for short, is an embodiment if you will of something entirely indescribable…"


It took her awhile to realize she was dying; she felt undeniable panic grip her and attempted to pry her eyes open. She wasn't one to give up and lie down… but she was tired and fading fast…


"First you must find seven of the Gates of Hell and retrieve from them a piece of Pain. If you manage this alive you may be able to find the Cursed Seal, without it you are lost…"


No! She couldn't, wouldn't die! She grasped for strength, something that would enable her to open her eyes. She couldn't die now, she absolutely and admittedly refused!


"You must meet with Death twice first…"


Her finger twitched slightly and she managed to stir… before the absolute crushing pain came back, shoving her back into her place. No… No! She had to open her eyes! Just a little bit!


"…Once you find the entrance you must navigate The Minds, a nearly endless maze filled with danger beyond your imagination…"


Someone was crying… her father? How long had it been? Who was holding her? She had to open her eyes, if nothing else; she had to open her eyes at least once more! Death wouldn't control her every move, she refused


"At the final gateway there will be five questions, there are two correct answers for each question that must be expressed at the same time… if you get it even a little wrong, a part of your soul will be ripped out… assuming you can survive this happening, you can afford to get up to four wrong or the door will not open."


Her eyes were heavy but she could see a little, it was blurry but she could see… a little… there was an exclamation of relief when she opened them and she realized someone was holding her. Who? It wasn't her father, she could see her father kneeling nearby… who was… her eyes widened a little through great effort and she managed to see purplish blue eyes filled with tears.


"…assuming you are capable of surviving that you can move on to the next step…"


Her vision was settling a little and she saw a monocle… a monocle?! Even in her scattered state she knew that could only mean…


"…it's only a rumor…"


White hat, white suit, monocle on right eye… Kaitou KID, international thief and the one she hated the absolute most in existence… was crying? She heard something else and smiled lightly. She couldn't trace the smell… but it was familiar and pleasant.


"…about a back door if you will… a plot hole that defies the rules…"


She couldn't keep her eyes open anymore… she gritted her teeth and attempted to say something, anything


"…but the moment you enter the land of the dead you are dead, you won't be leaving your body behind but you will be dead. It can take up to thirty-two hours before your body realizes this but it will only take twenty-eight for a shinigami to find you."


"…ste—" she coughed up blood in a jerking motion, complete pain consumed her and she wasn't even sure if she'd live to finish her sentence.


"…don't get lost…"


Someone was telling her to be quiet, to just concentrate on surviving. She could do that… really… she could… she knew she couldn't die now, she had to… she had to… she had to what? What had she forgotten to do that was so direly important?


"…her soul might not have been taken yet…"


Tousan… Kaito… Keiko… she knew there were people who would suffer if she died, she couldn't let them feel so much pain… was that the only reason? No… she had other stuff… incomplete stuff… what?


"…there's a limit though…"


Kuroba Kaito… what about him? She couldn't help but be confused that his name was standing out among them all… he was her childhood friend, her best friend for years now… but shouldn't she be thinking about her father more? Why was she so regretful about leaving Kaito? She was her fathers only remaining family; it would hurt him a lot more.


"…there are Trials to get into there but you don't have the time for those, the Trials reward you with Pain…"


"…am I…" she choked again and they reprimanded her for talking, urgently telling her to wait for the ambulance. Her father had tears in his eyes and he didn't seem to care in the least that KID was there, he just wanted her to live… So I am more important to him than KID…


This is a tragedy.

No ifs, no ands, no buts…


KID had dropped whatever jewel it was today, she could see it glimmering just beyond them. She smiled sardonically, she was dying in the arms of someone she hated… funny how comfortable she felt. But that was probably just her body numbing after all the blood loss… she really was dying, wasn't she?


Are you willing to die twice, fulfill pain's wishes, wander an endless hell, open the gate to death, and search through your own demise to find your quarry?


Her eyes started drifting shut and she began to panic, she had to say something… she couldn't die without telling…! Telling what? She couldn't help but be confused, what was she going to say?

"…love you… goodnight…"

She vaguely saw the(pretty) purplish blue eyes widen before she couldn't see anything anymore.


Are you willing to be the messenger?




Tragedy will catch you regardless… are you willing to risk it all?

((Ending Notes: I killed Aoko!! T.T!! Can't believe I just did that, can ya? Yes, this is my first time killing off a character(other than Itachi or Sasuke, Uchiha's annoy me) hm… XC


XD lol, I'm hoping to update soon(then it won't be quite as confusing!) I really hope you guys liked it, I'm actually pretty nervous about it -.-; h-heh heh… monkey souls?

Have a wonderful day!

-Muse-chan pacing nervously.))