Hey guys this is a non-chapter notice and will also be posted on my profile but it's very, very important. By the Dark Side of the Moon will be and has been reposted as Eternal Darkness Book 1: By the Dark of the Night. It will be a four book series and each chapter will be some what rewritten. Here's a secret that will only be posted here:
Book 1: By the Dark of the Night
Book 2: By the Light of the Moon
Book 3: Guided by Witch Light
Book 4: Guided by Fairy Wings
I chose to make it a quartet because Vampires, Werewolves, Warlocks/Wizards/Witches, and Fairies/The Fair Folk are the four downworlder classes. Names and order are susceptible to change. Thanks for being such faithful reviewers. I love you lots.
Silent Black Rose