Thanks to those who have clicked into this story! Please read it...and then review it!! You can flame if you feel like you need to.

Disclaimer- I do not own Pretear. I wish I did, but I can't draw that good!

Dedication- To my 2nd period math class!! I get my best ideas with you!!

Kei checked his watch. It was nearly five-thirty. Where was everyone else? He had told them specifically to meet him here in the park where she went nearly every single day. She was already there, sketching away at her pad, her short blonde hair pulled back with large purple clips. As Kei looked up, he saw Go and Mannen enter the park, looking about for him. He gave them a small wave, they hurried over.

"What took you so long?" he asked as they came up to him.

"Traffic." they said simultaneously. Therefore, he knew it wasn't traffic.

"Are you sure you didn't stop by an ice-cream place?" he asked. They shook their heads vigorously. He could see the chocolate smears near Go's mouth and the vanilla specks on Mannen's blue shirt. He nodded, rolling his eyes as he turned to look at the girl again.

"So that's her?" asked Go, leaning in to catch a glimpse of her from Kei's point of view.

"She's cool lookin'." said Mannen appreciatively. Kei shrugged indifferently. It wasn't his style. The girl was wearing worn jean capris, frayed near the hem, covered in paint-stains. Her shirt was a black affair with a green mesh shirt underneath it. She was wearing large black pirate boots and had on a few rubber bracelets that had sayings on them. Her necklace was an amythest on a leather thong. Her pack next to her was black as well, with pencils, a granola bar and a Diet Vanilla Cherry Dr. Pepper sticking out of it.

"She's the one we've been looking for?" asked Go, as though he were questioning Kei's intelligence.

"Yes. Where are the others?"

"Not sure." replied Go, going over and leaning on Mannen like he was an arm-rest. Mannen almost instantly tried to punch him, but Go grabbed him in a head-lock and started to give him a noogie. Kei sighed exhasperately, looking about for the others. He suddenly spotted Sasame, Shin, Hajime and Hayate come through the gates. He gave a small sigh of relief before they spotted him. He quickly broke up the inpending battle between Go and Mannen before the rest got there.

"Sorry," said Sasame, patting Kei on the shoulder. "Traffic." Kei nodded. Sasame was the one he trusted. Sasame observed her, still sketching away.

"Any idea what she's drawing?" asked Mannen, suddenly popping up behind Sasame. Sasame zeroed in on the girl, who was muttering underneath her breath.

"..yeah...that too...oh, cute! Gotta capture this before they move...!" Sasame smiled.

"Apparently, she is drawing that couple that's standing in front of the fountian." he said, rather intrigued by her choice of models. The couple consisted of a school-girl and boy, staring into each other's eyes adoringly. He looked back at the girl who was now drinking the Diet Dr Pepper.

"Who's gonna talk to her?" asked Shin, now all of ten years old. Mannen shrugged. He didn't know. That's when Kei started to make his way across the park to her.

Meanwhile, far-away...

'All the Leafe will be mine! I don't care for this world, it has done nothing for me. But I can't reveal myself just yet. I want to destroy the Leafe Knights and the Pretear that they are in the midst of finding. I will drag them all into the darkness...and they will be MINE!

Thank you!