A/N: Welcome to the wonderful new story that has been running rampid in my head and the pages of my notebook. I've had the hardest time coming up with the actual introduction to this story, everything else is all planned out and rough drafted like mad, but this is the only way I knew how to introduce the story. The rating is up because there is language and mature situations in this story. It's the continuation to His secret. Although it can be read as a stand alone. It is obviously a relationship already in progress between JD and Dr Cox. The Sean that is mentioned is the one that works with the marine life that Elliot dumped for JD at Carla's wedding. Let's see what else do I need to tell you before this gets started. Nothing that I can think on now that I've come down from the awesome rush of energy I got from watching the BRAND NEW EPISODE of Scrubs last night! Space invaders anybody?

Please enjoy and let me know what you think.

Prologue (Elliot's POV)

I love to be with my friends, honestly, I have the greatest group of friends ever. And I have the hottest husband-ever! Oh, just look at him sitting over there talking casually with Turk and Perry. I could throw that beer out of his hands and make him take me to the closest room and show me what a bad apple thief he's been. I lick my lips, as they've suddenly become rather dry, before taking a sip of the appletini Perry actually mixed us. I had to give the man kudos, because he could make a great 'tini. Oh my God, it's the sweetest apple I've ever had and it actually makes me want Sean even more than I'd thought possible.

"Are you ok, Elliot?" I tear my eyes away from the gorgeous man across the room and realize that I'm fanning my chest. Smiling shyly at JD and Carla, I return to bouncing baby Angela on my knee. I don't care what Carla says, my little girl won't have any problems with alcohol, I don't drink-much. Ok, nowhere near as much as Perry. Oh God! I have to be tipsy, because I'm totally checking out Perry's ass in those jeans. I bet JD bought them for him!

"Hey, that's totally spoken for!" I blush as JD glares at me over his third or fourth drink. He looks so relaxed reclined on the sofa besides me. Carla is sitting on the chair next to me as I look over at her for assistance. I was going to need it if JD got all possessive, but he's normally the handsy one with Perry dragging him off in a jealous rage because the handsyness always seemed to attract somebody to the poor fool.

"I was just appreciating God's work, JD, calm down." I joke as I wave a hand in front of him as though to lighten the topic. He laughs as he leans forward to refill his glass.

"I'm so glad the kids crashed early." JD states as he leans back, yawning before taking a sip from his green drink. I smile before I kiss Angie's head. I wonder what all of our weird obsessions are with nicknaming our kids something that ends in –y. I mean I have Angie, than there's Sammy, and Jacky, and Jenny-or Dizzy if she was with Izzy. Always so strange.

"How are our beautiful girls doing over here?" I look up and smile as Sean sits on the arm of the couch, his arm slipping around my shoulders before he leans over to brush a kiss on Angie's head. I smile up at him before I glance at Turk who had Carla on his lap already. I share a look with Carla before I turn to the happy grooms. We had a plan that was going to make their wedding day so exciting! It would make the sex they have that night the BEST either one's ever had. I've learned to deal with the fact that Perry is better than I am in the bedroom. Thankfully though, JD and I have no problem discussing our sex lives, even if Perry gets a little uppity if I try to compare notes about how JD is in bed. I bet Perry brings out a side of him that he never showed me. Than again he never got to be the apple thief so he never saw the best that I am in bed.

Oh, sweet apple thief.

I can't help leaning back into Sean's touch with a smile on my face.

"Ok, JD, I'm going to stop you at this drink. I can't go and carry you to bed once your gal pals have all left." JD pouts as Perry takes the cup from his hands. I smirk as Perry only rolls his eyes in response. Those two are so adorable and I can't help the 'aw' that escapes my lips.

I know this because of the way Perry rolled his eyes as JD giggled.

"Ok, Barbaroo, I think Seany-boy needs to get you and baby Angie home now. No need for you to over stay your welcome and crash here." I snort at Perry as I shake my head. I'm completely fine, not anywhere near drunk. That's what I plan on telling him as I lean forward. One arm holding my sleeping angel to my chest and the other waving a finger at the love birds.

"You just want us to leave so you can get at JD's ass." I grin at the blush that crosses both their faces. We all know that Perry adores when JD has appletinis-something about the way they make JD taste….Not so sure I want to go there.

"Carla, how much has she drank?" Perry asks as he sits behind JD, pulling him closer to him. I can hear Carla's voice, but I don't really want to look at her, because I've realized what an adorable picture this would be if Rowdy was only given opposable thumbs to take the picture…and maybe a heart beat and a larger frontal lobe to actually understand what to do with the camera that Jack and Sam had felt the dog needed from his place by the fireplace.

"She hasn't drank in almost a year, Perry." Aw, my baby is defending me. I smile up at him. "She refused to drink when she was pregnant or breast feeding, you know that." Perry only nods and I realize by the fact that I want nothing more than to go home, put Angie to bed and then show Sean what a very naughty apple picker he's been, that it might just be time to tell JD and Perry our little plan.

"Ok, before we go-because, Sean," I look at my husband over my shoulder with a sexy grin. "We should be leaving soon." He smirks and I know he's excited because he hasn't been anywhere near my bajingo since Angie was born. I just didn't feel right letting him near it when our little girl had recently passed through it.

"Well, what Elliot is trying to say." I shake my head as I realize that Carla's started to talk. I guess I was off in my own world a little longer than I expected. "We think," Carla motions towards me and our spouses, "that it would be a romantic idea if you two spent the next few days apart before the wedding." This was the part that confused me though. Perry looked as though he was considering it while JD was completely flabbergasted.

"That's two weeks away, Elliot! I'm not going to be separated from Perry for that long!" I roll my eyes.

"Think about how hot that night is going to be. Especially if you two haven't seen or heard from each other for the couple of days leading up to that wonderful day?" I know how to win JD over, and I think I just did by the tilt of his head and the dreamy expression in his eyes.

"Bambi would be staying with Turk and me of course. And Perry would stay here. Elliot and I have all our shifts switched so one of us is with one of you at all hours of the day to ensure there's no cheating!"

"So we couldn't have said no?" Perry states as I watch his hands rub JD's arms slowly.

"We would have been persuasive." Carla states as she smiles at me. "Jordan has agreed to take the kids until the wedding so that you won't have to worry about Kim trying to pull Sammy away because JD isn't there and Perry isn't legally bound to him-yet. But tomorrow morning JD will go work his shift with Turk and Elliot, while Perry and I pack JD's bag and get him situated at my place before we go to work as you guys get off."

"They fucking have it all planned out." JD grumbled as he stares down at his hands. I glare at him as I cover Angie's ears.

"There is a child here, JD, in case you've forgotten." He looks up and frowns as he shrugs his shoulders in apology.

"It's going to be totally worth it. You guys will see." I say as I pull myself to my feet. I glance at Sean who is already slipping his arm around my waist. "Ill see you bright and early, JD. Night guys!" I leave the group and can't help but wonder how Carla and my plan is going to work out. I know they will find out that they'll be totally excited for the day and they're going to miss eachother like mad, but…we'll just wait and see. Tomorrow is going to be AWESOME!

OH!! Just to let you all know the whole story will be in varying 1st person POVs. I hope I do all the characters justice. I started with Elliot because I thought she'd be the hardest to portray.

I'll try to post soon. Enjoy!!