This just came to my head when I was driving home with my mom. I needed to put this on fanfiction before it left my mind. This story is in the present time except there are no cars or planes, since everything is close. The weapons everyone is going to be using is the ones in the show. I just don't wanna write any gun shootings. Lolz.
Disclaimer – I don't own Naruto.
My name is Sasuke Uchiha and I am being chased by my fan girls. I'm almost a genin and I'll be able to get stronger to avenge my families death and impress my crush. I can't achieve those goals at the moment because I'm being chased by these fucking ugly girls!
When will they all know that I'm interested in one person?!
I guess I wasn't paying attention of where I was going because I bumped into someone. "Ouch! Watch where you're going, teme!"
Fuck! I bumped into Naruto. Hopefully he doesn't hate me more. Ho, and if you all haven't figured it out yet, Naruto is my crush. I like Naruto because he's funny, he always has a smile on his face, and I think he's cute. I believe Naruto is the light to my darkness.
Now, why do I have a feeling that about a thousand hateful eyes are going through me and onto Naruto? Lemme just turn my hea- Holy shit! All of then ugly girls have very hateful eyes and are cracking their knuckles! Okay, Sasuke. Don't panic. Uchihas don't panic. Lemme just turn my head back towards Naruto. He looks very scared. He so cute! It just makes me wanna kiss him!
"Naruto! You are so dead when Sasuke gets off you," a girl with pink hair threatened. I believe her name is Sukera or Saki or I don't give a shit! She shouldn't threaten my Naruto! He's mine I tell you! Mine! Mine! MINE!
"You can get off me any time now so that way I can run for my life," my soon-to-be-boyfriend said. He looks kinda sad. Without think, I just hugged Naruto in a comforting way. I can hear gasps coming from my fan girls and I can feel a stunned Naruto. This isn't like me. I would never hug anybody without thinking it through. I feel a pair of arms around my back. I'm guessing Naruto is hugging me back. Oh shit! I can feel heat going to my face! I need to hide it.
After a couple of minutes, I let go of Naruto. Luckily the blush was gone. I got up and put my hand towards Naruto and helped him up. I turned my head towards my friggin fan club and gave them all my coldest glare. They all backed away in fright. "Hurt him and see what happens," I threatened them all in my coldest voice. They all nodded shakily and ran away like cowards. I smirked and turned my head back to Naruto, who was confused. Oh, great. How can I explain this one? Ummm…. Think, Sasuke! "Consider yourself lucky because I was in a generous mood. Don't let it happen again," I said in my usually tone of voice. Wait! What did I just say?! Great! Now I pissed Naruto. Run away! Sat least I know where I'm running to. Now all I need to do is think this all through.
Okay. I finally reached my house. Going to my kitchen to make some tea! I love tea. It helps me think. Let's see. Boiling the water, I grabbed my favorite cup, and now I have to go get the tea thing. Let's see… Which tea should I have? Hm…. Green Tea! I put the Green Tea thing in my cup and waited for the teakettle to make that strange noise.
When the teakettle made that strange noise, I grabbed my oven gloves, so that way I won't get burned, and poured the water in my teacup. I set the teakettle on my stove and then sat down at my lonesome table and began thinking.
Okay. I was running from all of the crazed fan girls and accidentally bumped into hottie and landed on top of him. He told me that I should watch where I'm going and then big ass forehead girl threatened him. Naruto told me to get off of him so that way he could literally run for his life. I, without thinking, hugged him and he surprisingly hugged me back. I was blushing and when I thought the blush went away, I let go of Naruto. I got up and turned to my crazed fan girls and threatened them. They all ran away in fright and I turned to Naruto. I pissed him off, without thinking, and ran home. That all seems about right. It's either that something possessed me to do all the unthinkable things or I'm trying to tell Naruto that I like him.
I got startled when my phone rang. I wasn't expecting a call. I better look at my caller I.D. before answering. Hm… What does it say? It says Hottie. That means Naruto is calling. Yay! My future boyfriend and husband is calling! Okay. Pick up the phone, Sasuke.
"Hello?" I asked in the phone when I picked it up. I wanted to say hi sexy, but I didn't want to scare him.
"Sasuke? It's Naruto. I have a question," Naruto said on the other end of the phone. I hope its not about what happened earlier. "It's about what happened earlier."
Just my fucking luck! Okay, Sasuke. Think of an excuse. Um… Fuck!! I got nothing! Just ask what he wants and then make up something. "What is it that you want to know about?"
"Okay, why did you hug me, help me, and then try to piss me off? Do you not like me or something? I know we're rivals and all, but do you literally hate me?" Naruto asked me.
Sasuke's Fantasy Land
"The trust is, Naruto. I love you. I love you with all my heart. You are the only person I think of day and night," I told him in the best way I can.
I can hear Naruto crying on the other end of the phone and he then hung up. My doorbell rang a few minutes later. I hung up my phone and I answered the door. The next thing I knew, a pair of lips are against mine. The other person broke the kiss. I saw who it was and I blushed. "I love you too, Sasuke."
I smiled at Naruto and I kissed him again. The kiss was more intense and we both enjoyed it very much. After the kiss, I hugged my Naru and I carried him to my room where we can lots of fun.
Sasuke's Fantasy Land Ends
"Hello? Sasuke? You there?" I hear Naruto on the other end of the phone. He sounds very impatient. I wonder why.
"I'm here," I said blankly over the phone. At the moment, I have no clue to what is happening in the world.
"What the hell happened? I've been calling your name for five fucking minutes! What were you doing? Daydreaming?" Naruto yelled in my ear. He sounds very pissed. I guess daydreaming was a bad idea to do when Naruto was calling.
"No. I was thinking. Something that you don't normally do. Anyway, what was your question, again?" I said in my usual stoic voice. Why do I have to sound like an ass when I talk to people?
Naruto sighed on the other end of the phone before answering, "Okay. Here I go, again. Why did you hug me, save me, and try to piss me off? Do you like me or something? I know we're rivals and all, but do you literally hate me?"
Oh, fuck. How do I answer this?! Hm…. I can tell him those were unthinkable and that I like him as a friend. How sad. I truly like him more than a friend. "Those actions that I did, were unthinkable. As for your second question, I like you as a friend."
Naruto sighed a sign of relief. "That's good. For a minute there, I thought that you hated me. I mean, what kind of rivalry would we have if we weren't friends? Anyway, I have to go. I need to train so that way I can be Hokage. Bye. I'll be on AIM later," he said in a happy tone. He hung up a few seconds after he said those things.
I also hung up my phone and slowly walked to my cold tea. Y mind replayed what just happened. I sat down at the table and smiled. "Yeah. He's right. What kind of rivalry would we have if we weren't friends? I also wonder what kind of rivalry we would have if he were a couple."
That is it for chapter one! I know, Sasuke is really OOC in this story, but I couldn't help it. He just had to be OOC here. Lolz. Till next chapter.