"Find a Way"
A Randy/Maria – John/Ashley fanfic
by Christal-R and rory21

A/N: Hey guys! Christal (Christal-R) and Rory (rory21) here! We decided to co-write this fic on our favorite pairings... and we hope you'll like it!

Chapters are written in first person, from the characters' POV.
We don't own anything and the title comes from a song by The Used.
Here we go with the first chappie, written by Rory... enjoy it! :)

Chapter 1


I smiled at myself looking around the crowded women's locker room, I had just got back last week from my last injury and… God, if I missed it! I missed every single tiny bit of it… even the usual bitching from Melina and Jillian… which is definitely saying something.

And if just coming back (or wait! I could call it my 'second coming' in perfect Y2J style, whatcha think? Haha it sounds cool, doesn't it?) wasn't good enough… I even got to be a part of Wrestlemania yesterday!! Aw how awesome!! I was really looking forward to that match… cause, yeah, last year my first Wrestlemania in action didn't go so good. So even though yesterday Maria and I lost, I'm so in a good mood tonight cause we fought back and I'm definitely more satisfied of myself than I was a year ago. So far so good, right?

I closed my locket after taking a last look at myself in the small squared mirror; tonight I don't have to compete… not exactly. If I'm not mistaken we divas have to come out to the ring and help Maria beat the crap out of Santino. HAHA that's going to be much fun, I'm telling you! And then… aw, I can't even think about it without starting to cry, there's the Ric Flair's Farewell Ceremony since he lost to Shawn Michaels yesterday and he has to retire… that's gonna be so sad, I'll cry for sure. Anyway, I was just checking my slightly curly hair (nope don't get me wrong, I'm not that kind of diva, I'm not so vain and full of myself but I never had my short hair in curls before and I just wanted to make sure that I didn't look ridiculous) when I heard someone approaching me.

"Hey punk princess."

"Oh, hi Micks! What's up?" I smiled back at Mickie James.

"Just wanted to make sure that you're okay. So… are you?" She chuckled.

"Sure I am… why shouldn't I?" I'm sure I looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"For yesterday. No, wait! I didn't mean that you should be sad or disappointed or anything like that… I was just worried IF you felt that way. If that makes sense. Oh whatever, you know what I mean, right?" She looked up at me with a hopeful face and I couldn't help but giggle, Mickie is just like that and she's awesome, if you want my opinion, of course.

"Yep, don't worry, I totally got your point."

"Good, cause you know… you totally rocked last night. Even though you didn't win… the hurricanrana, the head scissors… that face buster from the turnbuckle!! WHOA! Without mentioning Ria, she's really improved lately. I'm so proud of you girls."

"Aw thanks Micks, it means a lot coming from you, you know." I sincerely said, she had spent hours with us in the ring lately. "And I'm sure you'll have another opportunity at Beth's title one of these days cause you totally deserve it."

"I hope so, thanks Ash."

"Anytime hun, that's what friends are for, isn't it?" I winked at the talented brunette, "Oh and btw have you seen Maria around?"

"Uhm no actually, now that you mention it I didn't…" Mickie said as she looked around us.

"Okay, no worries, she's probably in the canteen. I'll take a look around, are you coming?" I offered her with a smile.

"Nah go ahead, I still need to get ready for later."

"Okay then, I'll see you later!" I cheerfully waved good bye at her and, after grabbing my inseparable iPod, started to walk away… before being abruptly stopped by someone.

"What the…" I muttered as someone seized my shoulder making me turn.

"You running away punkie? I actually wonder how you found the courage to step inside here after yesterday. You'd have better doing like your little friend and don't even bother to show up."

I rolled my eyes, trust me there's no one who annoys me more than Melina. "You're like a broken record, ya know? Maybe you should focus on something new cause you're becoming a little repetitive." I said with a fake smile.

"…That doesn't change the fact that you and your friend lost yesterday, at Wrestlemania, in front of millions of people."

"Do you realize that Beth took Maria from behind after she got distracted by Santino, right?" I scoffed. I know that we lost and I wasn't saying that otherwise we would have surely won, but we were fighting back so we'll never know I guess… or maybe we will…

"That's a pretty good excuse," the A-list diva laughed in my face "we can beat you all over again without any interference. Anytime, anyplace."

"Good to know." I smirked, "Then why don't you ask Regal to make it official for next week? Consider it our right to ask for a rematch."

"Shouldn't you ask your friend first? You wouldn't like to find yourself in a handicap match next Monday, would you?" She grinned.

"She will be ready, trust me." I confidently said before turning my back at her and finally leaving the locker room.

I could still hear Melina's voice shouting insults in my direction, so I lowered my gaze to take my iPod out of the mini dress' pocket muttering something that sounded just like "Stupid bitch."

Wrong choice.

Never get distracted while you're walking. In a public corridor. Especially if you're insulting someone.

"Are you mad at me for something?" John Cena chuckled promptly catching me as I bumped into him. What an idiot I am sometimes.

"Aw sorry, I wasn't paying attention… sorry!" I incoherently blurted out. I'm sure I was also blushing. Way to go, Ash, make a fool of yourself in front of him.

What? No, stop right now. I know what you're thinking. I'm not heels over head for him… he's just… aww beautiful! And those dimples?! How cute!! BUT NO, I don't like him in that way… at least I think I don't… even though the girls make fun of me saying that he's my prince charming... Anyway, we're just friends. Well actually I'm not sure if we are… I mean we talk and we're polite with each other in the backstage, but it's not like we hang out together if you know what I mean. Maybe we're just friendly, yep that's the word! Friendly, that's it. Ok, I think I'm losing the point now, so back on track folks!

"So who made you angry then? If that wasn't for me, of course." He asked with a chuckle.

Awww those dimples!! Focus Ash, focus!! "Melina." I muttered with a roll of my eyes, "She likes to tease me about yesterday."

"Then I agree with you." He smiled, "But don't let her get to you… we all win some and lose some."

"Yeah… and speaking of, I'm sorry for yesterday… you know, the Triple Threat."

"Thanks, it seems like it wasn't our best night yesterday, for both of us." He lightly laughed.

"Yep, definitely." I giggled.

"Actually the worst part is to live with Randy's smirks now, he's all about how he beats all his opponents etc, etc, etc…" He groaned rolling his eyes.

"Aw poor you, that's right." I couldn't help but laugh.

"And speaking of, do you have a ride to the party?"

"Party? What party?"

"Oh… the news hasn't arrived to the women's locker room yet, I guess." He chuckled, "Our champ has invited us all to celebrate the beginning of 'the age of Orton'…"

"Wow." I laughed as he rolled his eyes, "Sounds just like him."

"Exactly. So I was wondering… do you have a ride? Cause you could save me from a half hour ride alone with the legend killer if you don't, you know?" He smiled.

"Oooh." Oh My God! Has he just asked me to go with him?! And Randy, of course, but who cares of that detail. Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh My God!!

"Ash? Are you listening?"

Okay, now I'm officially an idiot at his eyes, I'm sure of that. But… c'mon, it's not something that happens everyday, right? And btw I'm still a little awkward around him cause… yeah, as I said we're quite friendly… or at least we were when I firstly arrived at Raw. Then I moved on the blue roster and I never saw him again with continuity until last month when I got back… but he was injured at the time… then when he got back, I got injured again. What a destiny! So this was I guess the third time we saw each other since we both got back. I'm still not used to it…

Yes, I sound like a shy teenager. Whatever.

"Oh sorry, I got distracted. And sure I'd like to save you then," I giggled "I could never leave you in his hands in that situation."

"Great. So I'll see you later, then?"

"Sure!" I waved goodbye as he smiled at me… before an idea suddenly hit me. "Hey John?" I called back.


"Do you think I could bring another diva with me?"

"Sure, go ahead." He winked.

"Thanks!" I smiled before continuing in my direction. Awesome! Now I only have to find Maria, make sure that she's eager to kick Melina & Beth's asses next week just like I am and tell her that we're gonna ride with the guy she likes since… forever.

Wish me luck.